PagingKit provides customizable menu UI. It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries.



Platform Swift 5.1 License Version Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager compatible

PagingKit provides customizable menu & content UI. It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries.

What's this?

There are many libraries providing "Paging UI" which have menu and content area. They are convenient but not customizable because your app has to be made compatible with the libraries' layout and view components. When a UI desgin in your app doesn't fit the libraries, you need to fork them or find another one.

PagingKit has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries. You can construct "Menu" and "Content" UI, and they work together. That's all features this library provides. You can fit any design to your apps as you like.


Customized layout

You can align views as you like.

changing position placing a view between content and menu added floating button on right-side on navigation bar
sample_5 sample_4 sample6 2018-12-04 10 00 51

Customized menu design

You can customize menu as you like.

tag like menu text highlighted menu underscore menu App Store app like indicator
sample_3 sample_1 indicator

I'm looking for a pull request of your custom menu design :)


  • easy to construct Paging UI
  • customizable layout and design
  • UIKit like API
  • Supporting iPhone, iPad and iPhone X


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 11.0+
  • Swift 5.1


Swift Package Manager

open Swift Packages (which is next to Build Settings). You can add and remove packages from this tab.

See Adding Package Dependencies to Your App


  • Install CocoaPods
> gem install cocoapods
> pod setup
  • Create Podfile
> pod init
  • Edit Podfile
target 'YourProject' do

  pod "PagingKit" # add

  target 'YourProject' do
    inherit! :search_paths

  target 'YourProject' do
    inherit! :search_paths

  • Install
> pod install

open .xcworkspace


  • Install Carthage from Homebrew
> ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
> brew update
> brew install carthage
  • Move your project dir and create Cartfile
> touch Cartfile
  • add the following line to Cartfile
github "kazuhiro4949/PagingKit"
  • Create framework
> carthage update --platform iOS
  • In Xcode, move to "Genera > Build Phase > Linked Frameworks and Library"
  • Add the framework to your project
  • Add a new run script and put the following code
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
  • Click "+" at Input file and Add the framework path
  • Write Import statement on your source file
import PagingKit

Getting Started

There are some samples in this library.

You can fit PagingKit into your project as the samples do. Check out this repository and open the workspace.

PagingKit has two essential classes.

  • PagingMenuViewController
  • PagingContentViewController

PagingMenuViewController provides interactive menu for each content. PagingContentViewController provides the contents on a scrollview.

If you make a new project which contains PagingKit, follow the steps.

  1. Add PagingMenuViewController & PagingContentViewController
  2. Assign them to properties
  3. Create menu UI
  4. display data
  5. Synchronize Menu and Content view controllers

1. Add PagingMenuViewController & PagingContentViewController

First, add PagingMenuViewController & PagingContentViewController on container view with Stroyboard.

1. Put container views on Storyboard

Put container views on stroyboard for each the view controllers.

2017-08-25 16 33 51

2. Change class names

input PagingMenuViewController on custom class setting. 2017-08-25 16 36 36

input PagingContentViewController on custom class setting.

2017-08-25 16 36 54

2. Assign them to properties

Assign them on code of the container view controller.

1. Declare properties for the view controllers

Declare properties in container view controller.

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    var menuViewController: PagingMenuViewController!
    var contentViewController: PagingContentViewController!

2. override prepare(segue:sender:) and assign the view controllers

Assigin view controllers to each the property on prepare(segue:sender:).

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingMenuViewController {
            menuViewController = vc
        } else if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingContentViewController {
            contentViewController = vc

3. Build App

Change menu color. 2017-08-25 17 47 58

Build and check the current state.

2017-08-25 17 47 29

It shows a container view controller that has PagingMenuViewController and PagingContentViewController.

3. Create menu UI

Next, you needs to prepare the menu elements.

