3987 Repositories
Swift ios-twitter-logging-service Libraries
Specification pattern implemented in swift (iOS/OSX)
SpecificationPattern The Specification design pattern implemented in swift for iOS/OSX. In computer programming, the specification pattern is a partic
iOS Validation Library
Honour Validation library for iOS inspired by Respect/Validation. Validator.mustBe(Uppercase()).andMust(StartsWith("F")).validate("FOOBAR") ❗ If you w
Titanium Amplitude - Use the native Amplitude iOS/Android SDK in Titanium
Titanium Amplitude Module A lightweight module to use the native Amplitude SDK's in Titanium. Example import Amplitude from 'ti.amplitude'; // Initia
Cliente de iOS escrito en Swift para el módulo de Concurrencia y Red del bootcamp Fullstack Mobile Developer de KeepCoding
DiscourseClient Descripción Práctica del módulo de "Concurrencia & Red" para el KeepCoding Fullstack Mobile Developer Bootcamp, en su 13ª edición. Cli
This repo contains beginner examples to advanced in swift. Aim to create this for learning native iOS development.
iOS-learning-with-swift-22 This repo contains beginner examples to advanced in swift. Aim to create this for learning native iOS development. Oh, you
The purpose of this repository is to serve as an example for writing a SwiftUI IOS app for connecting to an HM-10 over Bluetooth Low Energy
The purpose of this repository is to serve as an example for writing a SwiftUI IOS app for connecting to an HM-10 over Bluetooth Low Energy. The example provided also sends the IOS devices location over BLE to the HM-10, when the button is pressed. An example Arduino program is provided that allows the user to receive messages from the IOS device on the HM-10.
Apple's SwiftUI Essentials Series. An iOS app that helps users manage their daily scrums.
Scrumdinger (Work in progress) Apple's SwiftUI Essentials Series An iOS app that helps users manage their daily scrums. To help keep scrums short and
A basic iOS app that takes input from the user, displays it, allows changing both text color and background color.
Hello-iOSApp App Description A basic iOS app that takes input from the user, displays it, allows changing both text color and background color. App Wa
iOS constraint maker you always wanted. Write constraints like sentences in English. Simple
YeahLayout iOS constraint maker you always wanted. Write constraints like sentences in English. Simple. Intuitive. No frightening abstractions. One fi
Project(s) for iOS mobile apps
Pre-work - Calculator tip app tip calculator is a tip calculator application for iOS. Submitted by: William Hiltz Time spent: 2 hours spent in total U
Função para calcular despesas da viagem para a formação iOS na Stone
Calcular despesas da viagem Desafio: Desenvolva uma função (ou método) que irá receber uma lista de despesas (como a detalhada acima) e uma lista de n
SwiftUI wrapper for MapKit's MKMapView (UIKit).
SwiftUIMKMapView SwiftUI wrapper for MapKit's MKMapView (UIKit). ▶️ Usage Add as a dependecy to your project using Swift Package Manager. Embed map vi
Codepath-Parstagram-Assignment - Parstagram assignment for CodePath iOS Tech Fellow course
Parstagram - Part I This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that
IOS-App4 - Core Data add new data and update data
iOS-App4 Core Data add new data and update data.
Flashzilla - Card game for learning and having lot of fun
Flashzilla Flashzilla is a card quiz game. Where you can add (and remove) your o
MyToDoApp - Simple iOS To-Do app
MyToDoApp A simple iOS To-Do app that I created to get started with iOS developm
LotsOfCats - An iOS app that lets you swipe through random cat pictures
LotsOfCats This is an iOS app that lets you swipe through random cat pictures! I
Home Assistant Native iOS Application built with SwiftUI for iOS 15+
Home Assistant - Native iOS SwiftUI Application Screenshots Disclaimer - Please read This application is mostly a not-working mockup written in SwiftU
An NSFW image detector for Swift built as an extension on UIImage.
Swift_NSFW_Detector An NSFW image detector for Swift built as an extension on UIImage. If you've ever allowed users to share images you are probably w
FloatingTextField is the simplest way to use custom textField with an animation placeholder.
FloatingTextField is the simplest way to use custom textField with an animation placeholder. You can use Secure textField and also can set the Left & Right image, Easily handle image left/right-click action too.
NFCReaderWriter which supports to read data from NFC chips(iOS 11), write data to NFC chips(iOS 13) and read NFC tags infos(iOS 13) by iOS devices.
NFCReaderWriter which supports to read data from NFC chips(iOS 11), write data to NFC chips(iOS 13) and read NFC tags infos(iOS 13) by iOS devices. Compatible with both Swift and Objective-C. I will appreciate you if give me a star on the top right of page.
