133 Repositories
Swift arkit-map Libraries
Using ARKit and LiDAR to save depth data and export point cloud, based on WWDC20-10611 sample code
Save iOS ARFrame and Point Cloud This project improves the usability of the sample code from WWDC20 session 10611: Explore ARKit 4. Note that the samp
An IOS/IPad OS application that demonstrates various capabilities and functions of ARKit and RealityKit.
Augmented Reality Development Demos based on ARKit and RealityKit Summary This repository contains an IOS application that shows the capability of App
Africa application is developed for learning by using SwiftUI
Africa application is developed for learning by using swiftUI.This application show the list of animals along with information such as name,photo,description and video.This app also use map to show animals on map along with basic animation.
Demo in SwiftUI of Apple Map, Google Map, and Mapbox map
SNMapServices SNMapServices is a serices for iOS written in SwiftUI. It provides Map capability by subclassing Mapbox, Google map and Apple map. This
LocationPicker - A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
LocationPicker A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app. Features Installation Cocoapods Carthage Swift Package Manager Qui
Creates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files.
PEMTileMap is a Swift package that generates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files. Maps, layers, tiles and objects are automatically rendered as SKN
Smart Online Shopping iOS App with Augmented Reality (AR) and simple Social Media features using SwiftUI and Google Firebase Cloud Services
Table of contents App Demo How to Run Context Content How it's written Inspiration App Demo AR.online.shopping.iOS.demo.mp4 How to Run First make sure
An exercise to use a map(google map) for navigation.
map-navigation An exercise to use a map(google map) for navigation. It have the features of navigating your for a destination, drawing your travel pat
Easily use ARKit to detect facial gestures.
Easily use ARKit to detect facial gestures. FaceTrigger is a simple to use class that hides the details of using ARKit's ARSCNView to recognize facial gestures via ARFaceAnchor.BlendShapeLocations
ARKit Car Rims
ARKit Car Rims Are you tired of thinking about what will look better while selecting or purchasing anything like where to put a flowerpot, lamp, a pho
A sample collection of basic functions of Apple's AR framework for iOS.
RealityKit-Sampler RealityKitSampler is a sample collection of basic functions of RealityKit, Apple's AR framework for iOS. How to build 1, Download o
MKMapView wrapper for SwiftUI as drop-in to MapKit's SwiftUI view
MKMapView wrapper for SwiftUI as drop-in to MapKit's SwiftUI view. Easily extensible annotations and overlays, iOS 13 support and backwards compatible with MKAnnotation and MKOverlay!
ViruSafe aims to help the fight with COVID-19 by offering people to share their symptoms as well track the spread of COVID-19 with an interactive map
ViruSafe aims to help the fight with COVID-19 by offering people to share their symptoms as well track the spread of COVID-19 with an interactive map, that shows how the infection has spread throughout Bulgaria.
AR Ruler - A simple iOS app made using ARKit and SceneKit
A simple iOS app made using ARKit and SceneKit.Which can try to simplify little things in your life such as measuring stuff.
Reality-iOS - NFT Augmented Reality(AR) app that demonstrate application of ARImageTracking in iOS powered by ARKit 2
Reality-iOS NFT Augmented Reality(AR) app that demonstrate application of ARImag
ARDicee - Simple augmented reality app using SceneKit and ARKit
ARDicee Simple augmented reality app using SceneKit and ARKit Requirements Xcode
MapApp - You can save the location of the places you go on the map and add names and notes
MapApp - You can save the location of the places you go on the map and add names and notes
Placing Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality
Placing Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Learn best practices for visual feedback, gesture interactions, and realistic rendering in AR experiences
Virtual-Tourist-app - The Virtual Tourist app downloads and stores images from Flickr it also allows users to drop pins on a map, as if they were stops on a tour
Virtual-Tourist-app The Virtual Tourist app downloads and stores images from Fli
A promises library written in Swift featuring combinators like map, flatMap, whenAll, whenAny.
