3909 Repositories
Swift phphub-ios Libraries
Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps.
Chisel Chisel is a collection of LLDB commands to assist in the debugging of iOS apps. [Installation • Commands • Custom Commands • Development Workfl
An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
FLEX FLEX (Flipboard Explorer) is a set of in-app debugging and exploration tools for iOS development. When presented, FLEX shows a toolbar that lives
Set of easy to use debugging tools for iOS developers & QA engineers.
DBDebugToolkit DBDebugToolkit is a debugging library written in Objective-C. It is meant to provide as many easily accessible tools as possible while
Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools
PonyDebugger PonyDebugger is a remote debugging toolset. It is a client library and gateway server combination that uses Chrome Developer Tools on you
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
Netfox provides a quick look on all executed network requests performed by your iOS or OSX app. It grabs all requests - of course yours, requests from
A swift network profiler built on top of URLSession.
By Xmartlabs SRL. Introduction Xniffer is a non-intrusive framework for intercepting outgoing requests and their responses between your app and any ex
Yumemi Co., Ltd. iOS engineer code check task
株式会社ゆめみ iOS エンジニアコードチェック課題 概要 本プロジェクトは株式会社ゆめみ(以下弊社)が、弊社に iOS エンジニアを希望する方に出す課題のベースプロジェクトです。本課題が与えられた方は、下記の概要を詳しく読んだ上で課題を取り組んでください。 アプリ仕様 本アプリは GitHub の
The simplest abstraction to synchronize local data with remote source. For iOS, wirtten in swift.
Purpose The simplest abstraction to synchronize local data with remote source. For iOS, written in swift. Overview Many applications uses remote serve
Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs and datasource adapters.
Buffer Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, collection observation and data source implementation. C++11 port here Installation cd {PROJECT_RO
Simple diff library in pure Swift
Diff Simple diffing library in pure Swift. Installing You can use Carthage or Swift Package Manager to install Diff. Usage Start by importing the pack
Minimal edits from one collection to another
Changeset Changeset – pretty awesome little project — Joel Levin This is an attempt at implementing the solution outlined in Dave DeLong’s article, Ed
Timekeeper is an easy-to-use time measurement library written in Swift, with support for iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS.
Timekeeper is an easy-to-use time measurement library written in Swift, with support for iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS. Installation Timekee
Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App
Description OVIA (Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App) is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities. List of
Native iOS port of KDE Connect
Welcome to KDE Connect iOS 2021's Testing Repository! This project is inteded to be the iOS version of the group of applications called KDE Connect, w
A Simple Toast Library for iOS
PowerplayToastKit Toasts Type Success. Warning Error Info Custom View (Dialog) Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
A fluent Collapsing header view like iOS Contacts detail and Weather App
FluentCollapsingHeaderView A Collapse Header View like iOS Weather App Credits FluentCollapsingHeaderView is owned and maintained by the Seyed Samad G
iOS framework for making Turbo native apps
Turbo Native for iOS Note: The Hotwire frameworks are presented in beta form. We're using them all in production with HEY, but expect that significant
iOS приложение для удобного выбора мероприятий на фестивале комедии Панчлайн.
Панчлайн iOS приложение для удобного выбора мероприятий на фестивале комедии Панчлайн. Скриншоты Основной функционал Афиша Список мероприятий в выбран
iOS App to display game lists and details with the ability to add games to your favorites list and see metacritic ratings.
Game Data System - GDS Author: Heitor Silveira (heitorsilveirafurb@gmail.com) iOS App to view games from various platforms, their description, release
Teatanic is an iOS application that simulates a tea shop.
teatanic Teatanic is an iOS application that simulates a tea shop. A user is able to search among different tea types and "buy" it. purpose This appli
Restoration tracking & research app for iOS
Tugz Restoration tracking & research app for iOS For Android check out Tea Time Logger Several discussions on the restoration subreddit the idea of a
Customize and resize sheets in SwiftUI with SheeKit. Utilise the power of `UISheetPresentationController` and other UIKit features.
