🎒 Swift Library for Font Icons




CocoaPods Platform Swift Carthage compatible

Travis License

Swift Library for Font Icons

Please β˜… this library.

Now, you don't have to download different libraries to include different font icons. This SwiftIcons library helps you use icons from any of the following font icons.

  • Dripicons
  • Emoji
  • FontAwesome
  • Icofont
  • Ionicons
  • Linearicons
  • Map-icons
  • Material icons
  • Open iconic
  • State face icons
  • Weather icons
  • TypIcons

SwiftIcons supports different objects from the object library.

  • UIImage
  • UIImageView
  • UILabel
  • UIButton
  • UISegmentedControl
  • UITabBarItem
  • UISlider
  • UIBarButtonItem
  • UIViewController
  • UITextfield
  • UIStepper


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 8



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

Make sure you have the latest version of CocoaPods by running:

$ gem install cocoapods
# (or if the above fails)
$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Update your local specs repo by running:

$ pod repo update

Add the following lines to your Podfile:

target 'YourProject' do
    pod 'SwiftIcons', '~> 3.0'

Then run the following command

$ pod install

You can start using the library by importing it wherever you want

import SwiftIcons


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

Install the latest version of Carthage.

Add this line to your Cartfile:

3.0 ">
github "ranesr/SwiftIcons" ~> 3.0

or for master,

github "ranesr/SwiftIcons" "master"

Then run carthage update --platform ios and add the built framework to your project by following these instructions from Carthage.


Copy all the files from Source folder. Link to files.

  • SwiftIcons.swift
  • Dripicons.ttf
  • Emoji.ttf
  • FontAwesomeBrands.ttf
  • FontAwesomeRegular.ttf
  • FontAwesomeSolid.ttf
  • Icofont.ttf
  • Ionicons.ttf
  • Linearicons.ttf
  • MapIcons.ttf
  • MaterialIcons.ttf
  • OpenIconic.ttf
  • Stateface.ttf
  • WeatherIcons.ttf
  • TypIcons.ttf

Check to import all ttf files in project, "Project" > "Target" > "Copy Bundle Resources"

Library Reference

You can check library reference documentation here.


  • No more image icons any more

There are different font types for each of the font icons

Font Icons Version Font Types Icons
Dripicons 2.0 dripicons dripicons
Emoji emoji emoji
FontAwesome 5.1.0 fontAwesome fontAwesome
Icofont 1.0.0 Beta icofont icofont
Ionicons 2.0.1 ionicons ionicons
Linearicons 1.0.0 linearIcons linearIcons
Map-icons 3.0.2 mapicons mapicons
Material icons 2.2.0 googleMaterialDesign googleMaterialDesign
Open iconic 1.1.1 openIconic openIconic
State face icons state state
Weather icons 2.0.10 weather weather
TypIcons 2.0.7 TypIcons Typicons

When setting an icon to any object, you have to mention which font type it is and then select which icon you want to set from that particular font icon.


import SwiftIcons

UIImage.init(icon: .emoji(.airplane), size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35))

// Icon with colors
UIImage.init(icon: .emoji(.airplane), size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35), textColor: .red)
UIImage.init(icon: .emoji(.airplane), size: CGSize(width: 35, height: 35), textColor: .white, backgroundColor: .red)

// Stacked icons with bigger background
UIImage.init(bgIcon: .fontAwesomeRegular(.circle), topIcon: .fontAwesomeRegular(.square))

// Stacked icons with smaller background
UIImage.init(bgIcon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.camera), topIcon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.ban), topTextColor: .red, bgLarge: false)

// Stacked icons with custom size
UIImage.init(bgIcon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.camera), topIcon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.ban), topTextColor: .red, bgLarge: false, size: CGSize(width: 50, height: 50))


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icon to image view
imageView.setIcon(icon: .weather(.rainMix))

// Icon with colors
imageView.setIcon(icon: .mapicons(.amusementPark), textColor: .white, backgroundColor: .blue, size: nil)


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icon to label
label.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.paintbrush), iconSize: 70)

// Icon with colors
label.setIcon(icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.rowing), iconSize: 70, color: .white, bgColor: textColor)

// Icon with text around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Bus ", icon: .linearIcons(.bus), postfixText: " icon", size: 20)

// Icon with color & colored text around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Medal ", prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .ionicons(.ribbonA), iconColor: .red, postfixText: "", postfixTextColor: .red, size: nil, iconSize: 40)

// Icon with text with different fonts around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Font ", prefixTextFont: font1!, icon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.font), postfixText: " icon", postfixTextFont: font2!)