PredictionIO iOS / macOS SDK
PredictionIO Swift SDK The Swift SDK provides a convenient API for your iOS and macOS application to record your users' behaviors in the PredictionIO
A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style and newer - built with UIKit. 🍞
Toast-Swift A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style - built with UIKit. 🍞 Installation Swift Package Manager You can use The Swift Package Manager to insta
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on
iOS UI Kit With Android-Style Tools. JustUiKit contains JustLinearLayout, JustFrameLayout and so on. It is designed to make Android developers build iOS UI easily. Also for iOS developers, it provides a new way to build UI.
Instagram Filters Slider. Easy to use double side center slider, that can show value in (A,B) Range.
HSCenterSlider Demo Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Swift XCode
PPSwiftGifs provides a convenient way to show animated GIF images as a part of iOS GUI.
PPSwiftGifs PPSwiftGifs provides a convenient way to show animated GIF images as a part of iOS GUI. Installation Carthage Cartfile nano Cartfile put
SwiftyKeyboard: a full customized numeric keyboard for iOS
SwiftyKeyboard Overview SwiftyKeyboard is an iOS customized enhanced keyboard. T
Weather - Weather app to practice using CoreLocation, fetching data from openweathermap.org API, JSON decoding, applying day\night appearance
Weather App I made this project to practice using CoreLocation, fetching data fr
GroceryMartApp-iOS-practice - To Practice fundamental SwiftUI feature like navigation, state mamagement, customazing etc
🥬 GroceryMartApp-iOS-practice 아래의 내용은 스윗한 SwiftUI 책의 실전 앱 구현하기 을 바탕으로 정리한 내용입니다
Random-Colors-iOS - Random colors generator app with auto layout
Random Colors Random colors generator app with auto layout Demo demo.mp4 Depende
CS193p-2021 - Stanford University's course CS193p(Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI)
🏫 Stanford University's course CS193p - 2021(Developing Applications for iOS us
TrackYourHealth - An iOS application in which data from all health apps are compiled into a single data set (ex. Apple Fitness, Nike Run, etc.)
TrackYourHealth An iOS application in which data from all health apps are compil
ScanID - Homework iOS project to scan IDs MRZ code
ScanID Homework iOS project to scan IDs MRZ code Requirements for mobile applica
An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt.
Iridium An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt. Supporting iOS 13+ Note We have built everything into the package, you can install and fl
Source code for the TriviaGameApp
🧶 Shopping App tutorial Source code for the Shopping app built in the YouTube tutorial Access the written content here: Shopping app Part 1 Shopping
SearchField for iOS, macOS and tvOS
SearchField for iOS, macOS and tvOS SearchField is created and maintaned with ❥ by Sascha Muellner. What? This is a SwiftUI package with support for i
SwiftUI iOS app for tracking daily hydration, logs to HealthKit!
HydrationCompanion SwiftUI iOS app for tracking daily hydration, logs to HealthKit! Screenshots: Home view: see all intake logs and progress Settings
This is an iOS Safari Extension Sample that adds a "Develop menu" to Safari on iOS to allow you to analyze websites.
Develop Menu for Mobile Safari This is an iOS Safari Extension that adds a "Develop menu" to Safari on iOS to allow you to analyze websites. This is a
An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and more.
SpotifyClone An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and
Proof concept of modularized app with SwiftPackages built over MVI + Combine + SwiftUI in a single repo
PKDex-iOS Proof concept of modularized app with SwiftPackages built over MVI + Combine + SwiftUI in a single repo Introduction This project is a proof
Mastodon and Twitter client for iOS, iPadOS & macOS
Note: Mamoot! is under heavy development and is obviously far from complete at this moment. We're currently looking for more people to work with us, s
iPhone App for identifying resistors.
IDResistors Download on the App Store! IDResistors is a simple app for identifing the values smd and through hole resistors. It's developed using Swif
Simple App for European people who need to validate an EU VAT number, calculate your VAT, check current VAT rates in Europe
Simple App for European people who need to validate an EU VAT number, calculate your VAT, check current VAT rates in Europe. How many euros can you save if you freelanced in another country? You can find out! Make more money now!
Application that displays current weather at a random location. iOS 14.0 or newer. SwiftUI.
Elseweather App that displays current weather at a random location. Description Elseweather was created as a student/research project with no practica
The first affordable AR headset experience
AR MultiPendulum: AR Headset Experience AR MultiPendulum allows users to interact with virtual objects directly with their hand instead of tapping an
Anime schedule, korean subtitle for iOS with SwiftUI + Combine and MVVM architecture
AniTime Anime schedule, korean subtitle for iOS with SwiftUI + Combine and MVVM architecture I'm developing a new one for the SwiftUI life cycle annou
URLLivePreview - A small project that utilizes LPLink for SwiftUI projects
URLLivePreview URLLivePreview is a swift Package to add a preview of a URL site.