SheeKit Customize and resize sheets in SwiftUI with SheeKit. Utilise the power of UISheetPresentationController and other UIKit features. Overview She
iOS Game Gravitational
Gravitational The app is discontinued, this repository only serves to archive the code. AppStore Description Δ This is you. Have you got both the skil
iOS_Math_Practicing is a math practicing game in iOS.
iOS_Math_Practicing iOS_Math_Practicing is a math practicing game in iOS. Important! You can use the codes to do what ever you want, instead of using
This simple cordova plugin will download picture from an URL and save to IOS Photo Gallery.
Photo Viewer This plugin is intended to download a picture from an URL into IOS Photo library.. How to Install Cordova: cordova plugin add https://git
Frp Client Framework for iOS
Frp Client Framework for iOS README | 中文文档 base on https://github.com/fatedier/frp v0.37.1(the lastest at 2021.10) ios framework,it can run on your ip
Swordinator is a simple way of integrating an iOS Coordinator pattern.
Swordinator is a minimal, lightweight and easy customizable navigation framework for iOS applications. Requirements iOS 14.0+, Swift 5.0+ Installation
Code Swift iOS app showcasing basic movies list from Orange TV API.
iOS Code Test - Optiva Media Code Swift iOS app showcasing basic movies list from Orange TV API. Built using XCode 13.0 (Swift 5) How to run the examp
iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge
iOS Tech Challenge - Take Home Challenge Thank you for your interest in taking the iOS Tech Challenge. Preparation Please, compile the project in Xcod
Demonstrate a way to build your own line chart without using any third-party library
LineChart This code demonstrate a way to build your own line chart without using any third-party library. It contains a simple yet effective algorithm
REDUX like architecture sample for iOS
perdux_sample_swiftUI REDUX like architecture sample for iOS (target 14.*) Motivation: to share reactive architecture approach with single direction d
iOS Swift Calculator
Calculadora User Story 1 - Operações Básicas Adição / Subtração / Multiplicação / Divisão Como caixa do mercadinho Eu quero fazer contas básicas no ce
iOS app to automagically control device torch/flash and capture photos
BlobStar ✨ Version française 🇫🇷 iOS application to automagically control the device torch/flash and capture photos. The software was quickly drafted
Mobile IOS Game App Developed by Haemi Lee, Dominika Popov, and Dylan Walsh
VroombaWars Mobile IOS Game App Developed by Haemi Lee, Dominika Popov, and Dylan Walsh Why clean your room in real life when you can have a virtual v
A lightweight swift network layer with Combine, Async-Await, and a traditional completion block.
CombineNetwork A simple light-weight network library to make network requesting simpler. It supports newer techonology such as async/await as well as
🌊 SOPT-29th-iOS-SwiftAlgo-Rhythmtagi
🌊 SOPT-29th-iOS-SwiftAlgo-Rhythmtagi 스프린트 리듬타기 날짜 주제 1차 10월 13일 다이나믹 프로그래밍 2차 10월 27일 최단 경로 3차 11월 3일 그래프 이론 4차 11월 10일 그리디 5차 11월 17일 구현 6차 11월 24일
ColorAssetsFinder can help you find particular color assets easily by hex color code.
ColorAssetsFinder ColorAssetsFinder can help you find particular color assets easily by hex color code. Features Find particular color assets in Asset
iOS Picture In Picture Sample with Swift Language
PipSamleProject iOS Picture In Picture Sample with Swift Language Application Demo Resources Apple Adopting Picture in Picture Sample Video License MI
iOS mobile app to find and display the nearest boba shop
iOSBoba - Boba App Description Basic mobile app where you can plug in a location (or let the app find your current location), and the app will tap int
SwiftyUpdateKit is a framework for iOS and macOS.
SwiftyUpdateKit is a framework for iOS and macOS. This framework supports for a user to update your app when new app version is released on the App Store.
IRGallery-swift is a powerful gallery for iOS.
