237 Repositories
Swift arkit-demo Libraries
Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit
ARTetris Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit We are a development agency building phenomenal apps. FAQ App crashes when running on i
A demo Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit in Swift (iOS 11)
ARShooter ARShooter is an open source Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit and written in Swift. Hence, it is only useable with iOS 11. For more
Tic-Tac-Toe implemented using ARKit+Scenekit
arkit-tictactoe Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel In this example I have taken the simple scenekit tic-tac-toe (another of my repositories)
Basic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava.
FloorIsLava Basic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava. Requirements Xcode 9 (you can view the code in Xcode 8 but will not be able t
Apple ARKit example app
Apple ARKit Example App A set of tutorials using the new ARKit from Apple. Follow along at: https://blog.markdaws.net/apple-arkit-by-example-ef1c8578f
Mesure distance using apple ARKit
ARuler Mesure distance using apple ARKit ENGLISH README 预览 运行 cd到工程目录下,运行pod install 安装 因为ARKit使用限制,设备要求为6s以上,系统最低要求为iOS11,Xcode版本为9以上 测量时需保证光线充足 问题 A
Quick demo of 3d drawing in ARKit using metal + SceneKit. NOTE: This is experimental code!
ARBrush Quick demo of 3d drawing in ARKit using metal + SceneKit. Code adapted from: https://github.com/lapfelix/ARKit-line-drawing and: https://www.r
After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences. Our goal is to improve the utility of mobile using AR experiences.
Bluetoothed ARKit 2.0 with ARWorldMap! After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences
this demo use arkit 2.0, realize multiplayer play together! The project refers to the official demo!
ARMultiuser This sample app demonstrates a simple shared AR experience for two or more iOS 12 devices. Before exploring the code, try building and run
ARRuler is a simple iOS app which measures real-world distances using ARKit and Augmented Reality.
ARRuler A simple iOS app which measures real-world distances using ARKit and Augmented Reality. ARRuler allows you to measure distances using augmente
Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking 👀 by tracking face using ARKit and AVFoundation
Baraba from Korean: meaning, Look at me Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking at the screen 👀 Features Automatic scrolling
PHPHub for iOS is the universal iPhone and iPad application for PHPHub
PHPHub is a Forum project written in Laravel 4.2, and it is also the project build up PHP & Laravel China community. PHPHub for iOS is the universal i
MatchedGeometryEffect - SwiftUI MatchedGeometry effect demo
SwiftUI MatchedGeometryEffect This is a demo project to experiment and learn the
How to create a UIImagePicker demo?
chapter10UIImagePickerDemo How to create a UIImagePicker demo? I add 'Privacy - Camera Usage Description' and 'Privacy - Photo Library Usage Descripti
This Mac Catalyst With Apple Sign In Demo is very simple & easy to understand about How to develop Catalyst app and sign in with Apple.
This Mac Catalyst With Apple Sign In Demo is very simple & easy to understand about How to develop Catalyst app and sign in with Apple. This demo includes Login screen, sign in with apple and home screen.
Swift UI Demo for an instagram copy
InstaFake-Swift-UI Swift UI Demo for an instagram copy @ WWDC 2019 Why? This is a quick attempt to replicate the UI of a particular photo sharing app.
A directory demo app written with SwiftUI, Core Data, and Alamofire
Directory-SwiftUI A directory demo app written with SwiftUI, Core Data, and Alamofire Getting Started Clone (or fork) this repo: git clone git@github.
HapticHaven - Open source code for Haptic Haven(App Store app for iOS developers to demo Swift haptics)
Haptic Haven Open source code for an app on the App Store called Haptic Haven, an app for iOS developers to test, learn about, and implement haptic fe
MVVM-RXSWIFT-COMBINE- - Demo application populating posts from network request using
MVVM = RXSWIFT + COMBINE Demo application populating posts from network request
XCTestCrashDemo - XCTest Crash Demo with swift
XCTest Crash Demo This repo intends to centralize XCTest crash errors and the wa
Valorem-demo - Demonstration code and video of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app.
valorem-demo Demonstration code of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app. The included code demonstr
Brands-Combine - A demo for Using Combine with UIKit
Brands-Combine Brands is demo for Using Combine with UIKit What did i use ? Simp
Furniture E-Commerce Augmented Reality(AR) app in iOS powered by ARKit
HomeMax-iOS Furniture E-Commerce Augmented Reality(AR) app in iOS powered by ARKit and SceneKit. Inspired by IKEA place app. Description Experience on
Convergent Demo Day: StepCity mobile app
Convergent Demo Day 2020 Problem: Our daily lives have been upended by the pandemic and it has been harder to motivate ourselves to workout. Dr Dunton
This Project is extremely useful for beginners who want to learn only SwiftUI.
