A simple circle style menu.


Support CocoaPods.

New at 2019.02.25

  1. Use @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isOpened; can open or close RoundMenu.

  2. use -(void)setButtonEnable:(BOOL)enable atIndex:(NSUInteger)index; can config button with RoundMenu.

New at 2017.5.11

Add offset after the menu is opened.

self.roundMenu2.offsetAfterOpened = CGSizeMake(-80, -80);


New at 6.16

  1. Add function to set custom image as center button icon.
  2. Add swift demo.


pod 'XXXRoundMenuButton'


一个简单的圆形菜单控件。设计来自InVision团队的 Filter Menu by Anton Aheichanka for InVisionSecret Project by Anton Aheichanka Follow for InVision Follow

A simple circle style menu. Design from Filter Menu by Anton Aheichanka for InVision and Secret Project by Anton Aheichanka Follow for InVision Follow



*  config function
*  @param icons        array of UIImages
*  @param degree       start degree
*  @param layoutDegree angle span
- (void)loadButtonWithIcons:(NSArray<UIImage*>*)icons startDegree:(CGFloat)degree layoutDegree:(CGFloat)layoutDegree;

startDegree 0 degree is ⬇️ , layoutDegree is the span between start and end, counterclockwise.


2016.4.19 Fix the issue that touch event can't send to UIView covered by XXXRoundMenuButton

Easy use interface

self.roundMenu.centerButtonSize = CGSizeMake(44, 44);
self.roundMenu.centerIconType = XXXIconTypeUserDraw;
self.roundMenu.tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
self.roundMenu.jumpOutButtonOnebyOne = YES;

[self.roundMenu setDrawCenterButtonIconBlock:^(CGRect rect, UIControlState state) {

if (state == UIControlStateNormal)
UIBezierPath* rectanglePath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: CGRectMake((rect.size.width - 15)/2, rect.size.height/2 - 5, 15, 1)];
[UIColor.whiteColor setFill];
[rectanglePath fill];

UIBezierPath* rectangle2Path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: CGRectMake((rect.size.width - 15)/2, rect.size.height/2, 15, 1)];
[UIColor.whiteColor setFill];
[rectangle2Path fill];

UIBezierPath* rectangle3Path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: CGRectMake((rect.size.width - 15)/2, rect.size.height/2 + 5, 15, 1)];
[UIColor.whiteColor setFill];
[rectangle3Path fill];

[self.roundMenu loadButtonWithIcons:@[
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"]

] startDegree:0 layoutDegree:M_PI*2*7/8];

[self.roundMenu setButtonClickBlock:^(NSInteger idx) {

NSLog(@"button %@ clicked !",@(idx));

*  RoundMenu2 config
[self.roundMenu2 loadButtonWithIcons:@[
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"]

] startDegree:-M_PI layoutDegree:M_PI/2];
[self.roundMenu2 setButtonClickBlock:^(NSInteger idx) {

NSLog(@"button %@ clicked !",@(idx));

self.roundMenu2.tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];

self.roundMenu2.mainColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.13 green:0.58 blue:0.95 alpha:1];
  • layoutDegree


    I understand that startDegree is where the first button object begins. I don't quite understand layout Degree.

    In your first example, it represents the angle that is the gap between the button objects.??

    In the second example, there are 3 button objects and the layout degree is 90degrees?

    opened by pjebs 4
  • ButtonClick in Swift

    ButtonClick in Swift

    Trying to call:

    roundedButtonNavigation.buttonClickBlock { idx in

    from a swift class, but the compiler rejects it with:

    Cannot call value of non-function type '((Int) -> Void)!'

    Any idea on how to call this block properly from Swift?

    opened by DonBaronFactory 3
  • Data Type Inconsistency for Degree

    Data Type Inconsistency for Degree

    Please take a look at the method which pass in the parameter for the start degree and layout degree

    XXXRoundMenuButton.h - (void)animatedLoadIcons:(NSArray<UIImage*>*)icons start:(CGFloat)start layoutDegree:(CGFloat)layoutDegree oneByOne:(BOOL)onebyone;


    - (void)animatedLoadIcons:(NSArray<UIImage*>*)icons start:(CGFloat)start layoutDegree:(CGFloat)layoutDegree oneByOne:(BOOL)onebyone;
    - (void)animatedLoadIcons:(NSArray<UIImage*>*)icons start:(double)start layoutDegree:(double)layoutDegree oneByOne:(BOOL)onebyone

    There's inconsistency on the data type for the layoutDegree and startDegree which causes conflicting parameters types. It's causing issue when I try to run on iphone4/5 , the icon didn't fan out circling the center of it, but instead it stick at one location, or at the wrong location. When I try to nslog the layoutDegree parameter, it shows 0.000000 instead of a proper value. But once I change the "double" to "CGFloat" , then it manage to pass in proper value for the layoutDegree and perform the animation properly.

    opened by fatsolow88 2
  • close outer arch

    close outer arch

    I want to close the outer arch of a button. when I click on a button it gets open and loads sub buttons but if I haven't close it manually it remains open. How can I close it without clicking again on a button?

