3910 Repositories
Swift ios-viewpager Libraries
The Gini Bank SDK provides components for capturing, reviewing and analyzing photos of invoices and remittance slips.
Gini Bank SDK for iOS The Gini Bank SDK provides components for capturing, reviewing and analyzing photos of invoices and remittance slips. By integra
A corresponding package to RxKotlin Plus, but for Swift and iOS
A corresponding package to RxKotlin Plus, but for Swift and iOS
An Xcode12 project for iOS that asynchronously downloads and displays xkcd comics
AsyncXKCD An Xcode12 project for iOS that asynchronously downloads and displays xkcd comics images and captions. It fills a UITableView as needed to k
Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph.
CryptoViewer Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph. Home Screen: Di
NFCPassportReader for iOS 13
NFCPassportReader This package handles reading an NFC Enabled passport using iOS 13 CoreNFC APIS THIS IS AN IN-PROGRESS BRANCH AND NOT EVEN REMOTELY S
Haptico 📳 - easy to use haptic feedback generator with pattern-play support
Haptico Haptico is easy to use iOS haptic feedback generator. Besides default haptic feedbacks it can play patterns! Checkout Example project. Table o
Super-lightweight library to detect used device
Device.swift Super-lightweight library to detect used device Device.swift extends the UIDevice class by adding a property: var deviceType: DeviceType
NFC Forum Well Known Type Data Parser for iOS11 and Core NFC
NFCNDEFParse NFC Forum Well Known Type Data Parser for iOS11 and Core NFC. Supports parsing of types: Text - NFCForum-TS-RTD_Text_1.0 2006-07-24 Uri -
UIDevice extensions that fill in the missing pieces.
UIDeviceComplete UIDevice extensions that fill in the missing pieces. Whats this library about? UIDeviceComplete is an iOS library intended to be a co
TapticEngine generates haptic feedback vibrations on iOS device.
TapticEngine Overview TapticEngine generates haptic feedback vibrations on iOS device. This library wrapps on UIImpactFeedbackGenerator, UISelectionFe
WatchCon is a tool which enables creating easy connectivity between iOS and WatchOS.
WatchCon WatchCon is a tool which enables creating easy connectivity between iOS and WatchOS Requirements iOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+ CocoaPods CocoaPods
Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
Device detect the current device model and screen size. Installation CocoaPods Device is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the
Luminous provides you a lot of information about the system and a lot of handy methods to quickly get useful data on the iOS platform.
Luminous Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8+ Swift 5 Xcode 1
DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
Branch Build Status Versions master ≥ 2.0 Swift 4 - 4.2 ≥ 1.3 1.13 Swift 3 ≥ 1.0 1.3 Swift 2.3 1.0 DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDe
Swift library to easily check the current device and some more info about it.
Usage To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. let device = Deviice.current device is a Devi
Simply the fastest way to transmit data between iOS/tvOS and OSX
DarkLightning DarkLightning is a lightweight Swift library to allow data transmission between iOS/tvOS devices (Lightning port, Dock connector, USB-C)
Fast Websockets in Swift for iOS and OSX
SwiftWebSocket Conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) client library for iOS and Mac OSX. SwiftWebSocket passes all 521 of the Autobahn's fuzzing tests, incl
Socket.IO-client for iOS/OS X.
Socket.IO-Client-Swift Socket.IO-client for iOS/OS X.
Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
Starscream is a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) library in Swift. Features Conforms to all of the base Autobahn test suite. Nonblocking. Everything ha
CLI for setting location in the iOS simulator
set-simulator-location This is a simple CLI for easily setting the location of the currently running iOS Simulator. Usage Set a specific latitude and
A Location Manager for easily implementing location services & geofencing in iOS. Ready for iOS 11.
A Location Manager for easily implementing location services & geofencing in iOS, written in Objective-C. Ready for iOS 11. Features Get current/conti
A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
LocationPicker A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app. Features Installation Cocoapods Carthage Swift Package Manager Qui
Easily get the device's current location on iOS.
INTULocationManager makes it easy to get the device's current location and is currently heading on iOS. It is an Objective-C library that also works g
The most power-efficient and lightweight iOS location manager for Swift and ObjC
IngeoSDK for iOS Overview IngeoSDK is a power-efficient location manager for iOS (Swift and Objective-C), which extends and improves CoreLocation. It
PeekView supports peek, pop and preview actions for iOS devices without 3D Touch capibility
PeekView When implementing peek, pop and preview actions with 3D Touch, you may want to support such features for users accessing your app from older
JustPeek is an iOS Library that adds support for Force Touch-like Peek and Pop interactions on devices that do not natively support this kind of interaction.
