FAPanels - Swift


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Swift version Support Dependecy Manager Version Carthage Compatible License Platform CocoaPods CocoaPods

Famous Apps Using FAPanels

New Features Added

  • Swift Package Manager Support Added

Change Color Of Center Panel While Panning

open var colorForTapView: UIColor = UIColor.black.withAlphaComponent(0.35)
open var shouldAnimateWithPan: Bool = true

Issues Resolved ( > 0.5.0 only)

  • XCode 10 support
  • Swift 5.0 support

Issues Resolved ( > 0.4.0 only)

  • Presenting a UINavigation controller distorts the frames of center panel while left panel is open and its state is front, is resolved
  • Crash when right panel is nil and layout panel containers are updated is resolved

New Features Added ( > 0.3.5 only)

  • Execute a completion closure for any state of side menus, right after the animation of changing center panelVC
  • Smooth logout feature ( i.e: When user taps on logout button/cell in the side menu, you will change the center panelVC and then can set left panelVC to "nil" as you don't want the user to use side menus in login/signup stories)
  • Change Left/Right menus with smooth center panelVC animations

New Features Added ( > 0.3.1 only)

  • Create as many instances of FAPanelController with code only
  • Configure its left, right and center panels as you want
  • Update the Root Window Controller with any FAPanelController object


//  Create FAPanelController object with out any NSCoder, Storyboards and Nib files

let rootController = FAPanelController()

//  Configure the panels as you want and assign this panel controller to root controller of window.

window?.rootViewController = rootController

//  You can also set window's root controller to any FAPanelController object with different FAPanelConfigurations at any time.

New Features Added ( > 0.3.0 only)

  • Right panel position (front/back) to center panel
  • Dark Overlay on right panel, if right panel position is front

Right Panel Position

back front


//  Set the Right Panel position

let rootController: FAPanelController = window?.rootViewController as! FAPanelController

rootController.rightPanelPosition = .front
rootController.rightPanelPosition = .back

New Features Added ( > 0.2.1 only)

  • Left panel position (front/back) to center panel
  • Shadow on left panel, if left panel position is front
  • FAPanel State Delegate feature

Left Panel Position

back front


//  Set the Left Panel position

let rootController: FAPanelController = window?.rootViewController as! FAPanelController

rootController.leftPanelPosition = .front
rootController.leftPanelPosition = .back


  • Implementation with code & storyboard
  • Left, right and center panel supported
  • Change left, right or center panel
  • Open left, right or center panel
  • Supports Animations
  • Multiple Panel configurations
  • Supports status bar preffered style for all panels

Transitions supported

  • Flip From Left
  • Flip From Right
  • Flip From Top
  • Flip From Bottom
  • Curl Up
  • Curl Down
  • Cross Dissolve
  • Move Up
  • Move Down
  • Move Left
  • Move Right
  • Split Horizontally
  • Split Vertically
  • Dump Fall
  • Box Fade

Panel configurations

// Panels width

var leftPanelWidth : CGFloat = 280  //  It will override the gap percentage value
var rightPanelWidth: CGFloat = 280

var leftPanelGapPercentage : CGFloat = 0.8
var rightPanelGapPercentage: CGFloat = 0.8

// resizes all subviews as well

var resizeLeftPanel : Bool = false
var resizeRightPanel: Bool = false

// Adds push animation on side panels

var pusheSidePanels: Bool = false

// Bounce effects on panel animations

var bounceOnLeftPanelOpen  : Bool = true
var bounceOnRightPanelOpen : Bool = true
var bounceOnCenterPanelOpen: Bool = true

var bounceOnLeftPanelClose   : Bool = false
var bounceOnRightPanelClose  : Bool = false
var bounceOnCenterPanelChange: Bool = true

var bouncePercentage : CGFloat = 0.075
var bounceDuration   : CGFloat = 0.1

//  Panning Gesture

var canRecognizePanGesture: Bool = true

var panFromEdge          : Bool = false
var minEdgeForLeftPanel  : CGFloat = 70.0
var minEdgeForRightPanel : CGFloat = 70.0

