27 Repositories
Swift monarch-router Libraries
A simple, powerful and elegant implementation of the coordinator template in Swift for UIKit
A simple, powerful and elegant implementation of the coordinator template in Swift for UIKit Installation Swift Package Manager https://github.com/bar
A bidirectional router with more type safety and less fuss.
swift-url-routing A bidirectional URL router with more type safety and less fuss. This library is built with Parsing. Motivation Getting started Docum
A bidirectional Vapor router with more type safety and less fuss.
vapor-routing A routing library for Vapor with a focus on type safety, composition, and URL generation. Motivation Getting started Documentation Licen
GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies.
GitHubSearch GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies. The app allows for searching for repositories using GitHub API. 🔜 In the next r
Helm - A graph-based SwiftUI router
Helm is a declarative, graph-based routing library for SwiftUI. It fully describ
Xcode Template for generating VIPER-B modules: View, Interactor, Presenter, Router and Builder.
VIPER-Xcode-Template Xcode Template for generating VIPER-B modules: View, Interactor, Presenter, Router and Builder. Installation Clone or download th
基于URLNavigator抽象的URL路由组件 灵感来自Moya 配置化 插件化.
Apis URLNavigator abstract routing component written in Swift, Inspired by Moya. 天朝子民 Features Support for different processing based on plugin mechan
An extremely lean implementation on the classic iOS router pattern.
Beeline is a very small library that aims to provide a lean, automatic implementation of the classic iOS router pattern.
Get your device ip address, router ip or wifi ssid
FGRoute FGRoute is written on C and Objective C (includes Swift support), it helps developers to get rid of dealing with WiFi interfaces. Example To r
decoupling between modules in your iOS Project. iOS模块化过程中模块间解耦方案
DecouplingKit 中文readme Podfile platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'DecouplingKit', '~ 0.0.2' DecouplingKit, decoupling between modules in your iOS Project. D
Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application. Can be used as the universal replacement for the Coordinator pattern.
RouteComposer RouteComposer is the protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigatio
Interface-oriented router for discovering modules, and injecting dependencies with protocol in Objective-C and Swift.
ZIKRouter An interface-oriented router for managing modules and injecting dependencies with protocol. The view router can perform all navigation types
DZURLRoute is an Objective-C implementation that supports standard-based URLs for local page jumps.
DZURLRoute Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements s.dependency 'DZVie
📱📲 Navigate between view controllers with ease. 💫 🔜 More stable version (written in Swift 5) coming soon.
CoreNavigation 📱 📲 Navigate between view controllers with ease. 💫 🔜 More stable version (written in Swift 5) coming soon. Getting Started API Refe
🛣 Simple Navigation for iOS
Router Reason - Get Started - Installation Why Because classic App Navigation introduces tight coupling between ViewControllers. Complex Apps navigati
Marshroute is an iOS Library for making your Routers simple but extremely powerful
Marshroute Contents Overview Detailes Tuning the transition animation 3d touch support PeekAndPopUtility Peek and pop state observing Demo Requirement
URLScheme router than supports auto creation of UIViewControllers for associated url parameters to allow creation of navigation stacks
IKRouter What does it do? Once you have made your UIViewControllers conform to Routable you can register them with the parameters that they represent
Router is a library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions.
Router Router is a library that assists with SwiftUI view transitions. Installation .package(name: "Router", url: "git@github.com:1amageek/Router.git"
Path based routing in SwiftUI
Easy and maintainable app navigation with path based routing for SwiftUI. With SwiftUI Router you can power your SwiftUI app with path based routing.
🛠 A flexible and easy template created to speed up the development of your iOS application based on the MVP pattern.
Model-View-Presenter template A flexible and easy template created to speed up the development of your iOS application based on the MVP pattern. This
An experimental navigation router for SwiftUI
SwiftUIRouter 🔗 An ⚠️ experimental ⚠️ navigation router for SwiftUI Usage 💡 Check out ExampleApp for more. Define your routes: import SwiftUIRouter
A demonstration to the approach of leaving view transition management to a router.
SwiftUI-RouterDemo This is a simplified demonstration to the approach of leaving view transition management to a router.
Easy and maintainable app navigation with path based routing for SwiftUI.
Easy and maintainable app navigation with path based routing for SwiftUI.
SwiftRouter - A URL Router for iOS, written in Swift
SwiftRouter A URL Router for iOS, written in Swift, inspired by HHRouter and JLRoutes. Installation SwiftRouter Version Swift Version Note Before 1.0.
Monarch Router is a Declarative URL- and state-based router written in Swift.
Monarch Router is a declarative routing handler that is capable of managing complex View Controllers hierarchy transitions automatically, decoupling View Controllers from each other via Coordinator and Presenters. It fits right in with Redux style state flow and reactive frameworks.
LiteRoute is easy transition for your app. Written on Swift 4
LiteRoute Description LiteRoute is easy transition between VIPER modules, who implemented on pure Swift. We can transition between your modules very e
Crossroad is an URL router focused on handling Custom URL Scheme
Crossroad is an URL router focused on handling Custom URL Scheme. Using this, you can route multiple URL schemes and fetch arguments and parameters easily.