JustPeek Warning: This library is not supported anymore by Just Eat. JustPeek is an iOS Library that adds support for Force Touch-like Peek and Pop in
Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions (App Icon Shortcuts)
QuickActions Swift wrapper for iOS Home Screen Quick Actions This wrapper creates dynamic quick actions. It is possible to define static quick actions
Proxitee iOS SDK to enable iOS apps to use the Proxitee platform with iBeacon and GeoFencing
Proxitee iOS SDK Introduction The Proxitee iOS SDK allows you to enable your iOS devices to use the Proxitee platform with iBeacons and GeoFences, for
The concept took second place in the Design Concept Award contest Season 1 in 2021.
SmileRate Developed by Alex Kryvodub as part of the You are launched "Design Concept Award" contest Season #1. SmileRate demo. Inspired by Duy Luong c
small iOS & ipadOS application written in SwiftUI and Combine, that fetches twitter users and tweets using Twitter's api
HomeTwitter Small iOS & ipadOS application written in SwiftUI and Combine, that fetches twitter users and tweets using Twitter's api. This is just a s
This repository accompanies Modularizing Legacy Projects Using TDD: Test Driven Development with XCTest for iOS
Apress Source Code This repository accompanies Modularizing Legacy Projects Using TDD: Test Driven Development with XCTest for iOS by Khaled El-Morabe
This is my attempt to make this repo available on swift package manager
Parse LiveQuery Client for iOS/OSX PFQuery is one of the key concepts for Parse. It allows you to retrieve PFObjects by specifying some conditions, ma
This is the BlurrMC social media platform for iOS hosted on Apple's CloudKit.
BlurrMC for iOS This is the BlurrMC social media platform for IOS! WOOOOOOO! On this version of the social media platform, you have the full featured
Sample iOS integration project
Sample integration of SweeprMobile SDK To quickly build the app: Fill-in the URLs and passwords inside env-default file Generate BuildConfig.swift bas
The concept took third place in the Design Concept Award contest Season 1 in 2021.
SpringAnimation Developed by Yurii Sameliuk as part of the You are launched "Design Concept Award" contest Season #1. SpringAnimation demo. Inspired b
Fizz Buzz stub for interviewing iOS candidates
FizzBuzz Write a program that accepts an integer =1 and returns a list of strings For numbers divisible by 3, return “Fizz” For numbers divisible by
Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle!
iLabeledSeekSlider Custom & highly configurable seek slider with sliding intervals, disabled state and every possible setting to tackle! Minimum iOS v
A tip calculator for iOS (in Swift) and Android
Round & Split I needed a tip calculator, so I wrote one. I always round my tips, and when I dine out with a friend, I email them reminders that I owe
Currency Converter - Free and Quick Converter calculates money quick and easy way to see live foreign exchange rates.
Currency Converter - Free and Quick Converter calculates money quick and easy way to see live foreign exchange rates. This app is available in the App
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code
Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code This project shows how the source code can be architectured to run on multiple devices. As of now,
Learn to Code While Building Apps - The Complete iOS Development Bootcamp
BMI Calculator Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to learn more about Optionals, solidify your understanding of the MVC design pattern and to intro
A Powerful Private Browser Developed to Truly Protect your Data
SnowHaze SnowHaze is the first and only iOS browser that truly protects your data! Designed for best possible privacy and security and made to be easi
An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
Onion Browser Official Site | Support | Release History | Donate © 2012-2020, Tigas Ventures, LLC (Mike Tigas) This is the Onion Browser 2.X branch, b
Legacy Ghostery Browser for iOS
DEPRECATED - Ghostery for iOS version 2.x This project is no longer active. Please see our current iOS browser project for Ghostery iOS v3+. Ghostery
Firefox Focus for iOS
Firefox Focus for iOS Browse like no one’s watching. The new Firefox Focus automatically blocks a wide range of online trackers — from the moment you
Firefox for iOS
Firefox for iOS Download on the App Store. This branch (main) This branch works with Xcode 13.0, Swift 5.5 and supports iOS 13 and above. Please note:
An unofficial E-Hentai App for iOS built with SwiftUI.
EhPanda An unofficial E-Hentai App for iOS. English・ Deutsch・ 한국어・ 日本語・ 繁體中文・ 简体中文 📢 Translations Wanted 📢 Please submit a pull request if you want
Brave iOS Browser
Brave for iOS 🦁 Download on the App Store. This branch (development) This branch is for mainline development that will ship in the next release. This
The concept won first place in the Design Concept Award contest Season 1 in 2021.