Promissum is a promises library written in Swift. It features some known functions from Functional Programming like, map and flatMap. It has useful co
ARID - Augmented Reality app using Apple’s ARKit framework which can recognise faces of famous scientists
ARID Augmented Reality app using Apple’s ARKit framework which can recognise fac
PoC to detect and track parts under a car's hood, with ARKit + Vision + CreateML + RealityKit.
ARCarGuidePoC Detects parts under a hood of a motor vehicle, and tracks the detected parts in AR. Tap AR entities to get more information about the pa
The best way to record your AR experience!
SCNRecorder SCNRecorder allows you to record videos and to capture images from ARSCNView, SCNView and ARView (RealityKit) without sacrificing performa
Demonstrates using ARKit in iOS to apply metal shaders to real world surfaces
Reality Shaders Demonstrates using ARKit to apply metal shaders to real world surfaces. Links: Demo video Blog post In The Walls (production app using
Get started with ARKit - a little exercise for beginners
Get started with ARKit Welcome to the absolute guide to ARKit! No matter what prior knowledge about 3D programming, Swift coding or iOS platform wisdo
A Basic Example Creating An Interactive Business Card In ARKit2.
ARKit Business Card This project is a basic example of creating a fully interactive business card in ARKit. The app uses ARImageTrackingConfiguration
Augmented Reality Movie Trailer made with ARKit and SceneKit.
ARTrailer Identify the movie title from a poster, and use SceneKit to display the movie trailer in AR. Overview This app runs an ARKit world-tracking
Clean class to create a portal in SceneKit for use in ARKit.
SceneKit-PortalMask See my Medium post about this CocoaPod This class PortalMask creates an occluding box around any rectangular frame, including a tr
👻 Augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style
ARbusters What's ARbusters? ARbusters is an augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style. The gameplay is pretty simple, look around you and kill
ARKit demo that streams a video on a wall
WallStreaming Small example demonstrating how to play a video on a wall using ARKit. This became possible when iOS 11.3 / ARKit "1.5" added the .verti
Superimposes your image into a 3D world using Metal+Arkit
arkit-virtual-backdrop Superimposes your image into a 3D rendered world using Metal+ARKit. This example calculates depth to viewer's face, and uses it
An ARKit version of WeChat Bottle Jump game. ARKit 版微信跳一跳游戏
ARBottleJump An ARKit version of WeChat Bottle Jump game. Welcome to Star ⭐️ ~ Instruction After launching, please move your iPhone around in order to
An ARKit App that can help your friends to find you
An ARKit App that can do three things: Recording the route you've passed by Sharing the route with your friends Your friends can find the start positi
⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
NextLevel is a Swift camera system designed for easy integration, customized media capture, and image streaming in iOS. Integration can optionally lev
uARKit - Universe Augmented Reality Kit
uARKit - Universe Augmented Reality Kit This is a Swift framework to simplify coding with IOS ARKit. There are basic functional methods to show conten
An augmented reality app to visualize and discover the planes flying around you
An augmented reality app to visualize and discover the planes flying around you
ARKitAirport Tap on the map and see a plane take off from the AR airport and fly to that place in the real world. Tap Map For Destination Detect Plane
Playback videos using ARKit and AVFoundation.
ARPlayer Playback videos by placing TV anywhere on the surface using ARKit and AVFoundation. Features Current version of ARPlayer has such features: P
An AR ruler app can measure length & area
Ruler A simple AR ruler app can measure length & area Requirements Swift 4.0 iOS 11.0 Xcode 9.0 Preview Mesure Length videoplayback.mp4 Mesure Area vi
Code examples for ARKit.
ARKit-Sampler ARKit-Sampler is a collection of ARKit samples. How to build Open ARKit-Sampler.xcworkspace with Xcode and build it. It can NOT run on S
Record your SceneKit and ARKit scenes easily.
SceneKitVideoRecorder Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Apps using SceneKitVid
Rosberry Portfolio app made with Apple ARKit
Rosberry pARtfolio Simple ARKit example with Rosberry apps. Requirements iOS 11.0+ Xcode 9.0+ An iOS device with an A9 or better processor (iPhone 6s
Detects faces using the Vision-API and runs the extracted face through a CoreML-model to identiy the specific persons.
