120 Repositories
Swift multi-platform Libraries
A concept to more easily define simple keyframe / multi-step animations in SwiftUI
🎞 Animate A concept to more easily define simple keyframe / multi-step animations in SwiftUI, without: Defining an @State value for each property to
Cross-platform Swift library for accessing the public GitHub API.
GoatHerb GoatHerb is a cross-platform Swift library for accessing the GitHub API. Features General Compatible with swift-log. Full concurrency (async/
Support for native cross-platform in-app-purchasing API's in Titanium
Support for native cross-platform in-app-purchasing API's in Titanium. This repository represents a modern alternative to ti.storekit (iOS) and ti.inappbilling (Android).
A Swift cross-platform (Apple and Linux) networking library.
KippleNetworking A Swift library that offers cross-platform (Apple and Linux) networking support, intended for the creation of cross-platform SDKs to
The most powerful Event-Driven Observer Pattern solution the Swift language has ever seen!
Event-Driven Swift Decoupling of discrete units of code contributes massively to the long-term maintainability of your project(s). While Observer Patt
Cross-platform instrumentation and introspection library written in C
Gum Cross-platform instrumentation and introspection library written in C. This library is consumed by frida-core through its JavaScript bindings, Gum
Full featured multi arch/os debugger built on top of PyQt5 and frida
Dwarf A debugger for reverse engineers, crackers and security analyst. Or you can call it damn, why are raspberries so fluffy or yet, duck warriors ar
Customizable multi platform menu bar component with the dark and light scheme support - SwiftUI
Menu bar component (SwiftUI) Features Observing menu selection changes via generic PreferenceKey The color intensity automatically adjusts depending o
Fast Multi-store Redux-like architecture for iOS/OSX applications
Highway Highway is implementation of Redux-like architecture pattern using Swift. If you were looking for a something like this: TEA (The Elm Architec
iOS SDK for cross-platform in-app purchase and subscription infrastructure, revenue analytics, engagement automation, and integrations
Qonversion is the data platform to power in-app subscription revenue growth. fast in-app subscriptions implementation back-end infrastructure to valid
On This Day is a cross-platform smartphone application built with Flutter, fetching facts from the NumbersAPI
On This Day is a cross-platform smartphone application built with Flutter, fetching facts from the NumbersAPI. There are three ways to fetch facts, by date (MM/YY format), by day of the year (1-366) and randomly.
Cross-platform JsonRPC client implementation with HTTP and WebSocket support
JsonRPC.swift Cross-platform JsonRPC client implementation with HTTP and WebSocket support Getting started Installation Package Manager Add the follow
AttributedText is a Swift µpackage that provides NSAttributedString rendering in SwiftUI by wrapping either an NSTextView or a UITextView depending on the platform.
AttributedText AttributedText is a Swift µpackage that provides NSAttributedString rendering in SwiftUI by wrapping either an NSTextView or a UITextVi
Auto scrollable multi platform header menu usually used in food delivery applications - SwiftUI & Combine
Auto scrollable header menu - SwiftUI & Combine Features Auto scrollable up menu while navigating the list up and down Navigate to any section from up
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
iONess is HTTP Request Helper for iOS platform used by HCI iOS App
iONess iONess (iOS Network Session) is HTTP Request Helper for the iOS platform used by Home Credit Indonesia iOS App. It uses Ergo as a concurrent he
Send email to any SMTP server like a boss, in Swift and cross-platform
Hedwig is a Swift package which supplies a set of high level APIs to allow you sending email to an SMTP server easily. If you are planning to send ema
iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems
iOS & tvOS multi-emulator frontend, supporting various Atari, Bandai, NEC, Nintendo, Sega, SNK and Sony console systems… Get Started: https://wiki.provenance-emu.com |
The sample implementation of zip-archived document for a macOS AppKit platform.
