A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI



A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI

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Create an indicator like this:

ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: $showLoadingIndicator, type: .default)

showLoadingIndicator - bool value you may change to display or hide the indicator
type - value from ActivityIndicatorView.IndicatorType enum

You may alter it with standard SwiftUI means like this:

ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: $showLoadingIndicator, type: .default)
     .frame(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)

Indicator types

default - iOS UIActivityIndicator style
growingArc - add custom color for growing Arc, the default value is Color.red

ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: $showLoadingIndicator, type: .growingArc(.red))
    .frame(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)

gradient - circle with angular gradient border stroke, pass colors ilke this:

ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: $showLoadingIndicator, type: .gradient([.white, .red]))
    .frame(width: 50.0, height: 50.0)


To try out the ActivityIndicatorView examples:

  • Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:exyte/ActivityIndicatorView.git
  • Open terminal and run cd <ActivityIndicatorViewRepo>/Example
  • Run pod install to install all dependencies
  • Run xed . to open project in the Xcode
  • Try it!



pod 'ActivityIndicatorView'


github "Exyte/ActivityIndicatorView"

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/exyte/ActivityIndicatorView.git", from: "0.0.1")


Drop ActivityIndicatorView.swift into your project.


  • iOS 13+ / watchOS 13+ / tvOS 13+ / macOS 10.15+
  • Xcode 11+
  • Incompatible with NavigationView

    Incompatible with NavigationView

    If I put ActivityIndicatorView inside NavigationView, it would have strange behavior, repeatedly move from top left to center.

    NavigationView {
        ActivityIndicatorView(isVisible: .constant(true), type: .arcs)
            .frame(width: 70, height: 70, alignment: .center)


    opened by feveral 2
  • fix no shared framework schemes

    fix no shared framework schemes

    The following error occurs when building with carthage.

    *** Skipped building ActivityIndicatorView due to the error: Dependency "ActivityIndicatorView" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS If you believe this to be an error, please file an issue with the maintainers at https://github.com/Exyte/ActivityIndicatorView/issues/new

    I fixed the error by adding ActivityIndicatorView.xcscheme.

    opened by fjswrk 1
  • Added Optional Color Parameter for .growingArc

    Added Optional Color Parameter for .growingArc

    Problem: By default, the stroke color of the arc is Color.red. Unable to override using foregroundColor.

    Solution: Add optional color parameter with the default value of Color.red, allowing user to customize the stroke color.

    opened by jpsison-io 1
  • If view size changes, the activity indicator (.gradient) slides left and right continuously

    If view size changes, the activity indicator (.gradient) slides left and right continuously

    I'm running a simple view with an activity indicator int he middle of it, on ipad simulator (ios 14). In multiwindow mode, when the size of the view changes, the .gradient view keeps rolling back and forth :-) quite an interesting one. Aloha Q

    opened by quantamrhino 1
  • Some animations not animating

    Some animations not animating

    I ran the sample project, but not all the animations are working like in your demo animation: Apr-25-2020 21-55-22

    I did a pod install in the Example directory and ran the project... but as you can see, not everything is animating.

    opened by lepolt 1
  • #7 Fix Sliding Bug

    #7 Fix Sliding Bug

    I hope that I didn't break anything. I’ve fixed the bug for gradient indicator, then I noticed that it is repeated for other indicators and fixed too.

    opened by mnndnl 0
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