A simple dropdown menu component for iPhone



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AZDropdownMenu is a simple dropdown menu component that supports Swift.


Code used in the screencast are included in the bundled sample project.


Demo Project

To run the demo project, clone the repo with git clone https://github.com/Azuritul/AZDropdownMenu.git, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • iOS 8 or above
  • Xcode 8 or above
  • Swift 3


AZDropdownMenu is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'AZDropdownMenu'

Use version 1.1.2 if you don't need Swift 4 support.


Declare an array of texts that are served as the item in the menu.

let titles = ["Action 1", "Action 2", "Action 3"]

Then pass the array to the initializer

let menu = AZDropdownMenu(titles: titles)

Set up so that the UIBarButtonItem is asso

ated with a function that shows the menu

let button = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: "menu_image"), style: .Plain, target: self, action: "showDropdown")
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = menuButton

Calling public func showMenuFromView(view:UIView) can then show the menu.

func showDropdown() {
    if (self.menu?.isDescendantOfView(self.view) == true) {
    } else {

The handler public var cellTapHandler : ((indexPath:NSIndexPath) -> Void)? would be called when menu item is tapped. So place code in here to do whatever you want. For example

menu.cellTapHandler = { [weak self] (indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Void in
    self?.navigationController?.pushViewController(controller, animated:true)

Create menu with icons

Pass in a AZDropdownMenuItemData in the initializer: public init(dataSource:[AZDropdownMenuItemData]) and you are good to go.

Take a look at the sample project in this repository to get more usage of the library.

Configurable options

Currently AZDropdownMenu can be customized with the following properties. More will come in the future.

  • itemHeight Row height of the menu item. Default is 44.
  • itemColor The background color of the menu item. Default is white.
  • itemFontColor The text color of the menu item. Default is black.
  • itemFontSize Font size of the menu item. Default is 14.0
  • itemFont Font used in the menu. Default is 'Helvetica'
  • itemAlignment The alignment of the menu item. Default is left-aligned.
  • itemSelectionColor The background color of the menu item while it is tapped. Default is gray.
  • overlayAlpha The transparency for the background overlay. Default is 0.5
  • overlayColor Color for the background overlay. Default is black.
  • menuSeparatorStyle The separator of the menu. Default is single line.
  • menuSeparatorColor The color of the separator. Default is light gray.
  • itemImagePosition The position of image in the menu. Can be positioned before or after the text. Default is .Prefix.
  • shouldDismissMenuOnDrag If set to true, menu would be dismissed on drag. Default value is false.


  • 1.1.3

    • Update for Swift 4 syntax
  • 1.1.2

    • Update for Swift 3 syntax
  • 1.1.1

    • Update for Swift 2.2's #selector syntax
  • 1.1.0

    • Added shouldDismissMenuOnDrag option, menu would be dismissed on drag if this option is enabled
    • Modified the sample project with an example using UITableView.
    • Added gesture handler for the menu.
    • Extract config struct to a separate file
    • Update readme.
  • 1.0.0

    • Added itemImagePosition option, now can configure the icon position.
    • Changed icon sets and its corresponding location in the sample project.
    • Modified sample project's appearance a little bit.
    • Modified sample project's structure.
    • Added CHANGELOG.md
  • 0.6.1

    • Update readme
  • 0.6.0

    • Now can use icons in the menu.
    • Added configuration options: menuSeparatorColor, itemFont
  • 0.5.3

    • Now can configure item's background color while tapped



Chris Wu (Azuritul), [email protected]


AZDropdownMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Any chance to upgrade to Swift 3 soon?

    Any chance to upgrade to Swift 3 soon?

    Hi. I love your library. You know we're all in XCode 8 updating nightmare. I wonder if you are planning to release a new swift 3 compatible version soon.


    opened by rmvz3 2
  • Can't see the first and second cell

    Can't see the first and second cell

    Hi Guys

    I have this issue where I'm not able to see 1st and 2nd cell after I open the dropdown menu.

    I used two heights first menu?.itemHeight = 40 screen shot 2016-04-18 at 23 56 25

    and here i have menu?.itemHeight = 120 screen shot 2016-04-19 at 00 00 44

    I'm not sure why but is not working. The nav bar is 44 in height

    Can you help me with this ?

    Thanks in Advance !

    opened by YHSX88 2
  • Menu was covered by NavigationBar

    Menu was covered by NavigationBar

    simulator screen shot 2016 3 3 3 50 01

    Hi, I'm new to swift and thanks for developing such a nice control. I'm trying to use menu but I don't know why menu was covered by my navigation bar as pics above. and how to prevent the button twice or more clicked that makes the menu shows too much time on the default view.