The sample implementation of zip-archived document for a macOS AppKit platform. You can implement NSDocument-based I/O of archived document in your application like .sketch or .key.
nds4ios is a port of the multi-platform Nintendo DS emulator, DeSmuME to iOS.
nds4ios Supports iOS 6 to iOS 9. nds4ios is a port of the multi-platform Nintendo DS emulator, DeSmuME to iOS. Currently, emulation is powered by a th
Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API.
RetroArch is the reference frontend for the libretro API. Popular examples of implementations for this API includes video game system emulators and game engines as well as more generalized 3D programs. These programs are instantiated as dynamic libraries. We refer to these as "libretro cores".
Event management iOS app for organizers using Open Event Platform
Open Event Organizer iOS App Event management app for organizers using Open Event Platform Roadmap Make the app functionality and UI/UX similar to the
SwiftCrossUI - A cross-platform SwiftUI-like UI framework built on SwiftGtk.
SwiftCrossUI A SwiftUI-like framework for creating cross-platform apps in Swift. It uses SwiftGtk as its backend. This package is still quite a work-i
Multi-wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and other emerging blockchains
Multi-wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and other emerging blockchains. Non-custodial storage, decentralized exchange, and extensive analytics for thousands of tokens and NFTs. Implemented on Swift.
Cross-platform 👻 Crypto Wallet Generator in Go
coingrig-go-wallet Cross-platform 👻 Crypto Wallet Generator in Go Build Run ./build.sh Artifacts iOS .xcframework is in ios/ directory Android .jar a
A multi-platform SwiftUI component for tabular data
SwiftTabler A multi-platform SwiftUI component for tabular data. NOTE this component is BRAND NEW and under active development. If you need stability,
OTAtomics - Multi-platform Swift thread-safe atomics library
OTAtomics Multi-platform Swift thread-safe atomics library. The library has full
Swift-picker-views - inline single and multi picker views for UIKit. Without tableview! Easy and simple
swift-picker-views Inline single and multiple picker views for UIKit. No tablevi
The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS
Outline Client The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. The Outline Client is design
The minimalistic, secure and open-source two-factor authentication app.
Einmal /ˈainmaːl/ German: once The minimalistic, secure and open-source two-factor authentication app. Features ♻️ Cross-platform — available on Andro
PassDrop is a fully-featured secure password management system, compatible with the free KeePass 1.x (Classic) and multi-platform KeePassX desktop applications.
passdrop This is a modern, updated build of Rudis Muiznieks's PassDrop application. PassDrop is a fully-featured secure password management system, co
A multi-user Mastodon client for iOS.
Tootbot A multi-user Mastodon client for iOS. Getting Started Tootbot must be built with Xcode 8.3 or later. The xcode-install gem can help with multi
Swift-cuckoo-collections - Cross-platform Swift dictionaries & sets that use a cuckoo hashing algorithm
CuckooCollections A Swift package for open-addressed sets and dictionaries that
Card Decks is a small utility application for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad which brings you simple, configurable, colored, multi-line text cards that are grouped into card decks
Card Decks is a small utility application for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad which brings you simple, configurable, colored, multi-line text cards that are grouped into card decks.
Open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality.
Welcome to the Say Their Names project. Our aim is to build an open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality at the hands of law enforcement. We strive to identify and amplify verified organizations to ensure donations are reaching those who can make the most impact with it.
Open Source release of the code for the iOS retro 80s platform game Loot Raider
Loot Raider iOS v1.7 (c) 2018 Infusions of Grandeur - Written By: Eric Crichlow Background Loot Raider is the "spiritual successor" to a game named "G
iOS client for the TradeOgre.com crypto-to-crypto trading platform
TradeOgre iOS Overview TradeOgre iOS is an iOS client for the TrageOgre.com website and crypto-exchange platform. I was looking for their iOS client,
Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
mtcnn-caffe Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks. This project provide you a method to update mu
LOL Champions app: a small Multi-Module demo application to demonstrate modern iOS application tech-stacks with a Multi-module and MVVM architecture
LOL Champions app: a small Multi-Module demo application to demonstrate modern iOS application tech-stacks with a Multi-module and MVVM architecture
🚀 Create XCFrameworks with ease! A Command Line Tool to create XCFramework for multiple platforms at one shot! The better way to deal with XCFrameworks for iOS, Mac Catalyst, tvOS, macOS, and watchOS.