This Project is extremely useful for beginners who want to learn only SwiftUI.In this project have used navigation between views, SignIn page view, Sign Up page view, Tab Bar view,
ARKit: Projecting 3D mesh to 2D coordinate
ARKitDemo ARKit: Projecting 3D mesh to 2D coordinate A simple utility to project 3D face mesh in 2D coordinate on device screen. Sources: https://deve
An iOS app demo to show list and detail screen of artworks.
Artworks iOS Demo Application Architecture MVP Clean Architecture (check Known Issues) Dependency Injection Features Localization Dark mode support Ba
Highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views.
EAIntroView - simple iOS Introductions This is highly customizable drop-in solution for introduction views. Some features (remember, most features are
A demo app to showcase testable, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture.
Coinz_App_iOS A demo app to showcase testable, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture. Tech Stack: Swift, SwiftUI, Com
A demo app to showcase pixel perfect, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture.
Pixel_Perfect_SwiftUI A demo app to showcase pixel perfect, modern iOS development with SwiftUI and Combine on MVVM-C architecture. Tech Stack: Swift,
The demo project to show how to organize code to make SwiftUI apps easy to be test.
TestableApp I combined the idea to use functional programming instead of an loader instance in ModelView(I prefer to think of it as a service) and Res
A Demo for Shimmer Effect with two methods
ShimmerDemo A Demo for Shimmer Effect with two methods Use Blend Mode + CAGradie
A demo demonstrates how to use combine and MVVM in the SwiftUI app
SwiftUI-MVVM-Combine A demo demonstrates how to use combine and MVVM in the Swif
A card viewer demo for Idolmaster Millionlive Theater Days written in Swift UI
Misaki Gallery A Millionlive's cards gallery to demostrate Swift UI. All api and
Demo project of Swift language crash using Release build on iOS 14
Demo project of Swift language crash using Release build on iOS 14 Repro steps O
Demo app to demonstrate native blur capabilities
Blurrable Demo app to demonstrate native blur capabilities. You can customize th
Draw VR content over live camera feed with ARKit
funny-ar Exercise with ARKit: draw VR content over live camera feed: work is in
Demo to show Air Quality Indices of Cities (in India) using SwiftUI and Combine Framework
AirQualityMonitoring-SwiftUI-Combine Demo to show Air Quality Indices of Cities (in India) using SwiftUI and Combine Framework Demo Video City List wi
iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android).
FinanceReactNative iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android). Data is pulled from Yahoo Finance
This is the demo repository for having floating TextField in swift UI
ed-floating-field-swiftui This is the demo repository for having floating TextField in swift UI The inputs fields should not be empty Validations for
Another Virtualization.framework demo project, with focus to iBoot (WIP)
Virtual iBoot Fun This is just another Virtualization.framework sample project (WIP), but with focus on iBoot (iOS/macOS/tvOS/etc. bootloader) For a m
A simple and elegant UIKit for iOS.
HamsterUIKit A simple and elegant UIKit(Chart) for iOS, written in Swift. 📊 Curve and bar Charts. 💡 Protocols are designed based on UIKit(UITableVie
Sample iOS application in SwiftUI presenting Redux architecture
SwiftUI-Redux-Demo Sample iOS application in SwiftUI presenting Redux architecture. My full article about Redux in detail you will find here: Redux ar
Demo of using TensorFlow Lite on iOS
TensorFlowLiteiOS Demo of using TensorFlow Lite on iOS Use the image classification model mobilenet_quant_v1_224. This is an excerpt and arrangement o
Running Swift automatic differentiation on iOS
Differentiation Demo This is an example of Swift's automatic differentiation running on iOS. It is a modified version of the game from ARHeadsetKit tu
iOS native app demo with Xcode and Swift using MVVM architecture and Apple's Combine framework for functional reactive programming, all with UIKit
iOS (Swift 5): MVVM test with Combine and UIKit MVVM and functional reactive programming (FRP) are very used in iOS development inside companies. Here
Demo of iOS app that recognizes finger heart by machine learning
HandPoseClassificationAR Demo of iOS app that recognizes finger heart by machine learning How to build 1, Download or Clone this project and open in x
Location Weather Demo With Swift
LocationWeatherDemo Здравствуйте! Для того что бы проект корректно работал установите pod's. О проекте: 1) На первой странице можно увидеть погоду в л
A simple demo app to showcase streaming HLS with SwiftUI Videoplayer
HLS Streaming with SwiftUI Basic implementation of VideoPlayer for SwiftUI to play remote media files using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Multiple views
Demo project that searches repositories on GitHub and displays details
LookGitUp A test project that queries GitHub and lists the repositories with their name, stars, creation date, user details and user's avatar. Technic
Simple image filters
Demo-Image-Filters Simple image filters Apply filters on images demo, Coded in swift language with below functionalities: Select image from phone gall
Demo App for Picture-in-Picture of Arbitrary UIView in iOS
日本語 UIPiPDemo This is a demo app for displaying an arbitrary UIView in iOS using picture-in-picture. It can be used to display information that chan
Ezviz IoT Home SDK iOS Demo.
