A Swift implementation of RESideMenu



SSASideMenu is a reimplementation of romaonthego/RESideMenu in Swift. A iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.


      func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

      window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

        //MARK : Setup SSASideMenu

        let sideMenu = SSASideMenu(contentViewController: UINavigationController(rootViewController: FirstViewController()), leftMenuViewController: LeftMenuViewController(), rightMenuViewController: RightMenuViewController())
        sideMenu.backgroundImage = UIImage(named: "Background.jpg")
        sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.MenuViewEffect(fade: true, scale: true, scaleBackground: false))
        sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewEffect(alpha: 1.0, scale: 0.7))
        sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewShadow(enabled: true, color: UIColor.black, opacity: 0.6, radius: 6.0))
        sideMenu.delegate = self

        window?.rootViewController = sideMenu

        return true

###Installation As for now please clone the repository and drag the source folder into your project to use SSASideMenu. (Cocoapods & Carthage support coming soon) ###Customization

    enum SSASideMenuPanDirection: Int {
        case edge = 0
        case everyWhere = 1

    enum SSASideMenuType: Int {
        case scale = 0
        case slip = 1

    enum SSAStatusBarStyle: Int {
        case hidden = 0
        case black = 1
        case light = 2

    struct ContentViewShadow {

        var enabled: Bool = true
        var color: UIColor = UIColor.black
        var offset: CGSize = CGSize.zero
        var opacity: Float = 0.4
        var radius: Float = 8.0


    struct MenuViewEffect {

        var fade: Bool = true
        var scale: Bool = true
        var scaleBackground: Bool = true
        var parallaxEnabled: Bool = true
        var bouncesHorizontally: Bool = true
        var statusBarStyle: SSAStatusBarStyle = .black

    struct ContentViewEffect {

        var alpha: Float = 1.0
        var scale: Float = 0.7
        var landscapeOffsetX: Float = 30
        var portraitOffsetX: Float = 30
        var minParallaxContentRelativeValue: Float = -25.0
        var maxParallaxContentRelativeValue: Float = 25.0
        var interactivePopGestureRecognizerEnabled: Bool = true

    struct SideMenuOptions {

        var animationDuration: Float = 0.35
        var panGestureEnabled: Bool = true
        var panDirection: SSASideMenuPanDirection = .edge
        var type: SSASideMenuType = .scale
        var panMinimumOpenThreshold: UInt = 60
        var menuViewControllerTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransform.init(scaleX: 1.5, y: 1.5)
        var backgroundTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransform.init(scaleX: 1.7, y: 1.7)
        var endAllEditing: Bool = false

    // MARK : Storyboard Support
    @IBInspectable var contentViewStoryboardID: String?
    @IBInspectable var leftMenuViewStoryboardID: String?
    @IBInspectable var rightMenuViewStoryboardID: String?

    // MARK : Private Properties: MenuView & BackgroundImageView
    @IBInspectable var fadeMenuView: Bool =  true
    @IBInspectable var scaleMenuView: Bool = true
    @IBInspectable var scaleBackgroundImageView: Bool = true
    @IBInspectable var parallaxEnabled: Bool = false
    @IBInspectable var bouncesHorizontally: Bool = true

    // MARK : Public Properties: MenuView
    @IBInspectable var statusBarStyle: SSAStatusBarStyle = .black

    // MARK : Private Properties: ContentView
    @IBInspectable var contentViewScaleValue: Float = 0.7
    @IBInspectable var contentViewFadeOutAlpha: Float = 1.0
    @IBInspectable var contentViewInLandscapeOffsetCenterX: Float = 30.0
    @IBInspectable var contentViewInPortraitOffsetCenterX: Float = 30.0
    @IBInspectable var parallaxContentMinimumRelativeValue: Float = -25.0
    @IBInspectable var parallaxContentMaximumRelativeValue: Float = 25.0

    // MARK : Public Properties: ContentView
    @IBInspectable var interactivePopGestureRecognizerEnabled: Bool = true
    @IBInspectable var endAllEditing: Bool = false