TallyCounter Developed by Vladyslav Fil as part of the You are launched "Design Concept Award" contest Season #1. Tally Counter Micro-Interaction demo
iOS app that allows you to search for any comic character and save your favorites in a list.
iOS App: My Comics Swift exercise ¡Hola mundo! In my Swift learning journey my mentor and I decided to do an app using the Comic Vine API. This API gi
This is an iOS game for Halloween ghost haunting!
halloween-bubble-burst This is an iOS game for Halloween ghost haunting! The player needs to fire the ghost and catch as much pumpkins as possible. He
This is my version of the H4X0R News app, taught by Angela Yu on the iOS Development Bootcamp.
H4X0R News 📰 (I didn't choose the name btw) What is it about? H4X0R News is an app that shows the front page news from Hacker News Website, and when
A repository for training iOS programming and UI patterns.
iOS Swift Training This repository will be used for training iOS programming using Swift and UI patterns. Some examples may be simple, but they are us
Clone of the redesigned Safari iOS app for iOS 15
This project showcases the implementation of the redesigned Safari app UI on iOS 15. It features keyboard animations, collapsing and expanding toolbar
Swift iOS coffee ordering app that uses the MVVM design pattern that makes
CoffeeOrder Swift iOS coffee ordering app that uses the MVVM design pattern that makes "GET" and "POST" requests to an API for the orders Screenshots
Video and photo camera for iOS
Features: Description Records video 🎥 takes photos 📷 Flash on/off ⚡ Front / Back camera ↕️ Hold to record video ✊ Tap to take photo 👇 Tap to focus
An iOS framework that uses the front camera, detects your face and takes a selfie.
TakeASelfie An iOS framework that uses the front camera, detects your face and takes a selfie. This api opens the front camera and draws an green oval
Mock UIImagePickerController for testing camera based UI in simulator
Mock UIImagePickerController to simulate the camera in iOS simulator.
📸 iMessage-like, Image Picker Controller Provides custom features.
RAImagePicker Description RAImagePicker is a protocol-oriented framework that provides custom features from the built-in Image Picker Edit. Overview O
A camera designed in Swift for easily integrating CoreML models - as well as image streaming, QR/Barcode detection, and many other features
Would you like to use a fully-functional camera in an iOS application in seconds? Would you like to do CoreML image recognition in just a few more sec
A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
Overview SwiftyCam is a a simple, Snapchat-style iOS Camera framework for easy photo and video capture. SwiftyCam allows users to capture both photos
Camera engine for iOS, written in Swift, above AVFoundation. :monkey:
🌟 The most advanced Camera framework in Swift 🌟 CameraEngine is an iOS camera engine library that allows easy integration of special capture feature
A light weight & simple & easy camera for iOS by Swift.
DKCamera Description A light weight & simple & easy camera for iOS by Swift. It uses CoreMotion framework to detect device orientation, so the screen-
Fasttt and easy camera framework for iOS with customizable filters
FastttCamera is a wrapper around AVFoundation that allows you to build your own powerful custom camera app without all the headaches of using AVFounda
Horizon SDK for iOS
Horizon SDK for iOS Horizon SDK is a state of the art real-time video recording / photo shooting iOS library. Some of the features of Horizon SDK incl
BarcodeScanner is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the camera with barcode capturing functionality and a great user experience.
Description BarcodeScanner is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the camera with barcode capturing functionality and a great user experience. Barco
A simple, customizable camera control - video recorder for iOS.
LLSimpleCamera: A simple customizable camera - video recorder control LLSimpleCamera is a library for creating a customized camera - video recorder sc
1D and 2D barcodes reader and generators for iOS 8 with delightful controls. Now Swift.
RSBarcodes, now in Swift. RSBarcodes allows you to read 1D and 2D barcodes using the metadata scanning capabilities introduced with iOS 7 and generate
Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app
Camera Manager This is a simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app. It follows orientatio
iOS camera engine with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing
SCRecorder A Vine/Instagram like audio/video recorder and filter framework in Objective-C. In short, here is a short list of the cool things you can d
A fully customisable and modern camera implementation for iOS made with AVFoundation.
Features Extremely simple and easy to use Controls autofocus & exposure Customizable interface Code-made UI assets that do not lose resolution quality
📸 iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion, and photography
PBJVision PBJVision is a camera library for iOS that enables easy integration of special capture features and camera interface customizations in your
Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS projects.
🚨 Warning This repository is DEPRECATED and not maintained anymore. Custom camera with AVFoundation. Beautiful, light and easy to integrate with iOS
IrohaCrypto - This repository is managed by Terraform!