Surmagic 🚀 Create XCFramework with ease! A Command Line Tool to create XCFramework for multiple platforms at one shot! The better way to deal with XC
Sharkconnect: a large iOS project which serves as a centralized platform for high schools
Sharkconnect Demo Sharkconnect is a content crowdsourcing platform in a high sch
A cross-platform SwiftUI-like framework built on SwiftGtk.
SwiftGtkUI A SwiftUI-like framework for creating cross-platform apps in Swift. It uses SwiftGtk as its backend. NOTE: SwiftGtkUI does not attempt to r
Cross-platform Swift library for parsing SVGPath strings
Introduction Installation Usage Credits Introduction SVGPath is an open-source parser for the SVG path syntax, making it easy to create CGPaths from t
A cross-platform library of Swift utils to ease your iOS | macOS | watchOS | tvOS and Linux development.
Mechanica A library of Swift utils to ease your iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and Linux development. Requirements Documentation Installation License Contr
Expo - An open-source platform for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
Expo Try Expo in the Browser | Read the Documentation 📚 📚 Documentation 🗺 Project Layout 🏅 Badges 👏 Contributing ❓ FAQ 💙 The Team License Expo i
Squares - a toy drum machine which you can control by multi touch capabilities of your track pad
Squares Squares is a toy drum machine which you can control by multi touch capab
Valorem-demo - Demonstration code and video of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app.
valorem-demo Demonstration code of Valorem, a bespoke portfolio recommendation platform to be created as an iOS mobile app. The included code demonstr
This repository is for the new ARGear SDK library for the iOS platform
This repository is for the new ARGear SDK library for the iOS platform. The library is not official yet. The library will be updated frequently by applying user feedback. When the APIs are fixed, the official library will be released.
A tool for defining design systems and using them to generate cross-platform UI code, Sketch files, and other artifacts.
Lona (Developer Preview) This project is in an early stage and lacks documentation – however, with some effort, it can be used very effectively. If yo
DEPRECATED - Realm Browser for Mac OS X has been replaced by realm-studio which is cross platform.
NOTE - This tool is now deprecated! Our future development efforts will go into the new cross platform Realm Studio, now available for Mac, Linux and
Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)
SwiftFoundation Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. Goals Provide a cross-platform in
A generic recycler view adapter
KRecyclerViewAdapter A generic recyclerview adapter for all your recycler views. No need to create a custom adapter for every recyclerview. Dependency
A multi-platform, multi-paradigm routing framework.
📲 ScreenUI A multi-platform, multi-paradigm declarative routing framework for iOS/macOS and others, the replacement of Storyboard. Supports UIKit, Ap
Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution. 😋😋😋
Multi-tier UIScrollView nested scrolling solution. Snapshots Requirements iOS 9.0+ Xcode 10.0+ Swift 4.2+ Installation CocoaPods CocoaPods is a depend
🔥 A multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder
Made with ❤️ by Mac Gallagher Features 💡 Advanced swipe recognition based on velocity and card position 💡 Manual and programmatic actions 💡 Smooth
⛓ Easy to Read and Write Multi-chain Animations Lib in Objective-C and Swift.
中文介绍 This project is inspired by JHChainableAnimations! Why Choose LSAnimator & CoreAnimator? You can write complex and easy-to-maintain animations in
Pure Swift Cross-platform UIKit (Cocoa Touch) implementation (Supports Linux)
Cacao Pure Swift Cross-platform UIKit (Cocoa Touch) implementation (Supports Linux) Build OS X brew install cairo sdl2 lcms2 swift build -Xlinker -L/u
Spots is a cross-platform view controller framework for building component-based UIs
Spots is a cross-platform view controller framework for building component-based UIs. The internal architecture is built using generic view models tha
Template for cross-platform mobile app with native UIs and C++ core
Template for cross-platform mobile app with native UIs and C++ core Structure packages/chat - C++ core packages/ios - iOS app connected to core via C
A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift.
