114 Repositories
Swift reveal-plugin Libraries
Make system color defined in UIColor/NSColor available to SwiftUI Color.
SwiftUIColor Make system color defined in UIColor/NSColor available to SwiftUI Color. About In this library, colors are defined in an asset file. Crea
⚡️ Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub.
Azure Notification Hubs @jonz94/capacitor-azure-notification-hubs Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub. Install
Xcode plugin for filtering the console area.
MCLog This plugin lets you easily filter the Xcode console log output. While you can already search the text in the console log output you are still l
gradle plugin for building Xcode Projects for iOS, watchOS, macOS or tvOS
gradle-xcodePlugin The gradle xcode plugin (gxp) makes it easier to build Xcode projects by specifying the build settings in a single configuration fi
Xcode Plugin helps you find missing methods in your class header, protocols, and super class, also makes fast inserting.
FastStub-Xcode Life is short, why waste it on meaningless typing? What is it? A code generating feature borrowed from Android Studio. FastStub automat
Swift APIs for SQLite: Type-safe down to the schema. Very, very, fast. Dependency free.
Lighter Lighter is a set of technologies applying code generation to access SQLite3 databases from Swift, e.g. in iOS applications or on the server. L
A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content.
CUIExpandableButton A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content. CUIExpandableButton is part of the Crystal UI framework (under developement)
Capacitor File Opener. The plugin is able to open a file given the mimeType and the file uri
Capacitor File Opener. The plugin is able to open a file given the mimeType and the file uri. This plugin is similar to cordova-plugin-file-opener2 without installation support.
An Xcode plugin to improve dealing with colors in your project
Crayons is an Xcode7 plugin with various features that improve working with colors in your projects ##Code palettes (iOS only) You can share palettes
Config plugin to auto configure Indy SDK for iOS & Android
Indy SDK Expo Plugin Powered by Getting started | Contributing | License An Expo Config Plugin to automatically set up and configure the Indy SDK for
Compile-time-checked URLs
SafeURL Tool for avoiding using the URL(string:) initializer with optional result, instead introducing a compile time URL validity check. Note, this d
SVG-Native (SVG OpenType) image coder plugin for SDWebImage
SDWebImageSVGNativeCoder Background Currently SDWebImage org provide 3 kinds of SVG Coder Plugin support, here is comparison: Plugin Name Vector Image
Swift Package Manager plugin which runs ActionBuilder to create a Github Actions workflow for a swift package.
ActionBuilderPlugin A Swift Package Manager command which builds a Github Actions workflow for the current package. By default the workflow file will
Swift Package (Command) Plugin to format source code with nicklockwood/SwiftFormat
SwiftFormatPlugin A Swift Package Plugin to format source code with SwiftFormat. Add to Package Add the package to your dependencies. dependencies: [
Instant font size adjustment with control – / control +
Plugins manipulating UI (like this one) are not supported by Xcode 8 UPDATE: to avoid conflict with Interface Builder hotkeys are changed to Control -
Xcode plugin to open the GitHub page of the commit of the currently selected line in the editor window.
Show in GitHub / BitBucket Xcode plugin to open a related Github or BitBucket page directly from the Xcode editor code window. Installs easily through
An Xcode 7 plugin to build and run an app across multiple iOS devices with one click.
RunEverywhere Xcode Plugin Overview An Xcode 7 plugin to build and run an app across multiple iOS devices with one click. Gone are the days of manuall
Cloak Swift - a tool and Tuist plugin to encrypt secrets and then pass them in an obfuscated form into applications
This is Cloak Swift - a tool and Tuist plugin to encrypt secrets and then pass them in an obfuscated form into applications.
AudiosPlugin is a Godot iOS Audio Plugin that resolves the audio recording issue in iOS for Godot Engine.
This plugin solves the Godot game engine audio recording and playback issue in iOS devices. Please open the Audios Plugin XCode Project and compile the project. You can also use the libaudios_plugin.a binary in your project.
Xcode plugin which help you write code faster.
MLAutoReplace Xcode plugin, Re-Intent, make you write code more quickly. Use a portion code of VVDocumenter-Xcode. ##Overview You can use shortcut key
Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic.
Reveal-Plugin-for-Xcode Plugin for Xcode to integrate the Reveal App to your project automatic(Without any modifications to your project). Please note
Xcode plugin for quickly creating localized strings
Extractor Localizable Strings Extractor Localizable Strings is a open source plug-in for Xcode. It lets you extract localizable strings without openin
Xcode plugin to let you jump to GitHub History, Blame, PRs, Issues, Notifications of any GitHub repo with one shortcut.
Reveal-In-GitHub Xcode plugin to let you jump to GitHub History, Blame, PRs, Issues, Notifications of current repo in one second. My company work on G
A Xcode Source Editor Extension to sort your header imports and remove duplicates, similar to iSort.