SDK Demo SDK Demo 演示了萤石 App SDK 的接入流程以及 SDK 开放的功能,因此通过参考 Demo 可以基本解决再接入过程中碰到的问题。 Demo 模块介绍: 登录模块:包含注册,登录,忘记密码功能 家庭模块:包含添加家庭,删除家庭,修改家庭信息,邀请家庭成员和移除家庭成员等
A demo of face recognition SwiftUI app on iOS. Based on Vision, OpenCV, Dlib and ResNet.
iOS-FaceRecognizer A demo of face recognition SwiftUI app on iOS, build for iPad. Based on Vision, OpenCV, Dlib and ResNet. Features Add face image an
Demonstrates a memory leak bug SwiftUI's toolbar APIs exhibit on macOS
Mac SwiftUI Toolbar Memory Leak Demo On Big Sur (macOS 11), SwiftUI's APIs for adding toolbar items to a window have (at least) two bugs around view r
Demo Swift Lint Two Warnings
DemoSwiftLintTwoWarnings Supports: iOS 10.0 and above Branches: master - stable app releases develop - development branch, merge your feature branches
This is a demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library
This is a demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library Environment requirements: XCode: 13.1 Cocoapods: 1.11.2 Detai
Using Kiva's free API, the demo app retrieves its most recent fundraising loans
KivaLoan Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Using Kiva's free API, the demo app
Trying TDD with ARKit
ARPlacer BDD Spec As a user I want to place a random object in real world. I also want to see the distance between AR object and my phone. Use Cases
A demo project with VIPER architecture
AQIDemo What is it? A demo project with VIPER architecture. All views, Interactors Presenter and routers are in place with their respective folder. Ap
Request adapter for URL requests from "MovieLister" demo app (Swift for Good book, a chapter by Ben Scheirman)
RequestAdapter Request adapter for URL requests from "MovieLister" demo app (Swift for Good book, a chapter by Ben Scheirman) The code is taken from:
Basic Style Dictionary With Swift
Basic Style Dictionary This example code is bare-bones to show you what this framework can do. If you have the style-dictionary module installed globa
Demo For the IOS application development lecture
IOSLectureCIfilterDemo This is a demo for the CIFilter topic of the IOS Application development lecture. The following topics are included: apply a fi
Photo Gallery App demo using a REST API
Photo Gallery iOS App - (Using Rest API) A demo Photo Gallery App using a Rest API using MVVM architecture in Swift + UIKit. Overview Fully Programmat
This is an initial prototype of the UI for demoing purposes
Mirage Demo good luck - fiig This is the original demo prototype for Mirage (notice the old spelling "Miirage", I know 🙄 ). The project is built usin
Audio player demo based on Swift and SwiftUI, which can play local or network audio.
SwiftAudioDemo Audio player demo based on Swift and SwiftUI, which can play local or network audio. In this demo, I have made a radio player to play n
Demo Vapor TIL App
Demo Vapor TIL App
An iOS app 📱that detects the image and plays video on top of it just like the harry potter movies
AR-Magic-Image This is an iOS application 📱 inspired from Harry Potter movies. It tracks the image and plays the assigned video on top of the image u
MacOS scrollview nsview scrollbar bug demo
macOS SwiftUI ScrollView Scrollbar Bug Demo If you create a ScrollView that contains an NSView that intersects the scroll view's scrollbars, the scrol
MeetingSample iOS demo workspace
MeetingSample iOS demo workspace
Taking Pictures for 3D Object Capture
Taking Pictures for 3D Object Capture Capture high-quality images with depth and gravity data to use with RealityKit Object Capture. Overview Note: Th
Demo of using AVPictureInPictureController with an AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer content source not working on tvOS or macOS
PiP Bug Demo I believe there is an Apple-level framework issue when using AVPictureInPictureController with an AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer content sour
SwiftColorArt is a demo application that includes Swift files with all classes and extension necessary to create a font color schema matching to an image
SwiftColorArt SwiftColorArt is a demo application that includes Swift files with all classes and extension necessary to create a font color schema mat
Implemented MVVM-C (Coordinator) architecture pattern for the project. Which is satisfying SOLID principles altogether. Protocol oriented development has been followed.