    // MARK : Private Properties: Shadow for ContentView
    @IBInspectable var contentViewShadowEnabled: Bool = true
    @IBInspectable var contentViewShadowColor: UIColor = UIColor.black
    @IBInspectable var contentViewShadowOffset: CGSize = CGSize.zero
    @IBInspectable var contentViewShadowOpacity: Float = 0.4
    @IBInspectable var contentViewShadowRadius: Float = 8.0

    // MARK : Public Properties: SideMenu
    @IBInspectable var animationDuration: Float = 0.35
    @IBInspectable var panGestureEnabled: Bool = true
    @IBInspectable var panDirection: SSASideMenuPanDirection = .edge
    @IBInspectable var type: SSASideMenuType = .scale
    @IBInspectable var panMinimumOpenThreshold: UInt = 60
    @IBInspectable var menuViewControllerTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.5, y:1.5)
    @IBInspectable var backgroundTransformation: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.7, y:1.7)

    // MARK : Public Properties
    weak var delegate: SSASideMenuDelegate?
    var backgroundImage: UIImage?
    var contentViewController: UIViewController?
    var leftMenuViewController: UIViewController?
    var rightMenuViewController: UIViewController?


Sebastian Andersen

romaonthego/RESideMenu was authored by Roman Efimov


SSASideMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Elements of called view always nil

    Elements of called view always nil

    When i put it in my project, with storyboard, i did everything like in the example, but if i instantiate, for example, a collectionviewcontroller, the collection view is always nil. It looks like the istantiated view always has no child elements..

    opened by MauMaxxa 7
  • unwanted area between menu and content

    unwanted area between menu and content


    we've discovered a strange issue in our iPad testings.


    steps to reproduce issue:

    • hold iPad in landscpae (menu should be closed)
    • lay down iPad flat (on a table)
    • open menu

    any ideas what's going wrong here?

    opened by flandy84 6
  • Calling viewController from AppDelegate

    Calling viewController from AppDelegate

    I'm trying to open a viewController from didReceiveRemoteNotification in appDelegate but it is not doing anything while the same code is working fine in the LeftMenuViewController.Swift. So please how can I call the viewController from AppDelegate?

    func application(application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject]) {
        let sideView = SSASideMenu()
        let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "MyProfile", bundle: nil)
        let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MyProfileViewController")
        sideView.contentViewController = vc
    opened by LuaiKalkatawi 5
  • Facebook Login Issue

    Facebook Login Issue

    I'm having an issue when I log via Facebook the top of navigation bar becomes under the status bar in iOS 8 and 9.

    My progress is like this I click on the menu and it shows me the menu and I have a button that present the login view after I click on the Facebook login button the app takes me to the Facebook app and do the process and once it comes back I click on the view back the NavigationBar becomes under the status bar until I call the ViewController from the sideview and it becomes normal.

    opened by cancem123 4
  • Storyboard example; working with multiple screens

    Storyboard example; working with multiple screens

    No trouble getting the example to work, but I need some help setting up the workflow working with multiple screens. I am new to Swift, so any nudge into the right direction would be very well appreciated.

    In my storyboard I have the default setup from the example, with one Navigation Controller with the Storyboard ID of "FirstViewController". When I place a label on the connected ViewController it shows up after building the app. But when switching between Home to Calendar, and back to Home again, the screen is empty.

    I basically want to add another Navigation Controller for SecondViewController to be able to design the second screen (with just some labels and buttons, for example). But doing this (and setting the Storyboard ID / custom class) it just ignores my newly created ViewController

    switch indexPath.row {
    // [..]
    case 1:
        sideMenuViewController?.contentViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: SecondViewController())
    // [..]

    Can I somehow change the "contentViewStoryboardID" in the case above, somehow? Or better yet, what would be the correct way to go about working with multiple screens and ViewControllers?

    opened by ronaldtveen 4
  • Storyboard example

    Storyboard example

    Anyone have a storyboard example? I've been trying to adopt the storyboard technique from the original RESideMenu code base, but havent had much luck with getting the background image to draw properly using this code base with storyboards, although the menus do function.

    opened by DigitalRogues 3
  • Navigation bar not showing on launch

    Navigation bar not showing on launch

    Hi, firstly this is a great piece of work.

