Icons fonts for iOS (Font Awesome 5, Iconic, Ionicon, Octicon, Themify, MapIcon, MaterialIcon, Foundation 3, Elegant Icon, Captain Icon)


SwiftIconFont Banner

Build Status Version License Platform Carthage compatible Reviewed by Hound



Not yet supported. Please use Cocoapods or Carthage


github "0x73/SwiftIconFont"


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate SwiftIconFont into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:


pod 'SwiftIconFont'


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Font Prefix Cheat Sheet
Font Awesome 5 fa5: List
Font Awesome 5 Brand fa5b: List
Font Awesome 5 Solid fa5s: List
Ion Icons io: List
Octicons oc: List
Open Iconic ic: List
Material Icon ma: List
Themify ti: List
Map Icons mi: List
Segoe MDL2 sm: List
Foundation 3 fo: List
Elegant Icon el: List
Captain cp: Please check example project.


public enum Fonts: String {
    case fontAwesome5 = "FontAwesome5Free-Regular"
    case fontAwesome5Brand = "FontAwesome5Brands-Regular"
    case fontAwesome5Solid = "FontAwesome5Free-Solid"
    case iconic = "open-iconic"
    case ionicon = "Ionicons"
    case octicon = "octicons"
    case themify = "themify"
    case mapIcon = "map-icons"
    case materialIcon = "MaterialIcons-Regular"
    case segoeMDL2 = "Segoe mdl2 assets"
    case foundation = "fontcustom"
    case elegantIcon = "ElegantIcons"
    case captain = "captainicon"


SwiftIconFont Banner

Runtime Structure

< Prefix >:< Icon >


In your UILabel, UIButton or UITextField, set a text containing a placeholder anywhere you want the icon to be. Somethink like this


Then you can choose between 3 ways you can use SwiftIconFont.

1. Without Custom Class

Simply import SwiftIconFont and call processIcons on any UILabel, UIButton or UITextField that has a placeholder.


2. Custom Class

The lazy way, just set your UILabel, UITextField, UIButton, UITextView, UIBarButtonItem class as SwiftIconLabel, SwiftIconTextField, SwiftIconButton, SwiftIconTextView, SwiftBarButtonItem, and thats it, your icons will be processed at runtime.

3. Programmatically

import SwiftIconFont

label.font = UIFont.icon(from: .fontAwesome5, ofSize: 50.0)
label.text = String.fontAwesome5Icon(code: "twitter")

UIBarButtonItem (Without Custom Class)

import SwiftIconFont

twitterBarButton.icon(from: .fontAwesome5, code: "twitter", ofSize: 20)

UITabBarItem (Without Custom Class)

import SwiftIconFont

twitterTabBarButton.icon(from: .fontAwesome5, code: "twitter", imageSize: CGSizeMake(20, 20), ofSize: 20)


import SwiftIconFont

let githubLogo = UIImage(from: .octicon, code: "logo-github", textColor: .black, backgroundColor: .clear, size: CGSize(width: 150, height: 50))


import SwiftIconFont

let githubLogoImageView: UIImageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 120, y: self.view.frame.size.height - 130, width: 150, height: 50))
githubLogoImageView.setIcon(from: .octicon, code: "logo-github", textColor: .black, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)


  • NSTextField, NSImage, NSView
  • Please check ExampleMac project


Sedat ÇİFTÇİ - me@sedat.ninja




SwiftIconFont is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


  1. Fork it (http://github.com/0x73/SwiftIconFont/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  • Adding UIImage extension to create images out of icons.  refactor UIT…

    Adding UIImage extension to create images out of icons. refactor UIT…

    This is a simple refactor of code you already had written for UITabBarItem. It exposes that method to a UIImage Category so it is more reusable.

    This should be updated to add more features like a background color or something like that later.

    opened by jacobbullock 5
  • parseIcon works only with FontAwesome

    parseIcon works only with FontAwesome

    Hi, Love this framework but I seem to have a problem with parseIcon, as it works only with fa:* I tried all other sources but non of them works.

    I am working with Xcode 8 running iOS target 9.0, the device it self has iOS 10


    opened by shshalom 3
  • MapIcon & MaterialIcon

    MapIcon & MaterialIcon

    SwiftIconFont Version


    Steps to Reproduce

    1. With SwiftIconFont installed, visit the Material Design Icons library or Map Icons library
    2. Copy the name of an icon that contains an underscore (ie. accessibility_new)
    3. Paste the copied name to use as a code (ie. UIImage(from:code:textColor:backgroundColor:size:) Such as:
    UIImage(from: .materialIcon,
            code: "accessibility_new", // <--
            textColor: .black,
            backgroundColor: .clear,
            size: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))

    Expected behavior

    Material Design Icon for accessibility_new correctly displays as a UIImage

    Actual Behavior

    Runtime failure Thread 1: Swift runtime failure: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value


    When using MaterialIcon or MapIcon, replace any _ with . ie. change from: accessibility_new to accessibility.new

    Possible Fix 1

    Update README file with "quirks", minor changes needed, or expectations that the user should have when referencing the font's libraries.