1. Inherite PagingMenuViewCell and create custom cell

PagingKit has PagingMenuViewCell. PagingMenuViewController uses it to construct each menu element.

import UIKit
import PagingKit

class MenuCell: PagingMenuViewCell {
    @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!

2017-08-25 16 56 56

2. Inherite PagingFocusView and create custom view

PagingKit has PagingFocusView. PagingMenuViewController uses it to point the current focusted menu.

2017-08-25 16 59 07

3. register the above views to PagingMenuViewController

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    var menuViewController: PagingMenuViewController!
    var contentViewController: PagingContentViewController!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        menuViewController.register(nib: UINib(nibName: "MenuCell", bundle: nil), forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "MenuCell")
        menuViewController.registerFocusView(nib: UINib(nibName: "FocusView", bundle: nil))

4. display data

Then, implement the data sources to display contents. They are a similar to UITableViewDataSource.

1. prepare data

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    static var viewController: (UIColor) -> UIViewController = { (color) in
       let vc = UIViewController()
        vc.view.backgroundColor = color
        return vc
    var dataSource = [(menuTitle: "test1", vc: viewController(.red)), (menuTitle: "test2", vc: viewController(.blue)), (menuTitle: "test3", vc: viewController(.yellow))]

2. set menu data source

Return number of menus, menu widthes and PagingMenuViewCell objects.

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingMenuViewController {
            menuViewController = vc
            menuViewController.dataSource = self // <- set menu data source
        } else if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingContentViewController {
            contentViewController = vc

extension ViewController: PagingMenuViewControllerDataSource {
    func numberOfItemsForMenuViewController(viewController: PagingMenuViewController) -> Int {
        return dataSource.count
    func menuViewController(viewController: PagingMenuViewController, widthForItemAt index: Int) -> CGFloat {
        return 100
    func menuViewController(viewController: PagingMenuViewController, cellForItemAt index: Int) -> PagingMenuViewCell {
        let cell = viewController.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "MenuCell", for: index) as! MenuCell
        cell.titleLabel.text = dataSource[index].menuTitle
        return cell

3. configure content data source

Return the number of contents and view controllers.

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingMenuViewController {
            menuViewController = vc
            menuViewController.dataSource = self
        } else if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingContentViewController {
            contentViewController = vc
            contentViewController.dataSource = self // <- set content data source

extension ViewController: PagingContentViewControllerDataSource {
    func numberOfItemsForContentViewController(viewController: PagingContentViewController) -> Int {
        return dataSource.count
    func contentViewController(viewController: PagingContentViewController, viewControllerAt index: Int) -> UIViewController {
        return dataSource[index].vc

4. load UI

Call reloadData() methods with starting point.

    override func viewDidLoad() {

Build and display data source.

2017-08-25 17 54 30

5. Synchronize Menu and Content view controllers

Last, synchronize user interactions between Menu and Content.

1. set menu delegate

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingMenuViewController {
            menuViewController = vc
            menuViewController.dataSource = self
            menuViewController.delegate = self // <- set menu delegate
        } else if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingContentViewController {
            contentViewController = vc
            contentViewController.dataSource = self

Implement menu delegate to handle the event. It is a similar to UITableViewDelegate. You need to implement scroll method of PagingContentViewController in the delegate method.

extension ViewController: PagingMenuViewControllerDelegate {
    func menuViewController(viewController: PagingMenuViewController, didSelect page: Int, previousPage: Int) {
        contentViewController.scroll(to: page, animated: true)

2. set content delegate

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
        if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingMenuViewController {
            menuViewController = vc
            menuViewController.dataSource = self
            menuViewController.delegate = self
        } else if let vc = segue.destination as? PagingContentViewController {
            contentViewController = vc
            contentViewController.dataSource = self
            contentViewController.delegate = self // <- set content delegate

Implement content delegate to handle the event. It is similar to UIScrollViewDelegate. You need to implement the scroll event of PagingMenuViewController. "percent" is distance from "index" argument to the right-side page index.

extension ViewController: PagingContentViewControllerDelegate {
    func contentViewController(viewController: PagingContentViewController, didManualScrollOn index: Int, percent: CGFloat) {
        menuViewController.scroll(index: index, percent: percent, animated: false)

That's it.