FlightTicketBrowser - A SwiftUI sample app for flight ticket browser
FlightTicketBrowser This app is a SwiftUI sample app for flight ticket browser.
Wanikani-swift - Unofficial Swift client for the WaniKani API
WaniKani A Swift library and client for the WaniKani REST API. It currently supp
Musical Player - A Simple Musical Player For iOS
Musical_Player The app is a musical player. It was written as an task for a mobi
Orbit-swiftui - Orbit design system implemented in SwiftUI for iOS
Orbit is a SwiftUI component library which provides developers the easiest possi
LeetStats - iOS iPadOS application to get your Leetcode statistics using their public API while extensively making use of Charts and visualisation to depict data
LeetStats iOS iPadOS application to get your Leetcode statistics using their pub
A cross-platform library of Swift utils to ease your iOS | macOS | watchOS | tvOS and Linux development.
Mechanica A library of Swift utils to ease your iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and Linux development. Requirements Documentation Installation License Contr
Framework for easily parsing your JSON data directly to Swift object.
Server sends the all JSON data in black and white format i.e. its all strings & we make hard efforts to typecast them into their respective datatypes
Generate styled SwiftUI Text from strings with XML tags.
XMLText is a mini library that can generate SwiftUI Text from a given XML string with tags. It uses AttributedString to compose the final text output.
A Swifty way to toggle your features.
Requirements Installation Usage TODO Communication Credits License Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 8.1+ Swift 3.1+ Installation CocoaPods Create a Podfile
An advanced Swift (IOS Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads & images using best practices.
dog-playground-ios An advanced Swift (IOS Native) application that uses SOLID architectural principles, consumes a RESTFUL Service, downloads & im
Superhero-composable-watch-example - A superhero themed experiment using the swift composable architecture on a SwiftUI/Combine iOS app and Watch extension
Superhero Composable Watch Example Calling all superhero and Apple Watch enthusi
Tanukis-Stash - Open source e621 client for iOS built with SwiftUI
The Tanuki's Stash The worlds first e621 client for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS built
Easy CBOR encoding and decoding for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
CBORCoding CBORCoding is a lightweight framework containing a coder pair for encoding and decoding Codable conforming types to and from CBOR document
Simple and Elegant Range(A,B) to Range(P,Q) mapper in less then five lines of code.
HSRange Description HSRangeConvertor Simple and Elegant Range[A,B] to Range[P,Q] mapper in less then three lines of code. E.g. Suppose we have Range[1
Generates Swift NSManagedObject subclasses
MotoSwift. Managed Objects to Swift. Generates Swift NSManagedObject subclasses. Benefits Why is it better than Xcode generation? Xcode generates prop
(Swift) iOS UIView layout reimagined
UIViewprint/ iOS view layout completely reimagined Blueprint /ˈbluːˌprɪnt/ : a detailed outline or plan of action: a blueprint for success. class Vi
Elegant manager to easily deal with UIPickerView
PickL PickL is an elegant manager to easily deal with UIPickerView. You don't have to implement a logic for UIPickerViewDataSource and UIPickerViewDel
Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI [cs193p] course
Files for Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI [cs193p] course Study material for the course Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI gi
BubblePop - a number of bubbles are randomly displayed on an iOS device screen
Description The game is called BubblePop . In this game, a number of bubbles are
Image-cropper - Image cropper for iOS
Image-cropper Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod in
Test2 - A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift
Example iOS Apps A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swi
365-day-of-code - This repository has been opened for 365 days to code iOS with Swift
365 day of code This repository has been opened for 365 days to code iOS with Sw
KYC-iOS-Native - To Scan Doc and Validate KYC
KYC-iOS-Native Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod i
AsyncLocationKit - Async/await CoreLocation With Swift
AsyncLocationKit Wrapper for Apple CoreLocation framework with new Concurency Mo
Slot-machine - SwiftUI - iOS App Slot Machine game
Slot Machine SwiftUI Masterclass project iPhone, iPad and Mac (with Catalyst framework) Complex interface Extensions and custom View Modifiers Input t
Command line utility to create a list of installed iOS simulators, for use with SwiftUI previews.
Installed-simulators - Command line utility to create a list of installed iOS simulators, for use with SwiftUI previews.
Cryptocurrency price checker, build with UIKit and MVC + Delegate pattern.
Coin Check Cryptocurrency price checker. The app fetch from CoinAPI.io the latest coin prices, build with UIKit and MVC + Delegate pattern. Features S
FrolovSowingo - IOS DEV Interview With Swift
Sowingo Technical Interview How to Install? 1) Before downloading the project pl
CryptoTrack - iOS app using API to receive updated crypto prices
CryptoTrack Tools used: Swift Xcode by Jose Sahagun jsahagun.io.
