4577 Repositories
Swift Swift-Slide-Menu Libraries
Swift framework wrapping CommonCrypto's SHA256 methods.
SHA256-Swift Swift framework wrapping CommonCrypto's SHA256 methods. This is experimental. Do not use this in a production system. Installation instru
Mvvm - Collection View Notes With Swift
CollectionViewNotes Haciendo apuntes para cuando pierda la memoria Comenzando 🚀
DGPlaceholderTextView - A light-weight UITextView that supports for placeholder
DGPlaceholderTextView Requirements Installation Usage Properties DGPlaceholderTe
Tictactoe-ultimatum - iOS implementation of Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe game
TicTacToe Ultimatum An iOS app in Swift implementing the classic game of Ultimat
MothECS - Simple Entity Component System in Swift
MothECS: Simple Entity Component System in Swift 📦 MothECS is a simple entity c
MultiPeer-Progress-iOS - Swift project to demo the use of the MultiPeer framework to send files between iOS devices and show the progress
MultiPeer-Progress-iOS Swift project to demo the use of the MultiPeer framework
Modern-collection-view - Modern collection view for swift
Modern collection view Sample application demonstrating the use of collection vi
Simplest MIDI Swift library
WebMIDIKit: Simplest Swift MIDI library ###Want to learn audio synthesis, sound design and how to make cool sounds in an afternoon? Check out Syntoria
SwiftIB is a pure Swift implementation of the Interactive Brokers TWS API library on Mac OS X
SwiftIB is a pure Swift implementation of the Interactive Brokers TWS API library on Mac OS X, with Core Foundation of crouse. All the API interfaces are implemented. Request Market Data and Request History Data interface are thoroughly tested.
A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
Dollar Dollar is a Swift library that provides useful functional programming helper methods without extending any built in objects. It is similar to L
Functional programming in Swift
Swiftz Swiftz is a Swift library for functional programming. It defines functional data structures, functions, idioms, and extensions that augment the
KVO for Swift - Value Observing and Events
Value Observing and Events for Swift Swift lacks the powerful Key Value Observing (KVO) from Objective-C. But thanks to closures, generics and propert
A promises library written in Swift featuring combinators like map, flatMap, whenAll, whenAny.
Promissum is a promises library written in Swift. It features some known functions from Functional Programming like, map and flatMap. It has useful co
PoC of function hooking in Swift
SWRoute is a tiny Swift wrapper over rd_route(). It allows you to route (hook) quite any function/method with another function/method or even a closur
Swift Matrix Library
Swift Matrix and Machine Learning Library Note: tensorflow/swift and apple/swift-numerics/issues/6 have or will have more complete support for NumPy-l
Elegant state machine for Swift.
SwiftState Elegant state machine for Swift. Example enum MyState: StateType { case state0, state1, state2 } // setup state machine let machine = S
Swift extension which adds start, animating and completion closures for CAAnimation objects. Aka, CAAnimation + Closure / Block
Swift-CAAnimation-Closure Swift extension which adds start, animating and completion closures for CAAnimation objects. Aka, CAAnimation + Closure or C
Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
SwiftyUserDefaults Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults SwiftyUserDefaults makes user defaults enjoyable to use by combining expressive Swifty API with
An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 5 modules
Swift 5 Module Template Use this template as a starting point for any Swift 5 module that you want other people to include in their projects. STATUS:
Command line utility to profile compilation time of Swift project.
xcprofiler Command line utility to profile compilation time of Swift project. This tool is developed in working time for Cookpad. Installation gem ins
📲 The curated list of iOS Developer interview questions and answers, Swift & Objective-C
Awesome iOS interview questions and answers 🔛 Get started by picking interview's language and start preparing right now Install the app Prepare for t
A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift
A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift. An amazing list for people who are beginners and learning ios development and for ios developers who need any example app or feature.
Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
Open-Source iOS Apps A collaborative list of open-source iOS, iPadOS, watchOS and tvOS apps, your contribution is welcome 😄 Jump to Apple TV Apple Wa
💎 Redux like architecture for SwiftUI
Simple Architecture like Redux Installation SPM dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/gre4ixin/ReduxUI.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0
🚀 Create XCFrameworks with ease! A Command Line Tool to create XCFramework for multiple platforms at one shot! The better way to deal with XCFrameworks for iOS, Mac Catalyst, tvOS, macOS, and watchOS.
