Menu with a circular layout based on Macaw



Easily customizable floating circle menu created with Macaw

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  1. Create UIView in your storyboard or programatically.
  2. Set FanMenu as UIView class.
  3. Set the button
fanMenu.button = FanMenuButton(
    id: "main",
    image: "plus",
    color: Color(val: 0x7C93FE)
  1. Set menu items
fanMenu.items = [
        id: "exchange_id",
        image: "exchange",
        color: Color(val: 0x9F85FF)
        id: "visa_id",
        image: "visa",
        color: Color(val: 0xF55B58)
  1. Add an event handler
// call before animation
fanMenu.onItemDidClick = { button in
    print("ItemDidClick: \(")
// call after animation
fanMenu.onItemWillClick = { button in
    print("ItemWillClick: \(")
  1. Configure optional parameters
// distance between button and items
fanMenu.menuRadius = 90.0

// animation duration
fanMenu.duration = 0.35

// menu opening delay
fanMenu.delay = 0.05

// interval for buttons in radians
fanMenu.interval = (0, 2.0 * M_PI)

// menu background color
fanMenu.menuBackground =
  1. Useful methods


FanMenu is created with Macaw, our vector graphics Swift library. Thanks to that, it can be easily modified and improved for your purposes.

All source code is located in one single file called FanMenu.swift. To modify the menu simply copy this file and apply necessary changes.


To try out the FanMenu examples:

  • Clone the repo git clone
  • Open terminal and run cd <FanMenuRepo>/Example
  • Run pod install to install all dependencies
  • Run xed . to open project in the Xcode
  • Try it!

We have the following examples:



pod 'FanMenu'


github 'Exyte/fan-menu'


Drop FanMenu.swift into your project.


  • iOS 9.0+ / macOS 10.12+
  • Xcode 10.2+
  • Menus been hidden after displayed, but clickable, animation is working also.

    Menus been hidden after displayed, but clickable, animation is working also.

    It may working in the example project, but not on new project. Latest Xcode new project with deployment target 10 Latest Master branch code.

    See the video in action.

    opened by libern 11
  • Change items array and re render

    Change items array and re render

    I have a custom fan menu based on CustomViewController.swift

    I need to use the menu in a non standard way where a user is presented with a first menu and on press will present a second menu.

    I have successfully closed the menu and switched the items but on opening the items are not still showing the first menu unless I use updateNode which completely re-instantiates the menu and places it according to the original position, which is not required at this point. (I moved the whole fanmenu on open)

    I tried implementing an updateScene function but this in turn eventually places the menu in it's original position.

    The updateScene tried:

    func updateScene() { var oContent = self.scene!.node.contents let buttonsNode = Group(contents: items.enumerated().map { (arg) -> Node in let (index, item) = arg return CustomButtonsScene(customMenu: self).createCustomButton(customMenu: self, data: item, index: index) }) oContent[0] = buttonsNode self.scene!.node.contents = oContent }

    func updateScene() { var oContent = self.scene!.node.contents let menuButton = CustomMenuButtonScene(radius: radius) oContent[0] = menuButton.node self.scene!.node.contents = oContent }

    Is there a way to render different items or change the class I previously set in IB?

    opened by kier70 9
  • Fix Carthage dependencies and images in other bundles

    Fix Carthage dependencies and images in other bundles

    Add explicit dependencies for carthage through Cartfile

    This fix issue when adding fan-menu to a project managing dependencies with carthage and not using Macaw yet. It allows carthage to detect Macaw as needed dependency and fixes build error when installing fan-menu.

    Change FanMenuButton’s image string to UIImage

    This allows to pass image from different bundle than the main bundle of the App.

    opened by zocario 7
  • Xcode 11.4 / Swift 5.2

    Xcode 11.4 / Swift 5.2

    Dear Fan-Menu team,

    i am trying out your interesting Pod on CocoaPods - alas it does not seem to compile with Xcode 11.4 Swift 5.2 respectively. Seems some incompatibility with the Macaw library, that was updated for Swift 5.2.

    Will there be an update to the FanMenu pod?

    Regards, Mike

    opened by ebeneezer 6
  • Errors compiling the example.

    Errors compiling the example.

    I receive the following warning and error when I try and build the example in Xcode 10.1.

