3915 Repositories
Swift apollo-ios Libraries
SwiftUI library to easily render diagrams given a tree of objects. Similar to ring chart, sunburst chart, multilevel pie chart.
Swift Sunburst Diagram Sunburst diagram is a library written with SwiftUI to easily render diagrams given a tree of objects. Similar to ring chart, su
SwiftUI Charts with custom styles
SwiftUI Charts Build custom charts with SwiftUI Styles Line Chart(data: [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 0.9, 0.1]) .chartStyle( LineChartStyle(.
🐶 아요 지금 모행? 🐶
쟈니 잃어버린 당신의 일상을 깨워줄 행복 메이트, 쟈니(Journey) 개발 기간: 2021.06.27 ~ Contributors 초주앙 초센세 정초이 맛도리 코드를 만드는 윤예지 바지벗고 코딩하는 도른자 김승찬 우짬요? 허거덩 ! 야무지게 먹어야지 ! 연남의 거리가
iOS Blogging app with renewable subscriptions powered by RevenueCat; Written in Swift
Subscription Blogging App: Thoughts for iOS 1. Overview A modern blogging iOS app written in Swift with subscription paywalls powered by RevenueCat. T
Example usage of FingerprintJS Pro inside a iOS WebView.
FingerprintJS Pro iOS Integrations An example app and packages demonstrating FingerprintJS Pro capabilities on the iOS platform. The repository illust
두리번들 아요 실험실
DooRi-iOSLabs 두리번들 아요 실험실 Rules 1. 공용 레포에는 다음과 같은 코드들을 공유하도록 한다. 실제 작업전 샘플 코드 ex. 온보딩 뷰1 샘플, 메인 뷰 샘플, 여행 추가 뷰2 샘플 등 챌린지 요소 구현 코드 ex. 캘린더, 커스텀탭바, 바텀시
Simple news iOS app with SwiftUI
NewsUI Simple news iOS app with SwiftUI 🗞️ which uses NewsAPI to fetch top news headlines The codebase uses following modern keys: SwiftUI Async/Awai
Implementing and testing In-App Purchases with StoreKit2 in Xcode 13, Swift 5.5 and iOS 15.
StoreHelper Demo Implementing and testing In-App Purchases with StoreKit2 in Xcode 13, Swift 5.5, iOS 15. See also In-App Purchases with Xcode 12 and
An iOS view-controller navigation management. No inherit, using one line code to integrate.
KGNavigationBar Example An iOS view-controller navigation management. No inherit, using one line code to integrate. 一个 iOS 控制器导航管理库. 无需继承, 一行代码即可实现集成。
Modular iOS with Uber needle & tuist example
Dodi Modular iOS with Uber needle & tuist example Setup brew install needle bash (curl -Ls https://install.tuist.io) and run make all Point of concer
Mimicrated views and controls to native Apple appearance.
Mimicrated views and controls to native Apple appearance. If you have any ideas of what elements can be added, let me know. Below you will see previews of all the elements and how to use them.
이것 저것 다 테스트해보는 레포🕊
Test-iOS 이것 저것 스위프트 다 테스트해보고 기록해두는 레포 🕊 number what about ✅ 1 버튼 클릭시 Haptic Vibration ✅ 2 CodeBase NavigationBar ✅ 3 NavigationBar 보이지 않도록 했을 때, Swip
This is a sample app to create a photo selection classifier using CreateML on an iOS Device.
