259 Repositories
Swift realm-mobile-database Libraries
RegistroProblemasBairro - Projeto desenvolvido na atividade 3 do curso de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Mobile
#Registro de Problemas do Bairro Projeto desenvolvido na atividade 3 da disciplina de Desenvolvimento Nativo para iOS do curso de pós-graduação Unyley
Valorem-demo - Demonstration code and video of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app.
valorem-demo Demonstration code of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app. The included code demonstr
Innova CatchKennyGame - The Image Tap Fun Game with keep your scores using Core Database
Innova_CatchKennyGame The Image Tap Fun Game with keep your scores using Core Da
BucketServer - Small API with SQLite database that saves notes for an iOS appliction called Bucket list
BucketList Server-Side Small API with SQLite database that saves notes for an iO
Health Care gives tips to people about his/her life to be better.
Health Care Health Care gives tips to people about his/her life to be better. How does it do this? This application examines and evaluates the health
Convergent Demo Day: StepCity mobile app
Convergent Demo Day 2020 Problem: Our daily lives have been upended by the pandemic and it has been harder to motivate ourselves to workout. Dr Dunton
AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs.
AppDevKit AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs. Y
DEPRECATED - Realm Browser for Mac OS X has been replaced by realm-studio which is cross platform.
NOTE - This tool is now deprecated! Our future development efforts will go into the new cross platform Realm Studio, now available for Mac, Linux and
Creating a Todo app using Realm and SwiftUI
Realmで作るTodoアプリ note記事「【SwiftUI】Realmを使ってTodoアプリを作る」のソースです。
TMDB(The Movie Database) API client application.
TMDB Client App Instructions Instructions for project setup. 1. Clone the project. 2. Go to "TMDB Client App" folder location on terminal and enter "p
Parse iOS mobile provisioning files into Swift models
SwiftyProvisioningProfile This library provides a way to decode a .mobileprovision file into a Swift model. Installation The recommended installation
[yolov5] + [ios] + [tensorflow lite]
YOLOv5 - TensorFlow Lite Object Detection iOS Example Application iOS Versions Supported: iOS 12.0 and above. Xcode Version Required: 10.0 and above O
🔍 Awesome fully customize search view like Pinterest written in Swift 5.0 + Realm support!
YNSearch + Realm Support Updates See CHANGELOG for details Intoduction 🔍 Awesome search view, written in Swift 5.0, appears search view like Pinteres
Music Room: a mobile app that offers a new way of experiencing music
🎼 Music Room - 42 School Project 🎸 🤳🏻 Music Room is a mobile app that offers
iOS Mobile Automation With Swift
ios-mobile-automation Since I could hardly find any resources on iOS automation
A mobile application for the referee and the players
Description: A mobile application intended for everyone with the aim of making life easier for the referee and the players. This application allows th
Simple and customizable button in Swift
SwiftyButton Maintainer(s): @nickm01 @pmacro @aryamansharda Simple and customizable button in Swift. Installation Cocoapods pod 'SwiftyButton' Cartha
PowerUp is an educational choose-your-own-adventure game that utilizes a users uploaded curriculum to empower pre-adolescents to take charge of their reproductive health.
PowerUp is an educational choose-your-own-adventure game that utilizes a users uploaded curriculum to empower pre-adolescents to take charge of their reproductive health. This is the iOS version of the game.
Native iOS app for Habitica
Habitica for iOS Native iOS app for Habitica. Contributing For an introduction to the technologies used and how the software is organized, refer to Co
Creation of data model easily, with no headache.
DataFixture Create data models easily, with no headache. DataFixture is a convenient way to generate new data for testing / seeding your Realm Databas
AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for RobotFramework
Appium library for RobotFramework Introduction AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for Robot Framework. Library can be downloaded from PyPI. It
Switchboard - easy and super light weight A/B testing for your mobile iPhone or android app. This mobile A/B testing framework allows you with minimal servers to run large amounts of mobile users.
Switchboard - easy A/B testing for your mobile app What it does Switchboard is a simple way to remote control your mobile application even after you'v
SwiftUI movies list using The Movie Database (TMDB) API
MyMoviesList About MyMovieList is an application that uses The Movie Database (TMDB) API and is built with SwiftUI. It demo of some SwiftUI (& Combine
Template for cross-platform mobile app with native UIs and C++ core
Template for cross-platform mobile app with native UIs and C++ core Structure packages/chat - C++ core packages/ios - iOS app connected to core via C
🍳 iOS application for DIET and EAT 🍙
diEAT 🥗 Summary 다이어트 중 식단 🍳 을 한번에 기록하고 한눈에 확인하고싶어서 만들어보는 식단 관리 프로그램 (iOS 어플) It's a dieat management ios application to record dieat 🍳 at once 💻 T
Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
Perfect: Server-Side Swift 简体中文 Perfect: Server-Side Swift Perfect is a complete and powerful toolbox, framework, and application server for Linux, iO
RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
SwiftyRSA Maintainer(s): @ikeith Public key RSA encryption in Swift. SwiftyRSA is used in the Scoop iOS app to encrypt driver license numbers before s
A food delivery app using firebase as the database.
