3990 Repositories
Swift mvvm-ios Libraries
A framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift.
JOSESwift is a modular and extensible framework for the JOSE standards JWS, JWE, and JWK written in Swift. 💡 Please note that this implementation of
Demonstration library for using the Secure Enclave on iOS
SecureEnclaveCrypto This project shows you how to create a keypair where as the private key is stored in the secure enclave sign a string / some data
An easy way for hashing and encryption.
CatCrypto include a series of hashing and encryption functions and more functions in progress! CatCrypto also contains Swift bindings of Argon2, the p
CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac in Swift. -- For ObjC, see RNCryptor/RNCryptor-objc
RNCryptor Cross-language AES Encryptor/Decryptor data format. The primary targets are Swift and Objective-C, but implementations are available in C, C
Elegant Swift interface to access the CommonCrypto routines
SCrypto [Overview • Requirements • Installation • Usage • Alternatives • Licence] Overview SCrypto provides neat Swift interface to access the CommonC
Safe and easy to use crypto for iOS and macOS
Swift-Sodium Swift-Sodium provides a safe and easy to use interface to perform common cryptographic operations on macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS. It lev
Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings.
App Obfuscator for iOS Apps Secure your app by obfuscating all the hard-coded security-sensitive strings. Security Sensitive strings can be: REST API
Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
Themis provides strong, usable cryptography for busy people General purpose cryptographic library for storage and messaging for iOS (Swift, Obj-C), An
RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
SwiftyRSA Maintainer(s): @ikeith Public key RSA encryption in Swift. SwiftyRSA is used in the Scoop iOS app to encrypt driver license numbers before s
RSA public/private key generation, RSA, AES encryption/decryption, RSA sign/verify in Swift with CommonCrypto in iOS and OS X
SwCrypt Create public and private RSA keys in DER format let (privateKey, publicKey) = try! CC.RSA.generateKeyPair(2048) Convert them to PEM format l
🍕 MD5 in pure Swift
SwiftHash ❤️ Support my app ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications Quick Access - Organise files in the Mac men
Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup iOS Webtiles wrapper
dcss-ios Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup iOS Webtiles wrapper Summary This project aims to make DCSS webtiles a joy to play on any iOS device without an ext
Fetch the update available status for iOS or macOS apps based on the bundle identifier.
AppUpdately Fetch the update status for a given app bundle identifier, without the need of any remote configuration. Simply provide your app's bundle
iOS App using NewsAPI API for International and French retrieval informations
Newsletter iOS App using NewsAPI API for International and French retrieval informations Les Tests Unitaires Logique & UI n'ont pas encore été intégré
A Library for iOS developers to check newer version of app from the app store
swift-app-update-checker A very simple solution check new version of your application is available on store or not. Example To run the example project
Material para a apresentação da palestra "Implementando Interesses Transversais - um papo sobre arquitetura, DI e Design Patterns em Swift/iOS" no TDC Future 2021
--- title: Implementando Interesses Transversais - um papo sobre arquitetura, DI e Design Patterns em Swift/iOS author: Cícero Camargo date: Nov 30th
Today. News app for iOS
Today - News app for iOS This iOS app displays a list of news, fetched from mediastack API. Running This Project Clone this project and open with XCod
A simple network layer for use in small iOS projects with async/await support
SimpleNetwork Intro SimpleNetwork is simple network layer for use in small projects. Swift Package Manager Note: Instructions below are for using Swif
CCMQ is a message queue framework built for iOS
CCMQ CCMQ是基于MMAP开发的适用于iOS的消息队列框架 基本特性介绍 1.到达性和顺序性: CCMQ会确保消息一定能够发送到订阅者,CCMQ拥有串行和并行队列,串行队列会确保消息能够按照顺序发送顺序到达订阅者,并行队列则能够批量进行消息发送,但同一批次的消息到达顺序不能保证。 2.ACK机
Demo App for Picture-in-Picture of Arbitrary UIView in iOS
日本語 UIPiPDemo This is a demo app for displaying an arbitrary UIView in iOS using picture-in-picture. It can be used to display information that chan
A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS
TOPasscodeViewController A modal passcode input and validation view controller for iOS. TOPasscodeViewController is an open-source UIViewController su
A Swifty iOS PIN Screen
SAPinViewController Simple and easy to use default iOS PIN screen. This simple library allows you to draw a fully customisable PIN screen same as the
Simple class to check if app has been cracked, being debugged or enriched with custom dylib
iOS-App-Security-Class Simple class to check if iOS app has been cracked, being debugged or enriched with custom dylib and as well detect jailbroken e
iOS 7 style Passcode Lock
LTHPasscodeViewController Simple to use iOS 7 style Passcode - the one you get in Settings when changing your passcode. How to use Drag the contents o
A realistic password strength estimator.
.................................................bbb.................... .zzzzzzzzzz..xxx....xxx....cccccccc..vvv....vvv..bbb.........nnnnnnn.... ....
An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift.
PasscodeLock A Swift implementation of passcode lock for iOS with TouchID authentication. Installation PasscodeLock requires Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7 Car
Very simple swift wrapper for Biometric Authentication Services (Touch ID) on iOS.
SimpleTouch Very simple swift wrapper for Biometric Authentication Services (Touch ID) on iOS. Sample Project There is a SimpleTouchDemo target define
This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to load remote images
iOS NOW ⭐ This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to loa
This is an example of clean architecture and MVVM pattern written in swift
Swift Clean Architecture MVVM This is an example of clean architecture and MVVM pattern written in swift First of all thanks to all of those who made
A To Do List application for iOS devices.
