3909 Repositories
Swift ios-ui Libraries
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera
ImagePicker - selecting images from the photo albums, with allowed permissions /on real device accesing the camera, permission also needed/after picking an image it has the possibility to rename it
AnimeSearch - A simple app that shows how to use Anilist GraphQL based API with Apollo
AnimeSearch A simple app that shows how to use Anilist GraphQL based API with Ap
AllAboutTheWord - A single screen iOS app developed using swiftUI
All-About-The-Word Introduction This is a single screen iOS app developed using
The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS
Outline Client The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. The Outline Client is design
Passepartout is a non-official, user-friendly OpenVPN® client for iOS and macOS.
Passepartout Passepartout is a non-official, user-friendly OpenVPN® client for iOS and macOS. Overview All profiles in one place Passepartout lets you
PGPro can encrypt and decrypt messages as well as manage all your OpenPGP keys. It is free, simple and lightweight. Everything stays on your device. PGPro is made in Switzerland.
PGPro can encrypt and decrypt messages as well as manage all your OpenPGP keys. It is free, simple and lightweight. Everything stays on your device. P
An easy-to-use, open-source two-factor authentication app designed specifically for iOS.
Tofu An easy-to-use, open-source two-factor authentication app designed specifically for iOS. Tofu generates one-time passwords to help you protect yo
WireGuard for iOS and macOS
WireGuard for iOS and macOS This project contains an application for iOS and for macOS, as well as many components shared between the two of them. You
Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS
Authenticator Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS. Authenticator is a simple, free, and open source two-factor authentication app. It helps keep
The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms.
Bitwarden Mobile Application The Bitwarden mobile application is written in C# with Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin Forms. Build/Run Require
FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols
FreeOTP FreeOTP is a two-factor authentication application for systems utilizing one-time password protocols. Tokens can be added easily by scanning a
KeePassium is a KeePass-compatible password manager for iOS
KeePassium is a KeePass-compatible password manager for iOS. It offers automatic database synchronization, respect to privacy and premium user experience.
Oak is an iOS app built with SwiftUI for managing your 2FA codes
🔒 📱 OakOTP OakOTP is an iOS app built with SwiftUI for managing your 2FA codes. Supports iPhone & iPad Supports scanning a QR code or entering crede
Pass for iOS - an iOS client compatible with Pass command line application.
Pass is an iOS client compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application. It is a password manager using GPG for encryption and Git for version control.
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS Built by Tijme Gommers – Buy me a coffee via P
A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
Strongbox A Personal Password Manager for iOS & OSX that can be found on the Apple App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/app/strongbox-password-safe/
🛍 Create shopping lists with emojis!
Mojilist 🛍 Create shopping lists with emojis! About Read more about this project at my blog post. License Copyright 2018 (c) Thiago Ricieri Licensed
👋 A place for Jeep owners to buy and sell Jeep parts. O|||||||O
Features Look for Jeep parts anywhere in the world. 🌎 Sign up for an account to post your own jeep parts. 👪 Favorites parts to save them for later.
A Jetpack-powered companion app for WooCommerce.
for iOS A Jetpack-powered companion app for WooCommerce. Build Instructions • Documentation • Contributing • Automation • Security • Need Help? • Reso
Ello's open source iOS app
Ello iOS App Open source, but not open API Our API requires an application key and secret, which are currently being kept private. You can browse the
11t is an iOS and Android app for connecting to Mastodon, written in Flutter.
README 11t is an iOS and Android app for connecting to Mastodon, written in Flutter. I connect to Mastodon on mastodon.social, but everyone can start
Metatext A free, open-source iOS Mastodon client.
Metatext A free, open-source iOS Mastodon client. Contributing Bug Reports GitHub is used for bug tracking. Please search existing issues and create a
A multi-user Mastodon client for iOS.
Tootbot A multi-user Mastodon client for iOS. Getting Started Tootbot must be built with Xcode 8.3 or later. The xcode-install gem can help with multi
Tinylog is a minimal TODO App for iOS (iPhone/iPad).
Tinylog-iOS Tinylog is a minimal TODO App for iOS (iPhone/iPad). Download on the App Store Setup $ git clone https://github.com/sger/Tinylog-iOS $ cd
Todo is an iOS App written in Swift. This app is used for an online video training course. This app demonstrates how to use UITableViewController.