FDA-ONE Food Delivery Application is a mobile application that users can use to find the best restaurant around their location and order the meals the
This is a basic mobile app that allows the user to tap a button to change the color of a label.
MYAPP App Description `This is a basic mobile app that allows the user to tap a button to change the color of a label. App Walk-though Required User S
The Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce.
Swiftly Salesforce is the Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce: Written entirely in Swift. Very easy to install and up
A property wrapper for displaying up-to-date database content in SwiftUI views
@Query Latest release: November 25, 2021 • version 0.1.0 • CHANGELOG Requirements: iOS 13.0+ / macOS 10.15+ / tvOS 13.0+ / watchOS 6.0+ • Swift 5.5+ /
iOS SDK for growing mobile in-app purchases
Adapty iOS SDK — in-app purchases start here Adapty SDK is an open-source framework that makes implementing in-app subscriptions in iOS fast and easy.
Twitter Kit is a native SDK to include Twitter content inside mobile apps.
Twitter will be discontinuing support for Twitter Kit on October 31, 2018. Read the blog post here. Twitter Kit for iOS Background Twitter Kit is a na
Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app.
Shopify’s Mobile Buy SDK makes it simple to sell physical products inside your mobile app. With a few lines of code, you can connect your app with the Shopify platform and let your users buy your products using Apple Pay or their credit card.
Zendesk Mobile SDK for iOS
⚠️ This Repository has been deprecated, please go to here for the Zendesk Support SDK ⚠️ Zendesk Mobile SDK for iOS Zendesk SDK for mobile is a quick,
AWS SDK for iOS. For more information, see our web site:
AWS SDK for iOS The AWS SDK for iOS provides a library and documentation for developers to build connected mobile applications using AWS. Features / A
Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift
EVReflection General information At this moment the master branch is tested with Swift 4.2 and 5.0 beta If you want to continue using EVReflection in
A mobile application project designed for everybody which provides the easiest way to make searchs for public services
A mobile application project designed for everybody which provides the easiest way to make searchs for public services
RxSwift extension for RealmSwift's types
RxRealm This library is a thin wrapper around RealmSwift ( Realm Docs ). Table of contents: Observing object collections Observing a single object Wri
card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps
card.io SDK for iOS card.io provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps. NEW!!! card.io is now an open-source project! As of December 2014
A grocery list app for families written in Swift using Firebase Realtime Database
FamiList | Grocery list app in Swift FamiList is a grocery list app for families written in Swift using Firebase Realtime Database. You can add differ
The Napp Drawer module extends the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework.
Titanium Napp Drawer Module Description The Napp Drawer module extends the Appcelerator Titanium Mobile framework. The module is licensed under the MI
iOS Open-Source Telematics App with Firebase© integration
Open-source telematics app for iOS. The application is suitable for UBI (Usage-based insurance), shared mobility, transportation, safe driving, tracking, family trackers, drive-coach, and other driving mobile applications
Loop videos on iOS and Android (assuming only one video like on YouTube)
Mobile Video Loop By: Andrew-Chen-Wang iOS Safari Extension (soon Android) that lets you loop a video on your current website. This only works for the
An app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API
Flix Flix is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API. 📝 NOTE - PASTE PART 2 SNIPPET HERE: Paste the README template
Readium Mobile is a toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Swift & Kotlin.
Readium Swift Toolkit Readium Mobile is a toolkit for ebooks, audiobooks and comics written in Swift & Kotlin. This toolkit is a modular project, whic
Chat SDK iOS - Open Source Mobile Messenger
Chat SDK Open Source Messaging framework for iOS Chat SDK is a fully featured open source instant messaging framework for iOS. Chat SDK is fully featu
OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack enables text messages between mobile or browser-based devices.
