A fun, easy-to-use tab bar navigation controller for iOS.



GitHub license CocoaPod compatible Swift 4.2 Twitter

Don’t you, sometimes, miss fun user interfaces?
Truth is, we do. Sure, you can't use them in enterprise apps for obvious reasons, but if you're working on a fun project...

CircleBar is a fun tab bar navigation controller,
written in Swift 4 and available through CocoaPods.

Currently at v1.0. Contributions are welcome.

We’re a nimble team of friendly designers and thoughtful developers.
Have a fun project or need help?


CircleBar is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'CircleBar'


  • Write the Usage section
  • Improve landscape support
  • Improve transitions
  • Release v1.0
  • iPad support


  1. Create a new UITabBarController in your storyboard or nib.

  2. Set the class of the UITabBarController to SHCircleBarController in your Storyboard or nib.

  3. Set the class of the UITabBar of SHTabBarController to SHCircleBar in your Storyboard or nib.

  4. Add a custom image icon and title for UITabBarItem of each child UIViewContrroller.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


CircleBar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
If you use the library, please include credits and link to https://softhaus.org.

Design inspired from Lukáš Straňák, Dribbble.

Thank you.

  • Change IconTintColor

    Change IconTintColor

    Is it possible to change the TintColor of the unselected Tabbar Icons? The only thing I get worked is to change the background colors and the color of the selected Icon.

    opened by Timonator1606 6
  • View gets stuck

    View gets stuck

    Describe the bug The view gets stuck on the app icon if I segue to any other UINavigationViewController then use an unwind segue to get back.

    To Reproduce

    1. Load into the CircleBarController.
    2. Segue to a UINavigationViewController.
    3. Unwind back.
    4. Switch tabs.

    See the behavior / bug here: https://youtu.be/pMLhlNLp9pI See how it is caused here: (Note I segue to the Messages tabbarview controller) https://youtu.be/W9nSDG_fVLk

    opened by joshwolff1 4
  • tab bar item is not hide when hides the whole tab bar

    tab bar item is not hide when hides the whole tab bar

    Describe the bug tab bar item is not disappearing when hides the whole tab bar

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. hide the tab bar in any view controller it hides but item stays

    Expected behavior the tab bar item also disappear with the whole tab bar

    opened by khaledbohout2 3
  • Error while installing using Pod

    Error while installing using Pod

    Unable to install pod.

    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Add " pod 'CircleBar' "
    2. Pod install
    3. Error " [!] Unable to find a specification for CircleBar "

    Need help

    opened by lekhakmukesh 2
  • The circle does not disappear if the tab bar is hidden

    The circle does not disappear if the tab bar is hidden

    Describe the bug Hi, If I change VC where the VC has a tab bar hidden, the tab bar is clearly hidden but the circle is always here... The only way to hide it is to pop a new vc with a modal, but in my code, it is complicated to use only modal...

    So what can I do ?

    Thank you :)

    Here are some screenshots in order to be more clear :

    S1 S2
    opened by Zeprechaun 1
  • Customization


    Hi! Thank you for this lib. I have question. How to customization tabbar like this. gif ?


    opened by JurayevNodir 1
  • SHCircleBar vs

    SHCircleBar vs

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the README says:

    Set the class of the UITabBarController to SHTabBarController in your Storyboard or nib. Set the class of the UITabBar of SHTabBarController to SHTabBar in your Storyboard or nib.

    Shouldn't it be?

    Set the class of the UITabBarController to SHCircleBarController in your Storyboard or nib. Set the class of the UITabBar of SHCircleBarController to SHCircleBar in your Storyboard or nib.

    The latter worked for me, the former did not, and in fact it just finished building onto my iPhone and it looks awesome! Nice work!

    opened by joshwolff1 1
  • when start app first was not his correct position

    when start app first was not his correct position

    Screenshots ` If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by RupeshOceanBtz 0
  • Issues resolved, more dynamic and useful

    Issues resolved, more dynamic and useful

    • Can change tab position programatically
    • Tab Circle now dynamic
    • Support up to iOS 14.5
    • Performance improved

    Issues #7, #13, #14, #16, #18, #19, #25, #26 has been resolved.


    opened by kamrul-cse 0
  • Add .gitignore

    Add .gitignore

    Use GitHub macOS.gitignore with Xcode.gitignore and remove local config files:

    find . -name '.DS_Store' | xargs rm
    find . -name 'xcuserdata' | xargs rm -r
    opened by bcylin 0
  • Added Haptic Feedback : Enhance User Experience

    Added Haptic Feedback : Enhance User Experience

    So while using your pod I felt it was quiet amazing but the feature it was lacking behind was in terms of UX(User experience), To solve this I thought why not add an UX enhancing feature called "Haptic Feedback".

    Added a Haptic Feedback generator code in the SHCircleBar.swift file and a method to call it in SHCircleBarController.swift.

    This merge will not create any merge conflict as well as issue in your Pod, it will only enhance the user experience. Personally being a Developer I felt this feature was quite required in your app.

    New Changes: From now if the user clicks on any tab bar item they will get a feedback from the phone.

    If any changes required, please inform me.

    opened by gokulnair2001 10
  • Phone gets stuck

    Phone gets stuck

    Sometimes when i am running the nib with this component, it gets stuck midway through pushviewcontroller animation and the entire phone gets stuck, i have to reset my phone. Any idea why? i tried to debug , nothing shows up though, extracted the log from the phone, OS is throwing SIGKILL because some process is taking long time.

    opened by GManShen 0
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