5615 Repositories
Swift swift-sample-app Libraries
FoggyColors - Beautiful randomly generated colored shapes on the background with SwiftUI
FoggyColors Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod inst
Swipe : Date App made with SwiftUI
DateAppSwiftUI Swipe : Date App made with SwiftUI.
Marvel - Marvel Characters App using MVVM, and including unit tests
Marvel About The purpose of this project is to develop a app using MVVM, and inc
ScriptLib - Early and in progress scripting suite for Swift apps
ScriptLib Early and in progress scripting suite for Swift apps. The goal is to c
Awesome-ios-app - Suitable for beginners iOS development small app
awesome-ios-app Suitable for beginners iOS development small app. Table of Conte
ColorMix-by-IUKit - colorMix app by Intro to app development in Swift
colorMix-by-IUKit colorMix app by "Intro to app development in Swift" In this ap
ClosureReactor - Closure Reactor With Swift
ClosureReactor Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod i
Protoyping-Project WallAngle - With this App, you can measure the angle without searching for tools and calculations
Protoyping-Project_WallAngle This is the App that I made for the Prototyping Pro
TVMazeApp - TVMazeApp Listing Shows App
TVMazeApp TVMazeApp Listing Shows App Description TVMazeApp is a project App to
Share-sheet-example - A sample project that reproduces an issue with Share Sheets
Hello, DTS! This project demonstrates the issue I'm having with the Share Sheet.
Open source Clips-inspired app.
AlohaGIF Website Funny moments? Want to share it as a GIF, but you are worried that you will lose speech from video? Aloha will scan sound and attach
Giphy is an open source iOS app based on MVVM (Model–view–viewmodel) software architectural pattern.
Giphy(Search and display gifs) - MVVM Description Giphy is an open source iOS app based on MVVM (Model–view–viewmodel) software architectural pattern.
iOS client for Giphy written in Swift with ReactiveCocoa
Giraffe iOS client for Giphy written in Swift with ReactiveCocoa Requirements iOS 10.0 Beta Xcode 8 Beta 2 Swift 2.3 Carthage Why S
An app show your Live Photo and export as GIF.
LivelyGIFs Show your Live Photo and export as GIF. Demo HighLights Do not use Pod or Cathage to install 3rd party library Simple logic, new learner fr
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
SharedImages Screen grabs Main Features Private & self-owned social media Users store their images in their own cloud storage (Dropbox or Google Drive
Open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift
Area51 Area51 is an open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift! Get the public beta on TestFlight Join the public Slack channel to coll
DeepInfant® is a Neural network system designed to predict whether and why your baby is crying.
DeepInfant DeepInfant® is a Neural network system designed to predict whether and why your baby is crying. DeepInfant uses artificial intelligence and
This app can be used to search for New York Times articles
NY Times Article Search This app can be used to search for New York Times articles. The articles are populated by matching keywords. Here are the feat
Easily add swift packages from the command line
swift-add Easily add Swift packages from the command line! Note: This is a work-in-progress. Somethings may not work. Please file issues if you run in
A macOS auxiliary app to choose results from cloud input methods
CloudInputAssist Introduction 介绍 一个 macOS 辅助应用程序,用于使用云输入法(例如谷歌云输入法)API 提供辅助的候选词结果。 Motivation 动机 使用不联网的本地输入法时,长句的候选词往往不太理想,尤其是使用双拼输入时。这种情况下,借助一些输入法的云计
Wordle Türkçe - iOS - Swift
Wordle-Turkce-iOS Xcode üzerinde derleyerek telefonunuza yükleyebilirsiniz 😊 Günlük bir limit eklemedim istediğiniz kadar oynayabilirsiniz. Oyun sonu
An App-specific Simple Routing Library
TrieRouter An App-specific Simple Routing Library Usage let r = Router() r.addRoute("tbx://index") { _ in print("root") } r.addRoute("tbx://intTes
A simple spritesheet animation system for Raylib on Swift.
