440 Repositories
Swift sample-code Libraries
The demo project to show how to organize code to make SwiftUI apps easy to be test.
TestableApp I combined the idea to use functional programming instead of an loader instance in ModelView(I prefer to think of it as a service) and Res
A zero-code template app that demonstrates how to use TheraForge's APIs and can be used for fast prototyping
TheraForge MagicBox 1.0.0-beta The Open TheraForge (OTF) MagicBox app is a template for creating digital health solutions that help people better mana
An auto-layout base UITextView subclass which automatically grows with user input and can be constrained by maximal and minimal height - all without a single line of code
Deprecated This library is no longer maintained and is deprecated. The repository might be removed at any point in the future. MBAutoGrowingTextView A
Sort import statements in your Swift source code
Sort Swift Imports Sort import statements in your Swift source code. 🏛 Swift Li
This helps make the view's configuration code, hierarchy code, and constraint code neat.
UIBaseKit 🤔 So far, when coding for a view, we wrote a combination of configuration code, constraint code, and hierarchical code, resulting in a poor
Delightful code generation for OpenAPI specs for Swift written in Swift
Create API Delightful code generation for OpenAPI specs for Swift written in Swi
A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView in Swift.
GenericDataSource A generic small reusable components for data source implementation for UITableView/UICollectionView written in Swift. Features Basic
A sample app demonstrates how to use Atlantis on Swift Playground (iOS/macOS)
Atlantis with Swift Playground A sample app demonstrates how to use Atlantis on
A sample app that implements the ideal UI representation around the loading process
SwiftUILoadingStateSample This is a sample app that implements the ideal UI repr
A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in Swift.
CascadingTableDelegate A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource. Why is this library made? In common iOS devel
Code challenge iOS - Movies app
Code challenge iOS - Movies app Project structure The Common folder contains sha
A declarative, thread safe, and reentrant way to define code that should only execute at most once over the lifetime of an object.
SwiftRunOnce SwiftRunOnce allows a developer to mark a block of logic as "one-time" code – code that will execute at most once over the lifetime of an
Sample iOS AR app using AR Quick Look API
ARQLSanta This is a minimal AR iOS app that uses the AR Quick Look API, displayi
TabDrawer is a customizable TabBar UI element that allows you to run a block of code upon TabBarItem selection
TabDrawer TabDrawer is a customizable TabBar UI element that allows you to run a block of code upon TabBarItem selection, or display a customizable dr
Sample project for testing out focus in SwiftUI and iOS 15
This project was to test out different ways of enabling focus in a SwiftUI app.
A sample application to list the movie from API
MovieManager This is sample application to list the movie from API. Xcode 13.2 S
Login screen - Sample screen created for job application
LoginDemo Login app screen Evaluation of coding skills for job application We wo
SwiftUISampleProject-TOUCHDOWN-ECOMMERCE 8th day of learnign SwiftUI 4.th demo a
A Code challenge I solved leveraging a lot on Composite collection view layout...written in swift
Space44 Code Challenge Space44 Code Challenge iOS application for Space 44 hiring process, it leverages on Image download and composite collection vie
Sample code from an NSScreencast episode
Sample Code This code is part of an NSScreencast episode. Sample code is released under the MIT license (see below), except for 3rd party code (typica
A Code challenge I solved leveraging a lot on Composite collection view layout written in swift
AsthmApp Mobile app designed as a support aid for people with Asthma Accounts Google and Firebase asthmp.app@gmail.com dICerytiMPSI Facebook asthmp.ap
A Swift playgrounds with solutions of the Advent of Code 2021 challenge.
🎄 Advent of Code 2021 🎅 A Swift playgrounds with solutions of the Advent of Code 2021. How to run Clone the repo and open the Playground in Xcode. S
This project is a clone of YouTube. But the main intention is to show how to write clean code, using proper MVC patterns and re-usable coding methodologies!
YouTubeClone This project is a clone of YouTube. But the main intention is to show how to write clean code, using proper MVC patterns and re-usable co
This app presents few examples for common patterns using purer SwiftUI code
VIPERtoSwiftUI GOAL This app presents few examples for common patterns using purer (from authors experience) SwiftUI code. LITERATURE https://www.appy
A fully customisable swift subclass on UIButton which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.