Text Chat Accelerator Pack iOS This project is deprecated The OpenTok Text Chat Accelerator Pack for iOS project is now a part of Accelerator Core iOS
Covid 19 Tracing Mobile Application
PVAMU-COVID19-APP Covid 19 Tracing Mobile Application This is my Senior Design Project 2021-2022 Mobile applications are the new gateway to have easy
A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
MobilePlayer A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS. Table of Contents Features Installation Usage Customization Skinning Showing
A simple Hacker News mobile client
A simple Hacker News mobile client. Overview This app was built with the Hacker News API This is one of my first apps outside of a tut
Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities.
Description Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities. List of vulner
iOS App showing a list of Top Movies from The Movie Database API, with a movies searcher
TMDBTest App para iOS que muestra un listado de películas destacadas haciendo uso de la API de "The Movie Database". Además la app dispone de un busca
Flix is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.
Flix is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.
iOS mobile development using Swift - Online Shopping Application
iOS mobile development using Swift - Online Shopping Application - yr4_sem1 This is an application developed as an individual project for Mobile Appli
Elegant and extensive logging facility for OS X & iOS (includes database, Telnet and HTTP servers)
Overview XLFacility, which stands for Extensive Logging Facility, is an elegant and powerful logging facility for OS X & iOS. It was written from scra
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code This project shows how the source code can be architectured to run on multiple devices. As of now,
An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
Onion Browser Official Site | Support | Release History | Donate © 2012-2020, Tigas Ventures, LLC (Mike Tigas) This is the Onion Browser 2.X branch, b
This mobile application built in SwiftUI is designed to help you medicate your cat faster.
MediKitty This mobile application built in SwiftUI is designed to help you medicate your cat faster. If you medicate your kitty it will be happy Add w
SecFit (Secure Fitness) is a hybrid mobile application for fitness logging.
SecFit SecFit (Secure Fitness) is a hybrid mobile application for fitness logging. Deploy with Docker Prerequisites: Docker Git Windows hosts must use
Flix is an app the uses the the movies database to get upcoming movies, with infinite scrolling
Flix Flix is an app the uses the the movies database to get upcoming movies, with infinite scrolling Libraries Flix uses Swift Package Manager (SPM),
Save data to the database, real-time synchronization, user authentication.
Shop List App on development stage... description description description description description 🛡️ License This project is licensed under the MIT L
How to use swiftlint to identify unused code or unused imports in a Swift codebase
Swift compilation database This repository demonstrates how to use swiftlint to identify unused code or unused imports in a Swift codebase. How to run
A sample application showcasing Vapor 4 connecting to an Oracle database using SwiftOracle package.
vapor-oracle A sample application showcasing Vapor 4 connecting to an Oracle database using SwiftOracle package. In this Vapor application, we create
Movie Database app made with SwiftUI and UIKit
HW4_DogukaanKilicarslan Movie Data Base App made with SwiftUI Movie Database app made with SwiftUI Preview Movie Data Base App : Star Wars Characters
Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App
Description OVIA (Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App) is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities. List of
This is a simple mobile app which is connect to the Twitter API
Project 3 - My Twitter My Twitter is a basic twitter app to read your tweets. Time spent on two parts: 8.5 hours spent in total Twitter - Part II This
Mobile IOS Game App Developed by Haemi Lee, Dominika Popov, and Dylan Walsh
VroombaWars Mobile IOS Game App Developed by Haemi Lee, Dominika Popov, and Dylan Walsh Why clean your room in real life when you can have a virtual v
iOS mobile app to find and display the nearest boba shop
iOSBoba - Boba App Description Basic mobile app where you can plug in a location (or let the app find your current location), and the app will tap int
A simple order manager, created in order to try Realm database
Overview A simple order manager, created in order to get acquainted with the features and limitations of the local Realm database. The project is writ
🔥 🔥 🔥Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.
🔥 🔥 🔥Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.
ObjectBox Swift - persisting your Swift objects superfast and simple
ObjectBox Swift ObjectBox is a superfast, light-weight object persistence framework. This Swift API seamlessly persists objects on-device for iOS and
A Generic CoreData Manager to accept any type of objects. Fastest way for adding a Database to your project.
QuickDB FileManager + CoreData ❗️ Save and Retrieve any thing in JUST ONE line of code ❗️ Fast usage dataBase to avoid struggling with dataBase comple
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
中文版本请参看这里 MMKV is an efficient, small, easy-to-use mobile key-value storage framework used in the WeChat application. It's currently available on Andr
Why not use UserDefaults to store Codable objects 😉
tl;dr You love Swift's Codable protocol and use it everywhere, who doesn't! Here is an easy and very light way to store and retrieve -reasonable amoun
Safe and easy wrappers for RealmSwift
RealmWrapper RealmWrapper is wrapper library for RealmSwift in realm-cocoa If you use RealmWrapper, you can easily use UI update through Notification
Safe and easy wrappers for common Firebase Realtime Database functions.