PhotoSelectionClassifier This is a sample app to create a photo selection classifier using CreateML on an iOS Device. Demo In the demo video below, we
👷♀️ login tutorial using Kakao iOS SDK
KakaoLoginTutorial-iOS 👷♀️ login tutorial using Kakao iOS SDK 목차 디자인 가이드 설정단계 애플리케이션 등록 CocoaPods 통해 모듈 설치 Info.plist 설정 초기화 시작하기 전 카카오톡으로 로그인 기본 웹
Custom Beautiful UIView For Handling IDs in iOS
IDView Custom Beautiful UIView For Handling IDs in iOS Setup Set the placeholder images for the front and back faces. override func viewDidLoad()
🏁 make QRcode and QRcode Reader Tutorial
QRCodeReaderTutorial-iOS 🏁 make QRcode and QRcode Reader Tutorial QR코드와 리더기를 만드는 오픈 라이브러리가 있지만 자체 라이브러리를 활용해서 만들어보기로 했다. 목차 QR코드 만들기 QR코드 Reader 만들기
Desk360 Mobile Chat SDK for iOS
Desk360 Chat iOS SDK Desk360 Chat SDK provides simplicity and usability in one place. With this feature, you can provide live support to your customer
A weather app made using swiftUI and lottie animations
Paolinsky Weather app Weather app made using swiftUI, Lottie animations and the openweather api (https://openweathermap.org/api/one-call-api) Setup Ge
Are you bored? This app helps find you something to do via Bored api
Bored Swift Are you bored? This app helps find you something to do via Bored api Features Beautiful widgets 📅 Simple and easy ✅ Open source 📱 Previe
PlayCover is a project that allows you to sideload iOS apps on macOS( currently arm, Intel support will be tested.
PlayCover is a project that allows you to sideload iOS apps on macOS( currently arm, Intel support will be tested.
An iOS app for Roam Research
Roam Research App An iOS app for Roam Research, including a "Share to Roam" extension. This app wraps the Roam Research website in a webview, allowing
Infini-iOS - an InfiniTime Companion App for iOS
Infini-iOS - an InfiniTime Companion App for iOS This is a proof-of-concept, barely-functional iOS application to interact with your PineTime running
PlayCover is a project that allows you to sideload iOS apps on macOS( currently arm, Intel support will be tested.
PlayCover Run iOS apps & games on M1 Mac with mouse, keyboard and controller support. Intel macs support will be implemented later. Installation Just
Redux abstractions for BetterMe projects and iOS community
ReduxCore Redux abstractions on Swift for BetterMe projects and iOS community Installation CocoaPods You can install ReduxCore via CocoaPods by adding
SDK для интеграции плеера IVI в сторонние ios-приложения
IVIExternPlayerSDK SDK позволяет интегрировать плеер IVI в сторонние приложения. Требования iOS 12.0 и выше В Info.plist приложения должен быть выстав
Mobile Text-to-Image search powered by multimodal semantic representation models(e.g., OpenAI's CLIP)
A Mobile Text-to-Image Search Powered by AI A minimal demo demonstrating semantic multimodal text-to-image search using pretrained vision-language mod
Lightweight framework for Unsplash in Swift
Lightweight framework for Unsplash in Swift
🔍BarcodeScanner – simple & easy application that helps you to scan both EAN8 and EAN13 barcodes.
🔍 Simple & easy application that helps you to scan both EAN8 and EAN13 barcodes.
Модуль с полезными утилитами для iOS проектов и SwiftUI
GXUtilz Модуль с утилитами для iOS проектов. 🔷 Требования ✅ Xcode 11.0 ✅ Swift 5+ ✅ iOS 13 (некоторые вещи с iOS 14)+ 🔷 Установка GXUtilz доступен ч
iOS implementation of OmniEdge VPN
Overview This repository contains the open source OmniEdge Evalution Version iOS Client code. No
A simple iOS app with one default and four custom transitions.
A simple iOS app with one default and four custom transitions. The app uses the same two view controllers for every transition.
Example of how to embed a Lit web component into native platforms.