About A simple spritesheet animation system for Raylib on Swift. Aeni allows you to quickly and easily animate your spritesheet in your Raylib for Swi
Type-safe networking with Swift Concurrency
AsyncRequest AsyncRequest is a type-safe framework for building a suite of requests to communicate with an API, built on top of Swift Concurrency. Ins
Steppe Payment Built With Swift
SteppePayment Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation Step
An e-commerce app with some function: searching, like product, demo paying and view product
Emarket_060921 An e-commerce app with some function: searching, like product, demo paying and view product. I have developed this app all by myself, b
Swift implementation of KERI (Key Event Receipt Infrastructure)
keri-swift Swift implementation of KERI (Key Event Receipt Infrastructure) Introduction keri-swift is an open source go implementation of the Key Even
Generator of settings icon by SF Symbols. Customisable background color and ready-use in table cell.
SPSettingsIcons Generate settings icons by Apple's SF Symbols. For safe using SFSymbols see SPSafeSymbols library. Installation Swift Package Manager
Ready use service for Firebase. Included interface, recored devices and notifications.
SPProfiling Ready use service with using Firebase. Included interface, manage auth process, recored devices and profile data. Installation Ready for u
Generate Swift code from Qt5 user interfaces.
Qlift-uic Description qlift-uic takes a Qt5 user interface description file and compiles it to Swift code for use with QLift. Splitted from main QLift
NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS application built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI.
🗽 NY Times is an Minimal News 🗞 iOS app 📱 built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI🔥
A NEWS app which can be used to read,share and bookmark articles of various categories
Scoop A NEWS App for iOS 14 built using Swift which allow the users to read,bookmark and share news articles. Built using MVC architecture Requirement
A powerful new way to Reddit on iOS.
Slide for Reddit Slide is a powerful open-source, ad-free, Swift-based Reddit browser for iOS. Feel free to join us on the official subreddit for disc
TabDump app for iOS
TabDump For iOS Read http://tabdump.com by Stefan Constantinescu (@WhatTheBit) on your iOS device. Download on the App Store. Features Read next: ⬇ bu
The Oakland Post iOS app, written in pure Swift
Now available on the App Store! Check it out! The Oakland Post App The mobile companion for The Oakland Post's website, written entirely in Swift! Scr
How to use the Zeit Online Content API with Swift 4
ZeitSuche_iOS Version 1.4.0 - September 12, 2018 This iOS app (iPhone) shows how to use the Zeit Online Content API with Swift 4. To test this app you
A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.
HackerNews A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift. Features View "top", "newest", and "show" posts from Hacker News. Read posts using the SFSaf
Hackers is an elegant iOS app for reading Hacker News written in Swift.
Hackers Hackers is an iPhone and iPad app for reading Hacker News on the go. It's optimised for quickly catching up on the latest news and comments wi
A Hacker News client written in React Native
React Native Hacker News A modern cross-platform HackerNews client built on React Native Features The app currently has the following functionality: H
A small, read-only app for Hacker News.
Hacker News Reader Available on the App Store This is a simple Hacker News front-page reader that I cooked up because I didn't like any existing solut
Flutter news app with NewsApi Org
Installation flutter pub get Usage flutter run Learn I will show how to create a flutter news app with NewsApi Org, In Flutter News App we will load
An app to get you the latest and the trending news based on your location.
Newsline Link to APK : http://bit.ly/newslineapp Newsline is an android application made with flutter which makes use of NewsAPI.org to fetch and serv
The source code to How to build a news app with react native 📰
Royal News · The source code to How to build a news app with react native article on NimreyCode, medium, and dev.to. Requirements: Android Studio or X
Simple RSS reader app written in Swift
Feeds4U Simple RSS reader app written in Swift. Contributions All PRs should be directed to 'develop' branch. Important Note Use code as you wish. Don
A swift package(SPM) with iOS UI component that loads and displays images from remote urls or local assets and displays in a slide-show form with auto scroll feature.