FirebaseHelper FirebaseHelper is a small wrapper over Firebase's realtime database, providing streamlined methods for get, set, delete, and increment
Your Data Storage Troubleshooter 🛠
Your Data Storage Troubleshooter 🛠 Introduction StorageKit is a framework which reduces the complexity of managing a persistent layer. You can easily
Nora is a Firebase abstraction layer for FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseStorage
Nora is a Firebase abstraction layer for working with FirebaseDatabase and FirebaseStorage. Stop spending all that time cleaning up your view controll
A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the FileMaker XML Web publishing interface, enabling access to FileMaker servers.
Perfect - FileMaker Server Connector This project provides access to FileMaker Server databases using the XML Web publishing interface. This package b
A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers.
Perfect - PostgreSQL Connector This project provides a Swift wrapper around the libpq client library, enabling access to PostgreSQL servers. This pack
A Swift client for Redis.
Perfect-Redis 简体中文 Redis client support for Perfect Quick Start Get a redis client with defaults (localhost, default port): let client = RedisClient.g
Easy direct access to your database 🎯
OHMySQL ★★ Every star is appreciated! ★★ The library supports Objective-C and Swift, iOS and macOS. You can connect to your remote MySQL database usin
An Objective-C wrapper for RocksDB - A Persistent Key-Value Store for Flash and RAM Storage.
ObjectiveRocks ObjectiveRocks is an Objective-C wrapper of Facebook's RocksDB - A Persistent Key-Value Store for Flash and RAM Storage. Current RocksD
Realm GeoQueries made easy
RealmGeoQueries simplifies spatial queries with Realm Cocoa. In the absence of and official functions, this library provide the possibility to do prox
A general purpose embedded hierarchical lock manager used to build highly concurrent applications of all types. Same type of locker used in many of the large and small DBMSs in existence today.
StickyLocking StickyLocking is a general purpose embedded lock manager which allows for locking any resource hierarchy. Installable Lock modes allow f
Repository to store the projects made during the 100 Days of Swift challenge by Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift.
100DaysOfSwift 📱 Repository to store the projects made during the 100 Days of Swift challenge by Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift. Days 1-12: Introd
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
surespot is a mobile messaging application that secures all messages using end-to-end encryption.
surespot-ios ios surespot client surespot is a mobile messaging application that secures all messages using end-to-end encryption. Contribute surespot
Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Swift for iOS
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THIS FIRST Rocket.Chat mobile is moving to React Native. Development on this repository by Rocket.Chat has now ceased. If your
iOS - Real-time messaging app 🎨
General mChat is a real-time messaging app written in Swift for iOS devices. Since mChat uses a fast and reliable Firebase Database, it receives data
Next generation iOS and Android apps for Mattermost in React Native
Mattermost Mobile Minimum Server versions: Current ESR version (5.37.0) Supported iOS versions: 11+ Supported Android versions: 7.0+ Mattermost is an
IRCCloud iOS App
The official iOS app for IRCCloud.com Chat on IRC from anywhere, and never miss a message. All your chats and logs are stored in the cloud. Access the
Mobile app for Chatwoot - React Native
Mobile app for chatwoot platform. Built with React Native Chatwoot is an opensource alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Drift, Crisp etc. Supported Chat
Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate.
PredicateFlow Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate. This library allows you to write flowable NSPredicate, without guessing attrib
A feature-light wrapper around Core Data that simplifies common database operations.
Introduction Core Data Dandy is a feature-light wrapper around Core Data that simplifies common database operations. Feature summary Initializes and m
Mobile(iOS) Text-to-Image search powered by multimodal semantic representation models(e.g., OpenAI's CLIP)
Mobile Text-to-Image Search(MoTIS) MoTIS is a minimal demo demonstrating semantic multimodal text-to-image search using pretrained vision-language mod
🎈 Curated collection of advanced animations that I have developed using (Swift UI for iOS) and (React Native for iOS/Android). Source code is intended to be reused by myself for future projects.
🎈 Curated collection of advanced animations that I have developed using (Swift UI for iOS) and (React Native for iOS/Android). Source code is intended to be reused by myself for future projects.
React Native version of the Podverse Mobile App
Podverse Podverse is an open source podcast manager for iOS, Android, and web. Check us out at podverse.fm! Free features: Subscribe to podcasts Auto-
Movies Information DataBase (Add - Delete - Edit - Search)
MoviesInformation Movies Information DataBase (Add - Delete - Edit - Search) This Code Provide Simple Program About Movies Information This Program Ca