CleanHeaders An Xcode plug-in to format your import headers in a systematic manner. It simply removes duplicates, spaces and sorts them alphabetically
An Xcode Plugin to upload code snippets directly into Slack and Gist
XCSnippetr Share code snippets to Slack and Gist without leaving Xcode ever again! 😱 Features Upload code snippets using Slack's and Github's APIs. T
This Xcode plugin shows Xcode app version in the Dock and App Switcher icon
Xcode Icon Version Tired of this Xcode icon always showing multiple times in your App Switch with no help watshoever as to which version you are curre
A Xcode plugin to add highlight to the instances of selected symbol.
Auto Highlight Symbol About Xcode 8 Xcode 8 does't support plugins anymore, but there is a workaround, use at your own risk. Xcode can highlight insta
XcodeColorSense - An Xcode plugin that makes working with color easier.
XcodeColorSense An Xcode plugin that makes working with color easier. Inspired by ColorSense-for-Xcode with extra care for Hex color Features Show col
Xcode plugin for numbered bookmarks
Overview JumpMarks is an Xcode plugin to navigate your project files by numbered bookmarks. When developing applications, it is often not enough to be
Swift Package Manager command plugin for Swift-DocC
Swift-DocC Plugin The Swift-DocC plugin is a Swift Package Manager command plugin that supports building documentation for SwiftPM libraries and execu
A Flutter plugin to wrap HyperPay SDK for iOS and Android.
HyperPay Flutter Plugin This plugin is a wrapper around HyperPay iOS and Android SDK, it's still in alpha release, and supports limited set of functio
An Xcode plugin for manually symbolicating crash logs
CrashSymbal An Xcode plugin for manually symbolicating crash logs Install Build the project to install the plugin. The plugin gets installed in /Libra
Xcode plugin that brings ⇧⌘T from AppCode over to Xcode
Aviator An Xcode Plugin that brings ⇧⌘T over to Xcode This minimal plugin allows you to use the key combo ⇧⌘T to toggle between source and test files.
The awesome Fastlane tools brought into your Xcode
Fastlane-Plugin for Xcode Features Run fastlane command with one click. Add your Fastfile in xcode. Setup Fastlane. Install Install via Alcatraz OR Cl
LinkedLog is a Xcode plugin that includes a Xcode PCH header file template that adds the macros `LLog` and `LLogF` and parses their output to link from the console to the corresponding file and line.
LinkedLog Xcode Plugin LinkedLog is a Xcode plugin that includes a Xcode PCH file template that adds the macros LLog and LLogF. The LLog macro will wo
Touch ID Plugin (Cordova) for iOS
cordova-plugin-gctouch-id Touch ID Plugin (Cordova) for iOS Author: Giulio Caruso aka rdn Index Description Technical Documentation Screenshots Adding
Xcode plugin that moves the instruction pointer to the selected line
SFJumpToLine Xcode plugin that moves the instruction pointer to the selected line. Install: Install via Alcatraz Or clone and build the project, then
Allow to add .pkpass files to Apple wallet
Allow to add .pkpass file to Apple Wallet
PerFolderResourcesPublishPlugin - Per-folder resources plugin for the Publish package
Per-folder resources for Publish A Publish plugin that copies per-folder resourc
Swift-lint-plugin - A SwiftPM plugin that adds a linting command
SwiftLintPlugin This is a SwiftPM plugin that adds a lint command. SwiftPM plugi
Cordova-plugin-saveimage - This plugin helps you save images
cordova-plugin-saveimage This plugin helps you save images on iOS/Android Instal
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst)
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst) Adaptation of the sample provided by Apple Creating Custom Audio Effects. Ever
Plugin-spell-timer - Spell Timer Plugin for Outlander
Spell Timer Plugin for Outlander This plugin provides variables for spells from
SocialButtons - A plugin for Publish that allows you to easily embed social buttons (e.g. Tweet button) in your site
SocialButtons A plugin for Publish that allows you to easily embed social button
Clean class to create a portal in SceneKit for use in ARKit.
SceneKit-PortalMask See my Medium post about this CocoaPod This class PortalMask creates an occluding box around any rectangular frame, including a tr
Flutter openvpn - A new Flutter plugin that uses OpenVpn
flutter_openvpn A new Flutter plugin that uses OpenVpn. Installation Depend on i
Metazoom - A virtual camera plugin to pixellatedly share your screen
MetaZoom A virtual camera plugin to pixellatedly share your screen. See LICENSE.
Hack Club Bank Operations extension for Safari.