Unit-Converter-SwiftUI - A simple Unit Converter iOS app built in the process of learning SwiftUI
SwiftUI-Unit-Converter A simple Unit Converter iOS app built in the process of l
NewsAppMVVM - A Swift iOS App created to practice MVVM Design Pattern
NewsAppMVVM A Swift iOS App created to practice MVVM Design Pattern. This app re
Lentit iOS app developed in Swift with SwiftUI using MVVM design pattern
Lentit Track things you lend with Lentit Features 100% Swift 100% SwiftUI MVVM d
IOS-PokemonQuizApp - Assignment to make a responsive iOS app. App has to connect with an external API
iOS-PokemonQuizApp Assignment to make a responsive iOS app. App has to connect with an external API. The Project The idea of the project is to make a
NetFun-ios-app - iOS app using BFF service to display processed data.
NetFun-ios-app iOS app using BFF service to display processed data. The iOS demo developed in SwiftUI and it uses BFF service to show expected UI comp
Resource monitor - A flutter plugin for Android and IOS to monitor CPU and RAM usage of device.
resource_monitor A flutter plugin for Android and IOS to monitor CPU and RAM usage of device. TODO Implement Android Side of this plugin. Add listener
Bmi calculator app (iOS)
BMI Calculator Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to learn more about Optionals, solidify your understanding of the MVC design pattern and to intro
EasyImplementationAlamoFire - An iOS project to demonstrate the usage of Alamofire in an efficient and organised way.
EasyImplementationAlamoFire Tutorial to demonstrate an efficient way of handling the APIs structure for your iOS Applications. Prerequisites Swift 5 X
CodableFiles - Save and load Codable objects from DocumentDirectory on iOS Devices.
Welcome to CodableFiles, a simple library that provides an easier way to save, load or delete Codable objects in Documents directory. It’s primarily a
Zeplin-ios - First unofficial community driven Zeplin iOS Application
Due to the lack of support and Zeplin's internal policies, we stopped working on Zeplin iOS application. More information can be found through https:/
WWDCast - The unofficial WWDC application for iOS
WWDCast The unofficial WWDC iOS application to watch WWDC videos and sessions on your ChromeCast. If you would like to test the latest changes, you ca
UTM - Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
UTM It is possible to invent a single machine which can be used to compute any computable sequence. -- Alan Turing, 1936 UTM is a full featured system
Unwrap - Learn Swift interactively on your iPhone.
Unwrap is an app that helps you learn Swift faster and more effectively. At its core lies almost 100 video lessons that teach all the fundamentals of
Tls-inspector - Easily view and inspect X.509 certificates on your iOS device.
TLS Inspector Learn More about TLS Inspector » Project Structure This is the Git repository for the TLS Inspector iOS application. You will find the s
TL;DR is a open source project which maintains a list of man pages. This project is the iOS Client of that
TL;DR is a open source project which maintains a list of man pages. This project is the iOS Client of that. Download on App store
SF Viewer is the best way to view, compare and export SF Symbols on your iOS device.
SF Viewer for iOS SF Viewer is the best way to view, compare and export SF Symbols on your iOS device. Features: View all SF Symbols Change weight and
Savanna - A native iOS & macOS IDE for the Cub programming language
Lioness • Cub • SavannaKit • Savanna Savanna About Savanna is a native IDE for the Cub programming language. The Savanna IDE allows you to test your O
Unofficial-iTC - iTunes Connect manager app for iOS.
Unofficial-iTC for iOS, Android What is Unofficial-iTC? Unofficial-iTC is an iOS app to manage your iTunes Connect account on the go. The Apple iTunes
Review Time is an open source app for iOS written in Swift that show the average review times for iOS and the Mac Apps using data crowdsourced from AppReviewTime
Review Time is an open source app for iOS written in Swift that show the average review times for iOS and the Mac Apps using data crowdsourced from AppReviewTime
Retriever - Retrieving InfoPlist without Jailbreaking on iOS Devices
⚠️ WARNING This project is no longer under maintenance. Since iOS 11 has removed some sensitive APIs, this project isn't working on it anymore. Goodby
RealmVideo - An iOS app to watch Realm videos and slides at the same time on your phone.
Realm Video Description Realm is an amazing resource to watch different talks from various conferences and meetups. They publish videos and slides of
Pisth - SSH and SFTP client for iOS
Pisth Pisth is an SSH and SFTP client. Use Pisth to upload, view and edit files in your SSH server. Features: • Manage files in your SSH server and
PasteBinApp - 📋 iOS app for PasteBin
PasteBin Mobile PasteBin Mobile is an app to quickly upload text or code to http://pastebin.com! App Store PasteBin Mobile is live on the AppStore her
OCaml - An OCaml editor, top level, and learning place for iOS, iPadOS and macOS
OCaml: Learn & Code The all-in-one OCaml bundle for iOS, iPadOS and macOS! Learn the language and practice with a powerful editor and interactive top