FaceRecognition in ARKit This is a simple showcase project, that detects faces using the Vision-API and runs the extracted face through a CoreML-model
Flip your card with ARKit
cARd Simple demo of animated card made with ARKit + SceneKit. Demo video is here: https://twitter.com/RosberryApps/status/894418114426941444 Requireme
ARKit sample application is written in Objective C with features of Add, Remove, Scale, Move, Snapshot for single and multiple objects with plane/surface detection, reset session and AR support checking.
ARKit sample application is written in Objective C with features of Add, Remove, Scale, Move, Snapshot for single and multiple objects with plane/surface detection, reset session and AR support checking.
A demonstration of vertical planes "tracking" and occlusions with ARKit+Scenekit
arkit-occlusion-demo Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel This ARKit+SceneKit project shows how to "track" vertical planes (relative to horizo
Shell Game built with ARKit and SceneKit
ARKit Shell Game Shell Game built with ARKit and SceneKit. Good sample to learn AR/3D basics. Requirements XCode 9 Device running iOS, with an A9 chip
An implementation of a Super Mario Bros-like game in augmented reality with ARKit and SceneKit.
arkit-smb-homage Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel This project is a homage to Super Mario Bros. It does not, however, contain ANY original
Draw with bare fingers in the air using ARKit
ARPaint ARPaint demonstrates how to draw in the air with bare fingers using ARKit and Vision libraries introduced in iOS 11. Watch Demo Video Here How
Simple project to detect objects and display 3D labels above them in AR. This serves as a basic Template for an ARKit project to use CoreML.
CoreML-in-ARKit This simple project detects objects in Augmented Reality and displays 3D labels on top of them. This serves as a basic template for an
Show your GitHub commit records in 3D with ARKit and SceneKit.
ARGitHubCommits Show your GitHub commit records in 3D with ARKit and SceneKit. Listed in Awesome ARKit now. Welcome to Star ⭐️ ~ Preview Requirement i
A demo of the ARKit Demo project from Xcode 9 as a Swift Playground
ARKitDemoPlayground and Friends A demo of the ARKit Demo project from Xcode 9 as a Swift Playground. This is the demo that was given at the 404 confer
Make VR with SceneKit & ARKit.
ARKitPlusVR VR with SceneKit & ARKit. This project demonstrates the using of ARKit to make the movement in VR scene possible. Requirements A9 ( iPhone
ARSolarPlay This project is used to demonstrate the motion of the solar system, we can observe each planet or solar system from any angle and the deta
Well known game Snake written in Swift using ARKit.
3DSnakeAR Well known game Snake in Augmented Reality. Written in Swift using ARKit. App demonstrates ARKit and plane detection. Content is generated w
Lovely Augmented Reality Charts for iOS - Built with ARKit
ARCharts ARCharts is a library making it easy to create beautiful charts tailored for augmented reality. Table of Contents Project Details Requirement
A game inspired by Pokemon Go build with ARKit and SpriteKit
ARKitGameSpriteKit Simple AR game made with ARKit and SpriteKit. Follow the tutorial at Pusher's blog. Requirements Xcode 9 (Beta 5 at least) iOS 11 A
An example of measuring app with ARKit in iOS 11
MeasureARKit An example of measuring with ARKit in iOS 11 Here's an example of simple app measuring real-world things with ARKit in iOS11. Tutorial is
👨🏻💻 Examples of new iOS 11 APIs
iOS 11 by Examples Code examples for new APIs of iOS 11. Note: The project requires Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11. Table of contents Core ML Vision ARKi
iOS11 ARKit (3D of Wolf 🐺 狼)
ARKit-Wolf Welcome to my ARKit demo repo. Second version: (Winter has come, love the new season!) You need to download Xcode 9 and update your iPhone/
An ARKit box-drawing demo.