Hack Club Bank Operations Plugin (for Safari) This a port of the original hackclub/bank-ops-plugin Chrome extension which can be used in Safari on mac
Resource monitor - A flutter plugin for Android and IOS to monitor CPU and RAM usage of device.
resource_monitor A flutter plugin for Android and IOS to monitor CPU and RAM usage of device. TODO Implement Android Side of this plugin. Add listener
Nef-plugin - 🔌 an Xcode extension to use nef features easily
This project provides an extension for Xcode to integrate some nef features directly in the IDE. Using the core of nef, you can export snippets from y
Snowonder - 🔮 Magical import declarations formatter for Xcode
Snowonder is Xcode Extension that adds some convenient formatting operations for Import Declarations. This extension is created with latest stable Swi
DocumenterXcode - Attempt to give a new life for VVDocumenter-Xcode as source editor extension.
DocumenterXcode Xcode source editor extension which helps you write documentation comment easier, for both Objective-C and Swift. This project is an a
Xgist - Xcode extension to send code to GitHub's Gist
Xgist Xgist is a Xcode extension to send code to GitHub's Gist. The extension will send your code selection to Gist and automatically copy the Gist UR
Import - Xcode extension for adding imports from anywhere in the code ☝️
Import ☝️ Xcode extension for adding imports from anywhere in the code. Now available on App Store Why? Because sometimes you are on 300th line of cod
XcodeEquatableGenerator - Xcode 8 Source Code Extension will generate conformance to Swift Equatable protocol based on type and fields selection.
Depricated! There is not need for it at the moment as Swift compiler can do that for us 🚀 Swift Equatable Generator Xcode 8 Source Code Extension wil
Xcode-streamdeck-plugin - A Stream Deck plugin for Xcode
Stream Deck Xcode Plugin This repository contains a Stream Deck plugin to add so
Injectionforxcode - Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
Injection Plugin for Xcode Copyright (c) John Holdsworth 2012-19 TLDR: Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS containing a sui
Dyci-main - Dynamic Code Injection Tool for Objective-C
This tool allows you to inject code into running iOS application, without restarting it. DyCI is not about loading new code in application. DyCI is ab
Quick Look plugin for apps and provisioning profile files
ProvisionQL - Quick Look for ipa & provision Inspired by a number of existing alternatives, the goal of this project is to provide clean, reliable, cu
Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon.
appicon plugin Getting Started This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-appicon, add it to your project by running: fast
An Xcode Plugin to convert Objective-C to Swift
XCSwiftr Convert Objective-C code into Swift from within Xcode. This plugin uses the Java applet of objc2swift to do the conversion. Noticed that the
A git plugin for real-world xcode versioning workflow.
git-xcp The most simplest, safe, and fully automatic git plugin for versioning workflow of real-world xcode projects. Current working or draft content
Gradle plugin for managing Swift by enhancing Carthage with Maven repository
Works presents Athena Preface As a mobile application engineer that develops iOS and Android applications, I found that in Android, dependencies can b
Carthage cache for S3, Minio, Ceph, Google Storage, Artifactory and many others
Rome Rome is a tool that allows developers on Apple platforms to use: Amazon's S3 Minio Ceph other S3 compatible object stores or/and a local folder y
Cordova plugin to display a native color-picker dialog
Color Picker Plugin for Cordova (cordova-plugin-color-picker) Description This plugin allows you to display a color-picker native dialog in iOS and An
Dynamic loading of Swift plug-ins for extensible architectures
PluginManager Support for dynamic loading and management of plugins to extend hosting application functionality. Overview A multi-platform server-side
API surface for Swift plug-ins using the Swift Plugin Manager
SwiftPlugin The minimal API surface required for the Swift Plugin Manager to create instances from a loaded plugin. Additional documentation and refer
Swift plugin which allow add mask to input field
AKMaskField AKMaskField is UITextField subclass which allows enter data in the fixed quantity and in the certain format (credit cards, telephone numbe
Plugin for Xcode to submit github issues directly from within Xcode.
xSendIssue: Introduction: xSendIssue is an Xcode plugin that provides a quick and easy way to file Github issues on your Xcode project from within Xco
Savory is swift accrodion view implementation
Savory Savory is a swift accordion view implementation. Requirements Xcode 8.0 Swift 3.0 iOS 8 Installation Using CocoaPods: pod 'Savory', :git = 'ht
Simple, keyboard-first, markdown note-taking for MacOS
QuickDown Simple, keyboard-first, markdown note-taking for MacOS Main Features Global Hotkey: ⌘-⌥-N Save Note: ⌘-S Launch on Login (Optional) Addition
Savory is swift accrodion view implementation
Savory Savory is a swift accordion view implementation. Requirements Xcode 8.0 Swift 3.0 iOS 8 Installation Using CocoaPods: pod 'Savory', :git = 'ht
Gradle plugin for managing Swift by enhancing Carthage with Maven repository
Works presents Athena Preface As a mobile application engineer that develops iOS and Android applications, I found that in Android, dependencies can b
Twitter style Splash Screen View. Grows to reveal the Initial view behind
CBZSplashView [](https://travis-ci.org/Callum Boddy/CBZSplashView)
基于URLNavigator抽象的URL路由组件 灵感来自Moya 配置化 插件化.
