V2RayXS: A simple GUI for Xray on macOS

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Core Data V2RayXS

V2RayXS: A simple GUI for Xray on macOS

Build Status

Attention: If you want to use v2ray-core version please install the original project. https://github.com/Cenmrev/V2RayX

This repo is based on the Cenmrev/V2RayX project for maintenance and update, uses the Xray-core implementation to support the VLESS and XTLS protocol, and the copyright of the application belongs to the original author @Contents. Pay tribute to @Contents, Thanks to the @XTLS community and all contributors

What is V2Ray?

READ THIS: Project V2Ray.


Other V2Ray clients on macOS: V2RayU. (Not related to or endorsed by authors of this repo. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. The project may have failed.)

What is XTLS? Xray?

READ THIS: XTLS? Xray? V2Ray?.


Download V2RayX

Download from Releases. (compiled by travis-ci.org).

By Homebrew-Cask.

brew cask install v2rayx

How to build

V2RayXS.app is built by running one of the following commands in your terminal. You can install this via the command-line with curl.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tzmax/V2RayXS/master/compilefromsource.sh)"

or step by step:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/tzmax/V2RayXS.git

open V2RayXS.xcodeproj and use Xcode to build V2RayXS.

How does V2RayXS work

V2RayXS provides a GUI to generate the config file for V2Ray. It includes Xray's binary executable in the app bundle. V2RayXS starts and stops V2Ray with launchd of macOS.

V2RayXS also allows users to change system proxy settings and switch proxy servers on the macOS menu bar.

As default, V2RayXS will open a socks5 proxy at port 1081 as the main inbound, as well as a http proxy at port 8001 as an inboundDetour.

V2RayXS provide three modes:

  • Global Mode: V2RayXS asks macOS to route all internet traffic to xray core if the network traffic obeys operating system's network rules.
  • PAC Mode: macOS will determine the routing based on a pac file and some traffic may be routed to xray core.
  • Manual Mode: V2RayXS will not modify any macOS network settings, but only start or stop xray core.

Options in menu list Routing Rule determine how xray core deals with incoming traffic. Core routing rules apply to all three modes above.

auto-run on login

Open macOS System Preferences -> Users & Group -> Login Items, add V2RayXS.app to the list.

manually update xray-core

replace V2RayXS.app/Contents/Resources/v2ray with the newest xray version from xray-core repo. However, compatibility is not guaranteed.

If you want to use v2ray-core version please install the original project. https://github.com/Cenmrev/V2RayX


V2RayXS will create the following files and folders:

  • /Library/Application Support/V2RayXS
  • ~/Library/Application Support/V2RayXS
  • ~/Library/Preferences/cenmrev.V2RayXS.plist

So, to totally uninstall V2RayXS, just delete V2RayXS.app and the files above. :)


V2RayXS uses GCDWebServer to provide a local pac server. V2RayXS also uses many ideas and codes from ShadowsocksX, especially, the codes of v2rays_sysconfig are simply copied from shadowsocks_sysconf with some modifications.


If Project V2Ray or V2RayX (V2RayXS) helped you, you can also help us by donation in your will.

To donate to Project V2Ray, you may refer to this page.

To donate to Project Xray, you may refer to this page.


This tool is mainly for personal usage. For professional users and technique support, commercial software like proxifier is recommended. Please refer to #60.

The Maintaining developers need to complete school courses. So V2rayXS will not be updated frequently. Users can replace V2RayXS.app/Contents/Resources/xray with the newest Xray-core downloaded from https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/releases.

The developer currently does not have enough time to add more features to V2RayXS, nor to merge PRs. However, forking and releasing your own version are always welcome.

