64 Repositories
Swift injection-dependency Libraries
Effortless modular dependency injection for Swift.
Inject Effortless modular dependency injection for Swift. Sometimes during the app development process we need to replace instances of classes or acto
Swift APIs for SQLite: Type-safe down to the schema. Very, very, fast. Dependency free.
Lighter Lighter is a set of technologies applying code generation to access SQLite3 databases from Swift, e.g. in iOS applications or on the server. L
Container is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift.
Container Container is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift. Installation is available in the Swift Package Manager. Swift Package M
A simple - no dependency Swift script that chases your mouse on MacOS (works for Monterey)
tom A simple - no dependency Swift script that chases your mouse on MacOS (works for Monterey) What it does? Keep the display on and move your mouse u
App for managing remote insulin injection
sgc app for managing remote insulin injection currently the whole app is based on a phone that communicate to arduino board via bluetooth module. the
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI. Why do something new? Resolver was my first Dependency Injection system.
⚛️ A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency.
SwiftUI Atom Properties A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency 📔 API Reference Introduction Examples Gett
This is the demo of MVVM-C structure with dependency injection using RxSwift.
MVVMC-Demo Demo defination This is the demo project, I have integrated two APIs for MovieDB APIS (https://www.themoviedb.org/). One for the listing of
An elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift
Guise is an elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift. Flexible dependency resolution, with optional caching Elegant, str
Toledo - a dependency injection library for Swift that statically generates resolvers at compile-time.
Toledo Toledo is a dependency injection library for Swift that statically generates resolvers at compile-time. Index Features Installation Usage Licen
A declarative state management and dependency injection library for SwiftUI x Concurrency
A declarative state management and dependency injection library for SwiftUI x Concurrency
GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies.
GitHubSearch GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies. The app allows for searching for repositories using GitHub API. 🔜 In the next r
NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS application built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI.
🗽 NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS app 📱 built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI🔥
Injection - Dependency injection using property wrappers
Dependency injection using property wrappers. Registering types: // injecting a
CarbonGraph - A Swift dependency injection / lookup framework for iOS
CarbonGraph is a Swift dependency injection / lookup framework for iOS. You can
Injector - A Swift package for simple dependency injection that also supports Swift UI previews
A Swift package for simple dependency injection that also supports Swift UI prev
SwiftDI - A dependency injection tool for Swift
SwiftDI SwiftDI is a dependency injection tool for Swift. With it you can build well-structured and easily testable applications for iOS class Example
SwiftDependencyChecker - Swift Dependency Checker
SwiftDependencyChecker SwiftDependencyChecker can be installed with homebrew wit
iOS TV Shows app with TMDb Api. RxSwift, MVVM, Clean Architecture. Tuist + Swift Package Manager
TVShows iOS app built with RxSwift, using the TMDb API. Built with Swift 5 RxSwift, RxDataSources Clean + Modular Architecture Cordinator Pattern. MVV
Inject Dylib - Swift code to programmatically perform dylib injection
Inject_Dylib Swift code to programmatically perform dylib injection. You can als
Needle - Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework
Needle is a dependency injection (DI) system for Swift. Unlike other DI frameworks, such as Cleanse, Swinject, Needle encourages hierarchical DI struc
ViperServices - Simple dependency injection container for services written for iOS in swift supporting boot order
ViperServices Introduction ViperServices is dependency injection container for iOS applications written in Swift. It is more lightweight and simple in
StoryboardBuilder - Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard.
StoryboardBuilder Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard. Description StoryboardBuilder is framework to help simply and easi
Guise - An elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift
Guise is an elegant, flexible, type-safe dependency resolution framework for Swift. Flexible dependency resolution, with optional caching Elegant, str
Perform - Easy dependency injection for storyboard segues
Perform Easy dependency injection for storyboard segues. import Perform // ... func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: NS
Pilgrim - Dependency injection for Swift (iOS, OSX, Linux). Strongly typed, pure Swift successor to Typhoon.
pilgrim.ph Pilgrim is a dependency injection library for Swift with the following features: Minimal runtime-only library that works with pure Swift (s
Kraken - Simple Dependency Injection container for Swift. Use protocols to resolve dependencies with easy-to-use syntax!
Kraken Photo courtesy of www.krakenstudios.blogspot.com Introduction Kraken is a simple Dependency Injection Container. It's aimed to be as simple as
Reliant - Nonintrusive Objective-C Dependency Injection
Reliant Reliant is a Dependency Injection (DI) framework for Objective-C, both for OS X and iOS. Its goal is to make its use as simple as possible, wh
Injectionforxcode - Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
Injection Plugin for Xcode Copyright (c) John Holdsworth 2012-19 TLDR: Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS containing a sui
Dyci-main - Dynamic Code Injection Tool for Objective-C
This tool allows you to inject code into running iOS application, without restarting it. DyCI is not about loading new code in application. DyCI is ab
Inject-Dylib - ObjC Code to Programmatically Perform Dylib Injection
Inject-Dylib ObjC Code to Programmatically Perform Dylib Injection. Code leveraged from Wojciech Regula's FirefoxStealer project (https://github.com/r
Brands-Combine - A demo for Using Combine with UIKit
Brands-Combine Brands is demo for Using Combine with UIKit What did i use ? Simp
Git Submodule Alternative for Cocoa.