    Thanks in advance :)

    opened by han76816 1
  • Configurable icon position

    Configurable icon position

    Bumped the version to 1.0.0!!


    • [x] Added config option: itemImagePosition. Default is .Prefix


    • [x] Fix build warning in xcode


    • [x] The structure of sample program is updated.
    • [x] Icons used in the sample program are moved to xcassets.
    • [x] Names used in code's license block are made consistent( use my full name instead of nickname).


    • [x] Updated screenshot.
    • [x] Added CHANGELOG.md
    • [x] Replaced icon set with a new one. Previous Glyphicons are removed.
    opened by Azuritul 1
  • Add @objc attributes for Swift 4 compatibility

    Add @objc attributes for Swift 4 compatibility


    Swift 4 requires the @objc attribute on any function referenced by #selector. This pull request adds that attribute to two functions.


    • Swift 4 compatibility
    opened by swoolcock 0
  • Update AZDropdownMenu.swift

    Update AZDropdownMenu.swift

    Added open func showMenuFromView(_ view:UIView, widthIndent indent: CGFloat) {



    • [x]


    • [x]


    • [x]


    • [x]

    Related Issues

    opened by Nea88 0
  • Updated for Xcode 8 beta 6

    Updated for Xcode 8 beta 6


    Updated repo for use with Swift 3 and the last version of Xcode. This should probably be on its own branch.


    • Updated example project to use Cocoapods 1.0.
    opened by sammygutierrez 0
  • Handle Landscape ?

    Handle Landscape ?


    Can someone please tell me how to set the menu so when user rotate the screen to landscape, the menu to be still showing on the whole screen width ?

    Thanks in Advance

    opened by YHSX88 0
  • Dismiss menu on dragging

    Dismiss menu on dragging


    • [x] Now can choose to dismiss menu on dragging by setting shouldDismissMenuOnDrag to true


    • [x] Now user should not be able to drag the whole menu #10


    • [x] Update example project using UITableView
    opened by Azuritul 0
  • Configurable icon position

    Configurable icon position

    Bumped the version to 1.0.0!!


    • [x] Added config option: itemImagePosition. Default is .Prefix


    • [x] Fix build warning in xcode


    • [x] The structure of sample program is updated.
    • [x] Icons used in the sample program are moved to xcassets.
    • [x] Names used in code's license block are made consistent( use my full name instead of nickname).


    • [x] Updated screenshot.
    • [x] Added CHANGELOG.md
    • [x] Replaced icon set with a new one. Previous Glyphicons are removed.
    opened by Azuritul 0
  • Added support for setting icons in menu

    Added support for setting icons in menu


    • [x] Added configuration option: menuSeparatorColor, itemFont
    • [x] Now can set icons for menu.


    • [x] Added icons for sample project.
    • [x] Replaced CWDropdownMenu... with correct prefix AZDropdown...
    • [x] Updated readme
    opened by Azuritul 0
  • Icon tint config

    Icon tint config

    Hello Could you please add a feature to tint icon with any color? Using standard feature of UIImageView instead of extensions like this https://gist.github.com/lynfogeek/4b6ce0117fb0acdabe229f6d8759a139

    Thank you

    opened by gang018 0
  • CellTapHandler Assign-Error

    CellTapHandler Assign-Error


    even with your example I get following error message for this line: menu.cellTapHandler = { [weak self] (indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> Void in

    Message: Cannot assign value of type '(NSIndexPath) -> Void' to type '((IndexPath) -> Void)?'

    opened by danielbeicht 1
  • Issues on iPad with iOS 11

    Issues on iPad with iOS 11

    The menu is having some issues with iOS 11 on an iPad when used in a UISplitViewController context. See the attached screenshots. One shows a menu dropped on on the detail view controller (the right side). The text is somehow in the middle and the separator lines are only drawn half way, it looks a bit silly.

    In the other screenshot the menu is used in the master view controller (left side). It has only one item and it's cut off, the text should be "Toggle display mode".

    screen shot 2017-09-25 at 22 12 03 screen shot 2017-09-25 at 22 11 30

    opened by jan-ekholm 1
  • icon that is not scaled to fill

    icon that is not scaled to fill

    My icons aren't scaled to fill : capture d ecran 2017-06-07 a 17 30 40 I guess the tableview that is used in the dropdown menu is not set up, but I have no idea why it's not working on my code…

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