  • 添加订阅后程序闪退


    请回答下列问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。

    1. 如果你没有遇到任何错误和不正常,请在此处回答你想发表的内容:

    2. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayX,你的 macOS 系统版本? v2rayXS 1.5.2 macos 12.3.1

    3. 如果你在操作 V2RayX 的时候遇到程序崩溃/无反应,请描述你的操作,之后在命令行(终端.app)里运行/Applications/V2RayX.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayX,重复上述操作直至软件崩溃,把终端里的输出贴到下面指定的地方。

    ```facaiMacBookPro-2:~ facai$ /Applications/V2RayXS.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayXS
    [INFO] GCDWebServer started on port 8070 and reachable at http://xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx/
    2022-04-11 17:15:40.801 V2RayXS[12466:159328] pac file is switched to pac.js
    2022-04-11 17:15:40.809 V2RayXS[12466:159328] 0, -1
    2022-04-11 17:15:40.810 V2RayXS[12466:159328] updatePacMenuList
    2022-04-11 17:15:51.277 V2RayXS[12466:159328] <NSSegmentedControl: 0x7fdc67f6ee50>
    2022-04-11 17:15:51.278 V2RayXS[12466:159328] (
        "enter your subscription link here"
    2022-04-11 17:16:01.791 V2RayXS[12466:159336] Settings saved.
    2022-04-11 17:16:02.630 V2RayXS[12466:159333] -[NSNull isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7ff85261b0c0
    2022-04-11 17:16:02.632 V2RayXS[12466:159333] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSNull isEqualToString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7ff85261b0c0'
    *** First throw call stack:
    	0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007ff80fb501e3 __exceptionPreprocess + 242
    	1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007ff80f8b0c13 objc_exception_throw + 48
    	2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007ff80fbd4f3b -[NSObject(NSObject) __retain_OA] + 0
    	3   CoreFoundation                      0x00007ff80fab6df5 ___forwarding___ + 1356
    	4   CoreFoundation                      0x00007ff80fab6818 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120
    	5   V2RayXS                             0x000000010d1b1e8c V2RayXS + 220812
    	6   V2RayXS                             0x000000010d1b143a V2RayXS + 218170
    	7   V2RayXS                             0x000000010d1a0658 V2RayXS + 149080
    	8   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007ff80f8520cc _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
    	9   libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007ff80f853317 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    	10  libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007ff80f862c0c _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 673
    	11  libdispatch.dylib                   0x00007ff80f86325c _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 160
    	12  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007ff80fa0af8a _pthread_wqthread + 256
    	13  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007ff80fa09f57 start_wqthread + 15
    libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
    Abort trap: 6
    facaiMacBookPro-2:~ facai$ 
    3) 如果 V2RayX 没有发生崩溃,但是有一些不正常行为,比如上次勾选了 mux,再次打开,mux 的钩没有了。请描述你遇到的不正常行为。
    4) 如果 V2RayX 一切正常,但网络依然不如你所预料,请首先把 log level 切换到 debug,再次访问你想访问的网站。然后点击 V2RayX  `view current config.json`,将弹出的浏览器内的配置文件粘贴到下面指定的地方,但是隐藏掉ip/端口/id等信息。

    然后点击 V2RayX 的view log,把 error.log 中的输出贴到下方:

    在这里贴上 error.log
    1. 其他你认为可以帮助开发者和你一起解决问题的信息:
    opened by chenxiccc 8
  • Failed To Decrypt Length > cipher: message authentication failed(ios和win链接没问题)

    Failed To Decrypt Length > cipher: message authentication failed(ios和win链接没问题)

    1. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayX,你的 macOS 系统版本? 1.5.3, 12.5

    2. 如果 V2RayX 一切正常,但网络依然不如你所预料,请首先把 log level 切换到 debug,再次访问你想访问的网站。然后点击 V2RayX 的 view current config.json,将弹出的浏览器内的配置文件粘贴到下面指定的地方,但是隐藏掉ip/端口/id等信息。