Boxify This is an ARKit project that demonstrates drawing out a 3-dimensional box in the world, which can be rotated and resized from each of its face
ARText by ARKit
ARText ARText by ARKit More Demo Video: Demo 1 Demo 2 Web Page: http://artext.co Requirements XCode 9, swift Device running iOS 11, with an A9 chip or
Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit
ARTetris Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit We are a development agency building phenomenal apps. FAQ App crashes when running on i
A demo Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit in Swift (iOS 11)
ARShooter ARShooter is an open source Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit and written in Swift. Hence, it is only useable with iOS 11. For more
Tic-Tac-Toe implemented using ARKit+Scenekit
arkit-tictactoe Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel In this example I have taken the simple scenekit tic-tac-toe (another of my repositories)
Basic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava.
FloorIsLava Basic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava. Requirements Xcode 9 (you can view the code in Xcode 8 but will not be able t
Apple ARKit example app
Apple ARKit Example App A set of tutorials using the new ARKit from Apple. Follow along at: https://blog.markdaws.net/apple-arkit-by-example-ef1c8578f
Mesure distance using apple ARKit
ARuler Mesure distance using apple ARKit ENGLISH README 预览 运行 cd到工程目录下,运行pod install 安装 因为ARKit使用限制,设备要求为6s以上,系统最低要求为iOS11,Xcode版本为9以上 测量时需保证光线充足 问题 A
Quick demo of 3d drawing in ARKit using metal + SceneKit. NOTE: This is experimental code!
ARBrush Quick demo of 3d drawing in ARKit using metal + SceneKit. Code adapted from: https://github.com/lapfelix/ARKit-line-drawing and: https://www.r
After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences. Our goal is to improve the utility of mobile using AR experiences.
Bluetoothed ARKit 2.0 with ARWorldMap! After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences
this demo use arkit 2.0, realize multiplayer play together! The project refers to the official demo!
ARMultiuser This sample app demonstrates a simple shared AR experience for two or more iOS 12 devices. Before exploring the code, try building and run
ARRuler is a simple iOS app which measures real-world distances using ARKit and Augmented Reality.
ARRuler A simple iOS app which measures real-world distances using ARKit and Augmented Reality. ARRuler allows you to measure distances using augmente
Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking 👀 by tracking face using ARKit and AVFoundation
Baraba from Korean: meaning, Look at me Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking at the screen 👀 Features Automatic scrolling
SwiftUI wrapper for MapKit's MKMapView (UIKit).
SwiftUIMKMapView SwiftUI wrapper for MapKit's MKMapView (UIKit). ▶️ Usage Add as a dependecy to your project using Swift Package Manager. Embed map vi
Instagram Filters Slider. Easy to use double side center slider, that can show value in (A,B) Range.
HSCenterSlider Demo Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Swift XCode
Simple and Elegant Range(A,B) to Range(P,Q) mapper in less then five lines of code.
HSRange Description HSRangeConvertor Simple and Elegant Range[A,B] to Range[P,Q] mapper in less then three lines of code. E.g. Suppose we have Range[1
Furniture E-Commerce Augmented Reality(AR) app in iOS powered by ARKit
HomeMax-iOS Furniture E-Commerce Augmented Reality(AR) app in iOS powered by ARKit and SceneKit. Inspired by IKEA place app. Description Experience on
ARKit: Projecting 3D mesh to 2D coordinate
ARKitDemo ARKit: Projecting 3D mesh to 2D coordinate A simple utility to project 3D face mesh in 2D coordinate on device screen. Sources: https://deve
A simple map with the location of the user and the control of permissions
Proposal The project is based on implementing a simple map with the location of
SMAP: Swiss Topo Map URL Generator
smap - Swiss Topo Map URL Generator Usage: smap [-b] image-file-path Reads fil
Draw VR content over live camera feed with ARKit
funny-ar Exercise with ARKit: draw VR content over live camera feed: work is in
Map Practice for iOS
MapPractice-iOS ✨ Description 지도, 위치 관련 앱에서 활용할 수 있는 Map View를 마스터 해보자 ! 맵뷰를 이용해 위도와 경도 그리고 범위를 설정해 지도에 나타내고, 원하는 곳에 핀을 설치하여 원하는 글자 나타내기 ! 위치를 선택하기 위해
Map Practice for iOS
MapPractice-iOS ✨ Description 지도, 위치 관련 앱에서 활용할 수 있는 Map View를 마스터 해보자 ! 맵뷰를 이용해 위도와 경도 그리고 범위를 설정해 지도에 나타내고, 원하는 곳에 핀을 설치하여 원하는 글자 나타내기 ! 위치를 선택하기 위해
A data visualisation tool that adds publicly available crime data from UK police forces to an interactive map.