Surmagic 🚀 Create XCFramework with ease! A Command Line Tool to create XCFramework for multiple platforms at one shot! The better way to deal with XC
A little beautifier tool for xcodebuild
xcbeautify xcbeautify is a little beautifier tool for xcodebuild. Similar to xcpretty, but faster. Features 2x faster than xcpretty. Human-friendly an
Podman-desktop: a graphical menu bar application for managing Podman machines
podman-desktop podman-desktop is a graphical menu bar application for managing P
Bonjourr-Safari - Safari repository for Bonjourr
Install Start Clone this repo & the original repo Open Bonjourr Startpage.xcodep
SNTabBarDemo-Swift - Cool TabBar With Swift
SNTabBarDemo-Swift Cool TabBar How To Use // MARK: - setup private func setu
WholesomeExtensions - A SPM package that provides some extensions that I like to use
WholesomeExtensions This package includes some extensions that I like to use. Yo
DGBottomSheet - The lightest swift bottom sheet library
DGBottomSheet Requirements Installation Usage DGBottomSheet The lightest swift b
SwiftUIWordpressClient - An iOS application for any WordPress website
SwiftUIWordpressClient SwiftUIWordpressClient is an iOS application for any Word
Custom-TopBarController - A Custom TopBar Controller With Swift
TopBarController Верстка Для IPhone и IPod вертска адаптивная, для IPad frane To
Easy Tooltip for your SwiftUI Project
SwiftUI Tooltip This package provides you with an easy way to show tooltips over any SwiftUI view, since Apple does not provide one. Getting started Y
Tool to convert SVG to SwiftUI's Shape structure.
SVG to SwiftUI Converter Tool to convert SVG to SwiftUI's Shape structure. This approach is much more memory efficient than introducing a SVG library
A simple confetti view for apps using SwiftUI.
ConfettiView Create fun animated confetti views with ease! Installation Use Swift Package Manager to install this package: https://github.com/benlmyer
SwiftUI Grid layout with custom styles
SwiftUI Grid SwiftUI Grid view layout with custom styles. Features ZStack based layout Vertical and horizontal scrolling Supports all apple platforms
A visual developer tool for inspecting your iOS application data structures.
Tree Dump Debugger A visual developer tool for inspecting your iOS application data structures. Features Inspect any data structure with only one line
A Swift implementation of a Flickr-search application that uses MVVM and ReactiveCocoa
ReactiveCocoa, Swift and MVVM This application is a Swift-port of an MVVM / ReactiveCocoa example application I wrote a few months ago. Instructions T
iOS Todo Application using RxSwift and ReactorKit
RxTodo RxTodo is an iOS application developed using ReactorKit. This project is for whom having trouble with learning how to build a RxSwift applicati
Converted CoreML Model Zoo.
CoreML-Models Converted CoreML Model Zoo. CoreML is a machine learning framework by Apple. If you are iOS developer, you can easly use machine learnin
A set of SwiftUI custom modifiers to make the ScrollView snappable.
Snappable A set of SwiftUI custom modifiers to make the ScrollView snappable. The goal of this library is to provide an easy way to implement Views su
Demonstrates using ARKit in iOS to apply metal shaders to real world surfaces
Reality Shaders Demonstrates using ARKit to apply metal shaders to real world surfaces. Links: Demo video Blog post In The Walls (production app using
Augmented Reality Movie Trailer made with ARKit and SceneKit.
ARTrailer Identify the movie title from a poster, and use SceneKit to display the movie trailer in AR. Overview This app runs an ARKit world-tracking
Clean class to create a portal in SceneKit for use in ARKit.
SceneKit-PortalMask See my Medium post about this CocoaPod This class PortalMask creates an occluding box around any rectangular frame, including a tr
👻 Augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style
ARbusters What's ARbusters? ARbusters is an augmented reality game in a pixel/billboard style. The gameplay is pretty simple, look around you and kill
Superimposes your image into a 3D world using Metal+Arkit
arkit-virtual-backdrop Superimposes your image into a 3D rendered world using Metal+ARKit. This example calculates depth to viewer's face, and uses it
An ARKit App that can help your friends to find you
An ARKit App that can do three things: Recording the route you've passed by Sharing the route with your friends Your friends can find the start positi
⬆️ Rad Media Capture in Swift
NextLevel is a Swift camera system designed for easy integration, customized media capture, and image streaming in iOS. Integration can optionally lev
An augmented reality app to visualize and discover the planes flying around you
An augmented reality app to visualize and discover the planes flying around you
An AR ruler app can measure length & area
Ruler A simple AR ruler app can measure length & area Requirements Swift 4.0 iOS 11.0 Xcode 9.0 Preview Mesure Length videoplayback.mp4 Mesure Area vi
Code examples for ARKit.