Class Design

There are some design policy in this library.

  • The behavior needs to be specified by the library.
  • The layout should be left to developers.
  • Arrangement of the internal components must be left to developers.

Because of that, PagingKit has responsiblity for the behavior. But it doesn't specify a structure of the components. PagingKit favours composition over inheritance. This figure describes overview of the class diagram.

Work with RxSwift

PagingKit goes well with RxSwift.

    let items = PublishSubject<[(menu: String, width: CGFloat, content: UIViewController)]>()

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        menuViewController?.register(type: TitleLabelMenuViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "identifier")
        menuViewController?.registerFocusView(view: UnderlineFocusView())
        // PagingMenuViewControllerDataSource
            .map { items in{ ($, $0.width) }) }
            .bind(to: menuViewController.rx.items(
                cellIdentifier: "identifier",
                cellType: TitleLabelMenuViewCell.self)
            ) { _, model, cell in
                cell.titleLabel.text = model
            .disposed(by: disposeBug)
        // PagingContentViewControllerDataSource
            .map { items in{ $0.content }) }
            .bind(to: contentViewController.rx.viewControllers())
            .disposed(by: disposeBug)
        // PagingMenuViewControllerDelegate
        menuViewController.rx.itemSelected.asObservable().subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (page, prev) in
            self?.contentViewController.scroll(to: page, animated: true)
        }).disposed(by: disposeBug)
        // PagingContentViewControllerDelegate
        contentViewController.rx.didManualScroll.asObservable().subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (index, percent) in
            self?.menuViewController.scroll(index: index, percent: percent, animated: false)
        }).disposed(by: disposeBug)


Copyright (c) 2017 Kazuhiro Hayashi

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Underline and Title are not vertically aligned

    Underline and Title are not vertically aligned

    Screenshot at Feb 24 10-37-24

    My problem is described like the illustration image. The title and underline are not aligned vertically What is the problem and hints to fix it please. Thank you in advance

    opened by longunidev 6
  • Populate content with different controller

    Populate content with different controller

    I was wondering if there was a way to populate the content with collection view??

    I am getting issue where when I pass in another controller like this:

    var dataSource: [(menu: String, content: UIViewController)] = [ (menu: "menu1", content: viewController(.blue)), (menu: "menu2", content: SecondViewController()) ]

    my SecondViewController only holds an imageView:

    `class SecondViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var dankImage: UIImageView!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let imageToSet = UIImage(named: "Dank")
        dankImage.image = imageToSet!


    When i swipe it always show that it cannot unwrap and returns "nil" - but if i remove setting the image to image view so its blank. This runs fine.

    How does this work under the hood when populating view?

    opened by snc001 4
  • Option to disable preloading the next viewController?

    Option to disable preloading the next viewController?

    I have 3 viewControllers for paging. Everything is perfect except one. viewDidAppear() of second viewController called when first viewController is loaded. Problem is we are presenting a viewController (basically a coach mark) when second view controller is loaded. Hence when first view controller appears, second viewController's presenting viewController (i.e coach mark) is shown.

    I have checked internal code of PagingKit. It has something called "isEnabledPreloadContent" property and 'preloadContentIfNeeded' method which is not used anywhere. I believe if isEnabledPreloadContent is set to false, it should not load viewControllers which are yet to present/load.

    As a workaround, I am using "menuViewController(viewController: PagingMenuViewController, didSelect page: Int, previousPage: Int) " method to decide whether to present viewController or not. But this is not satisfying!!

    opened by hithakshi 3
  • [Help] Need to create custom highlighted(bubble) indicator

    [Help] Need to create custom highlighted(bubble) indicator

    Hey, @kazuhiro4949 ! I love your framework so much.