JSButton Demo $ pod try JSButton ...or clone this repo and build and run/test the JSButton project in Xcode to see JSButton in action. If you don't ha
Code and documentation for my talk Anime-fy Yourself Using Core ML
Anime-fy Yourself Code and documentation for my talk Anime-fy Yourself Using Core ML Convert from PyTorch to Core ML To convert @bryandlee's PyTorch i
MVVM-Sample-Combine-AppKit MVVM の練習に Combine と AppKit でシンプルなサンプルを作ってみたものです。 iOS アプリ設計パターン入門の MVVM サンプルと同様のものを Combine で再現しています。 ┬─ Model │ ├─ AppDel
Starter project for the iOS code challenge
iOS Base Project for Podium Take-Home Challenge Introduction We have provided two version of this base project: one using UIKit, one using SwiftUI. Th
An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just one line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
LoadingShimmer An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just single line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator. Thi
A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp written in Swift
PhoneNumberPicker A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp Screenshots In
Sample iOS application in SwiftUI presenting Redux architecture
SwiftUI-Redux-Demo Sample iOS application in SwiftUI presenting Redux architecture. My full article about Redux in detail you will find here: Redux ar
Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
TouchVisualizer is a lightweight pure Swift implementation for visualising touches on the screen. Features Works with just a single line of code! Supp
AoC 2021 solutions (in Swift)
Advent of Code 2021 Solutions to the 2021 edition of Advent of Code in Swift. Day 0 Spent some time figuring out a good way to do this in Swift withou
🎄 Advent of Code ’21 solutions in Swift
Advent of Code '21 My solutions to this years Advent of Code challenge written in Swift. Content Day 1: Sonar Sweep solution Day 2: Dive! solution Day
Code coverage for Xcode projects (Objective-C only)
XcodeCoverage provides a simple way to generate reports of the Objective-C code coverage of your Xcode project. Generated reports include HTML and Cob
Swift solutions for Advent of Code 2021
Advent Of Code Swift Template This repository serves as a template for an Xcode project set up to solve the Advent of Code problems in Swift. No attem
This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "make it black" and change the background color of the view in the frame.
VoiceOperationSample This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "mak
Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
Iconic helps making icon fonts integration effortless on iOS, tvOS and watchOS. Its main component is in charge of auto-generating strongly typed Swif
iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
Highlightr Highlightr is an iOS & macOS syntax highlighter built with Swift. It uses highlight.js as it core, supports 185 languages and comes with 89
Methods to allow using HTML code with CoreText
DTCoreText This project aims to duplicate the methods present on Mac OSX which allow creation of NSAttributedString from HTML code on iOS. The project
Twitter Text Libraries. This code is used at Twitter to tokenize and parse text to meet the expectations for what can be used on the platform.
twitter-text This repository is a collection of libraries and conformance tests to standardize parsing of Tweet text. It synchronizes development, tes
Advent Of Code (AoC) 2021Advent Of Code (AoC) 2021
AoC-2021 Advent Of Code (AoC) 2021 This are my solutions to the Advent Of Code 2021 event. This year I've been playing along with timsearle and SFrost
A template to solve Advent of Code problems using Swift
Advent Of Code Swift Template This repository serves as a template for an Xcode project set up to solve the Advent of Code problems in Swift. No attem
Sample projects for using .NET and Swift with SourceGear Bridge
bridge-samples-swift This repo contains various sample projects which show using .NET and Swift with SourceGear Bridge. (Note that SourceGear Bridge i
Convert Countries, Country Codes, Continents,... with a single line of code.
iOS · macOS · watchOS · tvOS A pure Swift library that allows you to easily convert Countries to Country Codes and Country Codes to Countries. There i
A very useful and unique iOS library to open image picker in just few lines of code.
ImagePickerEasy A very simple solution to implement UIImagePickerController() in your application. Requirements Swift 4.2 and above Installation Image
Simple application for creating QR code with a background
BeautifyQR Импортирует исходный QR-код из галереи Накладывает его на выбранную картинку с фоном Полученную картинку можно вынести виджетом на домашний
A customizable verification code textField. Can be used for phone verification codes, passwords etc
KKPinCodeTextField A customizable verification code textField. Can be used for phone verification codes, passwords etc. Настраиваемое текстовое поле д
A simple solution to show a toast message by writing single one line of code
easySwiftToast A very simple solution to show a toast message by writing single one line of code. Installation easySwiftToast is available through Coc
Sample project displaying bugs in the StarSDK while using Kotlin Native
StarSampleSdk iOS Bugs that need to be reproduced Retrieving network printer status fails after subsequent attempts Star Bluetooth printer with an act
Sample way of integrating animations into a design system for iOS app projects.
Animations in Design System The project presents a sample way of integrating animations into a design system for iOS developers. Project setup A sampl
Sample app to demonstrate the integration code and working of Dyte SDK for iOS, using Objective-C.
iOS sample app (using Objective-C) by dyte Sample app to demonstrate the usage of Dyte iOS SDK Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Fea
A simple Safari web extension that displays a QR code for the webpage in focus.