Todo Todo is an iOS App written in Swift. This app is used for an online video training course. This app demonstrates how to use UITableViewController
RichTexture is a rich text editor for iOS.
RichTexture About RichTexture is a rich text editor for iOS. Running Open RichTexture.xcworkspace, change the bundle identifier to an identifier linke
Sentiments is an iOS app written in Swift that analyzes text for positive or negative sentiment
Sentiments Sentiments is an iOS app written in Swift that analyzes text for positive or negative sentiment. Positive sentiment is highlighted in green
TypeStyle is a handy app for iPhone and iPad that generates text using different styles and decorations. It is a native Swift iOS app.
TypeStyle TypeStyle is a handy app for iPhone and iPad that generates text using different styles and decorations. It is a native Swift iOS app. Featu
FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS.
FSNotes FSNotes is modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. macOS app Key features Markdown-first. Also supports any plaintext and RTF files. Fast and
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/
Joplin® is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are sea
Jotify is an iOS app used for lightning fast note-taking and reminders, all written in swift.
Jotify About Jotify is an iOS app used for lightning fast note-taking and reminders, all written in swift. It uses several of Apple's newest framework
The fastest iOS app to add a note to your email inbox
Major Key How often are you on the run, or hanging out with friends, only to suddenly think of this really important thing you need to do when you're
Klik - A simple iOS app that helps you with counting things
Klik - A simple iOS app that helps you with counting things
AREarthObservatory - A minimal iOS AR app that visualizes time-series changes in the global environment based on data from NASA satellites
A minimal iOS AR app that visualizes time-series changes in the global environment based on data from NASA satellites
CarbonGraph - A Swift dependency injection / lookup framework for iOS
CarbonGraph is a Swift dependency injection / lookup framework for iOS. You can
AuthenticationOverlay - A swift package for iOS and iPadOS which provides biometric authentication capablity along with a layer of obscurity
AuthenticationOverlay AuthenticationOverlay provides a lock screen along with Bi
Quickstart-ios-swift-grpc - Quickstart for integrating Approov with iOS apps in Swift that make API requests you wish to protect using GRPC
Approov Quickstart: iOS Swift GRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) This quickstar
Chat-App - GV Chat App is an iOS app built with Swift
GV Chat App - iOS Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature About The Proj
Codepath-intro-prework - Hello World iOS App | Prework Project for CodePath Intro to Mobile App Development
Hello World iOS App App Description Prework Project for CodePath Intro to Mobile
ARInRoomISS - A minimal iOS AR app that displays the International Space Station (ISS) in the room
A minimal iOS AR app to display the International Space Station (ISS) in the room.
CleanArchitecture - Helping project to learn Clean Architecture using iOS (Swift)
Clean Architecture Helping project to learn Clean Architecture using iOS (Swift)
An iOS app that lets user quickly jot down thoughts with Markdown support
Thoughtless An iOS app that lets user quickly jot down thoughts with Markdown support. Description Perhaps you are often in a situation where you want
Third Prize for Uber Hackathon China 2016. Source code for iOS client of UberGuide Project.