MDBannersView A swift package with an iOS UI component that loads and displays images from remote urls, local assets and displays in a slide-show form
This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS.
AnimateText This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS. Screenshot AnimateText.mp4 Example https://fabul
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
Tutorials from sparrowcode.io website. You can add new, translate or fix typos. Also you can add your apps from App Store for free.
Catalyst example of a grid-based video app that opens videos in secondary windows
Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with videos. On macOS, double-clicking a video opens it in a new playback window. Keyboard navigation is fully supported via the UIKit Focus Engine.
Swift library for the Twitter API v1 and v2
Swift library for the Twitter API v1 and v2
SwiftUI implementation of the game Wordle.
Wordle In SwiftUI This is my implementation of Wordle in SwiftUI. Explaination I know some of the code does not really make any sense, like random com
IMC - App developed to show the user's BMI
IMC Swift Aplicativo que o usuário digita seu peso e sua idade e tem como result
Ios-exercise - In this exercise applicant should implement a new feature into an existing sample app
Cooking app In this exercise applicant should implement a new feature into an ex
Assignment: iOS app in VIP Clean architecture
countries_vip_clean Assignment: iOS app in VIP Clean architecture. for countries
GuitarPractice - Guitar Practice app built with swift
Guitar Practice I am the sole developer and designer of this application. This i
Swift-json - High-performance json parsing in swift
json 0.1.4 swift-json is a pure-Swift JSON parsing library designed for high-per
FloatLabelFields - Float Label Fields With Swift
FloatLabelFields Overview Installation Via Interface Builder Via Code Credits Ad
NewsAppTask - News App Task for iOS
NewsAppTask The application is designed to view the news for the last 7 days fro
VRTracerSample - Learning project in Metal Ray Tracing and Swift
VRTracer This is a personal project for learning Metal's Ray Tracing API with sw
WeatherApp - A simple Weather App using Realm
WeatherApp A simple app to preview 16 day forecast and: Show a list of weather f
CryptoSwift - Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift
CryptoSwift Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift.
CurrencyConverter-swift - App that exchanges currencies using ECB rates
CurrencyConverter App that exchanges currencies using ECB rates
Swift-HorizontalPickerView - Customizable horizontal picker view component written in Swift for UIKit/iOS
Horizontal Picker View Customizable horizontal picker view component written in
TemplateKit - React inspired framework for building component-based user interfaces in Swift
TemplateKit React-inspired framework for building component-based user interface
We-split - A study app made using SwiftUI
We Split We Split is a study app made using SwiftUI, being part of 100 Days of S
Codepath-flix - An iOS app that shows the movies currently playing in theaters
Flix App Submitted by: Luis Mora User Stories REQUIRED (10pts) (2pts) User sees
Escuela - A student-productivity app. Everything in one place
escuela a student productivity app Features Tasks Notes Calendar (coming soon) A
DroneShopSwiftUI - Drone Shop App made with SwiftUI and Scenekit
DroneShopSwiftUI Drone Shop App made with SwiftUI and Scenekit.
