1457 Repositories
Swift server-driven-swiftui Libraries
Simultaneously scrolling ScrollViews with SwiftUI support
SimultaneouslyScrollView Simultaneously scrolling ScrollViews with SwiftUI support Installation Swift Package Manager Usage SwiftUI support Example In
AxisTabView for SwiftUI
AxisTabView for SwiftUI A library that allows you to easily create various styles of tab views. Supports iOS and macOS. Screenshot Style Style Style A
DevToys for iPad - a SwiftUI reimplementation of DevToys, a Swiss Army Knife for developers, for iPadOS
DevToys for iPad - a SwiftUI reimplementation of DevToys, a Swiss Army Knife for developers, for iPadOS
Render Markdown text in SwiftUI
Render Markdown text in SwiftUI. It is a preview based on the Marked implementation
An open-source Ethereum wallet built with SwiftUI
lil wallet welcome to lil wallet. it's an open-source Ethereum wallet built with SwiftUI there are two main views - coins and objects. coins are your
Animated iOS App Onboarding Screens
Animated iOS App Onboarding Screens With Liquid Swipe Animation Using SwiftUI 3.0 for learning purposes.
A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code
A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code
A data-driven UIScrollView + UIStackView framework for building fast and flexible lists
JKListKit A data-driven UIScrollView + UIStackView framework for building fast and flexible lists. Full Oficial documentation Main Features ๐ Create
SwiftUIKeyPress - a package to make up for the lack of keyboard input in SwiftUI
SwiftUIKeyPress - a package to make up for the lack of keyboard input in SwiftUI
SwiftUI views that arrange their children in a Pinterest-like layout
SwiftUI Masonry SwiftUI views that arrange their children in a Pinterest-like layout. HMasonry A view that arranges its children in a horizontal mason
A Swift/SwiftUI utility for caching and displaying images in SwiftUI Views
A Swift/SwiftUI utility for caching and displaying images asynchronously. Built with Swift 5.5 and works with async/await.
swift-highlight a pure-Swift data structure library designed for server applications that need to store a lot of styled text
swift-highlight is a pure-Swift data structure library designed for server applications that need to store a lot of styled text. The Highlight module is memory-efficient and uses slab allocations and small-string optimizations to pack large amounts of styled text into a small amount of memory, while still supporting efficient traversal through the Sequence protocol.
Workout tracker (SwiftUI + CoreData + CloudKit)
Wotrack Workout tracker (SwiftUI + MVVM + CoreData + CloudKit). Also used: Relationships, Multilingual, Drag and Drop reordered Grid. Icons made by Ul
SwiftUI OpenScrollView
A non gesture blocking, non clipping by default custom scroll view implementation with example code.
AxisTooltip for SwiftUI
AxisTooltip for SwiftUI A library that displays tooltips in the desired view. Supports iOS and macOS. Screenshot Top/Bottom Leading/Trailing AxisToolt
Create a smooth transition between any two SwiftUI Views
GZMatchedTransformEffect Create a smooth transition between any two SwiftUI Views. It is very similar to the built-in .matchedGeometryEffect() modifie
Swiftui Spring Animations
Swiftui Spring Animations This repository serves as your reference for SwiftUI Spring Animations. It demonstrates use cases for the various types of s
A multi-platform SwiftUI component for tabular data
SwiftTabler A multi-platform SwiftUI component for tabular data. NOTE this component is BRAND NEW and under active development. If you need stability,
Easily pause and resume SwiftUI animations
swiftui-pausable-animation Easily pause and resume SwiftUI animations! Installation This component is distributed as a Swift package. Just add this re
A better SwiftUI Picker Use _Picker instead of Picker
BetterPicker A better SwiftUI Picker. Use _Picker instead of Picker. Create styles with _PickerStyle. The is a WIP This library is currently a work-in
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI. Modular MVVM architecture (SPM) with Composition Root.