    Possible Fix 2

    Update the keys within the array mapping to directly reflect the font's libraries. (MapIcon.swift and MaterialIcon.swift)

    Possible Fix 3

    Add a nil check to verify that the icon has been found. If not, throw or print a more specific error



    opened by ChrisJohns-me 2
  • SwiftIconsFont for setting UIImage doesn't work

    SwiftIconsFont for setting UIImage doesn't work

    import SwiftIconFont
    let githubLogo = UIImage(from: .Octicon, code: "logo-github", textColor: .black, backgroundColor: .clear, size: CGSize(width: 150, height: 50))

    Error: "Type of expression is ambiguous without more context"

    I am using Swift 3.2, Xcode 9.1 Thanks

    opened by YKV 2
  • Material Icons font not registering properly

    Material Icons font not registering properly


    I love your library and I've been using it for almost all of my apps, but I've come across this error when using more than one Material Icons in one app.

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.CoreText.CTFontManagerErrorDomain error 105 - Could not register the CGFont '<CGFont (0x7f8a9345fd60): MaterialIcons-Regular>')'

    Doing some research, it was complaining because it was trying to register the font again for some reason by calling FontLoader.loadFont(fontName) twice for the same font. Basically, UIFont.fontNamesForFamilyName(fontName) is still empty after the first registration.

    I wasn't sure why it was not working for Material Icons, but my workaround was to call CTFontManagerUnregisterGraphicsFont prior to calling CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont, which is an ugly fix, but I didn't look into the problem deeper and needed to find quick fix.

    Anyways, I'm not sure if this is only happening to me but wanted to raise the issue for anyone else facing similar problem.

    Thank you

    opened by indiesk 2
  • Crash when using both fontAwesome5 and fontAwesome5Solid

    Crash when using both fontAwesome5 and fontAwesome5Solid

    Seen under iOS (not tested on macOS). The root cause is both these fonts have the same family name, so Font.icon() doesn't load the second font after Font.fontNames(forFamilyName:) returns non-zero fonts.

    I have a fix, will submit PR.

    opened by sjpickup 1
  • Make public GetIconIndexWithSelectedIcon and GetFontTypeWithSelectedIcon

    Make public GetIconIndexWithSelectedIcon and GetFontTypeWithSelectedIcon

    In my app I fetch data for icons from webservice, I receive for example fa:file string for an icon, I need to display this icon into UIImage but I can not parse info without this functions.

    opened by damarte 1
  • Update SwiftIconBarButtonItem.swift

    Update SwiftIconBarButtonItem.swift

    Added public classifier to Class for making it accessable from Objective-C. Added public classifier to properties for making them accessable from Objective-C. Added @objc annotation for calling parseIcon function from Objective-C.

    opened by olcayertas 1
  • It doesn't work when using UIDocumentBrowserViewController

    It doesn't work when using UIDocumentBrowserViewController

    The code below works for a normal UIViewController

        let settingBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "settings", style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(showSetting))
        settingBarButtonItem.icon(from: .materialIcon, code: "settings", ofSize: 20)
        navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = settingBarButtonItem        

    But for UIDocumentBrowserViewController, additionalTrailingNavigationBarButtonItems is used to add extra items.

    additionalTrailingNavigationBarButtonItems = [settingBarButtonItem]

    When I did it, the icon always shows as a question mark.

    opened by guoyingtao 1
  • Replace NSString with String

    Replace NSString with String

    Thank you for a great framework. I love it.

    The function GetIconIndexWithSelectedIcon() does a curious conversion between NSString and String. I don't think this is necessary.

    Perhaps change from:

    for substring in ((text as String).split{$0 == " "}.map(String.init)) {

    Change to:

    for substring in icon.components(separatedBy: " ") {

    The SwiftIconFont.swift file uses NSString several places, where it could be a String.

    opened by neoneye 1
  • why my parser do not nice with fa

    why my parser do not nice with fa


    let button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 120, y: self.view.frame.size.height - 200, width: 150, height: 30))
    button.setTitle("fa:chevron-left", for: .normal)
    button.setTitleColor(.black, for: .normal)

    But the button says: fa:chevron_left

    When it comes to:

    button.setTitle("oc:logo-github", for: .normal)

    It's OK.

    opened by wakaryry 1
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