CrimeMapper A data visualisation tool that adds publicly available crime data from UK police forces to an interactive map. Download on the App Store Y
Trying TDD with ARKit
ARPlacer BDD Spec As a user I want to place a random object in real world. I also want to see the distance between AR object and my phone. Use Cases
A tool for fast serializing & deserializing of JSON
FastEasyMapping Overview Requirements Installation CocoaPods Carthage Usage Deserialization Serialization Mapping Attributes Relationships Assignment
A Swift package for parsing Clang module map files
Clangler is a Swift package used to parse Clang module map files into an abstract syntax tree (AST) representation. Once parsed, you can inspect or manipulate the nodes in the file, then generate and save a new file reflecting your changes.
A Simple Weather App Using the Open Weather Map api
The Weather, a Simple Weather App Using the Open Weather Map api. This app demos use of the Open Weather Map api. The UI is simple, with views of the
An iOS app 📱that detects the image and plays video on top of it just like the harry potter movies
AR-Magic-Image This is an iOS application 📱 inspired from Harry Potter movies. It tracks the image and plays the assigned video on top of the image u
Taking Pictures for 3D Object Capture
Taking Pictures for 3D Object Capture Capture high-quality images with depth and gravity data to use with RealityKit Object Capture. Overview Note: Th
MSFlightMapView allows you to easily add and animate geodesic flights to Google map
MSFlightMapView Demo Requirements iOS 10.0+ Xcode 9.0+ Installation Just add the MSFlightMapView folder to your project. or use CocoaPods: pod 'MSFlig
An iOS map clustering framework targeting MapKit, Google Maps and Mapbox.
ClusterKit is an elegant and efficiant clustering controller for maps. Its flexible architecture make it very customizable, you can use your own algor
Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in native Android, iOS, macOS, Node.js, and Qt applications, powered by vector tiles and OpenGL
Mapbox GL Native A C++ library that powers customizable vector maps in native applications on multiple platforms by taking stylesheets that conform to
Async and concurrent versions of Swift’s forEach, map, flatMap, and compactMap APIs.
CollectionConcurrencyKit Welcome to CollectionConcurrencyKit, a lightweight Swift package that adds asynchronous and concurrent versions of the standa
Snap Scraper enables users to download media uploaded to Snapchat's Snap Map using a set of latitude and longitude coordinates.
Snap Scraper Description Snap Scraper is an open source intelligence tool which enables users to download media uploaded to Snapchat's Snap Map using
A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
LocationPicker A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app. Features Installation Cocoapods Carthage Swift Package Manager Qui
Swift framework for working with Tiled assets in SpriteKit
SKTiled is a framework for integrating Tiled assets with Apple's SpriteKit, built from the ground up with Swift. This project began life as an exercis
A simple application created for educational purposes for mastering ARKit
ARDrawing AR Drawing is a simple application created for educational purposes for mastering ARKit. The basis of the project is copied from the project
Augmented Reality image tracking with SwiftUI, RealityKit and ARKit 4.
ARImageTracking This is an Augmented Reality Xcode project that uses Apple's newest RealityKit framework and ARKit 4 features, to dynamically track a
CarListing app allows user to see list of cars on map as well as in the list
Car Listing CarListing app allows user to see list of cars on map as well as in the list. Features See List of cars on map in the home screen. User ca