// Icon with text with different fonts & colors around it
label.setIcon(prefixText: "Bike ", prefixTextFont: font1!, prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .mapicons(.bicycling), iconColor: textColor, postfixText: " icon", postfixTextFont: font2!, postfixTextColor: .blue, iconSize: 30)


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icon to button
button.setIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.phone), forState: .normal)

// Icon with size and color
button.setIcon(icon: .openIconic(.clipboard), iconSize: 70, color: .blue, forState: .normal)

// Icon with text around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Please ", icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.print), postfixText: " print", forState: .normal)

// Icon with color & colored text around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Lock ", prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.lock), iconColor: .yellow, postfixText: " icon", postfixTextColor: .blue, forState: .normal, textSize: 15, iconSize: 20)

// Icon with text with different fonts around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Happy ", prefixTextFont: font1!, icon: .ionicons(.happy), postfixText: " face", postfixTextFont: font2!, forState: .normal)

// Icon with text with different fonts & colors around it
button.setIcon(prefixText: "Pulse ", prefixTextFont: font1!, prefixTextColor: .darkGray, icon: .openIconic(.pulse), iconColor: .red, postfixText: " icon", postfixTextFont: font2!, postfixTextColor: .purple, forState: .normal, iconSize: 40)

// Icon with title below icon
button.setIcon(icon: .emoji(.ferrisWheel), title: "Ferris Wheel", color: .red, forState: .normal)

// Icon with title below icon with different color & custom font
button.setIcon(icon: .weather(.rainMix), iconColor: .yellow, title: "RAIN MIX", titleColor: .red, font: font!, backgroundColor: .clear, borderSize: 1, borderColor: .green, forState: .normal)


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icon at particular index
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.thumbsUp), forSegmentAtIndex: 0)
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.thumbsDown), forSegmentAtIndex: 1)

// Icons with sizes & colors
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.male), color: .red, iconSize: 50, forSegmentAtIndex: 0)
segmentedControl.setIcon(icon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.female), color: .purple, iconSize: 50, forSegmentAtIndex: 1)


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icon to tab bar item
tabBar.items?[0].setIcon(icon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.font), size: nil, textColor: .lightGray)

// Stacked icons for tab bar item
tabBar.items?[1].setIcon(bgIcon: .fontAwesomeRegular(.circle), bgTextColor: .lightGray, topIcon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.square), topTextColor: .lightGray, bgLarge: true, size: nil)


import SwiftIcons

// Change minimum & maximum value icons
slider.setMaximumValueIcon(icon: .emoji(.digitNine))
slider.setMinimumValueIcon(icon: .emoji(.digitZero))

// Change minimum & maximum value icons with colors
slider.setMaximumValueIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.pointerUp), customSize: nil, textColor: .red, backgroundColor: .clear)
slider.setMinimumValueIcon(icon: .linearIcons(.pointerDown), customSize: nil, textColor: .blue, backgroundColor: .clear)


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icon to bar button item
barButtonItem.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconSize: 30)

// Icon with colors
barButtonItem.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconSize: 30, color: textColor)

// Icon with custom cgRect
barButtonItem.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconSize: 30, color: textColor, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))

// Icon with text around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "Please ", icon: .ionicons(.iosDownload), postfixText: " download", cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), size: 23, target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))

// Icon with color & colored text around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "Blue ", prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconColor: .blue, postfixText: " football", postfixTextColor: .green, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), size: 20, iconSize: 30, target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))

// Icon with text with different fonts around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "Digit ", prefixTextFont: font1!, icon: .emoji(.digitOne), postfixText: " One", postfixTextFont: font2!, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))

// Icon with text with different fonts & colors around it
barButtonItem.setIcon(prefixText: "", prefixTextFont: font1!, prefixTextColor: .red, icon: .ionicons(.iosFootball), iconColor: .blue, postfixText: " football", postfixTextFont: font2!, postfixTextColor: .green, cgRect: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30), iconSize: 24, target: self, action: #selector(barButtonItem(sender:)))