Smart Traveller Intro It's the project we did for Uber Hackathon China 2016. This is the repo for iOS client. Using swift and Objective-C. The project
This framework contains SBB (Swiss Federal Railways) UI elements for iOS SwiftUI Apps
Framework: Design System Mobile for iOS & SwiftUI This framework contains SBB (Swiss Federal Railways) UI elements for iOS SwiftUI Apps. It allows an
ARVideoPortal - A Minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space
AR Video Portal A minimal iOS AR app to display 360 / video in sphere space. Xco
Ios jetpack - A codabase for iOS projects foundations
iOSJetpack A codabase for iOS projects foundations Neworking Data Reusable Proto
Scrumdinger-ios - Built as a part of iOS app dev tutorials from app-dev-training
Scrumdinger This repository contains the code written during my course of taking
iOS app - YelpGraphQL. Created using SwiftUI
iOS-YelpGraphQL iOS app - YelpGraphQL. Created using SwiftUI. Using Yelp GraphQL
MyFirstIOSApp - Coding my first IOS app. Following Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for IOS using SwiftUI)
MyFirstIOSApp 📱 👨💻 Coding my first IOS app 📖 Following Stanford University'
Gyros-identifier - An iOS app capable of detecting whether a photo contains a gyros or not
gyros-identifier 🍽️ In case you enter a shady restaurant, with suspicious price
Mobile-ios-ml - SBB Mobile Machine Learning for iOS devices
ESTA library: Machine Learning for iOS This framework simplifies the integration
Swift-cuckoo-collections - Cross-platform Swift dictionaries & sets that use a cuckoo hashing algorithm
CuckooCollections A Swift package for open-addressed sets and dictionaries that
Nextflix - Integrating project of the IOS development course by Digital House
nextflix Projeto integrador do curso de desenvolvimento IOS pela Digital House A
Virtual-Tourist-app - The Virtual Tourist app downloads and stores images from Flickr it also allows users to drop pins on a map, as if they were stops on a tour
Virtual-Tourist-app The Virtual Tourist app downloads and stores images from Fli
DGLoading - A loading view that is shown at center of the current view
DGLoading A loading view that is shown at center of the current view. Requiremen
TestSchedulerDemo - Demonstration code for iOS Unit Tests and Asynchronous
TestSchedulerDemo This repository contains demonstration code for my Medium arti
SharePlay-TextEditor - An iOS & iPadOS application, by which people can write/edit texts and change font-styles/background color over FaceTime call
SharePlay-TextEditor An iOS & iPadOS application, by which people can write/edit
MetaWear-Swift-Combine-SDK - Build iOS and macOS apps controlling MetaWear Bluetooth Low Energy wearables without C++ or CoreBluetooth expertise
MetaWear Swift Combine SDK Beta Control our wearable sensors on iOS and macOS de
SpaceGallery - An iOS Application written in Swift. This app has a photo gallery with images retrieved from NASA API. Filtering option is available
SpaceGallery An iOS Application written in Swift. This app has a photo gallery w
Goal: Create an iOS app with two views, MainViewController and DetailViewController
Goal: Create an iOS app with two views, MainViewController and DetailViewController
Hitting only the bad PinGUYS! Simple SpriteKit game
Whack-a-Penguin Hitting only the bad PinGUYS! Simple SpriteKit game. You have to
Codepath-prework - T-Calc - A tip calculator application for iOS
Pre-work - T-Calc T-Calc is a tip calculator application for iOS. Submitted by:
IOS-Swift-Notes-EssentialDeveloper-Mentoring - Live Mentoring Essential Developer about Composition Root
iOS-Swift-Notes-EsentialDeveloper-Mentoring Problem How to manage massive compos
Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly
Sol° for iOS Sol° beautifully displays weather information so you can plan your day accordingly. Check the weather in your current location or any cit
Swift Language Weather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift
Swift Language Weather SwiftWeather has renamed to Swift Language Weather. Because this repo is ranked number one in Google when we search "Swift Weat
Weather and forecasts for humans. Information you can act on.
Tropos Weather and forecasts for humans. Information you can act on. Most weather apps throw a lot of information at you but that doesn't answer the q
AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
AltStore AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices. AltStore is an iOS application that allows you to sideload other apps (.
An alternative Tumblr client for iOS
BlogQuest An alternative Tumblr client for iOS. First prize winner, 2014 Tumblr Hack Day. Kinda like Facebook Paper but for Tumblr. We meant to finish
Sample iOS App - A collection of examples and patterns for Unit Testing, UI Testing, handling Result/Optionals, writing documentation
Sample iOS App - A collection of examples and patterns for Unit Testing, UI Testing, handling Result/Optionals, writing documentation, and more
iOS Open Source Application written in Swift. App to manage borrowed books at UFRGS using SABI.