    "routing": {
    "name": "all_to_main",
    "domainStrategy": "AsIs",
    "rules": [
    "type": "field",
    "outboundTag": "xray server",
    "port": "0-65535"
    "inbounds": [
    "listen": "",
    "protocol": "socks",
    "settings": {
    "ip": "",
    "auth": "noauth",
    "udp": true
    "tag": "socksinbound",
    "port": 10808
    "listen": "",
    "protocol": "http",
    "settings": {
    "timeout": 0
    "tag": "httpinbound",
    "port": 10809
    "dns": {
    "servers": [
    "log": {
    "error": "/var/folders/h2/7yd89htd0vs6r3h0mdd7345c0000gn/T/cenmrev.v2rayx.log/error.log",
    "loglevel": "info",
    "access": "/var/folders/h2/7yd89htd0vs6r3h0mdd7345c0000gn/T/cenmrev.v2rayx.log/access.log"
    "outbounds": [
    "sendThrough": "",
    "mux": {
    "enabled": false,
    "concurrency": 8
    "protocol": "vmess",
    "settings": {
    "vnext": [
    "address": "xxxx",
    "users": [
    "id": "xxxx",
    "alterId": 0,
    "security": "none",
    "level": 0,
    "encryption": "none"
    "port": 9443
    "tag": "xray server",
    "streamSettings": {
    "wsSettings": {
    "path": "",
    "headers": { }
    "quicSettings": {
    "key": "",
    "security": "none",
    "header": {
    "type": "none"
    "tlsSettings": {
    "allowInsecure": true,
    "alpn": [
    "serverName": "xxxx",
    "allowInsecureCiphers": true
    "httpSettings": {
    "path": ""
    "kcpSettings": {
    "header": {
    "type": "none"
    "mtu": 1350,
    "congestion": false,
    "tti": 20,
    "uplinkCapacity": 5,
    "writeBufferSize": 1,
    "readBufferSize": 1,
    "downlinkCapacity": 20
    "tcpSettings": {
    "header": {
    "type": "none"
    "security": "tls",
    "network": "tcp"

    然后点击 V2RayX 的view log,把 error.log 中的输出贴到下方:

    2022/08/03 12:08:37 [Info] [849299284] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/socks: connection ends > context canceled
    2022/08/03 12:08:37 [Info] [849299284] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vmess/outbound: connection ends > context canceled
    2022/08/03 12:08:41 [Info] [1862251504] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vmess/outbound: connection ends > proxy/vmess/outbound: failed to read header > common/drain: common/drain: drained connection > proxy/vmess/encoding: Failed To Decrypt Length > cipher: message authentication failed
    2022/08/03 12:08:41 [Info] [1862251504] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/socks: connection ends > proxy/socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe
    1. 其他你认为可以帮助开发者和你一起解决问题的信息: 服务端是vless+xtls, win系统和ios都是没问题的
    opened by hellolvs 7
  • 最新版V2RayXS无法上外网


    请回答下列问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。

    1. 如果你没有遇到任何错误和不正常,请在此处回答你想发表的内容:

    2. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayX,你的 macOS 系统版本? V2RayXS 1.5.2(2),macOS 10.13.6 (17G14042)

    3. 如果你在操作 V2RayX 的时候遇到程序崩溃/无反应,请描述你的操作,之后在命令行(终端.app)里运行/Applications/V2RayX.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayX,重复上述操作直至软件崩溃,把终端里的输出贴到下面指定的地方。

    1. 如果 V2RayX 没有发生崩溃,但是有一些不正常行为,比如上次勾选了 mux,再次打开,mux 的钩没有了。请描述你遇到的不正常行为。

    2. 如果 V2RayX 一切正常,但网络依然不如你所预料,请首先把 log level 切换到 debug,再次访问你想访问的网站。然后点击 V2RayX 的 view current config.json,将弹出的浏览器内的配置文件粘贴到下面指定的地方,但是隐藏掉ip/端口/id等信息。 用V2RayXS无法访问外网,国内网站正常。但V2RayX连接vmess连接,或者平板用v2rayNG开局域网代理给电脑,是可以正常上外网的。