    I am trying my hardest to get this working. the issue i am having is as soon as i launch my app the navigation bar at the top of the view is not there.

    But as soon as i swipe left and click on the home button again then the navigation controller bar appears a normal. Do you have an idea what could cause this?

    I have attached screenshots of my storyboard setup and launch image of the app. the code to add the left button and title is exactly the same as yours too

    thanks :)

    screen shot 2015-09-19 at 13 28 30 screen shot 2015-09-19 at 13 28 47

    opened by gristoi 2
  • contentViewController as UITabbar

    contentViewController as UITabbar


    I tried to customize the code so I can get a UITabbarController in lieu of the UIViewController you are using for the contentViewController. Everything works fine for iOS8 but not for iOS7 where the tabbar is just not appearing (the shadow is though). Do you have any idea about that issue?

    Thank you and congrats for the code.

    opened by redongjika 2
  • View controller items become nil when i call sideMenuViewController?.contentViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: HomeViewController())

    View controller items become nil when i call sideMenuViewController?.contentViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: HomeViewController())

    when the tableview delegate method in leftmenu viewcontroller is called, my home viewcontrollers items like table view become nil in viewdidload. I get this error when i call this code sideMenuViewController?.contentViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: HomeViewController()) my home viewcontroller items like button, tableview,etc., become nil when the viewDidLoad method is called. what could be the issue?

    opened by duraiganesh0 1
  • fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value at this line outDragDropCollectionView.draggingDelegate = self

    fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value at this line outDragDropCollectionView.draggingDelegate = self

    I have a requirement in my project to implement a Side Menu as well as a drag and drop animation. For this I am using SSASide and for Drag and drop I am using this library. I have managed to implement both the libraries individually in my project and when I mixed up both the Side Menu and Drag and Drop animation I am getting an error which is the title of this issue. I had a chat with Drag and Drop library creator it can be found here he said there is nothing wrong with his library. I need both the libraries to work in a same ViewController. When I set this ViewController as the root viewcontroller in Appdelegate like this

     let sideMenu = SSASideMenu(contentViewController: UINavigationController(rootViewController: HomeViewController()), leftMenuViewController: LeftMenuViewController(), rightMenuViewController: RightMenuViewController())
            sideMenu.backgroundImage = UIImage(named: "Background.jpg")
            sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.MenuViewEffect(fade: true, scale: true, scaleBackground: false))
            sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewEffect(alpha: 1.0, scale: 0.7))
            sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewShadow(enabled: true, color: UIColor.blackColor(), opacity: 0.6, radius: 6.0))
            sideMenu.delegate = self
            window?.rootViewController = sideMenu
    I get the error mentioned in the title in ViewController at this line, please check the image
    is this occurs due to SSASideMenu??? Do I need any changes??? I need both to get work.
    opened by NuelNikhil 1
  • Adding SSASideMenu to an existing Project

    Adding SSASideMenu to an existing Project

    I have added the SSASideMenu to my project like the way it has shown in the example but when I run my project there a screen and an ash colour in the screen .. nothing else. what went wrong and How can I add it to my existing project???

    opened by NuelNikhil 1
  • Content view controller content jumps little to top on presenting side menu

    Content view controller content jumps little to top on presenting side menu

    The collection view in content view controller jumps a little to top on presenting side menu, and when the side menu is dimissed the content moves back to its original position. What could be the cause of this issue?

    opened by userSV 2
  • Disable fade menu

    Disable fade menu

    When i set the fadeMenuView property to false, the menu remains hidden while panning gesture. I guess the line 987 should be this way: menuViewContainer.alpha = fadeMenuView ? delta : 1

    My problem solved by changing it like that. Anyway, thank you very much for this amazing library

    opened by amadeomano 0
  • How to modify Navigation Bar?

    How to modify Navigation Bar?

    The navigation bar has a white bar and I would like to make it translucent. Calling the navigation bar in the view and making it translucent is not making a difference. Thanks

    opened by d7laungani 0
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