31 Repositories
Swift phone Libraries
Check your Valorant store from your phone!
Valorant Store Checker Description VSC (Valorant Store Tracker) is an open source iOS app that allows you to track your store and preview your skins.
Ported scrcpy for mobile platforms, to remotely control Android devices on your iPhone or Android phone.
scrcpy-mobile Ported scrcpy for mobile platforms, to remotely control Android devices on your iPhone or Android phone. Currently only supports control
Create your own faces for watchOS. Customize the watch hands, layout, colors, and images. Edit faces on your phone and switch them on the watch.
AppleWatchFaces Design your own watch faces for the apple watch. They are not real watch faces, but a watchOS app running on the watch that tells you
The frontend (phone) code for the e-mission server
e-mission phone app This is the phone component of the e-mission system. ✨ This has now been upgraded to cordova android@9.0.0 and iOS@6.0.1 (details)
MiniKeePass provides secure password storage on your phone that's compatible with KeePass.
MiniKeePass MiniKeePass provides secure password storage on your phone that's compatible with KeePass. View, Edit, and Create KeePass 1.x and 2.x file
TextFieldFormatter - Simple Text Formatter (Credit Card Number, Phone Number, Serial Number etc.)
TextFieldFormatter Simple Text Formatter (Credit Card Number, Phone Number, Seri
A μlibrary in Swift containing all the countries with their localized name, ISO code, phone code, country code, flag image and emoji.
CountryKit CountryKit A μlibrary in Swift containing all the countries with their localized name, ISO code, phone code, country code, flag image and e
RealmVideo - An iOS app to watch Realm videos and slides at the same time on your phone.
Realm Video Description Realm is an amazing resource to watch different talks from various conferences and meetups. They publish videos and slides of
A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp written in Swift
PhoneNumberPicker A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp Screenshots In
iOS port from libphonenumber (Google's phone number handling library)
libPhoneNumber for iOS NBPhoneNumberUtil NBAsYouTypeFormatter ARC only Update Log https://github.com/iziz/libPhoneNumber-iOS/wiki/Update-Log Issue You
Activates speaker on tap in Phone.app
SpeakerFirst Invert Phone or Facetime app's default "Audio" button behaviour to activates speaker on tap and; activates menu on long press in iOS if t
A customizable verification code textField. Can be used for phone verification codes, passwords etc
KKPinCodeTextField A customizable verification code textField. Can be used for phone verification codes, passwords etc. Настраиваемое текстовое поле д
An app that uses Multipeer Connectivity to play a video across 6 different iOS screens with an additional phone acting as a Main/Control phone.
MultiScreenApp An app that uses Multipeer Connectivity to play a video across 6 different iOS screens with an additional phone acting as a Main/Contro
Linphone is an open source softphone for voice and video over IP calling and instant messaging
Linphone is an open source softphone for voice and video over IP calling and instant messaging. It is fully SIP-based, for all calling, presence and I
An iOS app that allows you to create resumes on your phone and export them to pdf
Resume Builder iOS An iOS app that allows you to create resumes on your phone and export them to pdf To create a new resume, choose + from the main vi
Sample app to open parking lot gates by phone calls
DouzePointCinq - Test app Sample iOS app to open parking lot gates by phone calls. Screenshots (dark & light modes) How to use Clone the project git c
Elegant SwiftUI phone number textField.
iPhoneNumberField ☎️ Format phone numbers as they're typed—entirely in SwiftUI. 📱 Get Started | Examples | Customize | Features | Install | And it's
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Falcon Messenger is a Fast and Beautiful cloud-based messaging app. With iOS and IPadOS Support. Available on the App Store.
Open the FalconMessenger.xcworkspace in Xcode. Change the Bundle Identifier to match your domain. Go to Firebase and create new project. Select "Add F
App which lets two people share their social media details by simply putting one phone on top of the other ("tapping"). Currently in development by Nikita Mounier.
Tap It Tap It enables two people to seamlessly share their social media information (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, phone number) by simply placing one scr
Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
Alerts & Pickers Advanced usage of native UIAlertController with TextField, TextView, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView, CollectionView and MapView. F
A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps.
CountryPickerView CountryPickerView is a simple, customizable view for selecting countries in iOS apps. You can clone/download the repository and run
🎯 Swift country and phone code Picker
CountryPicker Picker code Swift 3 / 4 / 5. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. U
Phone book app
Phone book app
Switshot is a game media manager helps you transfer your game media from Nintendo Switch to your phone, and manage your media just few taps.
Switshot is a game media manager helps you transfer your game media from Nintendo Switch to your phone, and manage your media just few taps.
Query and print phone information from SimpleMDM
PhoneCat Query and print phone information from SimpleMDM. Currently only supports printing in CSV format. Usage Compile PhoneCat and print usage: swi
A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.
PhoneNumberKit Swift 5.3 framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber. Features F
A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)
Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes and I won't be able to maintain this library any longer and upgrade this library to where it needs to be
A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.
PhoneNumberKit Swift 5.3 framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber. Features F
An UITextField subclass to simplify country code's picking. Swift 5.0
Preview Installation NKVPhonePicker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: pod 'NKVPhonePicker'
Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
Alerts & Pickers Advanced usage of native UIAlertController with TextField, TextView, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView, CollectionView and MapView. F
A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps.
CountryPickerView CountryPickerView is a simple, customizable view for selecting countries in iOS apps. You can clone/download the repository and run