    1. Target 'FanMenu' (project 'Pods') has copy command from '/Users/martin/dev/fan-menu/Sources/Info.plist' to '/Users/martin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-fykvmcsmliphikcyocogamyeedyl/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FanMenu/FanMenu.framework/Info.plist'

    2. Target 'FanMenu' (project 'Pods') has process command with output '/Users/martin/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Example-fykvmcsmliphikcyocogamyeedyl/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FanMenu/FanMenu.framework/Info.plist'

    opened by mcroker 5
  • iTunes Connect upload error : CFBundleIdentifier Collision

    iTunes Connect upload error : CFBundleIdentifier Collision

    Uploading my app on iTunes Connect is giving an error with the FanMenu framework used inside, (integrated through Carthage)

    ERROR ITMS-90685: "CFBundleIdentifier Collision. There is more than one bundle with the CFBundleIdentifier value 'com.exyte.Macaw' under the iOS application ''." ERROR ITMS-90205: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '' contains disallowed nested bundles." ERROR ITMS-90206: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'."

    Is it something that you're aware of ?

    opened by remithaunay 5
  • Build failed after integrated

    Build failed after integrated


    Showing All Messages
    :-1: Multiple commands produce '/Users/Libern/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Sparkle-eluqypnvotfmphgsbcljsqmyugvd/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/FanMenu/FanMenu.framework/Info.plist':
    1) Target 'FanMenu' (project 'Pods') has copy command from '/Users/Libern/LibernWorking/Projects/Someline/sparkle-ios/Pods/FanMenu/Sources/Info.plist' to '/Users/Libern/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Sparkle-eluqypnvotfmphgsbcljsqmyugvd/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/FanMenu/FanMenu.framework/Info.plist'
    2) Target 'FanMenu' (project 'Pods') has process command with output '/Users/Libern/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Sparkle-eluqypnvotfmphgsbcljsqmyugvd/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/FanMenu/FanMenu.framework/Info.plist'
    opened by libern 4
  • View overlapped

    View overlapped

    HI! I found that when creating a view on the top for menu use, then it will cover the content from the bottom and the bottom view cannot click or slide. Is there an alternative way to make it??

    Thank you!!

    opened by WayneSKK 4
  • incomplete warning

    incomplete warning

    print("WARNING: FanMenu doesn't fit into view bounds. It should be at least ((fanMenu.menuRadius + fanMenu.radius) * 2.0) wide and in high")

    opened by perbrondum 3
  • Minimum deployment target

    Minimum deployment target

    Hello. The README says min deployment target is iOS 8.0 My project's min deployment target is 9.0, yet I am getting this error using cocoa pods:

    [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FanMenu":
      In Podfile:
        FanMenu (from ``)
    Specs satisfying the `FanMenu (from ``)` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
    opened by Natelegreat1 3
  • Add Cartfile and remove carthage copy phase

    Add Cartfile and remove carthage copy phase

    Add explicit dependencies using Cartfile so Carthage can detect Macaw dependency when bootstraping / updating.

    Remove copy framework phase of Carthage as it should be added in the final Application using frameworks, not the library itself. This copy phase of Macaw was leading to have twice the framework in final App.

    opened by zocario 3
  • Sorry to use this but this is the only way I can message you I don’t have your Twitter or discord or phone number

    Sorry to use this but this is the only way I can message you I don’t have your Twitter or discord or phone number

    Can you please make one with a lot of switches like different stiles and check boxes and drop down menus and more please it will help me I’m making a app but idk how to do it please it can be done around in 1 month if you can do and can I get your PayPal to make a donate button for you please it will be in my app

    opened by frayray909090 0
  • fanMenu.onItemWillClick doesn't call when click on  fan menu button items

    fanMenu.onItemWillClick doesn't call when click on fan menu button items

    Hi first of all thanks for this wonderful component, it would be very nice if we could have better access when click on one of items at fan menu , there isn't any callback method fire

    opened by sarakhater 1
  • add method so we can change the image of FanMenuButton

    add method so we can change the image of FanMenuButton

    Hi first of all thanks for this wonderful component, it would be very nice if we could have better access to the image view of FanMenuButton. for example we could change the image or set the font for the title label. I think that way you can not use struct for FanMenuButton

    opened by amirtutunchi 1
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