Lit Native Reuse lit web components on native platforms. Online Demo Supported Platforms iOS MacOS Android Web Getting Started npm run install npm run
Native Jellyfin Client for iOS and tvOS
Swiftfin Swiftfin is a modern client for the Jellyfin media server. Redesigned in Swift to maximize direct play with the power of VLC and look native
An assignment for ios Dev intern position
iOS Assignment An assignment for ios Dev intern position Design Process A UI design for the project is made in FIGMA. Link here Figma Sneek Peek Descr
SwiftUI animated image view that works on iOS and layout just as SwiftUI.Image
SwiftUI.AnimatedImage SwiftUI animated image view that works on iOS and layout just as SwiftUI.Image Screen.Recording.2021-07-31.at.02.18.33.mov Insta
Decrypt application encrypted binaries on macOS when SIP-enabled.
appdecrypt is a tool to make decrypt application encrypted binaries on macOS when SIP-enabled
Make your notification banners smaller and add some color to them
Liddell Liddell notification banners Installation Add this repository to your Package Manager: https://repo.litten.love Install Liddell Compiling Depe
Redesigned video player controls for iOS
Atlas Minimal stock video player replacement demo video Compiling Clone the repo, and make sure you have cephei and all that then just make clean pack
Unofficial iOS/macOS SDK for the Notion API.
NotionClient: a Notion SDK for iOS & macOS Unofficial Notion API SDK for iOS & macOS. This is an alpha version and still work in progress. TODO Featur
Taiwan Social Distancing App - iOS
social-distancing-ios 臺灣社交距離 App 由衛生福利部疾病管制署與台灣人工智慧實驗室共同研發,提供臺灣地區用戶接收 COVID-19 接觸通知,並提醒收到接觸通知的用戶連繫當地衛生局,以減少傳染風險。 ● 保障個人隱私 利用手機藍牙功能來估計社交互動,資料以匿名方式儲存在個人
Turbo-iOS base project that's entirely driven from your backend Rails app.
Turbo-iOS base project that's entirely driven from your backend Rails app.
Backports the new @Invalidating property wrapper to older platforms
ViewInvalidating A property wrapper that backports the new @Invalidating property wrapper to older versions of iOS/tvOS/macOS. For more information on
App iOS correspondiente al proyecto twitimer.com de la comunidad MoureDev
⏳ Twitimer iOS Twitimer es una App gratuita para iOS y Android que se ha desarrollado para ayudar a usuarios de Twitch, pero sobre todo pensando en ge
Blobmorphism is a brand new design language I've created to break free of the material overload in iOS, built in SwiftUI. Everything feels smooth and fluid.
Blobmorphism is a brand new design language I've created to break free of the material overload in iOS, built in SwiftUI. Everything feels smooth and fluid.
Control Nvidia jetbot which is based on Jetson Nano via iOS app
jetbot-remote-control This is very basic example project which control Nvidia Jetbot remotely via iOS app Based on jetbot of Nvidia, adding sample sou
A mirror of Apple's sample code for high performance collection views in iOS 15.
Building High-Performance Lists and Collection Views Improve the performance of lists and collections in your app with prefetching and image preparati
eRezept App
eRezept App Introduction Prescriptions for medicines that are only available in pharmacies can be issued as electronic prescriptions (e-prescriptions
An iOS application that helps the user to track his/her investments and maintain portfolios.
CryptoX Technology has changed the way people work, communicate, shop, pay and collaborate. One such transformation was the origin of cryptocurrency.
Om👀iOS - 오늘은 무슨 iOS?!
오무렌 Omoolen, 콘택트 렌즈 사용자를 위한 맞춤 렌즈 추천 및 오프라인 픽업 예약 서비스 SOPT 28th APPJAM 프로젝트 기간: 2021.06.26 ~ 2021.07.17 소개 팀원 소개 김소연 김현규 임경진 Development Environment a
Show the confetti only when the user is having fun, and if not having fun, don't show it.
SPConfetti - A simple solution to show the confetti to the user. Smoothly starts and stops. Allow set multiply diffrent particles at once. You can chang
Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI)
Memorize Game 🎮 Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI) About the game You need to turn over the cards on
🛠 A flexible and easy template created to speed up the development of your iOS application based on the MVP pattern.