A completely native Discord client for macOS built 100% in Swift and SwiftUI
Swiftcord A completely native Discord client for macOS built 100% in Swift and SwiftUI This project aims to create a fully functional native Discord c
๐ฑ Guideo - Native iOS App crafted with Swift and SwiftUI
Guideo An awesome iOS Native App ๐ฑ About Guideo App wire-framed and crafted from scratch by a team of 4. Our final project of the ๏ฃฟ Apple Foundation
A result builder for ViewModifiers
A result builder for ViewModifiers
SwiftFM is a Swift framework for the FileMaker Data API
SwiftFM SwiftFM is a Swift framework for the FileMaker Data API (Swift 5.5, iOS 15 required). It utilizes modern Swift features like async/await and i
A simple Elm-like Store for SwiftUI, based on ObservableObject
ObservableStore A simple Elm-like Store for SwiftUI, based on ObservableObject.
Chuck Norris Jokes SwiftUI
Chuck-Norris-Jokes-SwiftUI An app to fetch jokes from the chucknorris API and di
Hello Clean Architecture With SwiftUI
HelloCleanArchitectureWithSwiftUI CleanArchitecture for SwiftUI with Combine, Co
A library that expresses a github contribution calendar through an array of dates. Supports iOS and macOS.
A library that expresses a github contribution calendar through an array of dates. Supports iOS and macOS.
This provides a bridge to use Sync with Tokamak instead of SwiftUI
Sync Tokamak This provides a bridge to use Sync with Tokamak instead of SwiftUI.
This is a clone project of Wordle. The app is made using SwiftUI
Wordle This is a clone project of Wordle. The app is made using SwiftUI. You can
API-Gateway/ Lambda-Function Structure
This was an app I meant to release on the Apple App Store, can't do that now so here's the code
_Text is a simple augmentation to SwiftUI that makes styling easier
_Text _Text is a simple augmentation to SwiftUI that makes styling easier. By utilizing the environment it is possible to apply text modifiers to any
Visualiser written in Swift, SwiftUI and Metal API
ModularMTL About Visualisation of modular multiplication on a circle. Written in Swift using Metal API and SwiftUI. Images Features Keyboard controls
ExtraLottie is a SwiftUI wrapper of Lottie-iOS
๐ What is ExtraLottie? ExtraLottie is a SwiftUI wrapper of Lottie-iOS. โน๏ธ Info Currently ExtraLottie supports custom loop mode, LottieLoopMode, start
A simple to use yet very powerful tool for the tech heads looking for daily dose of tech news
A simple to use yet very powerful tool for the tech heads looking for daily dose of tech news. This app is built using SwiftUI and also uses catalyst to run on MacOs as well.
A project to practice the Platzi course, Curso de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones iOS con SwiftUI
A project to practice the Platzi course, Curso de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones iOS con SwiftUI
Fruta: Building a Feature-Rich App with SwiftUI
Fruta: Building a Feature-Rich App with SwiftUI Create a shared codebase to build a multiplatform app that offers widgets and an App Clip. Overview No
AxisSheet for SwiftUI
It is a library that handles the sheet view in 4 directions (.top, .bottom, .leading, .trailing) according to the axis mode. It supports iOS and macOS.
ReleaseNotesKit - a brand new, elegant, and extremely simple way to present the recent versionโs release notes to your users
ReleaseNotesKit This is ReleaseNotesKit, a brand new, elegant, and extremely simple way to present the recent versionโs release notes to your users. R
FlyingFox - a lightweight HTTP server built using Swift Concurrency
Usage Credits Introduction FlyingFox is a lightweight HTTP server built using Swift Concurrency. The server uses non blocking BSD sockets, handling ea
AxisRatingBar for SwiftUI
This library is a UI control for iOS and macOS developed with SwiftUI. You can display ratings along the horizontal/vertical axis and receive ratings from users. You can use any view that conforms to the View protocol, not just the star shape.
ZakatFatoora - A simple way to implement e-invoicing (FATOORA) for iOS
ZakatFatoora - A simple way to implement e-invoicing (FATOORA) for iOS
SwiftUI Apple Developer Tutorial
SwiftUI Apple Developer Tutorial Apple Developer Documentation - SwiftUI Tutorial Chapter 1 SwiftUI Essentials Creating and Combining Views Apple Deve
SwiftUI Navigation example app
SwiftUINavigationExample SwiftUI Navigation example app. Navigation is managed by a single class called NavSwitches. This contains all the booleans th
Shimmer: A super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effect to any SwiftUI View
SwiftUI-Shimmer โจ Shimmer is a super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effec
DiceChallenge - Hacking with SwiftUI Challenge - Dice simulator
Some Dices Hacking with SwiftUI challenge turned into a real app available at th
Swiftui-animation-observer - Track SwiftUI animation progress and completion via callbacks
SwiftUI Animation Observer Track SwiftUI animation progress and completion via c
MiniVendingMachine - SwiftUI demo Apple Watch app to open a mini vending machine via bluetooth
Mini Vending Machine Use Apple Watch to open vending machine cells. Note: This a
WordleDemo - A SwiftUI implementation of Wordle's core logic and UI
WordleDemo Just a SwiftUI implementation of Wordle's core logic and UI Contains
RainbowGaugeSwiftUI - Rainbow Gauge made with SwiftUI
RainbowGaugeSwiftUI Rainbow Gauge made with SwiftUI.
