An easy to use and setup floating view for your app. 🎑



An easy to use and setup floating view for your app. 🎑

License Platform Swift 5.0 iOS >= 9.0 MadeWithLove Awesome-Swift


  1. Manually - Add HHFloatingView/Source folder to your Project. And you're good to use HHFloatingView.

  2. CocoaPods: pod 'HHFloatingView'

You can read the CHANGELOG file for a particular release.


Please check the example project.


You can watch to HHFloatingView to see continuous updates. Stay tuned.

Have an idea for improvements of this class? Please open an issue.    


Hemang Shah

You can shoot me an email to contact.

Thank You!!

See the contributions for details.


The MIT License (MIT)

Read the LICENSE file for details.

  • Can't follow example code if I install via Pod

    Can't follow example code if I install via Pod

    As I follow Installation section

    If I install manually and follow example project, It works well.

    If I install via cocoa pod and follow the same example project, I get this error internal access level

    When I change access level of reload and close functions to public, it works well. change to public

    @hemangshah Please help consider change these methods accordingly. Or if you're OK with these changes, I will create PR for them.

    Thanks, Huy

    opened by huydangquoc 3
  • Update options at run time.

    Update options at run time.

    Implement a way to update options at run time.



    [Show UnFavourite Icon, Other options...]

    Un favorite

    [Show Favourite Icon, Other options...]

    opened by hemangshah 0
  • How to change Handler image when we click on it

    How to change Handler image when we click on it

    hello, I want to change background of handler when we click on it i tried this way but not working can you please help me out and also i want transparent background when we click on handler also please guid me on how to achieve that functionality.

    func floatingView(floatingView: HHFloatingView, didTapHandler isOpening: Bool) {
           let configure = HHFloatingViewConfiguration()
           if isOpening == true {
               configure.handlerImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "closeFloting")
               configure.handlerColor = UIColor.white
           else {
              configure.handlerImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "FloatingButton")
              configure.handlerColor = UIColor(red: 47/255.0, green: 89/255.0, blue: 246/255.0, alpha: 
    opened by krutitrivedi 2
  • Add a title to HHFloatingViewButton

    Add a title to HHFloatingViewButton


    Thanks for this great repo. I'de like to add a title to each of the options in the menu. I tried to modify the setupUI() and updateUI() but they're not displaying. Any idea ?

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by alexisbar 9
  • Handler and Option buttons transparency according to UI requirements

    Handler and Option buttons transparency according to UI requirements

    So here's the case:

    You have added floating view top above some descriptions so because of the space occupied by the handle button and (when open) by the option buttons we need to provide a way to developer that they can set the transparency level of these buttons.

    handlerButtonTransparency | when open | when close optionButtonsTransparency | when open | when close

    opened by hemangshah 0
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