🔻 Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs



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Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs.

Inspired by UIPickerView.





MKDropdownMenu is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MKDropdownMenu'


  • Add MKDropdownMenu folder to your Xcode project.
  • #import "MKDropdownMenu.h" in your code.


See the example Xcode project.

Basic setup

Create the MKDropdownMenu instance and add it as a subview to your view. Set the dataSource and delegate properties to your view controller implementing MKDropdownMenuDataSource and MKDropdownMenuDelegate protocols.

MKDropdownMenu *dropdownMenu = [[MKDropdownMenu alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 44)];
dropdownMenu.dataSource = self;
dropdownMenu.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:dropdownMenu];

Interface Builder

You can also set up the MKDropdownMenu in Interface Builder.

  • Add a UIView and set its class to MKDropdownMenu in the Identity inspector.
  • Connect the dataSource and delegate outlets to your view controller.

Populating the data

The MKDropdownMenuDataSource and MKDropdownMenuDelegate protocols APIs are inspired by the UIPickerView interface, so most of the methods should be familiar if you used it before.

Implement the following dataSource methods:

- (NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInDropdownMenu:(MKDropdownMenu *)dropdownMenu;
- (NSInteger)dropdownMenu:(MKDropdownMenu *)dropdownMenu numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component;

and the delegate methods that suit your needs. The most simple way to get started is to provide the titles for the header components and the rows in the following delagate methods:

- (NSString *)dropdownMenu:(MKDropdownMenu *)dropdownMenu titleForComponent:(NSInteger)component;
- (NSString *)dropdownMenu:(MKDropdownMenu *)dropdownMenu titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component;

You can also provide an NSAttributedString or custom UIView as the display data for MKDropdownMenu in the corresponding delegate methods.


The appearance and behavior of the MKDropdownMenu can be customized by setting its property values or implementing the corresponding delegate methods.

The default menu appearance can be customized throughout the app using the available UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR properties.


  • iOS 8+
  • Xcode 8+


MKDropdownMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Issue with dropdownShowsBorder and setSeperatorColor

    Issue with dropdownShowsBorder and setSeperatorColor

    Hi, the border (in #6) works pretty fine, except that something with dropdownShowsBorder == YES in line 752~756:

    if (self.showsBorder && indexPath.row == self.rowsCount - 1) {
            cell.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, CGRectGetWidth(tableView.bounds), 0, 0);
    } else {
            cell.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;

    I'm not sure why you have to set seperatorInset to the last row when showing border, but it seems to crop the data inside the cell and my label turn from any to "..." string. I've tried comment out everything except cell.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero; and it turns out fine.

    Also, there seems to have a problem with rowSeparatorColor, as it affect the border color but doesn't to the seperator (image below). image

    Though I agree that the border color should be the same as the separator's, please do something with these, thanks!!! (I was checking in ios 10.2)

    opened by EddieLukeAtmey 15
  • componentSeparatorColor doesnt' work

    componentSeparatorColor doesnt' work

    dropdown.rowSeparatorColor = UIColor.blackColor()
    dropdown.componentSeparatorColor = UIColor.blackColor()

    does not change color of components. As you can see on screenshot , only first row changes color to black.

    screen shot 2016-07-19 at 17 57 36

    opened by skywinder 9
  • MKDropdownMenu in UIScrollView

    MKDropdownMenu in UIScrollView

    Выпадающие элементы не прикреплены к заголовку. В UIScrollView появляется проблема - элементы висят на месте, заголовок движется. img_1119 img_1120 Вы можете исправить это? Заранее спасибо!

    opened by ghost 9
  • I'd like to make a dimmed background for the whole view

    I'd like to make a dimmed background for the whole view

    I've implemented your dropdown menu, subclass it as to fit my own theme. It works nice but there's something a little bit off when the drop down is not on top of a view (see image below)

    simulator screen shot 2016 09 07 14 20 38

    (Note: In the image I haven't set the presentingView to my popup, but I'll)

    Please guide me about how to make the whole view dimmed and tapable (to dismiss the dropDown), or make an update or anything. Currently, I'm disabling the dimmed background as a work around, but it still not receive the tapAction when tap above the dropDown.

    opened by EddieLukeAtmey 7
  • Menu does not respect UIViewTintAdjustmentModeDimmed

    Menu does not respect UIViewTintAdjustmentModeDimmed

    I currently don't see a way to change the menu's tintColor when it should be dimmed (UIViewTintAdjustmentModeDimmed, e.g., when an UIAlertView is presented).

