Set of iOS controls with useful IBInspectable properties. Written on Swift.



Version License Platform

[Not maintained anymore]

I switched to Flutter, so I don't maintain the library anymore.

DCKit is a set of @IBDesignable iOS controls (buttons, text fields, text views, labels, circle views, hairline views etc.), which have useful @IBInspectable properties. They allows you to build a nice screens, see a result directly on Xcode Interface Builder.

Written on Swift.


DCKit preview



CocoaPods recommended to use DCKit.

  1. Add pod record to your Podfile:
  • Swift 4.2 and above: pod 'DCKit'
  • Swift 3 and Swift 4: pod 'DCKit', '<= 1.0.11'
  • Swift 2.3: pod 'DCKit', :git => '', :branch => 'swift23'
  • Swift 2.2 and below: pod 'DCKit', '<= 1.0.4'
  1. Add use_frameworks! keyword to your Podfile. The library is written on Swift, so this is a mandatory.
  2. Install the pod(s) by running pod install.

Source files

  1. Download the latest code version or add the repository as a git submodule to your git-tracked project.
  2. Drag and drop the Classes directory from the archive in your project navigator. Make sure to select Copy items when asked if you extracted the code archive outside of your project.

How to use

  1. Add a control (e.g. UIButton) onto storyboard: Add a control (e.g. UIButton) onto storyboard
  2. Change the button's class to DCBorderedButton. Also change module to DCKit if you've installed the library via CocoaPods. You'll notice a border appeared around the button: Change the button's class to DCBorderedButton
  3. Now you're able to customize the button from IB directly: Now you're able to customize the button from IB directly

Please download the latest code version and run DCKitSample.xcodeproj to test out all the features it offers.


Basically, all of the classes are pretty straightforward and don't worth describing. Most of them you can see in the demo project.

I'll describe a few of them here though.


Very useful control, I widely use it in my projects as a separator between views.


Base text field for all the mandatory text fields. Highlights the text field if the entered value is false.

By default it considers the empty value as invalid. You can override this behaviour by subclassing this class and overriding isValid method.


This field is also checks if the entered value is a valid email address. It uses a regexp taken from here:


  • Xcode 6 or above
  • iOS 8 or above
  • Swift 2.0 and above


Andrey Gordeev


This project is under MIT license. For more information, see LICENSE file.

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