QR Pop 💥 QR Pop is a simple iOS & MacOS app and Safari extension built to make displaying QR codes easy. The Safari Extension is inspired by the quic
A simple Swift sample code to reads ISO 10303-21 exchange structure (STEP P21) file for AP242 schema.
simpleP21ReadSample A simple sample code to reads ISO 10303-21 exchange structure (STEP P21) file for AP242 schema. by Tsutomu Yoshida, Minokamo Japan
A Swift sample code to reads ISO 10303-21 exchange structures (STEP P21 files for AP242) split into multiple files using external references approach.
multipleP21ReadsSample A Swift sample code to reads ISO 10303-21 exchange structures (STEP P21 files for AP242) split into multiple files using extern
Code Challenge - Using Alamofire is a Swift-based, HTTP networking library, also Codable for Data Model and Combine Framework .
Code Challenge ##Using Alamofire is a Swift-based, HTTP networking library, also Codable for Data Model and Combine Framework . Alamofire is one of th
This repository contains code for building Universal Apps with SwiftUI.
MindLikeWater This Repo This repository contains code for building Universal Apps with SwiftUI. The same codebase can be compiled to produce binaries
ZATCA (Fatoora) QR-Code Implementation in iOS
An unofficial package to help iOS developers to implement ZATCA (Fatoora) QR code easily which required for e-invoicing in iOS Apps on smart phones and POS devices.
LibAuthentication will simplify your code when if you want to use FaceID/TouchID in your tweaks.
LibAuthentication will simplify your code when if you want to use FaceID/TouchID in your tweaks.
iOS Video Conferencing SDK & Sample App
🎉 100ms SDK & Sample App 🚀 Here you will find everything you need to build experiences with video using 100ms iOS SDK. Dive into our SDKs, quick sta
Login view with limited functionalities
Edvora Code Test Project Description Login page with limited functionalities Implemented Functionalities: UI implemented in SwiftUI Validation for use
tuist, BDD - Test Code, CleanArchitecture, ReactorKit, Swinject
SwinjectReactorKitExample This is a Demo App for tuist, Swinject, Clean Architectue, ReactorKit and BDD 이 프로젝트를 실행시켜보려면 tuist를 깔고, generate해야함 실행해도 별거
This repository contains the source code of the EU Digital COVID Certificate Certlogic for iOS.
This repository contains the source code of the EU Digital COVID Certificate Certlogic for iOS.
A sample project demonstrating a usecase for the DrawableQueue API in RealityKit 2.
RealityKit 2 DrawableQueue: Animated (transparent) GIFs A sample project demonstrating a usecase for the DrawableQueue API in RealityKit 2 – which cur
APNSUtil is makes code simple using apple push notification service
APNSUtil APNSUtil makes code simple settings and landing for apple push notification service. Features Using apple push notification service simply No
Write clean, concise and declarative network code relying on URLSession, with the power of RxSwift. Inspired by Retrofit.
ReactiveAPI Reactive API library allows you to write clean, concise and declarative network code, with the power of RxSwift and URLSession! iOS Demo A
A sample app that will display some airport information using MVVM pattern
Simulator.Screen.Recording.-.iPhone.11.-.2021-11-15.at.14.27.41.mp4 AirportDisplayApp A sample app that will display some airport information using MV
A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS
QRReader A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS Requirements: IOS 11+ Xcode: 12+ Installation: steps to install this framework in your xcode project Pod
A better way to operate QR Code in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
EFQRCode is a lightweight, pure-Swift library for generating stylized QRCode images with watermark or icon, and for recognizing QRCode from images, in
Apple cloudkit sample encryption
CloudKit Samples: Encryption Goals This project demonstrates using encrypted values with CloudKit and iCloud containers. CloudKit encrypts data with k
CloudKit Samples: Private Sync with Subscriptions and Push
CloudKit Samples: Private Sync with Subscriptions and Push Goals This project demonstrates using CloudKit Database Subscriptions and push notification
Some projects written in Swift 5 code designed using the MVVM design pattern.
MVVM Design Pattern Demo This repository has contained some simple demo projects written in Swift code designed using the MVVM design pattern. Project
This is MVP pattern testing with Swift.
sample-swift-mvp MVP 패턴에 대한 이해를 높이기 위해서 샘플 코드 작성 및 기록 MVP 패턴 MVP(Model-View-Presenter) 패턴은 소프트웨어 아키텍처 패턴이다 M (Model) - 데이터 모델 - 실질적인 데이터 V (View) - M
UIKit Chat List Sample
When I tried to make a UI like this, I faced a problem. When keyboard appears, TableView doesn't scroll automatically. I wanted to make the feature tableview scrolls automatically so I tried to make this project. Below images describe the difference without feature and with feature properly.
Sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple and a custom model generated by coremltools.
CoreML-samples This is the sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple. ResNet50 can categorize the input image to 1000 pre-trained categ
Open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices
Open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices *Read disclaimer before using this software. checkm8 permanent unpatchable bootrom exploit for hund
Open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices
Open-source jailbreaking tool for many iOS devices *Read disclaimer before using this software. checkm8 permanent unpatchable bootrom exploit for hund
Written in pure Swift, QuickLayout offers a simple and easy way to manage Auto Layout in code.
QuickLayout QuickLayout offers an additional way, to easily manage the Auto Layout using only code. You can harness the power of QuickLayout to align
UIView category which makes it easy to create layout constraints in code
FLKAutoLayout FLKAutoLayout is a collection of categories on UIView which makes it easy to setup layout constraints in code. FLKAutoLayout creates sim
Sample project to reproduce Xcode 13 indexing problems
Xcode 13 indexing regression for Swift static libraries Summary: Currently if you have a project that links a pre-compiled Swift static library (with
High-quality source code, easy implementation
High-quality source code, easy implementation
SpriteKit 2D Breakout Game on rotating 3D SceneKit cube almost no code
2D Breakout game playable as texture on a rotating cube An Xcode12 project for iOS that implements a simple 2D SpriteKit "Break Out" style game. The S
Get the data from Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer in only Two or a few lines of code.
Get the data from Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer in only Two or a few lines of code. CoreMotion now made insanely simple :octocat: :satellite:
Snippet of code for filter a master list into smaller list.
SwiftiOS-list-manipulation This project was built to reduce list size based on qualifying criteria such as a property. In the example below; user can
Updates to Apple's AVKitPlayerOSX sample code.
AVKitPlayerOSX =========================================================================== DESCRIPTION: This sample demonstrates usage of AVPlayerView
Sample iOS integration project
Sample integration of SweeprMobile SDK To quickly build the app: Fill-in the URLs and passwords inside env-default file Generate BuildConfig.swift bas
Typical master detail SAMPLE application written in Swift to test NY Times Most Popular API
NYTimes-Demo: Typical master detail SAMPLE application written in Swift to test NY Times Most Popular API. This SAMPLE application is written in Swift
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code This project shows how the source code can be architectured to run on multiple devices. As of now,
Learn to Code While Building Apps - The Complete iOS Development Bootcamp
BMI Calculator Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to learn more about Optionals, solidify your understanding of the MVC design pattern and to intro
iOS_UHF_Sample is a sample App to demonstrate how to use UHFSDK library.
iOS_UHF_Sample is a sample App to demonstrate how to use UHFSDK library.
Sample app to demonstrate the integration code and working of Dyte SDK for iOS, using Swift
docs-template by dyte ADD_DESCRIPTION_HERE Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About the Project Built With
JXA and swift code that can perform some macOS situational awareness without generating TCC prompts.
Spotlight Enumeration Kit Repo of Swift and JXA projects to leverage macOS Spotlight db data for the following: TCC folder permissions (TCC-Checker.js
iOS localization swift code generation project
code-gen-library - localization-swift module code-gen-library - localization-swift module with Python bash script execute to localization swift files(
This repo holds the code for Dubizzle & Bayut test App
DubizzleClassified This repo holds the code for Dubizzle & Bayut test App About App This is a simple app which basically fetches item list from the gi
Simple, block-based, lightweight library over CoreBluetooth. Will clean up your Core Bluetooth related code.
LGBluetooth Simple, block-based, lightweight library over CoreBluetooth. Steps to start using Drag and Drop it into your project Import "LGBluetooth.h
Sample app to open parking lot gates by phone calls
DouzePointCinq - Test app Sample iOS app to open parking lot gates by phone calls. Screenshots (dark & light modes) How to use Clone the project git c
Swift sample app for running privileged operations on macOS using a helper tool
SwiftAuthorizationSample demonstrates how to run privileged operations on macOS using a helper tool managed by launchd. This sample was created with t
How to use swiftlint to identify unused code or unused imports in a Swift codebase
Swift compilation database This repository demonstrates how to use swiftlint to identify unused code or unused imports in a Swift codebase. How to run
A sample SwiftUI weather app using Lasso.
Lasso+SwiftUI Example Weather App Overview This is a sample iOS app that demonstrates using Lasso and SwiftUI together. Feature Overview Home Screen D
Create gradients and blur gradients without a single line of code
EZYGradientView is a different and unique take on creating gradients and gradients with blur on the iOS platform. The default CAGradientLayer implemen