Single selection menu with cool animations

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Menu ios animation menu


EEJSelectMenu is a responsive single selection menu for iOS.
Project allows for implementing a menu with different number of buttons and different animations for appearance.
It will adjust the button sizes based on the device screen size!
Just provide the names for the buttons and the menu will take care of the number and layout of the buttons!


Animation: FadeIn & Widen

Animation: Scale & MoveInFromLeft

Animation: MoveInFromRight & Alternate

Version 1.1.1


Using CocoaPods

EEJSelectMenu is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'EEJSelectMenu'

Using Source Files

Add the files in the Classes/ folder to your project

Import the header file to your source code

#import "EEJSelectMenu.h"

Getting Started

Note: 🔶 To use EEJSelectMenu in your Swift project add use_frameworks! to your Podfile or checkout these simple steps to create a bridging header and get you started. 🔶
  • Initializers
    • -initWithButtons:animationStyle:color:andDelegate:
    • -initWithButtons:animationStyle:colors:

Create an instance of EEJSelectMenu and provide button names and color

    NSArray *buttonNames = @[@"ONE",@"TWO",@"THREE",@"FOUR"];
    EEJSelectMenu *menu = [[EEJSelectMenu alloc]initWithButtons:buttonNames
                                                          color:[UIColor darkGrayColor] 
    [self presentViewController:menu animated:NO completion:nil];

For Multi-Color menu use this initializer

    NSArray *buttonNames = @[@"ONE",@"TWO",@"THREE",@"FOUR"];
    EEJSelectMenu *menu = [[EEJSelectMenu alloc]initWithButtons:buttonNames
                                                    colors:@[[UIColor redColor],[UIColor greenColor]
                                                        [UIColor blueColor],[UIColor orangeColor]] ];
    menu.delegate = self;
    [self presentViewController:menu animated:NO completion:nil];

Or simple initializer with the default color

    EEJSelectMenu *menu = [[EEJSelectMenu alloc]init];
    menu.buttonNames = @[@"ONE",@"TWO",@"THREE",@"FOUR"];
    menu.animationStyle = EJAnimationStyleAlternate;
    menu.delegate = self;
    // default color is light blue
    [self presentViewController:menu animated:NO completion:nil];
Note: for smoother animation set the animated property to "NO" when presenting the menu as shown above.


    menu.animationStyle = EJAnimationStyleFadeIn; // default
  • Other AnimationStyles Available:
    • EJAnimationStyleWiden
    • EJAnimationStyleScale
    • EJAnimationStyleMoveInFromLeft
    • EJAnimationStyleMoveInFromRight
    • EJAnimationStyleAlternate

Delegate Methods

EEJSelectMenu provides two delegate methods

    -(void)EJSelectMenuButtonWasPressedWithTitle:(NSString *)title;
    // button tags start at 100 and increment by one for each
Other configurations:

Change selected button color (default: Purple)

    menu.selectedButtonColor = [UIColor blueColor];

Change menu background color (default: White)

    menu.menuBackgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];


EEJSelectMenu is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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