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icon to the title
self.setTitleIcon(icon: .emoji(.animalHorse), iconSize: 30, color: .red)


import SwiftIcons

// Setting left view icon
textfield.setLeftViewIcon(icon: .fontAwesomeSolid(.search))

// Left view icon with colors & leftViewMode
textfield.setLeftViewIcon(icon: .state(.TX), leftViewMode: .always, textColor: .blue, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)
textfield.setLeftViewIcon(icon: .googleMaterialDesign(.plusOne), leftViewMode: .unlessEditing, textColor: .green, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)

// Setting right view icon
textfield.setRightViewIcon(icon: .openIconic(.questionMark))

// Right view icon with colors & rightViewMode
textfield.setRightViewIcon(icon: .weather(.rainMix), rightViewMode: .always, textColor: .red, backgroundColor: .clear, size: nil)


import SwiftIcons

// Setting icons
stepper.setDecrementIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosPause), forState: .normal)
stepper.setIncrementIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosPlay), forState: .normal)


Please check out the SwiftIcons App. In the demo project, if you click on any object, you will see the method description in the logs for the icon of that object.

SwiftIcons Mentions & Usage

If you are using SwiftIcons in your app and want to be listed here, simply create a new issue here.

I am always curious who is using my projects 😊


Saurabh Rane

Special thanks to Patrik Vaberer and his initial work on Font-Awesome-Swift library


SwiftIcons is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod

    CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "SwiftIcons": on Xcode 10

    Try to install via cocoapods but I have faced compatible issues. I have using Xcode 10.

    [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "SwiftIcons": In Podfile: SwiftIcons (~> 2.2.0)

    None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: SwiftIcons (~> 2.2.0).

    You have either:

    • out-of-date source repos which you can update with pod repo update or with pod install --repo-update.
    • mistyped the name or version.
    • not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.
    opened by irshadpc 8
  • UIBarButtonItem is not aligned

    UIBarButtonItem is not aligned

    Hi, I'm using SwiftIcons library (installed though Pod).

    I'm trying to create UIBarButtonItem with specific icon. I set it like this: menuButton.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.navicon), iconSize: 35, color: systemColor) where systemColor == UIView().tintColor But with this setup, my UIBar looks like this: image As, you can see it is not aligned vertically (I tried using SetTitlePositionAdjustment, but I can adjust only horizontal position).

    I kinda fixed the position by using: menuButton.setIcon(prefixText: "", icon: .ionicons(.navicon), iconColor: systemColor, postfixText: "", cgRect: CGRect(x: 30, y: 30, width: 30, height: 30), size: 35, iconSize: 36) image

    But, then button is not tappable...

    Can anyone help me here?

    opened by yeralin 5
  • Support for setting multiple icons in one label or button

    Support for setting multiple icons in one label or button

    • added support for setting icons array for UILabel and UIButton
    • cleaned up redundant codes
    • added a function for generating attributed string to be used in UILabel and UIButtons
    opened by sepbehroozi 4
  • UIBarButtonItem shows questionmark placeholder while the button action gets performed in iOS 11

    UIBarButtonItem shows questionmark placeholder while the button action gets performed in iOS 11

    I have multiple UIBarButtonItems like this: let plusButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "Plus", style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(showMore)) plusButton.setIcon(icon: .ionicons(.iosPlusOutline), iconSize: 25.0, color: Colors.drakGreen) Till iOS 10 everthing worked fine. But under iOS 11 I get a questionmark placeholder when I press one of the buttons. This placeholder stays there until the action the button triggers is completed: 2017-09-27 13 12 04

    opened by NF997 4
  • UIColor extension ambiguous when using Hue

    UIColor extension ambiguous when using Hue

    Popular UIColor library Hue uses the UIColor(hex:) constructor in an extension, leading to a conflict with the convenience init in the UIColor extension.

    public extension UIColor { convenience init(hex: String) {

    Raising the error:

    Ambiguous use of init(hex:) Please remove or consider making Hue a dependency or using a non-conflicting category convenience method?

    opened by codefiesta 3
  • Using setIcon with no icon (at the moment attempt to set icon to nil results in crash)

    Using setIcon with no icon (at the moment attempt to set icon to nil results in crash)

    It might sound counterintuitive, but I wanted to use setIcon() to set a normal button title, with no icon at all.