IRGallery-swift IRGallery-swift is a powerful gallery for iOS. Features Captions. Rotation support. Load images locally or from a web URL. Custom UITa
💾 Simple memory & disk cache
Cache 💾 Simple memory & disk cache Usage 🧑💻 Default let cache = CacheString() try memory.save("MyValue", forKey: "MyKey") let cached = try cac
Mercato is a lightweight In-App Purchases (StoreKit 2) library for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst.
Mercato Mercato is a lightweight In-App Purchases (StoreKit 2) library for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst. Installation Swift Package Man
Habits and Goal Tracker application using the SwiftUI Framework
Goal & Habit Tracker | Hacktoberfest SwiftUI 🚀 The aim of this app is so that users can track their habits and goals. This project is open source and
A library that helps developers to easily perform file-related operations In iOS
File Operations Preview A library that helps developers to easily perform file-related operations. In iOS, We write our files mainly into three direct
Recipe app for iOS for an interview at Minut
MinutTask Recipe app for iOS for an interview at Minut. Building Project should run on a Mac as an Xcode project after following these instructions: S
A simple project that shows a list of local coffee shop reviews
Project This is a simple project that shows a list of local coffee shop reviews Details Please use git and commit often with meaningful commit message
Letter Quiz game with swift for ios
LETTERQUIZ Title: LetterQuiz Category: Game Genre: Trivia, Puzzle, Quiz Platform: IOS Language: Swift 4.0 Available at: Developer: Martin Bruland Crea
FWVideoPlayer is video Player for iOS in Swift.
FWVideoPlayer Desc FWVideoPlayer is video Player for iOS in Swift. It can play video and audio. You can use it easy. Example To run the example projec
SwiftUI:Using Shape & Path to Draw Taiwan Meme Cat
SwiftUI:Using Shape & Path to Draw Taiwan Meme Cat Using SwiftUI's Shape & Path to draw sticker「Taiwan Meme Cat」from Instagram:@taiwanmemecat! SwiftUI
Demonstration of LegoArtFilter for iOS/macOS
LegoArtFilterDemo Demonstration of LegoArtFilter for iOS/macOS. This project runs on both iOS (14≤) and macOS (11≤). Libraries LegoColors LegoArtFilte
Restaurant App iOs swift Uikit
Restaurant-App Restaurant App iOs swift Uikit if you want to use this app first install CocoPods $ sudo gem install cocopods and then use this comman
SheetPresentation for SwiftUI. Multiple devices support: iOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS, macCatalyst.
SheetPresentation for SwiftUI. Multiple devices support: iOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS, macCatalyst.
A framework for sharing code between iOS and OS X
MAIKit MAIKit (Mac and iOS Kit) is a framework for sharing code between OS X and iOS. UIKit contains many classes which have counterparts in Appkit. T
An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews
WebViewJavascriptBridge An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in WKWebViews, UIWebViews & WebViews. Migration Guide When
JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
JSPatch 中文介绍 | 文档 | JSPatch平台 请大家不要自行接入 JSPatch,统一接入 JSPatch 平台,让热修复在一个安全和可控的环境下使用。原因详见 这里 JSPatch bridges Objective-C and JavaScript using the Object
Full Bitcoin library for iOS, implemented on Swift. SPV wallet implementation for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Dash blockchains.
BitcoinKit-iOS Bitcoin, BitcoinCash(ABC) and Dash wallet toolkit for Swift. This is a full implementation of SPV node including wallet creation/restor
Ethereum Wallet Toolkit for iOS - You can implement an Ethereum wallet without a server and blockchain knowledge.
Introduction EtherWalletKit is an Ethereum Wallet Toolkit for iOS. I hope cryptocurrency and decentralized token economy become more widely adapted. H
Bitcoin protocol toolkit for Swift
Welcome to BitcoinKit The BitcoinKit library is a Swift implementation of the Bitcoin protocol which support both BCH and BTC. Improving the mobile ec
Elegant Web3js functionality in Swift. Native ABI parsing and smart contract interactions on Ethereum network.