Apis URLNavigator abstract routing component written in Swift, Inspired by Moya. 天朝子民 Features Support for different processing based on plugin mechan
A Glyphs plugin that draws colored lines to indicate the presence of zero-width glyphs.
Show Zero-Width Glyphs This is a plugin for the Glyphs font editor that draws colored lines to indicate the presence of zero-width glyphs in Edit View
Validation plugin for Moya.Result
MoyaResultValidate Why? Sometimes we need to verify that the data returned by the server is reasonable, when Moya returns Result.success. JSON returne
Circular reveal animations made easy
This library was created to allow developers to implement the material design's reveal effect. You can simply use this component to reveal and unverea
Convert xcodebuild plist and xcresult files to JUnit reports
trainer This is an alternative approach to generate JUnit files for your CI (e.g. Jenkins) without parsing the xcodebuild output, but using the Xcode
Control your iPhone from inside Xcode for end-to-end testing.
Remote - Control your iPhone from Xcode "Remote" is a plugin for Xcode that allows you to control an iPhone from a window on your Mac during developme
Plugin for authorization with Facebook for Godot Game Engine (iOS)
GodotFacebookAuth Plugin for authorization with Facebook for Godot Game Engine (iOS) Supports iOS deployment target = 10.0 Supports Godot version =
Download app update form url and install it
capacitor-updater Download app update from url and install it. And reload the view. You can list the version and manage it with the command below. Ins
A plugin to allow Lightroom to export HEIC files
LRExportHEIC A plugin to allow Lightroom to export HEIC files. There are two components: The plugin itself, which is the component that interfaces wit
A new Flutter plugin that uses OpenVpn
flutter_openvpn A new Flutter plugin that uses OpenVpn. Installation Depend on it Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: flutte
Cordova iOS plugin for Fingerprint SDK.
FingerprintPlugin This is a cordova plugin for Fingerprint SDK. Installation Add Cordova plugin to your project: To add a Cordova plugin to your proje
Codeless Appodeal integration into Unity project.
Codeless out of the box Appodeal integration into Unity project. Contains global config file which provide you ability to setup Appodeal without any line of code.
Flutter plugin to display VGS card info using TextView or View
VGS Card Info Flutter plugin to display VGS Card info using TextView or View Installation Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml vgscardinfo: git
VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin that uses Tensorflow to recognize hand poses
vision-camera-handpose VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin that uses Tensorflow to recognize hand poses Installation npm install vision-camera-handpos
科大讯飞语音识别插件 A plugin for xunfei dictation for iOS and Android.
xfvoice 科大讯飞语音识别插件 A plugin for xunfei dictation for iOS and Android. Install First, add xfvoice as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Setting Se
Cordova plugin for detect screenshots and recordings
cordova-plugin-detect-screen-capture This plugin detects screen recording and screenshot events. The plugin will only work on devices with iOS = 7 Su
This plugin defines a global navigator.camera object, which provides an API for taking pictures and for choosing images from the system's image library.
title description Camera Take pictures with the device camera. AppVeyor Travis CI cordova-plugin-camera This plugin defines a global navigator.camera
Cordova/Phonegap plugin for launching today's most popular navigation/ride apps to navigate to a destination.
Launch Navigator Cordova/Phonegap Plugin Cordova/Phonegap plugin for launching today's most popular navigation/ride apps to navigate to a destination.
A apple search ads attribution plugin for flutter
A apple search ads attribution plugin for flutter
PhoneGap / Cordova Social Sharing plugin
PhoneGap / Cordova Social Sharing plugin Every now and then kind folks ask me how they can give me all their money. So if you want to contribute to my
Cordova Email Plugin
Forked to fix Android 11 problems – No future support! SAMPLE APP 👉 Cordova Email Plugin The plugin provides access to the standard interface that ma
The template for Delta Client plugins.
Delta Plugin Template This repository is a template for Delta Client plugins. To create a plugin, create a repo from this template repo and then repla
This simple cordova plugin will download picture from an URL and save to IOS Photo Gallery.
Photo Viewer This plugin is intended to download a picture from an URL into IOS Photo library.. How to Install Cordova: cordova plugin add https://git
A Flutter plugin (platform channel with Swift) to get the current app name and also bring our app to the front.
window_to_front A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package th
The horizontal swiping navigation like on Facebook Messenger.
UIMenuScroll UIMenuScroll creating menu how on Facebook Messenger on take photo Installation CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You
AudioKit Synth One: Open-Source iOS Synthesizer App
AudioKit Synth One We've open-sourced the code for this synthesizer so that everyone is able to make changes to the code, introduce new features, fix