Model-View-Presenter template A flexible and easy template created to speed up the development of your iOS application based on the MVP pattern. This
🌹 내가 죽어도 못 끊는 세 가지가 뭔 지 알아?... 니코틴..알코올... 그리고 쟈니 🌹
쟈니 잃어버린 당신의 일상을 깨워줄 행복 메이트, 쟈니(Journey) 개발 기간: 2021.06.27 ~ Contributors 초주앙 초센세 정초이 맛도리 코드를 만드는 윤예지 바지벗고 코딩하는 도른자 김승찬 우짬요? 허거덩 ! 야무지게 먹어야지 ! 연남의 거리가
아요는 오늘도 분리수거 중 ... ♻️
B-umiOS 살아가며 필연적으로 마주치는 크고 작은 스트레스들... 🙄 💨 완벽한 해결이 아니더라도 한 스푼 덜어드리겠습니다. 당신을 괴롭히는 스트레스, 휴지통에 버려버리세요! 내 손 안의 스트레스 휴지통, '비움' 서비스 소개 라이브러리 라이브러리(Library
👀 자 떠나봅시다... 마지막 Conflict 여행... 🌴 🛫 🚀 🧐 🥸 🙁 😩 🤬 🤯 💀 ☠️ 🔥 💥
작은 움직임이 만드는 우리다운 여행, DOORIBON 👀 🚀 두리번 코인 탑승, 아요는 도약중 👀 28th BE SOPT APPJAM - Team DooRiBon 프로젝트 기간: 2021.06.26 ~ 2021.07.17 DooRiBon iOS Developers
간다. 아요. 잡으러. 🧡
나의 매일을 다채롭게, 관심사 기반 캐릭터 관리 🌈 CATCH ME 📕 Coding Convention Catch Me Coding Convention → 📗 Git branch Catch Me Git branch → 📘 Foldering CatchMe-iOS
웤ㅋ프🐶 웤프워프!!🐶 을를렁 멍! 워프우프우프! 🦮 🐶
WorkFlow Contributer 이정엽 도연서 김윤서 홈 로그인, 회원가입 캘린더, 무지개 Team Convention Team Convention Coding Convention Coding Convention Feature 정엽 TabBar 뷰컨트롤러 연결 선
🚙 차로와 함께 떠나는 여행 같이 가보자구~ 🚙
차로 Charo 차에서의 오늘이 최고가 될 수 있게, 당신의 드라이브 메이트 차로 경험 기반 드라이브 코스 공유 플랫폼 SOPT 28th APP JAM 프로젝트 기간 : 2021.06.27 ~ 2021.07.17 Charo iOS Contributors 🍎 장혜령 ?
씨워터삼준실버영의 사과를 키-핀🍎
Keepin-iOS 씨워터삼준실버영의 사과를 키-핀 🍎 선물의 두근거림을 오래도록 Keepin Keepin, Keepin mind, Keepin touch 💝 선물 아카이빙 서비스 Developer ThreeJoon(최이준) SilverYoung(이은영) Seawa
A Full News App based on the latest SwiftUI 3/iOS 15 API that fetches latest news from newsapi.org
SwiftUI NewsAPI App A Full News App based on the latest SwiftUI 3/iOS 15 that fetches latest news from newsapi.org. Features The app has several main
TelegramStickersImport — Telegram stickers importing SDK for iOS
TelegramStickersImport — Telegram stickers importing SDK for iOS TelegramStickersImport helps your users import third-party programaticaly created sti
Deck is a library that provides a UI to reproduce stacked cards for SwiftUI.
Deck Deck is a library that provides a UI to reproduce stacked cards for SwiftUI. RPReplay_Final1624531727.mov Usage struct Card: View { var data
Inspect the iOS 15 App Activity Data directly on device.
AppActivityViewer About AppActivityViewer helps to inspect the iOS 15 App Activity Data easily on device. Choose App Activity at share sheet after cli
Ready to go biometric verification for the internet.