DGQR - A lightweight, pure-Swift library for rendering qr
DGQR DGQR is a lightweight, pure-Swift library for rendering qr. It provides you
Switch-Shoutout - Switch Shoutout - A companion app for the Nintendo Switch that allows users to notify friends of games they were playing, add their game library
Switch Shoutout Switch Shoutout is a companion app for the Nintendo Switch that
EdvoraTask - Edvora Task App For iOS
edvoraTask my linkedin profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ziad-ali
CustomTabBar - A Custom TabBar Built Using Swift
CustomTabBar Thanks to Riccardo Cipolleschi for his awesome tutorial. The TabBar
K1 - Secp256k1 Elliptic Curve in Swift
K1 🏔 Safer than K2 K1 is Swift wrapper around libsecp256k1 (bitcoin-core/secp25
Text-cli - Command line tool for extracting text from images using Apple's Vision framework
text-cli Command line tool for extracting text from images using Apple's Vision
Elm-parcel-capacitor - A sample setup to build an app with Elm, Capacitor, Parcel and Tailwind CSS
Elm, Capacitor, Parcel and Tailwindcss This project is a sample setup to build a
Swift-lint-plugin - A SwiftPM plugin that adds a linting command
SwiftLintPlugin This is a SwiftPM plugin that adds a lint command. SwiftPM plugi
LiveWeatherApp - Live Weather App - Displays Live Weather Data with OpenWeather API
Live Weather App - Displays Live Weather Data with OpenWeather API Learned about
CRUD - A simple iOS App to manage tasks
CRUD App ⭐ The App 💡 A simple iOS App to manage tasks Setup 👨💻 Clone the rep
API Calling - Made an app in swift that gets data from Randomuser api and uses it in UITableView
API_Calling Made an app in swift that gets data from Randomuser api and uses it
PhotoCatalog - PhotoCatalog Project Using Swift
PhotoCatalog Project Setup Clone the project from this link git@github.com:islam
Tofu - A simple Todo app built with SwiftUI, a REST API, and a local Realm cache
Tofu A simple Todo app built with SwiftUI, a REST API, and a local Realm cache.
FlowerSlider - Flower Slider Animation Built With Swift
FlowerSlider Shape Slider Screenshot
TrafficLights - Traffic Lights application using swift
TrafficLights This is my homework. Working with Constraints and code. Press the
SwiftLanguageWeather-master - Swift Language Weather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 4
Swift Language Weather SwiftWeather has renamed to Swift Language Weather. Becau
Save-the-dot-project-swift - Save the dot project with swift
Save the Dot Apple introduced UIViewPropertyAnimator for iOS 10. We can use this
Todo-app-swift- - A Todo Lists app built using swift
TODO-Lists App Available on the App Store What is this? This is a todo app I mad
Wizards-pal - Life counter for card games,built with swift
Life counter for card games Made this app in the weekend to help ma boys with ht
Sweet-swift - Make Swift Sweet by Gracefully Introducing Syntactic Sugar, Helper Functions and Common Utilities
Sweet Swift Make Swift Sweet by Gracefully Introducing Syntactic Sugar, Helper F
Wiggles-iOS - Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the SwiftUI and MVVM Architecture
Wiggles 🐶 Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the use of SwiftUI
LinkedIn-Profile - UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI
LinkedIn-Profile UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI Sample I
ARDicee - Simple augmented reality app using SceneKit and ARKit
ARDicee Simple augmented reality app using SceneKit and ARKit Requirements Xcode
CryptoTrackerMenuBar - A Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App built with SwiftUI & WebSocket
Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App - SwiftUI & WebSocket A Realtime Cryp
Truncate - An app that allows the user to talk with a chatbot about their mental health struggles
Project Description An app that allows the user to talk with a chatbot about the
Dicee-SwiftUI - This app show random dicee every time the you make click in button roll
Dicee-SwiftUI This app show random dicee every time the you make click in button
Ss-json - High-performance json parsing in swift
json 0.1.1 swift-json is a pure-Swift JSON parsing library designed for high-per
CycleTrainerApp - Cycle Trainer App With Swift
CycleTrainerApp Bike computer app that records your ride and shows you metrics f
ARVideoInSpace - A Minimal iOS AR app to play a NASA video in space
AR Video In Space A minimal iOS AR app for playing a NASA video in outer space.
Login screen using Swift language
Login Screens Design iOS login Screens, with SwiftUI Designs inspired by Project
DBZ-Legends - A SwiftUI based app for all the DBZ peeps out there
DBZ-Legends Just a simple UI based app for all the DBZ fans. You can tap on the
MarinersCompassSwiftUI - MarinersCompass Animation made with SwiftUI
MarinersCompassSwiftUI MarinersCompass Animation made with SwiftUI.
Login-screen-using-Swift - Firebase Apple Open Source Development
Firebase Apple Open Source Development This repository contains all Apple platfo