      "dns" : {
        "servers" : [
      "inbounds" : [
          "listen" : "",
          "port" : 1081,
          "protocol" : "socks",
          "tag" : "socksinbound",
          "settings" : {
            "auth" : "noauth",
            "udp" : false,
            "ip" : ""
          "listen" : "",
          "port" : 8001,
          "protocol" : "http",
          "tag" : "httpinbound",
          "settings" : {
            "timeout" : 0
      "outbounds" : [
          "sendThrough" : "",
          "mux" : {
            "enabled" : false,
            "concurrency" : 8
          "protocol" : "vless",
          "settings" : {
            "vnext" : [
                "address" : "xxxx.xxxx.top",
                "users" : [
                    "id" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "alterId" : 64,
                    "security" : "auto",
                    "level" : 0,
                    "encryption" : "none"
                "port" : xxxxx
          "tag" : "anders",
          "streamSettings" : {
            "sockopt" : {
            "quicSettings" : {
              "key" : "",
              "security" : "none",
              "header" : {
                "type" : "none"
            "tlsSettings" : {
              "allowInsecure" : false,
              "alpn" : [
              "serverName" : "server.cc",
              "allowInsecureCiphers" : false
            "wsSettings" : {
              "path" : "",
              "headers" : {
            "httpSettings" : {
              "path" : "",
              "host" : [
            "tcpSettings" : {
              "header" : {
                "type" : "none"
            "kcpSettings" : {
              "header" : {
                "type" : "none"
              "mtu" : 1350,
              "congestion" : false,
              "tti" : 20,
              "uplinkCapacity" : 5,
              "writeBufferSize" : 1,
              "readBufferSize" : 1,
              "downlinkCapacity" : 20
            "security" : "none",
            "network" : "tcp"
      "routing" : {
        "name" : "all_to_main",
        "domainStrategy" : "AsIs",
        "rules" : [
            "type" : "field",
            "outboundTag" : "anders",
            "port" : "0-65535"
      "log" : {
        "error" : "\/var\/folders\/d0\/wp4v2n5j06l1v68g2n5n_4ym0000gn\/T\/cenmrev.v2rayx.log\/error.log",
        "loglevel" : "debug",
        "access" : "\/var\/folders\/d0\/wp4v2n5j06l1v68g2n5n_4ym0000gn\/T\/cenmrev.v2rayx.log\/access.log"

    然后点击 V2RayX 的view log,把 error.log 中的输出贴到下方:

    在这里贴上 error.log
    2022/04/28 18:35:22 [Debug] app/log: Logger started
    2022/04/28 18:35:22 [Info] app/dns: DNS: created localhost client
    2022/04/28 18:35:22 [Debug] app/proxyman/inbound: creating stream worker on
    2022/04/28 18:35:22 [Debug] app/proxyman/inbound: creating stream worker on
    2022/04/28 18:35:22 [Info] transport/internet/tcp: listening TCP on
    2022/04/28 18:35:22 [Info] transport/internet/tcp: listening TCP on
    2022/04/28 18:35:22 [Warning] core: Xray 1.5.3 started
    2022/04/28 18:35:24 [Info] [2007627377] proxy/http: request to Method [CONNECT] Host [github.com:443] with URL [//github.com:443]
    2022/04/28 18:35:24 [Info] [2007627377] app/dispatcher: taking detour [anders] for [tcp:github.com:443]
    2022/04/28 18:35:24 [Info] [2007627377] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp:xxxx.xxxx.top:xxxxx
    2022/04/28 18:35:24 [Debug] transport/internet: dialing to tcp:xxxx.xxxx.top:xxxxx
    2022/04/28 18:35:24 [Info] [2007627377] proxy/vless/outbound: tunneling request to tcp:github.com:443 via xxxx.xxxx.top:xxxxx
    2022/04/28 18:35:24 [Info] [2007627377] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vless/outbound: connection ends > proxy/vless/outbound: failed to decode response header > proxy/vless/encoding: failed to read response version > read tcp>xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx: read: connection reset by peer
    2022/04/28 18:35:24 [Info] [2007627377] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/http: connection ends > io: read/write on closed pipe
    2022/04/28 18:35:43 [Debug] app/log: Logger closing
    1. 其他你认为可以帮助开发者和你一起解决问题的信息:
    opened by vqsld 6
  • How about the router rather than PAC

    How about the router rather than PAC

    I think it could be better if we could bypass the dataflow by router rather than PAC. It's a more "*ray way" to solve this problem and be supported by them, it could also be better to work with proxifier and other software. It's definately a graceful way to solve the traffic loopback.