Perse SDK Lite iOS From CyberLabs.AI. Ready to go biometric verification for the internet. The Perse CocoaPods SDK Lite: Top notch facial detection mo
Backport of SwiftUI.AsyncImage to iOS 14, macOS 11, tvOS 14 and watchOS 7 and earlier.
SBPAsyncImage Backport of SwiftUI.AsyncImage to iOS 14, macOS 11, tvOS 14 and watchOS 7 and earlier. AsyncImage is a view that asynchronously loads an
Hammer is a touch, stylus and keyboard synthesis library for emulating user interaction events
Hammer is a touch, stylus and keyboard synthesis library for emulating user interaction events. It enables better ways of triggering UI actions in unit tests, replicating a real world environment as much as possible.
Calculator app created using the SwiftUI framework
Calculator app created using the SwiftUI framework
Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI)
Memorize Game 🎮 Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI) About the game You need to turn over the cards on
iOS Network monitor/interceptor framework written in Swift
NetShears NetShears is a Network interceptor framework written in Swift. NetShears adds a Request interceptor mechanisms to be able to modify the HTTP
Tutorial GraphQL + Node Express + MySQL, and sample for Android / iOS client
GraphQL-tutorial Tutorial for GraphQL + Node Express + MySQL, and sample for Android / iOS client Blog NeoRoman's GraphQL-tutorial (Korean) Materials
An animated trophy banner that looks like Xbox achievement 🏆
TrophyKit An animated trophy banner that looks like Xbox achievement. Demo demo.mov Usage Requirements iOS 14.0+ tvOS 14.0+ Swift 5.3+ Installation Tr
A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style and newer - built with UIKit. 🍞
Toast-Swift A Swift Toast view - iOS 14 style - built with UIKit. 🍞 Installation Swift Package Manager You can use The Swift Package Manager to insta
Hỗ trợ làm màn hình thanh toán trên ứng dụng iOS/ iPad OS.
Hỗ trợ làm màn hình thanh toán trên ứng dụng iOS/ iPad OS. Rate star nếu bạn thấy tốt, hoặc báo cáo cho tôi qua Issues
A collaborative Augmented Reality iOS experience using Real-time Messaging
Collaborative AR Experience This project creates an augmented reality experience where you can build a scene together with anyone around the world, se
Repository for App IOS Reddit Top 50
iOS Reddit Top50 Repository for App IOS Reddit Top 50 App shows a list for the Top 50 posts in [Reddit] - www.reddit.com/top Requirements iOS 14.0+ Xc
ConfettiKit is a custom framework used to add Confetti on your iOS/iPadOS projects.
ConfettiKit is a custom framework used to add Confetti on your iOS/iPadOS projects. The kit provides variety of customisations inorder to design a confetti which matches your project's UI. ConfettiKit makes your work of adding Confetti on your project with just one line of code.
Combine SnapshotTesting images into a single asset
An extension to SnapshotTesting which allows you to create images combining the output of multiple snapshot strategies, assuming they all output to UIImage.
Monitor and terminate/throttle CPU hogging processes in iOS
Vedette Monitor and terminate/throttle CPU hogging processes in iOS Vedette is a CPU usage monitoring tweak for processes in iOS like apps and daemons
Demo of using Metal to render EDR / HDR content on iOS platform
MetalEDR-iOS Demo of using Metal to render EDR/HDR content on iOS platform. How it works This demo uses a hack to activate EDR display on iOS platform
Dedicated settings app for accessing tweaks preference bundles.
Tweak Settings A dedicated settings app for tweak preferences Author Dana Buehre (CreatureSurvive) cs@creaturecoding.com © Dana Buehre (CreatureSurviv
Avatar provider for iOS tweak Contacy.
ContacyAvatarProvider Usage copy iphone_Contacy_avatar_provider.nic.tar to $THEOS/templates/ios/iphone/ $THEOS/bin/nic.pl and choose Contacy_avatar_pr
SwiftLint Plugin for Xcode.