SymbolPicker - A simple and searchable SFSymbol Picker for SwiftUI
SymbolPicker A simple and searchable SFSymbol Picker for SwiftUI Features Symbol
ListViewSwiftUI - A project for creating a vertical list using the Swift UI.This project include topic,ListView to show list of movies,Tabbar
ListViewSwiftUI OverView A project for creating a vertical list using the Swift
SwiftUI-pokedexApp - Pokedex app. Libarary of pokemons and their description
SwiftUI-pokedexApp Pokedex app. Libarary of pokemons and their description (UNFI
PullToRefreshSwiftUI - Pull to refresh for SwiftUI
PullToRefreshSwiftUI Pull to refresh for SwiftUI. Usage with @State import Swift
GesturesSwiftUI - A simple project to demonstrate how gestures works in SwiftUI
GesturesSwiftUI - A simple project to demonstrate how gestures works in SwiftUI
MSLView - Shadertoy-style SwiftUI view
MSLView SwiftUI view for Shadertoy-style MSL shaders import MSLView struct Cons
NetworkIcom - Project using Swift and SwiftUI to access Icom 7610 via Ethernet
Background This repository is an upload of a local Git repository from an Apple
SherlockForms - An elegant SwiftUI Form builder to create a searchable Settings and DebugMenu screens for iOS
๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ SherlockForms What one man can invent Settings UI, another can discover i
NewsApp- - Built A News App With SwiftUI and Mock Data
News APP Built A News App With Swift UI and Mock Data Screen Gif
IOS15-SwiftUI-InAppPurchaseDemo - In-App Purchase Demo app written with SwiftUI
iOS15-SwiftUI-InAppPurchaseDemo In-App Purchase Demo app written with SwiftUI If
SwiftUI Slideoutmenu - Sample Project for slideout menu
SwiftUI_Slideoutmenu This is a sample code project for a slideout menu. Simulato
DGPreview - Make UIKit project enable preview feature of SwiftUI
DGPreview Make UIKit project enable preview feature of SwiftUI Requirements iOS
Audite - My SwiftUI app that is using Google's text to speech API
Speech My SwiftUI app that is using Google's text to speech API. Goal is to list
LottieUI - A library developed to make Lottie easy to implement. It supports iOS and macOS
LottieUI It is a library developed to make Lottie easy to implement. It supports
The frontend (phone) code for the e-mission server
e-mission phone app This is the phone component of the e-mission system. โจ This has now been upgraded to cordova android@9.0.0 and iOS@6.0.1 (details)
SwiftUI-Drawer - A bottom-up drawer in swiftUI
SwiftUI-Drawer A bottom-up drawer view. Contents Installation Examples Installat
PizzInfo - A SwiftUI based app to know a bit bout your favourite pizzas
PizzInfo Downloading all the playgrounds Unless otherwise indicated, all playgro
FoggyColors - Beautiful randomly generated colored shapes on the background with SwiftUI
FoggyColors Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod inst
Swipe : Date App made with SwiftUI
DateAppSwiftUI Swipe : Date App made with SwiftUI.
CatalystMenuBarStatusWindow - A method of presenting UIKit (or Catalyst-specific SwiftUI) content from the status menu area on macOS
CatalystMenuBarStatusWindow This sample code showcases a method of presenting UI
A framework and generator for displaying SwiftUI component libraries
Exhibition Exhibition is a framework and generator for displaying a SwiftUI component library. Inspired by Storybook and Showkase Installation Swift P
This was built during my bootcamp using SwiftUI, WebKit and an API from Hacker News
HackerNewsReader This was built during my bootcamp using SwiftUI, WebKit and an API from Hacker News. This was programmed from scratch with SwiftUI. I
SwiftUI views that arrange their children in a flow layout.