IrohaCrypto Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation IrohaC
Linphone is an open source softphone for voice and video over IP calling and instant messaging
Linphone is an open source softphone for voice and video over IP calling and instant messaging. It is fully SIP-based, for all calling, presence and I
Responder mechanism in iOS
使用Responders和Responder Chain来处理事件 学习如何处理在应用程序中传递的事件 下面使用这样的译法 Responder : 响应者 Responder Chanin : 响应链 概览 应用程序通过使用响应者对象来接收和处理事件,一个响应者对象可以是任何UIResponder类
Basispay IOS SDK Version 2
BasisPay-IOS-KIT BasisPay IOS Payment Gateway kit for developers INTRODUCTION This document describes the steps for integrating Basispay online paymen
A repository that demonstrates the difficulty to run async tests with Xcode 13.2 beta on pre iOS-15 simulators
A repository that demonstrates the difficulty to run async tests with Xcode 13.2 beta on pre iOS-15 simulators This demonstration uses an iOS 13.7 sim
Declarative iOS UI sugar framework built on FlexLayout
Declarative iOS UI sugar framework built on FlexLayout
Sample app to demonstrate the integration code and working of Dyte SDK for iOS, using Swift
docs-template by dyte ADD_DESCRIPTION_HERE Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About the Project Built With
👽 Cosmostation iOS Wallet
Cosmostation Mobile Wallet Welcome to Cosmostation's Open Source Mobile Apps! 🚀 Developed / Developing by Cosmostation About Cosmostation wallet apps
Gumlet analytics integration with AVPlayer for iOS native applications.
gumlet-Insights-avplayer Gumlet Insights integration with AVPlayer for iOS native applications. This Insights enables you to get useful data about vid
A functional, simplistic quick notes app, built in Swift for iOS
iOS QNApp Documentation Built for iOS 14 and above in XCode 13.1 Takes user input and stores in a note, can be modified at any time Dark mode and acce
Muxer used on top of Feed iOS SDK for airplay
FeedAirplayMuxer Muxer used on top of Feed iOS SDK for airplay purposes. Demo Project -- https://github.com/feedfm/AirplayDemo Feed Airplay Muxer is
The application is develop in Objective IOS. kids can draw whatever they want and also kids can save the drawing as well as undo erase the drawing.
IOSObjC_KidsBoard The application is develop in Objective IOS. kids can draw whatever they want and also kids can save the drawing as well as undo era
Walk! Is an application developed for FIT3178 (iOS App Development)'s Final Assignment
WalkWalkWalk- Walk, Walk, Walk! Is an application developed for FIT3178 (iOS App Development)'s Final Assignment, S1 2021 Monash University. Created b
iOS localization swift code generation project
code-gen-library - localization-swift module code-gen-library - localization-swift module with Python bash script execute to localization swift files(
iOS App that creates memes from images
MemeMaker - iOS App that creates memes from images Screenshots Meme Collection Empty Screen Collection Table Meme Editor Empty Editing Frameworks Used
📴 SoundModeManager 📳 Detect silent / ring mode on iOS device
📴 SoundModeManager 📳 Detect silent / ring mode on the device. Installation CocoaPods Usage Documentation License 🚀 Installation CocoaPods For usage
SwiftUI iOS Scrum meeting organiser
Scrumdinger SwiftUI iOS Scrum meeting organiser Created based of the tutorial SwiftUI Scrumdinger app described in Apple app dev training: https://dev
An iOS app that allows you to create resumes on your phone and export them to pdf
Resume Builder iOS An iOS app that allows you to create resumes on your phone and export them to pdf To create a new resume, choose + from the main vi
test ios UnitTest and UITest
github_actions Bundlerの導入 fastlaneやiOSパッケージマネージャであるCocoaPodsはRubyのライブラリ 開発チームで使用するバージョンを揃えるためにBundlerを導入する bundlerのインストール gem install bundler Gemfile
This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comments!
Parstagram - Part II This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comm
contoh pembuatan framework untuk ios swift
circularContohFramework Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Install
Quizzler app for iOS using Swift
Quizzler Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to take you one step further in your journey of becoming an app developer. We are going to introduce yo
iOS Application that gets the trending repositories data from Github API and displays it in a tableView.
Github-Trending-Repos iOS Application that gets the trending repositories data from Github API and displays it in a tableView. Follows MVC architectur
A simple iOS app similar to iTunes where you can view details of your favorite movies, songs and audio books.
Popcorn Adventure This is an iOS app developed by Arthur Tristan M. Ramos who has taken the Appetiser iOS Coding Challenge. Design Pattern The design
Swift Xylophone for iOS
Xylophone Our Goal The goal of this tutorial is to dive into a simple iOS recipe - how to play sound and use an Apple library called AVFoundation. The
An instagram clone for iOS built with Parse
Parstagram - Part II This is an Instagram clone with a custom Parse backend that allows a user to post photos, view a global photos feed, and add comm
This is a basic twitter app to view, compose, favorite, and retweet tweets.
Twitter - Part II This is a basic twitter app to view, compose, favorite, and retweet tweets. Time spent: 6 hours spent in total User Stories The foll