ARKit-Sampler ARKit-Sampler is a collection of ARKit samples. How to build Open ARKit-Sampler.xcworkspace with Xcode and build it. It can NOT run on S
A demonstration of vertical planes "tracking" and occlusions with ARKit+Scenekit
arkit-occlusion-demo Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel This ARKit+SceneKit project shows how to "track" vertical planes (relative to horizo
Shell Game built with ARKit and SceneKit
ARKit Shell Game Shell Game built with ARKit and SceneKit. Good sample to learn AR/3D basics. Requirements XCode 9 Device running iOS, with an A9 chip
An implementation of a Super Mario Bros-like game in augmented reality with ARKit and SceneKit.
arkit-smb-homage Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel This project is a homage to Super Mario Bros. It does not, however, contain ANY original
Show your GitHub commit records in 3D with ARKit and SceneKit.
ARGitHubCommits Show your GitHub commit records in 3D with ARKit and SceneKit. Listed in Awesome ARKit now. Welcome to Star ⭐️ ~ Preview Requirement i
A demo of the ARKit Demo project from Xcode 9 as a Swift Playground
ARKitDemoPlayground and Friends A demo of the ARKit Demo project from Xcode 9 as a Swift Playground. This is the demo that was given at the 404 confer
Well known game Snake written in Swift using ARKit.
3DSnakeAR Well known game Snake in Augmented Reality. Written in Swift using ARKit. App demonstrates ARKit and plane detection. Content is generated w
Lovely Augmented Reality Charts for iOS - Built with ARKit
ARCharts ARCharts is a library making it easy to create beautiful charts tailored for augmented reality. Table of Contents Project Details Requirement
A game inspired by Pokemon Go build with ARKit and SpriteKit
ARKitGameSpriteKit Simple AR game made with ARKit and SpriteKit. Follow the tutorial at Pusher's blog. Requirements Xcode 9 (Beta 5 at least) iOS 11 A
👨🏻💻 Examples of new iOS 11 APIs
iOS 11 by Examples Code examples for new APIs of iOS 11. Note: The project requires Xcode 9, Swift 4 and iOS 11. Table of contents Core ML Vision ARKi
iOS11 ARKit (3D of Wolf 🐺 狼)
ARKit-Wolf Welcome to my ARKit demo repo. Second version: (Winter has come, love the new season!) You need to download Xcode 9 and update your iPhone/
ARText by ARKit
ARText ARText by ARKit More Demo Video: Demo 1 Demo 2 Web Page: http://artext.co Requirements XCode 9, swift Device running iOS 11, with an A9 chip or
Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit
ARTetris Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit We are a development agency building phenomenal apps. FAQ App crashes when running on i
A demo Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit in Swift (iOS 11)
ARShooter ARShooter is an open source Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit and written in Swift. Hence, it is only useable with iOS 11. For more
Tic-Tac-Toe implemented using ARKit+Scenekit
arkit-tictactoe Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel In this example I have taken the simple scenekit tic-tac-toe (another of my repositories)
Basic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava.
FloorIsLava Basic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava. Requirements Xcode 9 (you can view the code in Xcode 8 but will not be able t
Mesure distance using apple ARKit
ARuler Mesure distance using apple ARKit ENGLISH README 预览 运行 cd到工程目录下,运行pod install 安装 因为ARKit使用限制,设备要求为6s以上,系统最低要求为iOS11,Xcode版本为9以上 测量时需保证光线充足 问题 A
After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences. Our goal is to improve the utility of mobile using AR experiences.