SwiftUI Flow SwiftUI views that arrange their children in a flow layout. HFlow A view that arranges its children in a horizontal flow. Usage ScrollVie
100 Days of SwiftUI log
100DaysOfSwiftUI 100 Days of SwiftUI log Table of Contents Day 1: variables, constants, strings, and numbers Day 1 Variables store values and can be c
NY Times is an Minimal News ๐ iOS application built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI.
๐ฝ NY Times is an Minimal News ๐ iOS app ๐ฑ built to describe the use of SwiftSoup and CoreData with SwiftUI๐ฅ
This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS.
AnimateText This library for animating text. Developed with SwiftUI. This library supports iOS/macOS. Screenshot AnimateText.mp4 Example https://fabul
A paging scroll view for SwiftUI, using internal SwiftUI components
PagingView A paging scroll view for SwiftUI, using internal SwiftUI components. This is basically the same as TabView in the paging mode with the inde
SwiftUI implementation of the game Wordle.
Wordle In SwiftUI This is my implementation of Wordle in SwiftUI. Explaination I know some of the code does not really make any sense, like random com
EasyMenu - SwiftUI Menu but not only button (similar to the native Menu)
EasyMenu SwiftUI Menu but not only button (similar to the native Menu) You can c
Swift-json - High-performance json parsing in swift
json 0.1.4 swift-json is a pure-Swift JSON parsing library designed for high-per
MockChat TDD MVVM SwiftUI - Mockable, Test driven Development, clear Architecture example using SwiftUI
MockChat_TDD_MVVM_SwiftUI Mockable, Test driven Development, clear Architecture
ToastSwiftUI-master - A simple way to show a toast or a popup in SwiftUI
ToastSwiftUI-master - A simple way to show a toast or a popup in SwiftUI
We-split - A study app made using SwiftUI
We Split We Split is a study app made using SwiftUI, being part of 100 Days of S
DroneShopSwiftUI - Drone Shop App made with SwiftUI and Scenekit
DroneShopSwiftUI Drone Shop App made with SwiftUI and Scenekit.
DarnWordle - A SwiftUI retro for Wordle, the W* game
DarnWordle A SwiftUI retro of Wordle, the W* game Motivation Well, the game look
IOS Spin Game - A simple spin game using SwiftUI
IOS_Spin_Game A simple spin game using Swift UI.
Tofu - A simple Todo app built with SwiftUI, a REST API, and a local Realm cache
Tofu A simple Todo app built with SwiftUI, a REST API, and a local Realm cache.
Wiggles-iOS - Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the SwiftUI and MVVM Architecture
Wiggles ๐ถ Beautiful Puppy adoption app built to Demonstrate the use of SwiftUI
LinkedIn-Profile - UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI
LinkedIn-Profile UI of Android LinkedIn App Profile Page in iOS SwiftUI Sample I
CryptoTrackerMenuBar - A Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App built with SwiftUI & WebSocket
Realtime Crypto Tracker macOS Menu Bar App - SwiftUI & WebSocket A Realtime Cryp
IOS Card Game - A simple card game using SwiftUI
IOS_Card_Game A simple card game using Swift UI.
Dicee-SwiftUI - This app show random dicee every time the you make click in button roll
Dicee-SwiftUI This app show random dicee every time the you make click in button
Floating-textfield-swiftui - Floating textfield With SwiftUI
floating_textfield-swiftui Hey, Guys welcome to this tutorial. In this complete
Ss-json - High-performance json parsing in swift
json 0.1.1 swift-json is a pure-Swift JSON parsing library designed for high-per
Splunk - Spelunk EnvironmentValues in SwiftUI
Splunk Go diving in SwiftUI's EnvironmentValues or use common values exposed for
DBZ-Legends - A SwiftUI based app for all the DBZ peeps out there
DBZ-Legends Just a simple UI based app for all the DBZ fans. You can tap on the
ProductListSwiftUI - SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi and the MVVM architectural pattern
ProductListSwiftUI SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi
MarinersCompassSwiftUI - MarinersCompass Animation made with SwiftUI
MarinersCompassSwiftUI MarinersCompass Animation made with SwiftUI.