var canLeftSwipe : Bool = true
var canRightSwipe: Bool = true

// restricts panning gesture to work for top VC of Navigation/TabBar Controller

var restrictPanningToTopVC: Bool = true

// Handles the interface auto rotation of visible panel

var handleAutoRotation: Bool = true

// Applies corner radius to panels

var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0.0

// Shadow configurations

open var shadowColor   : CGColor = UIColor.black.cgColor
open var shadowOffset  : CGSize  = CGSize(width: 10.0, height: 0.0)
open var shadowOppacity: Float = 0.5

// Remove panels from super view when possible

var unloadRightPanel: Bool = false
var unloadLeftPanel : Bool = false

// Max animation duration for animations of side panels

var maxAnimDuration  : CGFloat = 0.20

// percentage of screen's width to the centerPanel.view must move for panGesture to succeed

var minMovePercentage: CGFloat = 0.15

// Only Center Panel Change animation

var changeCenterPanelAnimated : Bool = true
var centerPanelTransitionType : FAPanelTransitionType = .crossDissolve
var centerPanelTransitionDuration: TimeInterval = 0.60



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate FAPanel into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'

target '
pod 'FAPanels'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate FAPanels into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

= 0.2.0 ">
github "fahidattique55/FAPanels" >= 0.2.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built FAPanels.framework into your Xcode project.


Step 1

  • Set the root window as FAPanel controller as shown in below image,

Alt text

Step 2

  • Add the following code in AppDelegate.swift file,
//  Load the Controllers 

let mainStoryboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)

let leftMenuVC: LeftMenuVC = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LeftMenuVC") as! LeftMenuVC

let rightMenuVC: RightMenuVC = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "RightMenuVC") as! RightMenuVC

let centerVC: CenterVC = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "CenterVC1") as! CenterVC
let centerNavVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: centerVC)

//  Set the Panel controllers with just two lines of code

let rootController: FAPanelController = window?.rootViewController as! FAPanelController
  • All done! Run the code and see the magic.

Step 2 (Continue - Panel Controllers)

  • Don't want to set RightMenuVC then just remove the right panel code i.e,
//  This is the code to set all panels 


//  Updated code which have only left and center panels 


//  Similarly, if left panel is not needed the remove the left panel code.


//  In case you only want the center panel, then update code to


Step 2 (Continue - Panel Configurations)

  • Configre the Panels before setting the panels
rootController.configs.rightPanelWidth = 80
rootController.configs.bounceOnRightPanelOpen = false

//  Should Pan from edge? Add these lines of code, 

rootController.configs.panFromEdge = false
rootController.configs.minEdgeForLeftPanel  = 70
rootController.configs.minEdgeForRightPanel = 70


//  For more configurations and their details, Please have a look into ``` FAPanelConfigurations.swift ``` file 

Access Panel

  • Panel can be accessed from any view controller,
panel?.configs = FAPanelConfigurations()

Open/Close Panels

  • Open Left or Right panels with/without animations
panel?.openLeft(animated: true)
panel?.openRight(animated: true)

  • Open/Close Panels Preview

Change/Remove Panels

  • Change Left, Right or Center Panel from any view controller
//  Change Center panel

let centerVC: UIViewController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "CenterVC2")
let centerNavVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: centerVC)


//  Change Left panel

let leftVC: UIViewController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LeftVC")

//  Remove Left panel


  • Preview, when changing center panel from left/right panels

Change Center Panel (With custom transitions and durations)

  • Change Left, Right or Center Panel from any view controller
//  Specify the transition type

panel!.configs.centerPanelTransitionType = .transitionOption     // Transitions supported are mentioned in FAPanelTransitionType

//  Specify the transition duration

panel!.configs.centerPanelTransitionDuration = 0.60

//  Update the center panel


  • Transitions Preview
flipFromLeft flipFromRight
flipFromTop flipFromBottom
curlUp curlDown
crossDissolve moveRight
moveLeft moveUp
moveDown splitVertically
splitHorizontally dumpFall

