45 Repositories
Swift mdt-tracker Libraries
iOS / Simple funny habit tracker
FunnyPuny Easy habit tracker About TBC Tech stacks Core: SnapKit Realm TBC Package Managers Swift Package Manager Linter SwiftLint Formatter SwiftForm
This SwiftUI project is a result of the third 'milestone' in "Hacking With Swift's 100 Days of SwiftUI".
exercise-tracker This SwiftUI project is a result of the third 'milestone' in "Hacking With Swift's 100 Days of SwiftUI". In this exercise tracking ap
👶🏻 An iOS app to help you track sleep, feedings and diaper change for your baby
🐣 Maby Maby is an iOS/watchOS open-source app to help you keep track of your baby's sleep, feedings, diaper changes and more to avoid the constant qu
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API. Aplikasi ini berbentuk Widget di Menu Bar MacOS dengan menampilkan beberapa Crypto Currency seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Monero (XMR), dan Litecoin (LTC).
An alternative gym workouts tracker written in SwiftUI.
Gymspot Gymspot is an alternative workout tracker written in SwiftUI. I decided to start working on it because: I need an easy-to-use tracker for my w
Summon is an Apple-watch app that let's a person summon another person to an exact location within a building
Summon is an Apple-watch app that let's a person summon another person to an exact location within a building.
Tracker - A simple location logger app written in Swift and MVVM architecture
Tracker - A simple location logger app written in Swift and MVVM architecture
An iOS expense tracker app written in Swift
An iOS expense tracker app written in Swift
Workout tracker (SwiftUI + CoreData + CloudKit)
Wotrack Workout tracker (SwiftUI + MVVM + CoreData + CloudKit). Also used: Relationships, Multilingual, Drag and Drop reordered Grid. Icons made by Ul
Corona virus tracker app for IOS and Android
Corona virus tracker app for IOS and Android
An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift
Swift-Walk-Tracker An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift About The walk tracking application was intended to be incredibly simplistic.
CryptoTrackerMenuBar - A Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App built with SwiftUI & WebSocket
Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App - SwiftUI & WebSocket A Realtime Cryp
PingPong-Scorer - Simple Table tennis score tracker
PingPong-Scorer These day we play a bit more table tennis. Sometimes we forget t
Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker
SpaceX GO! Simple yet powerful, open-source SpaceX launch tracker About the project The purpose of this project is to develop the ultimate SpaceX expe
A collection of bugs present in the SwiftUI beta.
Gosh Darn Bugs! GoshDarnBugs is a collection of... you guessed it, bugs. Usage Clone the repository. Open GoshDarnBugs.xcodeproj Click Run. Why? Swift
Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking 👀 by tracking face using ARKit and AVFoundation
Baraba from Korean: meaning, Look at me Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking at the screen 👀 Features Automatic scrolling
Budget - Income, Expense & Transfer Tracker + Budgeting app for iOS made with SwiftUI.
Budget Income, Expense & Transfer Tracker + Budgeting app for iOS made with SwiftUI. Roadmap This is a work in progress. I'm working on the following
Official Swift wrapper for metalpriceapi.com
MetalpriceAPI MetalpriceAPI is the official Swift wrapper for MetalpriceAPI.com. This allows you to quickly integrate our metal price API and foreign
Simple app install/update behavior detection.
