Awesome loading animations using 3D engine written with Swift




RSLoadingView bring your app to the new age of loading animations using 3D engine.

  • Written with Swift
  • Customizable
  • Using Apple's SceneKit with OpenGL
  • Include HUB feature: show full screen loading HUB with one line of code
  • Or use as standalone view
  • Configurable in interface builder


  • Swift 4.0
  • iOS 9+


SpinAlone - base Variant

SpinAlone - base Variant

SpinAlone - inAndOut Variant; speedFactor = 2.0; lifeSpanFactor = 2.0; mainColor =

Twins - base Variant


RSLoadingView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RSLoadingView"


import UIKit
import RSLoadingView

class ViewController: UIViewController {

  @IBAction func showLoadingHub() {
    let loadingView = RSLoadingView() view)

  @IBAction func showOnViewTwins() {
    let loadingView = RSLoadingView(effectType: RSLoadingView.Effect.twins) view)

  func hideLoadingHub() {
    RSLoadingView.hide(from: view)

  @IBAction func showOnWindow() {
    let loadingView = RSLoadingView()

  func hideLoadingHubFromKeyWindow() {

Supported Effect

Effect Variants
RSLoadingSpinAlone base, inAndOut
RSLoadingTwins base
RSLoadingTriples (coming soon)


Loading View Related
Field Default Value
speedFactor 1.0
mainColor UIColor.white
colorVariation 0.0
sizeFactor 1.0
spreadingFactor 1.0
lifeSpanFactor 1.0
variantKey ""
HUB Related
Field Default Value
shouldDimBackground true
isBlocking true
shouldTapToDismiss false
sizeInContainer CGSize(width: 180, height: 180)


Roy Ng, [email protected] @ Redso,



RSLoadingView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Does not work on iOS 12 beta 1

    Does not work on iOS 12 beta 1


    This project is really amazing. Unfortunately, it does not run well at all on iOS 12 beta 1: background is greyed out, but nothing spins.

    Good luck for that!

    Regards, Alexandre

    opened by AlexandreMinard 1
  • Rare critical crash

    Rare critical crash


    I think, you should consider either using optional with "loadingView" or apply some kind of nil

    if loadingView != nil{

    In very rare cases, when you pop view controller without animation, while using "RSLoadingView" on both VCs your app can crash, becauseloadingView.removeFromSuperView() is called when loadingView is already nil.

    opened by AlexGee17 1
  • App crashed due to RSloading

    App crashed due to RSloading

    most of time if there is no activity indicator showing and you call hide, it cause app to crash, Some time it crashed at following method

     public func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
      //logger.logDebug("updateAtTime \(time)")
    if isResized {
      isResized = false
    } else {
      effect.update(at: time)

    specifically on following line effect.update(at: time) with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xbadd6678a819bf85)

    opened by maasim94 1
  • iOS 11 - loading view display in black color

    iOS 11 - loading view display in black color

    I have added a loader and set the main color as white color. But when I check with ios 11 it will show loader in black color. In ios 10 it is displaying in white color.

    opened by hardik99 1
  • Not working on IOS 15.3.1

    Not working on IOS 15.3.1

    Hello, from the screen shots, this project looks great, but it doesn't seem to work on the latest IOS version, Please can you update the library to be compatible? Thank you

    opened by kcochibili 0
  • Crash on Iphone 5C version 10.3.3

    Crash on Iphone 5C version 10.3.3

    public func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) { //logger.logDebug("updateAtTime (time)") if isResized { prepareForResize() isResized = false } else { DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 5.0) { self.effect.update(at: time) // Crash will be happen in this line } } }

    opened by KanhaiyaCMDL 0
  • Hi Roy

    Hi Roy

    When uploading to appstore "No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'org.cocoapods.RSLoadingView' is correct.". This error is coming. please resolve this issue asap..

    opened by mahesh789 0
  • UIView.bounds must be used from main thread only

    UIView.bounds must be used from main thread only

    Hi, i'have some issue using your component on Xcode 10 👍

    I have a new warning about Thread usage, in your method prepareForResize, the access of view.bounds is not forced on the mainThread

    Any idea ? Put Dispatch on the mainQueue ? (i'not quite sure about the performance)

    Best regards

    opened by leverdeterre 1
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