CocoaSeeds Git Submodule Alternative for Cocoa. Inspired by CocoaPods. Why? iOS 7 projects do not support the use of Swift libraries from CocoaPods or
A simple way to handle dependency injection using property wrappers
Injektion Introduction A simple way to handle dependency injection using propert
Impose is a simple dependency injection library for Swift
Impose Impose is a simple dependency injection library for Swift Requirements Swift 5.0 or higher (or 5.3 when using Swift Package Manager) iOS 9.3 or
Simple Dependency Injection container for Swift. Use protocols to resolve dependencies with easy-to-use syntax!
Kraken Photo courtesy of www.krakenstudios.blogspot.com Introduction Kraken is a simple Dependency Injection Container. It's aimed to be as simple as
Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard.
StoryboardBuilder Simple dependency injection for generating views from storyboard. Description StoryboardBuilder is framework to help simply and easi
MVVM example app with RxSwift & RxDataSources & Dependency Injection & UnitTests
Hi there, This is MVVM example app with RxSwift & RxDataSources & Dependency Injection & UnitTests and more 👋 MVVM with RxSwift Example Features: Rea
SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
Articles related to this project Clean Architecture for SwiftUI Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI project Separation of Concerns in Software Design C
Interface-oriented router for discovering modules, and injecting dependencies with protocol in Objective-C and Swift.
ZIKRouter An interface-oriented router for managing modules and injecting dependencies with protocol. The view router can perform all navigation types
A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Carthage Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application. Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you w
The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
CocoaPods: The Cocoa dependency manager CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. You specify the dependencies for your project in a sim
Sample iOS app demonstrating Coordinators, Dependency Injection, MVVM, Binding
iOS Sample App Sample iOS app written the way I write iOS apps because I cannot share the app I currently work on. Shown concepts Architecture concept
DIContainer Swift is an ultra-light dependency injection container made to help developers to handle dependencies easily. It works with Swift 5.1 or above.
🏺 DIContainer Swift It is an ultra-light dependency injection container made to help developers to handle dependencies easily. We know that handle wi
Demonstration code for a simple Swift property-wrapper, keypath-based dependency injection system. The keypaths ensure compile-time safety for all injectable services.
Injectable Demo Preliminary musings and demonstration code for a simple Swift property-wrapper, keypath-based dependency injection system. The keypath
SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
Articles related to this project Clean Architecture for SwiftUI Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI project Separation of Concerns in Software Design C
Swift Ultralight Dependency Injection / Service Locator framework
Swift Ultralight Dependency Injection / Service Locator framework
Framework-level dependency graph generator for Xcode projects - with support for custom graphing
XCGrapher xcgrapher is, by default, a framework-level dependency graph generator for Xcode projects. It works by reading local clones of the source, s
🌏 A zero-dependency networking solution for building modern and secure iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS applications.
A zero-dependency networking solution for building modern and secure iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS applications. 🚀 TermiNetwork was tested in a produc
FMPhotoPicker is a modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor
FMPhotoPicker is a modern, simple and zero-dependency photo picker with an elegant and customizable image editor Quick demo Batch select/deselect Smoo
Dependency Injection framework for Swift (iOS/macOS/Linux)
Declarative, easy-to-use and safe Dependency Injection framework for Swift (iOS/macOS/Linux) Features Dependency declaration via property wrappers or
Typhoon Powerful dependency injection for Cocoa and CocoaTouch.
Typhoon Powerful dependency injection for Cocoa and CocoaTouch. Lightweight, yet full-featured and super-easy to use. Pilgrim is a pure Swift successo
Swinject is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift.
Swinject Swinject is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift. Dependency injection (DI) is a software design pattern that implements In
Pure makes Pure DI easy in Swift.
Pure Pure makes Pure DI easy in Swift. This repository also introduces a way to do Pure DI in a Swift application. Table of Contents Background Pure D
Tranquillity is a lightweight but powerful dependency injection library for swift.
DITranquillity Tranquillity is a lightweight but powerful dependency injection library for swift. The name "Tranquillity" laid the foundation in the b
Dip is a simple Dependency Injection Container.
Dip is a simple Dependency Injection Container. It's aimed to be as simple as possible yet p
DIKit Dependency Injection Framework for Swift, inspired by KOIN.
DIKit Dependency Injection Framework for Swift, inspired by KOIN. Basically an implementation of service-locator pattern, living within the applicatio
Deli is an easy-to-use Dependency Injection Container that creates DI containers
Deli is an easy-to-use Dependency Injection Container that creates DI containers with all required registrations and corresponding factories.
Corridor A Coreader-like Dependency Injection μFramework
Corridor A Coreader-like Dependency Injection μFramework Table of Contents Why | Examples | Usage | Installation | Credits & License | Why In order to
Cleanse is a dependency injection framework for Swift.
Cleanse - Swift Dependency Injection Cleanse is a dependency injection framework for Swift. It is designed from the ground-up with developer experienc
A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages
Mint 🌱 A package manager that installs and runs Swift command line tool packages. $ mint run realm/SwiftLint@0.40.3 This would install and run SwiftL
The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
CocoaPods: The Cocoa dependency manager CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. You specify the dependencies for your project in a sim
A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Carthage Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application. Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you w
A dependency manager driven by SwiftPM that works for iOS/tvOS/watchOS/macOS projects.
Installation • Usage • Supporting Accio • Contributing • License ⚠️ Deprecation Notice ⚠️ With the release of Xcode 12 which includes Swift 5.3, we fe