RenovaLivrosUFRGS iOS Open Source Application written in Swift. App to manage borrowed books at UFRGS using SABI. App in portuguese, code and comments
This app has always been open source! It began with the Big Brain Hackathon and now during Hacktoberfest
Brain Marks This app has always been open source! It began with the Big Brain Hackathon and now during Hacktoberfest. It is available for free on the
Clip is a simple clipboard manager for iOS
Clip Clip is a clipboard manager for iOS that can monitor your clipboard indefinitely in the background — no jailbreak required. Clip is a simple clip
An iOS AR app that allows you to walk in the International Space Station
AR Inside International Space Station (ISS) An iOS AR app that allows you to walk in the International Space Station. Xcode 13.2.1 Target: iOS / iPadO
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst)
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst) Adaptation of the sample provided by Apple Creating Custom Audio Effects. Ever
PhotoRow - Simple image row based on Eureka for iOS
PhotoRow Simple image row based on Eureka for iOS. Since source type photoLibrar
ARSpaceStation - A minimal AR iOS App that shows the International Space Station (ISS) in real scale
AR Space Station This is a minimal AR iOS app that shows the International Space
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples - Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development Bootcamp
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development
Approov-service-ios-swift-grpc - Approov service layer for iOS clients using GRPC
Approov Service for GRPC A wrapper for the Approov SDK to enable easy integratio
Simple IOS notes app written programmatically without storyboard using UIKit and CoreData
Notes Simple Notes app. Swift, UIKit, CoreData Description Simple IOS notes app
Zilla connect is an easy, fast and secure way for your users to buy now and pay later from your app
Zilla Checkout iOS SDK Zilla connect is an easy, fast and secure way for your us
UIKitTest - Xcode, UIKit and Swift playground
UIKit Test Just a Xcode, UIKit and Swift playground (try and learning purposes).
RadarKit - The Radar Kit allowing you to locate places, trip neary by you Or it will help you to search out the people around you with the few lines of code
RadarKit Preview Discover the world 🌎 around you..!!! The Radar Kit allowing yo
iOS app for Emoncms
Emoncms for iOS Emoncms for iOS is an app that allows you to connect to an Emoncms instance. This can either be through the official emoncms.org, thro
FMobile Série 3 est désormais open source !
FMobile for iOS FMobile Series 1, 2 and 3 are now open source. FMobile Series 1/2/3 are no longer supported, if you are interested in this app to be u
xFonts is an app that lets you install custom fonts on iOS and iPadOS.
xFonts xFonts is an app that lets you install custom fonts on iOS and iPadOS. Grab fonts from your iCloud Drive or Dropbox and add them to your collec
hackfoldr client for iOS
hackfoldr-iOS This is a simple iOS client for hackfoldr Why? Hackfoldr on mobile is simply not good enough on iOS. Use CocoaPods developer CocoaPods i
iOS app for your pasteboard feed
iCopyPasta iOS app for your pasteboard feed, demo app for experimenting with RxSwift. You can read the story about it on All The Flow blog. ##Install
Open Source Project of LOST Locations iOS app.
LOST Location Description: LOST Location is a fan made app designed for people visiting Honolulu, Hawaii. This app lists different locations used to s
This is the public repository of the MADBike app for iOS. Public bike rental service for BiciMAD.
MADBike Requirements iOS 10.3+ Xcode 10.3+ Swift 4+ Installation Copy BiciMAD/Supporting Files/GoogleService-Info-Sample.plist to BiciMAD/Supporting F
GridExample - SwiftUI example working with grids
Working with SwiftUI grids LazyVGrid does not have a column span feature. This t
Google-Blogger-iOS-App - Using Google Blogger API to build an iOS app like Medium
Google Blogger iOS App Using Google Blogger API to build an iOS app like Medium!
Green-grass-ios - GitHub Gardener? Start with Green Grass
Green Grass 🌿 Introduction GitHub Gardener? Start with Green Grass! This app ma
OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference.
OONI Probe iOS OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference. Click here
An iOS App to generate phonetic keys for your Chinese contacts. Written in Swift.
An iOS App to add phonetic keys with Pinyin for Chinese(SC & TC) names. Your Contacts will be sorted by alphabet automatically even under English System.
Reading List is an iOS app for iPhone and iPad which helps users track and catalog the books they read
Reading List Reading List is an iOS app for iPhone and iPad which helps users track and catalog the books they read. Reading List v2 As of version 2.0
A remote for your IR devices for iOS and Mac!
Command your TV, Apple TV or Receiver with your Mac/iOS device through iTach. Screenshots On iOS: On Mac (notification center): How to use Buy a iTach
Open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality.
Welcome to the Say Their Names project. Our aim is to build an open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality at the hands of law enforcement. We strive to identify and amplify verified organizations to ensure donations are reaching those who can make the most impact with it.
Slidden is an open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard, written in Swift
Slidden is an open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard, written in Swift. iOS 8 brought us the ability to create fully customizable keyboards, but do
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
A simple Last.fm client for iOS
vinylogue for Last.fm Vinylogue is a simple Last.fm client for iOS that shows you and your friends' charts from previous years. App Store (it's free).