Supports interface rotation


FAPanels is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

For more details visit http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


Fahid Attique - (https://github.com/fahidattique55)

  • crash in appdelegate

    crash in appdelegate

    Hi after set this code let rootController: FAPanelController = window?.rootViewController as! FAPanelController

    app crash and get me this error

    Could not cast value of type 'LibraryForDeveloper.ViewController' my ViewController extend from UIViewController

    screen shot 1396-05-20 at 19 44 15


    opened by MansoorJafari 21
  • About step 2

    About step 2

    I've already set the root window as FAPanel controller. But when i'm trying to do step 2, i can't let rootController: FAPanelController = window?.rootViewController as! FAPanelController because FAPanelController is a undeclared type.

    I'm pretty like this pod and want to use it in my project. Please let me know if there's any solution. Best regard

    opened by GilisHugo 8
  • Change dark overlay opacity with animation

    Change dark overlay opacity with animation

    Hi, I configured FAPanel to show dark overlay when left panel position is front configs.showDarkOverlayUnderLeftPanelOnTop = true

    But this overlay view appears/disappears without animation. I want to animate it's opacity depending on the left panel's distance from the edge (or while moving left panel with the finger).

    How can I achieve this? Thanks.

    enhancement In-Progress 
    opened by Shamsiddin 7
  • Import file issue

    Import file issue

    Hi, i'm importing the FAPanels but it is showing an error that no such module. I have properly installed the pods but it is showing such issue. Second one i want to ask that in my centerVC how can i open LeftFAPanel in click of button and same with other View controllers just on click of a button? It would be more better if u have a video tutorial also.

    opened by Hamza-Brainplow 6
  • FAPanel use from other viewcontroller

    FAPanel use from other viewcontroller

    Hi, This is not an issue, I need your help.
    How can I use FAPanel from another view controller. I don't want to use FAPanel from appDelegate. I have Signin View Controller after successfully signin I want to use FAPanel. I already set root view controller is signin view controller. How can I use FAPanels after user signin? I want to use FAPanel in my signin view controller.

    my view controller name is

    1. LeftViewController
    2. HomeViewController
    3. not use right view controller so I passed nill

    My Code is which is used in a signin view controller

                    //====FAPanel for XIB
                    let centerVC = HomeViewController(nibName: "HomeViewController", bundle: nil)
                    let leftMenuVC = LeftViewController(nibName: "LeftViewController", bundle: nil)
                   let centerNavVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: centerVC)
                    let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)

    // let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate

                    let rootController: FAPanelController = window.rootViewController as! FAPanelController
                    _ = rootController.center(centerNavVC).left(leftMenuVC).right(nil)

    But this code is not working.

    Can you please help me!

    I face this type of issue as well

    Could not cast value of type 'UINavigationController' (0x10b719ed8) to 'appname.FAPanelController' (0x106fc41f8). 2018-03-09 16:05:07.504574+0530 appname[28149:682526] Could not cast value of type 'UINavigationController' (0x10b719ed8) to 'appname.FAPanelController' (0x106fc41f8).

    opened by JayeshPoriya 6
  • Unknown Class

    Unknown Class

    I've followed the instructions for install but I keep getting this error. Also, even when I copy the sample project onto a new project. Any idea?

    2017-08-03 00:46:19.745949-0500 menu[82818:17871549] Unknown class _TtC4menu17FAPanelController in Interface Builder file. Could not cast value of type 'UIViewController' (0x1110a33f8) to 'FAPanels.FAPanelController' (0x10e28d4a0). 2017-08-03 00:46:19.981588-0500 menu[82818:17871549] Could not cast value of type 'UIViewController' (0x1110a33f8) to 'FAPanels.FAPanelController' (0x10e28d4a0). (lldb)

    opened by JesseRubio 6
  • How to open FAPAnnel inside ViewController not in app Delegate ??