SwiftLint Xcode Plugin Demo Usage Set SwiftLint Path default: Default path is /usr/local/bin/swiftlint relative: Relative path with the current projec
Clutch is a high-speed iOS decryption tool.
Clutch is a high-speed iOS decryption tool. Clutch supports the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad as well as all iOS version, architecture types, and most binaries. Clutch is meant only for educational purposes and security research.
iOS 13-14 battery themer
Vivy A free and open source battery themer that's actually good! After the disaster that was my previous battery themer (Juiceless) I decided to make
Animated sharingan loader for iOS projects.
Animated sharingan loader for iOS projects. This is a fun project created using SwiftUI with love for the Uchiha clan. More types of eyes to come with tons of customizations...
EZY, 계획하는 방식을 새롭게 정의하다.
🏄🏻♂️ EZY는 자신만의 라이프스타일 역사를 쓰고 있습니다. EZY is writing its own lifestyle history. 원활한 iOS 개발을 위해 지켜야 할 협업 규칙 👩🏻💻 1. 커밋 메세지 규칙 🧑🏻💻 - [CREATE] : 기
A Swift Package that allows iOS apps to communicate with AltServer.
AltKit allows apps to communicate with AltServers on the same WiFi network and enable features such as JIT compilation.
A collection of additional geometries ready for use in RealityKit 2
RealityGeometries By default, the only shapes available in RealityKit are a Sphere, Cuboid and Plane (with 4 vertices). Until iOS 15 the only clean wa
iOS command-line tool that allows searching and downloading ipa files from the iOS App Store
ipatool for iOS This is a port of Majd Alfhaily's ipatool adapted to run on iOS Build / Installation To build this, make sure you have AppSync install
NewsAPISwift is a Swift client for News API V2, a service that provides breaking news headlines, and search for articles from over 30,000 news sources and blogs.
NewsAPISwift NewsAPISwift is a Swift client for News API V2, a service that provides breaking news headlines, and search for articles from over 30,000
📰 iOS news app in the style of the NYT, WSJ, CNN, BBC, FB, Twitter, Reddit & more - Includes a tvOS app :tv:
News iOS news app in the style of Apollo, Apple News, Axios, BBC, CNN, Facebook, Facebook News, FastNews, Flipboard, Lil News, NBC News, Reddit, The N
Daily News is a news app with good looking user interface ! Apps architecture is MVVM and used RxSwift for binding.
Daily News Hey ! Daily News is a news app with good looking user interface ! Apps architecture is MVVM and used RxSwift for binding. Architecture I pr
iOS client for newsapi.org
DailyFeed iOS client for NewsAPI.org. Now access latest 🗞 from Best News Agencies and 📰 from around the 🌎 👉 at your fingertips 🎉 . Features Daily
Small iOS app to show some COVID-19 health, data, news and tweets ⚡
covid19.swift Small iOS app to show some COVID-19 health, data, news and tweets ⚡ Requirements Xcode 12, iOS 14 Credits API: COVID-19 API: News Tweets
A fully customizable library to easily display Animated Toast Messages in iOS using Swift!
CustomToastView-swift A fully customizable library to easily display Animated Toast Messages in iOS using Swift! Preview - All the custom toasts you c
Declaretive UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout interface to implement complex collection view layout.
CompositionalLayoutViewController Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requiremen
Declarative form validator for SwiftUI.
SwiftUIFormValidator The world's easiest, most clean SwiftUI form validation. SwiftUIFormValidator A declarative SwiftUI form validation. Clean, simpl
🦋후릐의 iOS 이것저것 공부해보는 레포🦋
🦋 iOS Practice Repo 🦋 🤔 정신차려 후릐야.. "도약".. 해야지? ✨ ✨ ✨ iOS 개발을 공부한 걸 기록합니다. 날짜 공부한 내용 프로젝트 내용 정리 6월 16일 Expandable TableView 👩🚀 🗳 6월 25일 FSCalend