You can ask for help in our Discord Channel web3swift Swift implementation of web3.js functionality ⚡ Interaction with remote node via JSON RPC 💭 Sma
A pure swift Ethereum Web3 library
⚗️ Web3 Web3.swift is a Swift library for signing transactions and interacting with Smart Contracts in the Ethereum Network. It allows you to connect
This is a sample AR project written with Swift language for iOS devices
ARSample This is a sample AR project written with Swift language for iOS devices. While I was learning the ARKit framework, I defined this project and
Pre-work: A tip calculator application for iOS
Pre-work - Tip Calculator Tip Calculator is a tip calculator application for iOS. Submitted by: Jonathan Ballona Sanchez Time spent: 7 hours spent in
Radio & Podcast Streaming App For WPRK
WPRK(iOS & iPadOS) Radio & Podcast Streaming App For WPRK, a licensed FCC broadcast station, The app allows users to connect to live music streams and
🔥 🔥 🔥Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.
🔥 🔥 🔥Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.
Uma lista de conteúdos para você aprender Swift
Aprenda Swift Esta lista contém diversos links com conteúdos para aprender a desenvolver utilizando a linguagem Swift. Pela escassez de conteúdo em Po
Azure Maps iOS SDK binary distribution for Swift Package Manager
Azure Maps Control for iOS Installation In your Xcode iOS Project settings, under Project setting’s Package Dependencies, click on + button to add pac
iOS 15 share play API in react-native
react-native-shareplay iOS 15 share play API in react-native Installation yarn add react-native-shareplay And go to Xcode Capabilities and enable "Gro
iOS app for keeping track of tasks using to-do lists
ToDo ToDo is a simple app that helps you keep track of tasks. Requirements iOS 15+ iPadOS 15+ License Distributed under the GPLv3 license. See LICENSE
About PDFKit learning project on iOS 11, Like iBooks.app.
iBook About PDFKit learning project on iOS 11, Like iBooks.app. 书库 书库页面获取PDF相关数据, 可以通过KVC获取。 PDF书名 if let title = documentAttributes["Title"] as? Stri
ObjectBox Swift - persisting your Swift objects superfast and simple
ObjectBox Swift ObjectBox is a superfast, light-weight object persistence framework. This Swift API seamlessly persists objects on-device for iOS and
A lightweight wrapper over UserDefaults/NSUserDefaults with an additional layer of AES-256 encryption
SecureDefaults for iOS, macOS Requirements • Usage • Installation • Contributing • Acknowledgments • Contributing • Author • License SecureDefaults is
Swifty and modern UserDefaults
Defaults Swifty and modern UserDefaults Store key-value pairs persistently across launches of your app. It uses NSUserDefaults underneath but exposes
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
中文版本请参看这里 MMKV is an efficient, small, easy-to-use mobile key-value storage framework used in the WeChat application. It's currently available on Andr
Why not use UserDefaults to store Codable objects 😉
tl;dr You love Swift's Codable protocol and use it everywhere, who doesn't! Here is an easy and very light way to store and retrieve -reasonable amoun
Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS
简体中文 DefaultsKit leverages Swift 4's powerful Codable capabilities to provide a Simple and Strongly Typed wrapper on top of UserDefaults. It uses less
📕A single value proxy for NSUserDefaults, with clean API.
OneStore A single value proxy for NSUserDefaults, with clean API. With OneStore… Create one proxy(an OneStore object) for each NSUserDefaults value. M
Easy direct access to your database 🎯
OHMySQL ★★ Every star is appreciated! ★★ The library supports Objective-C and Swift, iOS and macOS. You can connect to your remote MySQL database usin
GraphQLite is a toolkit to work with GraphQL servers easily. It also provides several other features to make life easier during iOS application development.
What is this? GraphQLite is a toolkit to work with GraphQL servers easily. It also provides several other features to make life easier during iOS appl
Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
SwiftyUserDefaults Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults SwiftyUserDefaults makes user defaults enjoyable to use by combining expressive Swifty API with
💾 Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage written in Swift!