BreakingBad BreakingBad API doc Implemented MVVM-C (Coordinator) architecture pattern for the project. Which is satisfying SOLID principples altogethe
RealityKit Bool Demo with Euclid
RealityKit Bool Demo with Euclid A demo subtracting RealityKit meshes with a bool operation using Euclid. First a RealityKit MeshResource is converted
react native esptouch
react-native-esptouch One should know that This is a Unofficial project. The official demo is below: EsptouchForAndroid EsptouchForIOS Getting started
Demo implementing Modern MVVM with Combine and SwiftUI
ModernMVVM-Combine-SwiftUI Demo implementing Modern MVVM with Combine and SwiftUI Includes the following: Publishers feedback with needed extensions V
Demo project for MOPCON2021
Nav This project is a demo for MOPCON 2021. The topic is SwiftUI Navigation Study. There are 3 ways to see how the code works, which demos different v
emoji-picker demo 🥰
emoji-picker demo 🥰 External dependencies Dependencies are managed by Swift Package Manager. SnapKit - a DSL to make Auto Layout easy on both iOS and
iOS development with 2D and 3D framework demo
Demonstration of SceneKit3D implementation iOS development with 2D and 3D framework demo Project code name: palm-tree-diamond Programmer: Leeann Warre
This project server as a demo for anyone who wishes to learn Core Data in Swift.
CoreDataDemo This project server as a demo for anyone who wishes to learn Core Data in Swift. The purpose of this project is to help someone new to Co
Calculating the risk of getting sick
Covid 19 Test Calculating the risk of getting sick Description In this app, we try to predict whether you are sick using some of the symptoms found in
Official demo app released by Apple to teach SwiftUI
Landmarks This repository contains a demo application that I developed while following Apple's SwiftUI tutorials. Cloning Clone the repository using c
A simple application created for educational purposes for mastering ARKit
ARDrawing AR Drawing is a simple application created for educational purposes for mastering ARKit. The basis of the project is copied from the project
Augmented Reality image tracking with SwiftUI, RealityKit and ARKit 4.
ARImageTracking This is an Augmented Reality Xcode project that uses Apple's newest RealityKit framework and ARKit 4 features, to dynamically track a
Demo app for SwiftUI state management
StateObject vs ObservedObject Demo Demo app for SwiftUI state management Run the app and push 3 buttons to increase each counter. Toggle one of the to
MeCab Demo for iOS 15 and SPM
MeCab Demo for iOS 15 and SPM Sample project for MeCab, a Japanese tokenizer/morphological analyzer. Updated for iOS 15 and SPM. Successor to landonep
A demo project using VIPER architecture and building user interface programmatically
ProductDiscovery A demo project that building a UIKit user interface programmatically. Because the UI is made of code very long so I have separated it
Collection of Swift/iOS-related conference videos. A demo project for SuperArc framework - building modular iOS apps with a µComponent architecture.
SwiftCommunity Beta version is available at TestFlight Collection of Swift/iOS-related conference videos. This project serves as a showcase for the Su
A library that allows you to generate and update environment maps in real-time using the camera feed and ARKit's tracking capabilities.
ARKitEnvironmentMapper Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Installation ARKitEnv
Library provides easy to implement variation of Android (Material Design) Floating Action Button for iOS. You can use it as your app small side menu. 🌶
RHSideButtons 🌶 Library provides easy to implement variation of Android (Material Design) Floating Action Button for iOS. You can use it as your app
Power! Unlimited power for ARKit 2.0!
A long time ago in a galaxy, far, far away... It is a period when iPhone SE and iPhone X were destroyed from the apple store, the AR market was under
PlacenoteSDK Sample app in native iOS using ARKit, written primarily in Swift
Placenote SDK for iOS Placenote SDK lets you easily build cloud-based Augmented Reality (AR) apps that pin digital content to locations in the real wo
This library uses ARKit Face Tracking in order to catch user's smile.
SmileToUnlock Make your users smile before opening the app :) Gif with the demonstration Installation Cocoapods The most preferable way to use this li
A library that allows you to generate and update environment maps in real-time using the camera feed and ARKit's tracking capabilities.
ARKitEnvironmentMapper Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Installation ARKitEnv
ARKit Base Project. Place virtual objects based on WWDC example project
ARKit - Placing Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Learn best practices for visual feedback, gesture interactions, and realistic rendering in AR exp
SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
Articles related to this project Clean Architecture for SwiftUI Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI project Separation of Concerns in Software Design C
Autocomplete for a text field in SwiftUI using async/await
Autocomplete for a text field in SwiftUI using async/await
GoodAsOldPhones is the demo app of Swift tutorial on code school.
GoodAsOldPhones GoodAsOldPhones is the demo app of Swift tutorial on code school. This app demonstates basic use and implementation of tab bar control
COVID-19 SwiftUI Demo
COVID-19_SwiftUI_Demo About COVID-19_SwiftUI_Demo is the coronavirus information application using SwiftUI which is first introduced in WWDC19 keynote