Bluetoothed ARKit 2.0 with ARWorldMap! After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences
Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking 👀 by tracking face using ARKit and AVFoundation
Baraba from Korean: meaning, Look at me Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking at the screen 👀 Features Automatic scrolling
Swift-cli - Example of building command-line tools in Swift
swift-cli Example of building command-line tools in Swift Step 1: Create CLI wit
SwiftDependencyChecker - Swift Dependency Checker
SwiftDependencyChecker SwiftDependencyChecker can be installed with homebrew wit
Daydreamer - A Figma viewer created in Swift Playgrounds for iPad
Daydreamer A native Figma client for iPad, created exclusively using Swift Playg
Quiz-Swift: a quiz game like TRUE OR FALSE
Quiz-Swift It's a quiz game like TRUE OR FALSE Working.mp4
CRRateLimitTester - Simple Clash Royale Rate Limit Tester Written Using HummingBird and Swift
CRRateLimitTester Simple Clash Royale Rate Limit Tester Written Using HummingBir
GoogleMapsApp - Google Maps App With Swift
googleMapsApp Тестовое задание Current location: Import points from servers:
Ios-mod-extract - iOS mod extract with swift
DIOExtract Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod insta
MusicAlbumApp - Applications for training networking, field validation, screen transitions, and GCD
MusicAlbumApp This is an educational application for finding music albums and vi
MoneySafe - Application for tracking income and expenses and analyzing expenses. VIPER architecture, CoreData, Charts
💸 MoneySafe 💸 Application for tracking income and expenses and analyzing expen
Task-Manager - Task Manager App With Swift
Task-Manager It's typical task manager where user can assign the importance, def
Sharkconnect: a large iOS project which serves as a centralized platform for high schools
Sharkconnect Demo Sharkconnect is a content crowdsourcing platform in a high sch
NasaApod - iOS, Swift, MVVM, Consuming NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day API for any selected date
NasaApod iOS, Swift, MVVM, Unit Tests Consuming NASA Astronomy Picture of the Da
Example Thesaurus app written in Swift
Words Simple Thesaurus built with Moby data. Building You'll need CocoaPods to build the app. To install CocoaPods, run the following command in Termi
Swift iOS app to track when your favorite tv show airs next 📆
Upcoming TV Swift iOS app to track when your favorite tv show airs next 📆 Requirements iOS 13 TMdB API key Credits TMdB Contact github.com/dkhamsing
iOS TV Shows app with TMDb Api. RxSwift, MVVM, Clean Architecture. Tuist + Swift Package Manager
TVShows iOS app built with RxSwift, using the TMDb API. Built with Swift 5 RxSwift, RxDataSources Clean + Modular Architecture Cordinator Pattern. MVV
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
Spontaneous - Random quotes is a free iOS app that generates random quotes
Spontaneous - Random quotes is a free iOS app that generates random quotes. It values ease-of-use just as much as the users' privacy, so there are no ads or trackers to disrupt their experience. The app currently includes more than 75000 quotes, which you can only discover randomly.
SoundCloud client written on Swift
SoundCloud client written on Swift to integrate it easily with your apps. Features Fluent interface based on Models Reactive API with ReactiveCocoa 4.
Reading List - an iOS app to track personal reading lists
Reading List Reading List is an iOS app for iPhone and iPad which helps users track and catalog the books they read. Reading List v2 As of version 2.0
🌁 An Unsplash app for iOS
🌁 Papr Papr is an unofficial Unsplash app for iOS. 🏃♂️ Getting Started git clone https://github.com/jdisho/Papr.git cd Papr pod install open Papr.x
Super basic iOS app to browse open-source-ios-apps
Super basic iOS app to browse open-source-ios-apps
Studio Ghibli Movie database in Swift. For iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS.
Ghibliii Studio Ghibli Movie database in Swift *Colours are shifted due to compression About This started as a way for me to do something in this quar
Fast iOS app to browse and search movies, tv, actors, credits
Fast iOS app to browse and search movies, tv, actors, credits
PunkAPI(BrewDog) 을 이용한 RxSwift-MVVM 예제 (Naver Tech Concert)
BringMyOwnBeer 🍺 RxSwift를 이용한 MVVM 패턴 예제 Contents About BringMyOwnBeer 🍺 Concept Contact Me About BringMyOwnBeer 🍺 생소한 RxSwift와 MVVM 개념을 보다 쉽게 이해할
The Art World in Your Pocket or Your Trendy Tech Company's Tote, Artsy's mobile app.
Meta State: production Point People: Brian Beckerle, Mounir Dhahri, Pavlos Vinieratos CI : This is an Artsy OSS project. Other mobile projects are Ene
harry potter themed social network similar to IG
Potter Pics PotterPics is a Harry Potter themed social network similar to Instagram. Walkthrough Home, Main Feed, Profile Library Post, Search, Camera
California points of interest
Californication Description Discover only the best points of interest in the California. View detail information about the place and also see it's loc
Soundable allows you to play sounds, single and in sequence, in a very easy way
Overview Soundable is a tiny library that uses AVFoundation to manage the playing of sounds in iOS applications in a simple and easy way. You can play
__.swift is a port of Underscore.js to Swift.
__.swift Now, __.swift is version 0.2.0! With the chain of methods, __.swift became more flexible and extensible. Documentation: http://lotz84.github.
A lightweight XMLParser for assembling and parsing XML values written for iOS 8+ in Swift 2.
Overview Description Requirements Installation Usage Author License Description XMLParser lets you convert a pure Swift dictionary into XML string and