    Could you help me and give an advice is it possible to implement custom indicator view like on images below? Thank you.

    img_4797 img_4796

    opened by Sergozh 3
  • Size of PagingMenuViewController incorrectly

    Size of PagingMenuViewController incorrectly

    PagingMenuViewController container does not respect AutoLayout size information.

    Steps to reproduce in iOS Sample

    • PagingMenuViewController container is aligned to leading and trailing edge.
    • Set Storyboard device to iPhone SE. Container width is now 320.
    • Run on iPhone 6 or 8, the Container width should be 375 but is still 320. Or should be 320 and is 270. pagingmenucontroller bug

    Also please look at this other alignment issue: #40


    opened by wousser 3
  • Not called completion handler in reloadData.

    Not called completion handler in reloadData.

    In my project, I did not scroll immediately after calling reloadData. There was no problem with the sample. Just to be sure, I found a workaround so I will send you a PR.

    opened by noppefoxwolf 3
  • Support for iOS 12.0

    Support for iOS 12.0


    Can you please add support for iOS 12.0+? I have been getting the following error in the sample project when I run in the devices with iOS 12.4.4 and 12.4.5. However, it's working fine for devices with iOS 13+.

    Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value: file /PagingKit-master/iOS Sample/iOS Sample/SimpleViewController.swift, line 67

    Hoping to hear from you soon.

    Thanks a ton.

    opened by nimitjarvis 2
  • alignment property like UILabel.textAlignment

    alignment property like UILabel.textAlignment

    I want a convenience method to align cells when PagingMenuView.contentSize.width is shorter than PagingMenuView.bounds.width.

    menuViewController.alignment = .center
    // |     |menu1|menu2|menu3|      |
    menuViewController.alignment = .right
    // |           |menu1|menu2|menu3||
    menuViewController.alignment = .left // default
    // ||menu1|menu2|menu3|           |
    opened by kazuhiro4949 2
  • How to install version 1.18.2?

    How to install version 1.18.2?

    I really need version 1.18.2 to use custom font for OverlayMenuCell But for some reason it is not available on cocoapods, when i execute pod update i get version 1.18.1

    opened by betraying 0
  • Can I preload all contentViewControllers?

    Can I preload all contentViewControllers?


    I tried to preload all contentViewControllers before I tap the menus but It doesn't seem to work. Is it impossible to load all contentViewControllers before tap or swipe the menu?

    Thank you!

    opened by richoh86 1
  • contentViewController won't scroll to specific page programmatically

    contentViewController won't scroll to specific page programmatically

    Hi, thank you for sharing this great project with everyone! I really like it! But I have a little issue here hoping someone could help me. Thanks a lot!!

    About The Issue

    I want to add my pages dynamically, reload both menu & content, and then scroll the menu & content to the last page. It turns out menuViewController works successfully, but contentViewController just can't scroll to the last page. Not sure why.

    My Tries & Results

    1. reload first, scroll later
    func addNewPage() {
            let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "myViewController")
            let lastPageIndex = pageList.endIndex
            menuViewController.scroll(index: lastPageIndex)
            contentViewController.scroll(to: lastPageIndex, animated: true)

    Result: menuViewController will scroll to the last index, but contentViewController always stays at first index.

    1. use reload-with-preferredFocusIndex function
    func addNewPage() {
            let vc = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "myViewController")
            let lastPageIndex = pageList.endIndex
            menuViewController.reloadData(with: lastPageIndex, completionHandler: nil)
            contentViewController.reloadData(with: lastPageIndex, completion: nil)

    Result: menuViewController will scroll to the last index, so does contentViewController. BUT, contentViewController is totally blank!! (It didn't load its input views. But when I do a little scroll, like try to scroll to previous page a little but not really scroll to there, then contentViewController will load its input view successfully.)

    opened by helloC1ndy 1
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