An emoji-liked rating view for iOS, implemented in Swift3.



An emoji-liked rating view for iOS, implemented in Swift3.

Android version: PeterSmileRate by SilicorniO. Great work ! :)

Build Status Version License Platform Swift3

Apps Using Total Download


Inspired by Rating Version A - Hoang Nguyen

Rating Version A - Hoang Nguyen

土土哥的技术Blog - Swift开源项目: TTGEmojiRate的实现


  • More interactive with Emoji and drag gesture.
  • Highly customizable.
  • Can be used in Interface Builder.

IB example


TTGEmojiRate is an emoji-liked rating view for iOS which is implemented in Swift.
You can drop up and down on the Emoji face to change the rate, which is more interactive.
TTGEmojiRate is also highly customizable that many features of it can be configure, like the emoji line width and the mouth width.


Use TTGEmojiRate

  1. Create an instance of EmojiRateView and add it to the parent view.
let rateView = EmojiRateView.init(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)) =
  1. Drop a view in the Interface builder and set the Custom Class to EmojiRateView

Run example

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


iOS 8 and later.



You can use CocoaPods to install TTGEmojiRate by adding it to your Podfile:

pod "TTGEmojiRate"


You can use Carthage to install TTGEmojiRate by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "zekunyan/TTGEmojiRate"




rateValueChangeCallback: ((newRateValue: Float) -> Void)? defines the callback closure when rateValue changes.

emojiRateView.rateValueChangeCallback = {(rateValue: Float) -> Void in
    NSLog("The new rate value is: \(rateValue)")


rateColorRange: (from: UIColor, to: UIColor)
When rateValue changes from 0 to 5, the rateColor will change from the from: UIColor to to: UIColor.

emojiRateView.rateColorRange = (


rateDragSensitivity: CGFloat defines the sensitivity when drag to change rateValue.




TTGEmojiRate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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