Storez 💾 Safe, statically-typed, store-agnostic key-value storage Highlights Fully Customizable: Customize the persistence store, the KeyType class,
Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state. UserDefaults
Prephirences - Preϕrences Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, co
A general purpose embedded hierarchical lock manager used to build highly concurrent applications of all types. Same type of locker used in many of the large and small DBMSs in existence today.
StickyLocking StickyLocking is a general purpose embedded lock manager which allows for locking any resource hierarchy. Installable Lock modes allow f
Basic iOS app template for Integrate Branch Day.
Integrate-Branch-Day-Template Basic iOS app template for Integrate Branch Day. How to prepare for Integrate Branch Day: Install Xcode via Self Service
This is a course project for CodePath Professional iOS Development class.
Parstagram - Part I This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos and view a global photos feed. Time spent
An Unsplash Application for iOS.
Monotone English · 中文 Report Bug · Request Feature Monotone is a Modern Mobile Application, integrated with powerful Unsplash API provided by Unsplash
Review page interaction - handy and pretty way to ask for review.
RPInteraction Overview Review page interaction - handy and pretty way to ask for review. Inspired by dribbble shot. Requirements iOS8 Installation RPI
Simple star rating view for iOS written in Objective-C
HCSStarRatingView HCSStarRatingView is a UIControl subclass to easily provide users with a basic star rating interface. It supports all device resolut
A star rating control for iOS/tvOS written in Swift
Cosmos, a star rating control for iOS and tvOS This is a UI control for iOS and tvOS written in Swift. It shows a star rating and takes rating input f
StarryStars is iOS GUI library for displaying and editing ratings
StarryStars StarryStars is iOS GUI library for displaying and editing ratings Features StarryStars' RatingView is both IBDesignable and IBInspectable
An emoji-liked rating view for iOS, implemented in Swift3.
TTGEmojiRate An emoji-liked rating view for iOS, implemented in Swift3. Android version: PeterSmileRate by SilicorniO. Great work ! :) Inspired by Rat
Animated, customizable, and flexible pull-to-refresh framework for faster and easier iOS development.
KafkaRefresh Animated, customizable, and flexible pull-to-refresh framework for faster and easier iOS development. Report bug · Request feature · 中文文档
Simple refresh control for iOS based on SpriteKit and Core Graphics
RainyRefreshControl Simple refresh control for iOS based on SpriteKit and Core Graphics. Project inspired by concept of Yup Nguyen Installation Instal
Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
PullToMakeSoup Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView Check this article on our blog to know more details about anim
iOS Simple Cool PullToRefresh Library. It is written in pure swift.
PullToRefreshSwift iOS Simple PullToRefresh Library. ##Installation ####CocoaPods pod 'PullToRefreshSwift' ####Manually Add the following files to yo
Fully customizable pull-to-refresh control inspired by Storehouse iOS app
CBStoreHouseRefreshControl What is it? A fully customizable pull-to-refresh control for iOS inspired by Storehouse iOS app ![screenshot1] (https://s3.
A pull-down-to-refresh control for iOS that plays pong, originally created for the MHacks III iOS app
BOZPongRefreshControl A pull-down-to-refresh control for iOS that plays pong Installation It's on CocoaPods! Put pod 'BOZPongRefreshControl' in your P
Animated "Pull To Refresh" Library for UIScrollView.
PullToBounce Animated "Pull To Refresh" Library for UIScrollView. You can add animated "pull to refresh" action to your UIScrollView, UITableView and
Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
DGElasticPullToRefresh Elastic pull to refresh compontent developed in Swift Inspired by this Dribbble post: Pull Down to Refresh by Hoang Nguyen Tuto
Repository to store the projects made during the 100 Days of Swift challenge by Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift.
100DaysOfSwift 📱 Repository to store the projects made during the 100 Days of Swift challenge by Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift. Days 1-12: Introd