    Thanks for your work! We need you.

    opened by Johnshall 3
  • m1pro 无法正常使用vless(包括导入以及手动设置)

    m1pro 无法正常使用vless(包括导入以及手动设置)

    系统版本12.5,使用1.5.4v2rayxs vless+tcp+xtls 通过vless导入会失败(无法正确识别xtls模式) 尝试手动修改为xtls并修改了advanced中的域名后,依然无法正常连接 尝试更换了最新内核问题依旧。 日志中只有xtls started的输出。 尝试通过socks5连接发现均无法连接。 但是同样vless分享链接在v2rayN(win),qv2ray(mac),shadowrocket(ios)上均识别正常。且其符合规范。 望作者解惑…

    opened by INFWOLAD 2
  • xray bundle only supports intel cpu

    xray bundle only supports intel cpu

    请回答下列问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。

    1. 如果你没有遇到任何错误和不正常,请在此处回答你想发表的内容:

    2. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayXS,你的 macOS 系统版本?

    V2RayXS: v1.5.4 (beta4) macos: m2 chip, 13.0

    1. 其他你认为可以帮助开发者和你一起解决问题的信息:

    release 打包的 xray 是 intel 的,m1/m2 用不了,需要手动替换 /Applications/V2RayXS.app/Contents/Resources/xray (建议在README中提醒一下新用户,像我是搞了半天才找到原因)

    opened by ppd0705 1


    i need a ios developer for make a app with xray-core in ios ( swift or objective c or flutter ( The last option )) i can pay 3k-3.5k$ for this work if you could contact to me eroxs1188@gmail.com .

    opened by libea18 1
  • A problem about AppDelegate/getV2rayPath method

    A problem about AppDelegate/getV2rayPath method


    这里为什么要判断 v2ray, v2ctl 文件是否存在?难道不应该判断 xray 文件是否存在就可以了吗?

    opened by hulixia1992 1
  • Where to config xtls and xtls-rprx-splice in v2rayXS gui ?

    Where to config xtls and xtls-rprx-splice in v2rayXS gui ?

    I've installed xray with xray-agent in my VPS. After installation, it shows me a list of configs, such as

    ---> 格式化明文(VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-direct) 协议类型:VLESS,地址:x.xxxxx.xx,端口:443,用户ID:0000000-00000-0000-00000000,**安全:xtls**,传输方式:tcp,**flow:xtls-rprx-direct**,账户名:x.xxxxx.xx_VLESS_XTLS/TLS-direct_TCP

    ---> 格式化明文(VLESS+TCP+TLS/xtls-rprx-splice) 协议类型:VLESS,地址:x.xxxxx.xx,端口:443,用户ID:00000-000000-00000-000000000,**安全:xtls**,传输方式:tcp,**flow:xtls-rprx-splice**,账户名:x.xxxxx.xx_VLESS_XTLS/TLS-splice_TCP

    But I can't find where to config xlts and flow in gui.

    opened by chenxiccc 1
  • Bypass rules lost after editing domain list

    Bypass rules lost after editing domain list

    V2rayXS 1.5.2 macos 12.3.1

    Reproduce steps:

    1. click server setting from v2rayxs in menubar
    2. advanced
    3. rules
    4. Bypasscn_private_apple
    5. edit 0:direct domain list, insert a line, such as "domain:facaix.fun"
    6. save
    7. finish
    8. ok
    9. reopen step 5, found all domain rules lost
    opened by chenxiccc 1
  • 导入机场订阅链接之后,节点名称显示异常


    1. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayXS,你的 macOS 系统版本? V2RayXS: v1.5.5(beta2) macos 13.1