Guitar 🎸 A Cross-Platform String and Regular Expression Library written in Swift. About This library seeks to add common string manipulation function
Twitter Text Libraries. This code is used at Twitter to tokenize and parse text to meet the expectations for what can be used on the platform.
twitter-text This repository is a collection of libraries and conformance tests to standardize parsing of Tweet text. It synchronizes development, tes
JOP is the Json organization program. It can run on any platform that supports Swift.
JOP JOP is a program organized in JSON files. It is based on Swift, provides a syntax similar to Swift, and has the same strong security as Swift. Thi
iOS/macOS Cross-platform Ark-Ecosystem Framework in Swift | Powered by Ѧrk.io |
a macOS & iOS Swift Framework for Ark.io. What is ARKKit? ARKKit is wrapper for interacting with the Ark Ecosystem. It is written purely in Swift 4.0,
A Swift library to upload video files to api.video platform.
api.video IOS video uploader api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and manag
Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
Facebook SDK for iOS This open-source library allows you to integrate Facebook into your iOS app. Learn more about the provided samples, documentation
This project brings FlatBuffers (an efficient cross platform serialization library) to Swift.
FlatBuffersSwift Motivation This project brings FlatBuffers (an efficient cross platform serialization library) to Swift. One minute introduction Ther
WebKit aims to provide platform agnostic isolated browser environments without the need for sketchy C bindings or a bloated V8 runtime.
WebKit WebKit aims to provide platform agnostic isolated browser environments without the need for sketchy C bindings or a bloated V8 runtime. Running
Manage multi-domain url auto mapping ip address table.
Domainer Multi-domain mapper. This library provides manage multi-domain table. Features Manage multi-domain mapping main domain. Find best domain whic
SkyWite is an open-source and highly versatile multi-purpose frameworks.
SkyWite is an open-source and highly versatile multi-purpose frameworks. Clean code and sleek features make SkyWite an ideal choice. Powerful high-level networking abstractions built into Cocoa. It has a modular architecture with well-designed, feature-rich APIs that are a joy to use.
Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities.
Description Oversecured Vulnerable iOS App is an iOS app that aggregates all the platform's known and popular security vulnerabilities. List of vulner
Da Xue Zhang Platform Lvb iOS SDK
Cloud_Lvb_SDK iOS API Reference Dxz Meeting iOS SDK是为 iOS 平台用户音视频服务的开源 SDK。通过大学长开放平台自研RTC,RTM系统,为客户提供质量可靠的音视频服务。 类 类名 描述 CLS_PlatformManager SDK的音视频主要
A cross-platform Swift library for evaluating mathematical expressions at runtime
Introduction What? Why? How? Usage Installation Integration Symbols Variables Operators Functions Arrays Performance Caching Optimization Standard Lib
Basic cross Linux/Darwin/Win(?) Posix aliases for Swift
Basic cross Linux/Darwin/Win(?) Posix aliases for Swift
A platform where NYUAD students can both Help and Seek Help.
A platform where NYUAD students can both Help and Seek Help.
Moit: a single delivery platform for college students living in dormitories
Moit: a single delivery platform for college students living in dormitories
Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox.
Yoga Building Yoga builds with buck. Make sure you install buck before contributing to Yoga. Yoga's main implementation is in C++, with bindings to su
Luminous provides you a lot of information about the system and a lot of handy methods to quickly get useful data on the iOS platform.
Luminous Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8+ Swift 5 Xcode 1
Proxitee iOS SDK to enable iOS apps to use the Proxitee platform with iBeacon and GeoFencing
Proxitee iOS SDK Introduction The Proxitee iOS SDK allows you to enable your iOS devices to use the Proxitee platform with iBeacons and GeoFences, for
This is the BlurrMC social media platform for iOS hosted on Apple's CloudKit.