    How to open FAPAnnel inside ViewController not in app Delegate ??

    i set it in app delegate already when the user open app for the second time but when he open it for first time i want to open main screen from this button action and i git this error

    screen shot 2018-10-21 at 5 14 53 pm
    opened by MahmoudKhaled 5
  • Create an example project

    Create an example project

    Working with your framework, I guess it will be amazing if a new user will be able not just look at README throughout working with FAPnels, but if he/she could download a small demo project with some easy-to-implement features and can touch it deeper, interacting and adapting to work with the framework in parallel.

    opened by hamsternik 5
  • Problem with closed menu.

    Problem with closed menu.

    @fahidattique55 I need to add a button on the left menu which would close it. I used this method for openCenter(animated: true). But when you click on the menu button closed without animation. And with the subsequent calls the menu animation was not smooth as it was before calling the method openCenter(animated: true). Correct it please, if possible, and add the method to closeMenu(animated: true).

    opened by xX-Lucifer-Xx 4
  • Panel Delegates responses are slow

    Panel Delegates responses are slow

    Not sure if it's only me

    Delegate methods are running called for the first few times.


    let panel = FAPanelController() doesn't work, have to use (coder: ..)

    opened by djaygit 4
  • (Request) FAPanelDelegate

    (Request) FAPanelDelegate

    Might be useful to create a delegate for FAPanelController:

    public protocol FAPanelControllerDelegate: class{

    func centerPanelWillBecomeActive()
    func leftPanelWillBecomeActive()
    func rightPanelWillBecomeActive()
    func centerPanelDidBecomeActive()
    func leftPanelDidBecomeActive()
    func rightPanelDidBecomeActive()


    opened by droni89 4
  • After navigate to root view controller from side menu,side menu is not able visible

    After navigate to root view controller from side menu,side menu is not able visible

    After navigate to root view controller from side menu,the side menu is not able to visible

    I have wrriten the below code in my side menu table view did select


      let mainStoryboard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
            let leftMenuVC: SideMenuViewController = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: 
      "SideMenuViewController") as! SideMenuViewController
            let centerVC: TabbarViewController  = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "TabbarViewController") as! TabbarViewController
            let centerNavVC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: centerVC)
            let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
            //  Case 2: With Xtoryboards, Xibs And NSCoder
            let rootController: FAPanelController = appDelegate.window?.rootViewController as! FAPanelController
            _ = rootController.center(centerNavVC).left(leftMenuVC)
            //  For Case 1 only
            appDelegate.window?.rootViewController = rootController
    opened by venkateshaelegenie 0
  • It doesnt working Edge Tap Gesture.

    It doesnt working Edge Tap Gesture.

    I see working Edge Tap Gesture function attached your image. So I was runing this function in iphone SE simulator working well. But I can t run this function in other simulator. What is the solution for this? many thanks

    opened by monnaleeza 0
  • Side Menu Not Updating Value While App Runing

    Side Menu Not Updating Value While App Runing

    When ever i change the profile image or username from profile section response successful and change the name on all place except on left side menu i replace the username text of UILabel in view did load of side menu

    opened by Sulemanali511 3
  • FAPanels Crash *Shuffled()*

    FAPanels Crash *Shuffled()*

    Application crashed due to shuffled function in boxFade and dumpFall animation.

    Generate Error: Multipleclick on table view row. It is increasing UIImageview in an array and it will generate a crash.

    TtGCs23_ContiguousArrayStorageCSo11UIImageView$ shuffled array

    opened by PGandhi30 7
  • ViewDidLoad in leftview will cause bug

    ViewDidLoad in leftview will cause bug

    I have written following line in view did load method of left menu vc

             let indexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0);
                    self.tableView.selectRow(at: indexPath, animated: false, scrollPosition: UITableView.ScrollPosition.none)
                    self.tableView(self.tableView, didSelectRowAt: indexPath)

    Now Press on drawer not opening the left menu first time. and on second time no animation is coming

    and then after everything working as usual

    I have also tried the same thing in sample code

    opened by PrashantKT 0
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