    Due to this all my app's UI currently properly dims but the dropdown menu doesn't, which makes things look out of place (when collapsed, the title doesn't dim but the disclosureIndicator does, making even the menu itself inconsistent).

    Would it be possible to properly support tintColorDidChange within the class itself or is there a way around to do this now (e.g., using tintColorDidChange in the containing class and the refresh the menu)?

    opened by ahndee 6
  • text cell size to fit problem?

    text cell size to fit problem?

    Hello, I run your example and change some text for row of table. Then got that problem: simulator screen shot - iphone 5s - 2017-11-11 at 00 35 25

    I think u used size to fit method to label text or something like that but i can not find the code. Plz help me how to make text become clipped like "đasadasdasd..." . Thanks # # @ @maxkonovalov @IvanivOleg

    opened by fukemy 4
  • Close 2 or more DropdownMenu on touch outside.

    Close 2 or more DropdownMenu on touch outside.

    Hello, I've tried modifying the code myself, but couldn't do it. Two issues:

    1. DropdownMenu doesn't close when tap outside of dropdown menu, it closes the dropdownMenu ONLY if the tap is "below" the DropdownMenu, if the tap is above, dropdownMenu remains.

    2. If I have 2 dropdownMenu 100px above each other, tapped on bottom's dropdownMenu opens the selection, and because of issue 1, and I tap on the above dropdownMenu, I have 2 expanded dropdownMenu stacking each other now. Is there anyway to fix this? If 2 dropdownMenus are expanded, and I tap on area that is above both dropdownMenu, they won't close..

    opened by jackywongcw 4
  • #21: Add show content above

    #21: Add show content above

    Please review and merge.


    • Add new property.
    • Adjust scrollView content offset when presenting and dismiss.
    • If not scrollView && isShowAbove, keep original size instead of crop content's height.

    Future implement:

    • Make auto calculation to show content above or below.
    opened by EddieLukeAtmey 4
  • Add isComponentOpened method

    Add isComponentOpened method

    Hi, I would like to programming open menu by myself, like this.


    - (IBAction)buttonClick:(id)sender {
        if (![self.navBarMenu isComponentOpened]) {
            [self.navBarMenu openComponent:0 animated:YES];
        } else {
            [self.navBarMenu closeAllComponentsAnimated:YES];

    but I cannot have the status to determine it when open or close. so I add a method, please take a look, thanks.

    opened by j796160836 4
  • Drop down arrow image

    Drop down arrow image

    Hi everyone, I am trying to remove the drop down arrow completely without any luck. I tried to make an image 1X1 pixels with transparent background, a 1X1 pixels white image and nothing helps - it ignores it! If removing it can't be done, than putting a custom coloured arrow. Thanks!

    opened by CripyIce 3
  • How to dismiss menu when no select an item?

    How to dismiss menu when no select an item?

    Is there a way to dismiss the menu displayed, if the user didn't select an element of the dropdown menu? I'm observing that the view displayed like a blur responds to the tap and dismiss. But what happens when the tab is outside of this blur view? If i navigate to other view controller (with the dropdown displayed) my menu is moving with that new View Controller pushed.

    what i'm doing wrong? Thanks for your help, and congrats for your work.

    opened by polymorphia 3
  • No manifest file

    No manifest file

    In Xcode, it says MKDropdownMenu package is "passing," but when I run my app, build fails due to lack of Package.Swift manifest file. I think Facebook or Firebase is requiring me to switch from cocoapods to Swift Package Manager and modules because it removed users' ability to log in with Facebook - that's why I switched in the first place, but now app is broke.

    opened by caldwbr 0
  • Drop Down Height

    Drop Down Height

    Hello, I am facing one issue, Suppose the superview height is 60 and the array length is more then 3, then drop down height is decreased like below image

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 Pro Max - 2021-08-23 at 14 08 56

    is it possible that if space is less then the drop down should so up.

    opened by nigamsiddhant 1
  • AccessibilityViewIsModel


    Currently when i have dropdown present in the superview, Accessibility inspector is not focusing on the dropdown elements.So how can i focus on dropdown elements alone when drop down is enabled? I tried with AccessibilityViewIsModel but i couldn’t find the prefect solution.

    opened by vijay-natarajan 0
  • Layout Error in iOS 11

    Layout Error in iOS 11

    set a MKDropdownMenu in VC1 NavigationBar TitileView, than nav push to VC2, than back to VC1. you can see that MKDropdownMenu layout error.

    in your Demo project, MKDropdownMenu is lose, can't find it


    opened by vvard3n 5
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