App-Update-Tracker AppUpdateTracker is a simple, lightweight iOS library intended to determine basic app install/update behavior. The following is a l
Versions tracker for your iOS, macOS, and tvOS app
VersionTrackerSwift VersionTrackerSwift is a versions / builds tracker to know which version has been installed by a user. Usage In your ApplicationDe
A simple workout tracker app for iOS
IronLog After having spent a bunch of time in the Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin Native world, I wanted to get my feet wet in native iOS development using
A lightweight and efficient bus tracker app for the Miami-Dade Transit System
A lightweight bus tracker app for the Miami-Dade Transit System Built in Swift, this app features a favorites page, real-time bus location and ETA, us
RNH Tracker is a GPS logger for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) Track your location and send your logs to RNH Regatta :-)
RNH Tracker for iOS + WatchOS RNH Tracker is a GPS logger for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) with offline map cache support. Track your location, add waypoi
A real-time cryptocurrency tracker and converter
CryptoRhino Run the .xcworkspace file Description: CryptoRhino is a real-time cryptocurrency tracker and converter. We track cryptocurrency prices in
iOS Open-Source Telematics App with Firebase© integration
Open-source telematics app for iOS. The application is suitable for UBI (Usage-based insurance), shared mobility, transportation, safe driving, tracking, family trackers, drive-coach, and other driving mobile applications
Water Tracker iOS App
WaterTracker Water Tracker iOS App Now you can easily track how many ml water you drinked. This is my first time used SQLLite3 library app. The app ca
🛰 CoreLocation Made Easy - Efficient & Easy Location Tracker, IP Location, Gecoder, Geofence, Autocomplete, Beacon Ranging, Broadcaster and Visits Monitoring
Location Manager Made Easy SwiftLocation is a lightweight Swift Library that provides an easy way to work with location-related functionalities. No mo
A link tracker remover for iOS and iPadOS
Uni Uni is an application that removes tracking parameters from links shared on the web and swaps proprietary services with free and open source alter
Habits and Goal Tracker application using the SwiftUI Framework
Goal & Habit Tracker | Hacktoberfest SwiftUI 🚀 The aim of this app is so that users can track their habits and goals. This project is open source and
Workout Tracker With Swift
WorkoutTracker Working out. For some it's a passion, for others it is a requirement to maintain health. However, exercising and tracking your progress
Build your own 'AirTags' 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
OpenHaystack is a framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
iOS expense tracker
Hacktoberfest 2021 with IEEE-VIT 🧡 This is a expense tracker iOS application built using swift. Users can track their expense and visualise it. Suppo
Google Analytics tracker for Apple tvOS provides an easy integration of Google Analytics’ measurement protocol for Apple TV.
Google Analytics tracker for Apple tvOS by Adswerve About Google Analytics tracker for Apple tvOS provides an easy integration of Google Analytics’ me
Matomo iOS, tvOS and macOS SDK: a Matomo tracker written in Swift
MatomoTracker (former PiwikTracker) iOS SDK The MatomoTracker is an iOS, tvOS and macOS SDK for sending app analytics to a Matomo server. MatomoTracke
MyWeight is a body mass tracker focused on make easy to input new data and check your weight history
MyWeight MyWeight is a body mass tracker focused on make easy to input new data and check your weight history. Getting Started Environment prerequisit
A drink tracker for iOS with Untappd and HealthKit integration.
Good Spirits is a drink tracking iOS app that helps you stay under the government limits for "low-risk" drinking. Includes charts and stats, the abili
Intuitive cycling tracker app for iOS built with SwiftUI using Xcode. Features live route tracking, live metrics, storage of past cycling routes and many customization settings.
GoCycling Available on the iOS App Store https://apps.apple.com/app/go-cycling/id1565861313 App Icon About Go Cycling is a cycling tracker app built e
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices App with Flutter
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices App with Flutter Try the web app dev preview https://alfian-flutter-coronatracker.firebaseapp.com/ Features Current sta
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices iOS App with SwiftUI
Corona Virus Stats & Advices App with SwiftUI Features Current statistics of global total confirmed, deaths, recovered cases. Statistics of countries
Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts
Features Live data: Shows the most recent data, and updates automatically. Distribution map with two levels of details: Countries: When the user zooms
Manga, anime, shows & movies tracker
Lists Manga, anime, shows & movies tracker Here is a preivew for the app edit: added top anime and manga recommendation using Jikan API
🛰 CoreLocation Made Easy - Efficient & Easy Location Tracker, IP Location, Gecoder, Geofence, Autocomplete, Beacon Ranging, Broadcaster and Visits Monitoring
Location Manager Made Easy SwiftLocation is a lightweight Swift Library that provides an easy way to work with location-related functionalities. No mo
Building Expense Tracker iOS App with Core Data & SwiftUI Completed Project
Completed Project for Building Expense Tracker iOS App with Core Data & SwiftUI Follow the tutorial at alfianlosari.com Features Create, edit, and del
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices iOS App with SwiftUI
Corona Virus Stats & Advices App with SwiftUI Features Current statistics of global total confirmed, deaths, recovered cases. Statistics of countries
Versions tracker for your iOS, macOS, and tvOS app
VersionTrackerSwift VersionTrackerSwift is a versions / builds tracker to know which version has been installed by a user. Usage In your ApplicationDe