    Why I was trying to do this? I have a button, which changes its state - one of the states has icon and another doesn't have it. I simply wanted to have cleaner code like this:

        enum ButtonState {
            case gift, cancel
        private func updateButton(state: ButtonState) {
            self.buyGiftButton.setIcon(prefixText: "", prefixTextFont: myFont,
                icon: state == .gift ? .fontAwesome(.gift) : nil,
                postfixText: state == .gift ? " Buy as a gift" : "Cancel", postfixTextFont: myFont, postfixTextColor: .white,
                backgroundColor: myColor, forState: .normal, iconSize: 20)

    But it looks like the icon is force-unwrapped in there and this is not possible. Instead I had to make if-else and do .setAttributedTitle for that button.

    It would be good if icon was really handled as an optional in setIcon (feature request).

    opened by vitalii-tym 2
  • Does not work with swift 3

    Does not work with swift 3

    many of the methods has been renamed

    1. NSParagraphStyleAttributeName' has been renamed to 'NSAttributedStringKey.paragraphStyle' Well there are total 33 methods which has been renamed and hence shows issues for swift 3
    opened by yogendrakarekar 2
  • How to map the icon name to the library's enum?

    How to map the icon name to the library's enum?

    For example the IcoFont 5-start-hotel is referenced by .icofont(.fiveStarHotel), is there any direct mapping?

    Or is there any way to reference the icon using unicode? such as ef05 to get 5-star-hotel.

    screen shot 2017-06-30 at 3 47 36 pm

    opened by klwoon 2
  • Updated to Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.2

    Updated to Swift 5.0 and Xcode 10.2

    • Removed warnings about redundant public function level declarations
    • Clean up with swiftlint autocorrect

    Will require a separate release / version bump and Cocoapods update after merging.

    opened by madhavajay 1
  • Added TypIcons font

    Added TypIcons font

    • Added TypIcons font and items to SwiftIcons.swift
    • Added TypIcons.ttf font file
    • Updated sample project for TypIcons
    • Removed unused 'break' of 'switch statements' in whole project
    • Updated readme.md
    opened by sepbehroozi 1
  • Add framework target/shared scheme for Carthage Support

    Add framework target/shared scheme for Carthage Support

    This resolves #6.

    Because of the way the project was structured, I added a new Framework target named SwiftIcons and renamed the existing Application target SwiftIconsApp.

    I also had to import SwiftIcons where needed in SwiftIconsApp. I moved all the .ttf font files into Source/Fonts, just to organize it a little better.

    In SwiftIcons.swift, for each of the font type enums, I had to make the static count computed function public so the SwiftIconsApp could have access to it.

    Question, btw: What is being used to generate the code for the font type enum and related variables in SwiftIcons.swift?

    opened by ynnadrules 1
  • Bold font not staying

    Bold font not staying

    I have a UILabel which sometimes has an icon and sometimes not. By default the label is set with a bold font in the Storyboard and at the launch it does not contains any icon (the text is simply set with label.text).

    If I apply the icon and the text with .setIcon(), the first time the bold attribute will stay but if I run .setIcon() a second time to update the text content, the font will be overwritten with the standard one, being not bold.

    The only workaround I found is to store in a variable during viewDidLoad() the original bold font and before each execution of .setIcon() I re-set the original font with label.font = initialLabelFont.

    opened by marcheimendinger 0
  • How does this project work?

    How does this project work?


    Are all of these icons stored in the library? If so, how is the library so small?

    Do only used icons from the library ship with the app bundle?

    Thanks, -Sami

    opened by seljabali 0
  • Building SwiftIcons on Xcode 10.2.1 takes forever

    Building SwiftIcons on Xcode 10.2.1 takes forever

    I've update the Xcode into 10.2.1 after I've cleaned the project and build again. Xcode struck on building SwiftIcons like there's no ending to it. There is no error appears so far.

    Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001) SwiftIcons version 2.3.2 Swift Language Version 4.2

    opened by Sompatbu 9
  • Different constants not resizing for iPad

    Different constants not resizing for iPad

    I am assigning a button icon to different screen sizes. It only works on the iPhone settings and not the iPad.

    storyboard constant settings.

    Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 10 43 47 AM

    iPad results - the icon does not resize. It also does not center to the new size. The text does center.

    Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 10 42 59 AM

    iphone settings are fine.

    Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 10 39 26 AM

    Using Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.2.1

    opened by myanalysis 0
Saurabh Rane
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