IMBeeHive is a kind of modular programming method





随着公司业务的不断发展,项目的功能越来越复杂,各个业务代码耦合也越来越多,解耦合和业务组件化(或者叫模块化)也迫在眉睫。 在网上组件化的文章很多,主要方案有三种:1.protocol-class 3.route,后来通过逆向一些大厂的app,发现这些组件化(或者叫模块化)的技术在大厂使用率挺高的,基本上也是基于这三种方案,但各家都是不同的实现方式,于是乎就萌生了开发一个组件化框架的想法,开发者可以根据自己的喜好选择自己喜欢的方案实现解耦和业务组件化,而不需要重复造轮子。






pod "IMBeeHive"


一.首先我们需要在主工程添加一个配置文件,这里我添加的是IMBeeHive.bundle/IMBeeHive.plist,通过配置plist我们可以在启动时注册所有的Moudle,实际开发的项目Moudle并不会很多,我目前开发的项目大概也就8个Moudle,IMLuanchMoudle、IMHomeMoudle、IMDynamicMoudle、IMChatMoudle、IMMineMoudle...,所以在推荐在plist里面统一注册Moudle image

我们在主程序Appdelegate之前做初始化,IMBeeHive才可以通过HOOK + NSInvocation方式让已经注册的Moudle管理Appdelegate的生命周期

__attribute__((constructor)) void loadBeeHiveMoudle () {  
    [IMBeeHive shareInstance].context.configName = @"IMBeeHive.bundle/IMBeeHive";//可选,默认为IMBeeHive.bundle/IMBeeHive  
    [[IMBeeHive shareInstance] registerAll]; //从配置里面注册所有moudle或者service  
    [[IMBeeHive shareInstance] setupAll]; //设置ioc容器里面所有的对象  



首先cd到主程序目录,然后执行命令pod lib create xxxxx

pod lib create IMLuanchMoudle


1.What Language do you want to use?? [Swift / objC]
2.Would you like to include a demo application with your Library? [Yes / No]
3.Would you like to do view based testing? [Yes / No]
4.What is your class prefix?



 The services provided by Launch module to other modules
@protocol IMLaunchModuleProtocol 






#import "IMLaunchModuleProtocol.h"

static UIWindow *mWindow = nil;


@interface IMLuanchMoudle : NSObject



#import "IMLuanchMoudle.h"
#import "IMLuanchViewController.h"

@implementation IMLuanchMoudle

+ (instancetype)shareInstance {
    static dispatch_once_t p;
    static id Instance = nil;
    dispatch_once(&p, ^{
        Instance = [[self alloc] init];
    return Instance;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    NSLog(@"[IMLuanchMoudle] --- [执行]");
    mWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
    mWindow.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    [mWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
    [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate.window = mWindow;
    mWindow.rootViewController = [[IMLuanchViewController alloc] init];
    return YES;

- (void)doSomeTings {




@protocol IMMineModuleProtocol 

- (UIViewController *)mainViewController;




#import "IMMineModule.h"
#import "IMMIneViewController.h"

@implementation IMMineModule

+ (instancetype)shareInstance {
    static dispatch_once_t p;
    static id Instance = nil;
    dispatch_once(&p, ^{
        Instance = [[self alloc] init];
    return Instance;

-(UIViewController *)mainViewController {
    IMMIneViewController *controller = [[IMMIneViewController alloc] init];
    return controller;

- (void)doSomeTingsA {

- (void)doSomeTingsB {



     pModule = IMGetBean(IMMineModuleProtocol);
[pModule doSomeTingsA];
[pModule doSomeTingsB];
UIViewController *controller = [pModule mainViewController];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];  

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