    2. 如果 V2RayXS 没有发生崩溃,但是有一些不正常行为,比如上次勾选了 mux,再次打开,mux 的钩没有了。请描述你遇到的不正常行为: 导入机场的订阅链接之后,节点名称显示异常 https://imgur.com/a/vVxHfk3

    opened by CometYZ 0
  • 订阅链接含有不支持协议导致软件崩溃且无法启动


    请回答下列问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。

    1. 如果你没有遇到任何错误和不正常,请在此处回答你想发表的内容:

    2. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayXS,你的 macOS 系统版本? V2RayXS: v1.5.5(beta2) MacOS: v12.6 (Apple M2)

    3. 如果你在操作 V2RayXS 的时候遇到程序崩溃/无反应,请描述你的操作,之后在命令行(终端.app)里运行/Applications/V2RayXS.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayXS,重复上述操作直至软件崩溃,把终端里的输出贴到下面指定的地方。 第一次打开后配置了一个订阅链接,保存后V2RayXS闪退,同时任务栏图标消失,并且无法再次启动 怀疑订阅链接中含有V2rayXS不支持的config (确实有一个Trojan协议的链接)

    $ /Applications/V2RayXS.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayXS 
    [INFO] GCDWebServer started on port 8070 and reachable at
    2022-12-27 14:50:12.734 V2RayXS[1762:14656] pac file is switched to pac.js
    Assertion failed: (decodedString != nil), function +[ConfigImporter decodeBase64String:], file ConfigImporter.m, line 24.
    zsh: abort      /Applications/V2RayXS.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayXS
    opened by mochamapleaf 0
  • 能不能加一个ping功能到软件里面?


    请回答下列问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。

    1. 如果你没有遇到任何错误和不正常,请在此处回答你想发表的内容:

    2. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayXS,你的 macOS 系统版本?

    3. 如果你在操作 V2RayXS 的时候遇到程序崩溃/无反应,请描述你的操作,之后在命令行(终端.app)里运行/Applications/V2RayXS.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayXS,重复上述操作直至软件崩溃,把终端里的输出贴到下面指定的地方。

    1. 如果 V2RayXS 没有发生崩溃,但是有一些不正常行为,比如上次勾选了 mux,再次打开,mux 的钩没有了。请描述你遇到的不正常行为。

    2. 如果 V2RayXS 一切正常,但网络依然不如你所预料,请首先把 log level 切换到 debug,再次访问你想访问的网站。然后点击 V2RayXS 的 view current config.json,将弹出的浏览器内的配置文件粘贴到下面指定的地方,但是隐藏掉ip/端口/id等信息。


    然后点击 V2RayXS 的view log,把 error.log 中的输出贴到下方:

    在这里贴上 error.log
    1. 其他你认为可以帮助开发者和你一起解决问题的信息:
    opened by fsfasfdafdsafsafsdafs 0
  • 可以直接在V2RayXS中显示log吗


    请回答下列问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。

    1. 如果你没有遇到任何错误和不正常,请在此处回答你想发表的内容: 请问可以直接在V2RayXS中显示log吗?而不是写到文件中,这样可以快速查看问题。
    2. 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2RayX,你的 macOS 系统版本? V2RayXS v1.5.2,macOS 12.3.1
    3. 如果你在操作 V2RayX 的时候遇到程序崩溃/无反应,请描述你的操作,之后在命令行(终端.app)里运行/Applications/V2RayX.app/Contents/MacOS/V2RayX,重复上述操作直至软件崩溃,把终端里的输出贴到下面指定的地方。
    1. 如果 V2RayX 没有发生崩溃,但是有一些不正常行为,比如上次勾选了 mux,再次打开,mux 的钩没有了。请描述你遇到的不正常行为。

    2. 如果 V2RayX 一切正常,但网络依然不如你所预料,请首先把 log level 切换到 debug,再次访问你想访问的网站。然后点击 V2RayX 的 view current config.json,将弹出的浏览器内的配置文件粘贴到下面指定的地方,但是隐藏掉ip/端口/id等信息。


    然后点击 V2RayX 的view log,把 error.log 中的输出贴到下方:

    在这里贴上 error.log
    1. 其他你认为可以帮助开发者和你一起解决问题的信息:
    opened by wswday 1
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