    opened by KaustubhAproTech 1
  • disable a subbutton

    disable a subbutton

    I've this button with 4 sub-button. I would like that one of this 4 sub button is disabled and get enabled if it is in some situation. e.g the share button,I would like be disabled at start, but when appear a detail to share this button become enabled.

    is it possible? How?

    opened by Rufy86 1
  • Share button on all app with Secret Project effect

    Share button on all app with Secret Project effect

    Hi, I've a tab bar-based app and I would like to show the button on all app. How can I do it? Furthermore, I would like to add the button behind the tab bar, so when the button expands after the click, the effect is like shown in Secret Project:https://dribbble.com/shots/1928064-Secret-Project. How can I do it?

    Thank you

    opened by Rufy86 1
  • Swift: Expected ',' separator

    Swift: Expected ',' separator

    I get this error at

    i got other stuff in this class

    here is my code:

    import Foundation import UIKit import ObjectiveC

      class myMenuClass: UIViewController {
     @IBOutlet weak var wheel: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var spinValueLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var roundMenu: XXXRoundMenuButton!
    var spinnerView = SpinnerView(frame: CGRect.zero)
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
        let roundMenu = XXXRoundMenuButton();
        roundMenu.frame = CGRectMake(self.view.frame.size.width/2-100, self.view.frame.size.height/2-100, 200, 200);
        roundMenu.centerButtonSize = CGSizeMake(44, 44);
        roundMenu.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor();
        roundMenu.jumpOutButtonOnebyOne = true;
        roundMenu.loadButtonWithIcons([UIImage(named: "icon_can")!,UIImage(named: "icon_pos")!,UIImage(named: "icon_img")!], startDegree: -M_PI, layoutDegree: M_PI/2);
        roundMenu.buttonClickBlock =  {(idx:NSInteger)-> Void in
            NSLog("%d", idx);
        self.roundMenu.centerButtonSize = CGSizeMake(44, 44);
        self.roundMenu.centerIconType = XXXIconTypeUserDraw;
        self.roundMenu.tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
        self.roundMenu.jumpOutButtonOnebyOne = YES;
        [self.roundMenu setDrawCenterButtonIconBlock:^(CGRect rect, UIControlState state) {
            if (state == UIControlStateNormal)
            UIBezierPath* rectanglePath = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: CGRectMake((rect.size.width - 15)/2, rect.size.height/2 - 5, 15, 1)];
            [UIColor.whiteColor setFill];
            [rectanglePath fill];
            UIBezierPath* rectangle2Path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: CGRectMake((rect.size.width - 15)/2, rect.size.height/2, 15, 1)];
            [UIColor.whiteColor setFill];
            [rectangle2Path fill];
            UIBezierPath* rectangle3Path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect: CGRectMake((rect.size.width - 15)/2, rect.size.height/2 + 5, 15, 1)];
            [UIColor.whiteColor setFill];
            [rectangle3Path fill];
        [self.roundMenu loadButtonWithIcons:@[
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"]
            ] startDegree:0 layoutDegree:M_PI*2*7/8];
        [self.roundMenu setButtonClickBlock:^(NSInteger idx) {
            NSLog(@"button %@ clicked !",@(idx));
         *  RoundMenu2 config
        [self.roundMenu2 loadButtonWithIcons:@[
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_can"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_pos"],
            [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_img"]
            ] startDegree:-M_PI layoutDegree:M_PI/2];
        [self.roundMenu2 setButtonClickBlock:^(NSInteger idx) {
            NSLog(@"button %@ clicked !",@(idx));
        self.roundMenu2.tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
        self.roundMenu2.mainColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.13 green:0.58 blue:0.95 alpha:1];
    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
    @IBAction func spinBuutonAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
    func addSpinnerView() {
        let boxSize: CGFloat = 100.00
        spinnerView.frame = CGRect(x: view.bounds.width / 2 - boxSize / 2,
                                   y: view.bounds.height / 2 - boxSize / 2,
                                   width: boxSize,
                                   height: boxSize)
        spinnerView.parentFrame = view.frame
        spinnerView.delegate = self

    extension RouletteClass: spinnerProtocol {

    func spinValueAfterCompleteRoatation(value: Float) {
        let radianToDegree = Int(value * 180 / .pi)
        spinValueLabel.text = "\(radianToDegree)"
    override open var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
        return .lightContent
    override open var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
        return true


    opened by xousef 1
  • Center Icon

    Center Icon

    Did I miss it somewhere, but why can we define PNGs as all around buttons, but have to draw bezier curves for the center icon?

    I'd love to be able to just select a png as center icon as well...

    opened by DonBaronFactory 1
  • add hitTest to this library

    add hitTest to this library

    Hi, I'm trying to use this fabulous library with a large radius, in a way that icons would locate outside of the parent view, And as a result, they can't be clicked!!! how can I add HitTest function to this??

    opened by simaattar 5
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