BlurrMC for iOS This is the BlurrMC social media platform for IOS! WOOOOOOO! On this version of the social media platform, you have the full featured
Social Media platform build with swiftUI and Firebase with google and apple account integration for Signing In Users
Social Media platform build with swiftUI and Firebase with google and apple account integration for Signing In Users . Providing Users availability to upload posts and images add caption allowing other users to comment , with Find section to explore new people , new stories , User Profile section to allow the user to take control of his account .
iOS multi-functional AI camera: portrait cartoon, ageing and rejuvenation, beauty, filters, artistic effects, etc.
Magic Camera is an iOS AI camera app based on SwiftUI and CoreML that implements the following features: Portrait Cartoonization, which turns your photos into cartoon avatars Portrait Style Migration, which makes your photos older, younger, hair color, etc Beauty Camera, which supports peeling
iOS platform video hard decoding, support h264, h265
VideoDecoder iOS platform video hard decoding, support h264, h265 Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Exa
🏹 Bow is a cross-platform library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift
Bow is a cross-platform library for Typed Functional Programming in Swift. Documentation All documentation and API reference is published in our websi
A Flutter plugin (platform channel with Swift) to get the current app name and also bring our app to the front.
window_to_front A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package th
SwiftUICharts - A charts / plotting library for SwiftUI.
A charts / plotting library for SwiftUI. Works on macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS and has accessibility features built in.
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
⚡️ Fast async task based Swift framework with focus on type safety, concurrency and multi threading
Our apps constantly do work. The faster you react to user input and produce an output, the more likely is that the user will continue to use your appl
TTGSnackbar shows simple message and action button on the bottom or top of the screen with multi kinds of animation, which is written in Swift3 and inspired by Snackbar in Android. It also support showing custom view, icon image or multi action button.
TTGSnackbar A Swift based implementation of the Android Snackbar for iOS Gif About TTGSnackbar is useful for showing a brief message at bottom or top
A real-time, votable, democratized music queue on iPad and iPhone using Spotify
Queue'd Music Queue'd is the best way to enjoy music with your friends. Add your favorite songs to a shared music queue at your favorite bars, restaur
Multi-picker for iOS and Mac available in SwiftUI
Multi-picker for iOS and Mac available in Swift UI
Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
AudioKit AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS (including Catalyst), and tvOS. Installation To add AudioKit
Convenient & secure logging during development & release in Swift 3, 4 & 5
Colorful, flexible, lightweight logging for Swift 3, Swift 4 & Swift 5. Great for development & release with support for Console, File & cloud platfor
WCDB is a cross-platform database framework developed by WeChat.
WCDB 中文版本请参看这里 WCDB is an efficient, complete, easy-to-use mobile database framework used in the WeChat application. It's currently available on iOS,
Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
AudioKit AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS (including Catalyst), and tvOS. Installation To add AudioKit
📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
Wire™ This repository is part of the source code of Wire. You can find more information at wire.com or by contacting opensource@wire.com. You can find
Alfresco iOS App - Alfresco is the open platform for business-critical content management and collaboration.
Welcome to the Alfresco iOS App Alfresco is the open platform for business-critical content management and collaboration. Alfresco Mobile was designed
Provides a SwiftUI multi-line TextView implementation including support for auto-sizing. (iOS)
TextView Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+ Provides a SwiftUI multi-line TextView implementation with supp
EU Digital COVID Certificate Kit for the Apple Platform (unofficial)
EU Digital COVID Certificate Kit A Swift Package to decode, verify and validate EU Digital COVID Certificates for iOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS Disclai
Demo of using Metal to render EDR / HDR content on iOS platform
MetalEDR-iOS Demo of using Metal to render EDR/HDR content on iOS platform. How it works This demo uses a hack to activate EDR display on iOS platform
Numpy-like library in swift. (Multi-dimensional Array, ndarray, matrix and vector library)
Matft Matft is Numpy-like library in Swift. Function name and usage is similar to Numpy. Matft Feature & Usage Declaration MfArray MfType Subscription