Todoey A To Do List application for iOS devices. Tools Used - Realm Database UIStoryBoard Swift Ruby How to run - Clone the repo to local storage. Ins
TabBar do aplicativo do Mercado Bitcoin para iOS usando SwiftUI
TabBar do aplicativo do Mercado Bitcoin para iOS usando SwiftUI Screenshots Vídeos Vídeo on YouTube Requisitos iOS 14 SwiftUI Xcode 12 Meta Github: ht
iOS NBA Challenge Based on Xcode 12.4, PR2S Project By: Oscar Pastás
iOS NBA Challenge Based on Xcode 12.4, PR2S Project By: Oscar Pastás iOS This test app consists of a list of users Considerations This test should be
BNR World Trotter ios App
WorldTrotter Using the information from the BNR textbook, the World Trotter App was modified to add points of interest and adding a "Find Me" button u
Rock - Paper - Scissors game. CPU gives you a sign and asks to win or lose your move. Than you have to decide witch sign do you choose to score a point
RockPaperScissors 2nd challange from HackingWithSwift.com. The CPU gives you a sign (rock, paper or scissors) and asks you either to win or to lose th
CodePath IOS PreWork
CodePath HelloWorld App App Description This my hello World App that is submitted along my Applicationt to be part of CodePath's IOS Development Class
A Jamf Classic communication framework written in Swift
JamfKit JamfKit is an iOS / macOS / tvOS framework to communicate with the JSS API offered by any Jamf host. Summary Features Installation Carthage Co
The Waterwheel Swift SDK provides classes to natively connect iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS applications to Drupal 7 and 8.
Waterwheel Swift SDK for Drupal Waterwheel makes using Drupal as a backend with iOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS enjoyable by combining the most used feat
iTunes Connect Library inspired by FastLane
Mothership iTunes Connect Library inspired by FastLane I wrote MotherShip for two reasons. love FastLane, but I am not proficient in Ruby. I wanted to
Instagram API client written in Swift
SwiftInstagram is a wrapper for the Instagram API written in Swift. It allows you to authenticate users and request data from Instagram effortlessly.
iOS/macOS Cross-platform Ark-Ecosystem Framework in Swift | Powered by Ѧrk.io |
a macOS & iOS Swift Framework for Ark.io. What is ARKKit? ARKKit is wrapper for interacting with the Ark Ecosystem. It is written purely in Swift 4.0,
Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS
Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS. Key features 😊 It's not ios-vk-sdk 😊 🍏 One library for iOS and mac OS 🍏 🤘 Fully
An Elegant Financial Markets Library Written in Swift
Notice As of May 20th, 2017, it appears that Yahoo is dropping support for a few features that BigBoard supports or there is an outage on their end ca
An Elegant Spotify Web API Library Written in Swift for iOS and macOS
Written in Swift 4.2 Spartan is a lightweight, elegant, and easy to use Spotify Web API wrapper library for iOS and macOS written in Swift 3. Under th
The Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce.
Swiftly Salesforce is the Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce: Written entirely in Swift. Very easy to install and up
👤 Framework to Generate Random Users - An Unofficial Swift SDK for randomuser.me
RandomUserSwift is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to generate random users and their accompanying data for your Swift applic
A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
Getting Started Installation If you're using Xcode 6 and above, Swifter can be installed by simply dragging the Swifter Xcode project into your own pr
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging.
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.
Unofficial GitHub API client in Swift
Github.swift ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut
A Swift wrapper for Foursquare API. iOS and OSX.
Das Quadrat Das Quadrat is Foursquare API wrapper written in Swift. Features Supports iOS and OSX. Covers all API endpoints. Authorization process imp
The Easiest and Simplest iOS library for Twitter and Facebook. Just Drop in and Use!
EasySocial iOS Library for Twitter and Facebook This library allows your apps to use Twitter and Facebook with minimal understanding of the relevant S
Unofficial Dribbble iOS wrapper allows you to integrate Dribble API into iOS application (Designer, Shot, Comment, User Story, Like, Follow)
DribbbleSDK DribbbleSDK is easy-to-use iOS wrapper for Dribbble SDK. We're working hard to complete the full coverage of available methods and make th
The unofficial Instagram iOS SDK
InstagramKit An extensive Objective C wrapper for the Instagram API, completely compatible with Swift. Here's a quick example to retrieve trending med
Giphy API client for iOS in Objective-C
Giphy-iOS Giphy-iOS is a Giphy API client for iOS in Objective-C. Usage To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Examp
A really simple key-value wrapper for keychain.
PlainKeychain A really simple key-value wrapper for keychain. Features ✅ Key-value pairs using kSecClassGenericPassword. ❌ Internet passwords (kSecCla
🎨 Mondrian is lightweight Swift package that provides a universal basis for your design system's color palette.
🧑🎨 Mondrian Mondrian provides a universal basis on which to build your design system's color palette right from your codebase. With support for all
Convert an IPA (iOS) to mac App (M1)
Converter Convert IPA to Mac App (M1 SIP disabled) requirements: decrypted app with appdecrypt or other tools An Apple Developer Account with "teamID.
Ezviz IoT Home SDK iOS Demo.
SDK Demo SDK Demo 演示了萤石 App SDK 的接入流程以及 SDK 开放的功能,因此通过参考 Demo 可以基本解决再接入过程中碰到的问题。 Demo 模块介绍: 登录模块:包含注册,登录,忘记密码功能 家庭模块:包含添加家庭,删除家庭,修改家庭信息,邀请家庭成员和移除家庭成员等
An app that uses Multipeer Connectivity to play a video across 6 different iOS screens with an additional phone acting as a Main/Control phone.
MultiScreenApp An app that uses Multipeer Connectivity to play a video across 6 different iOS screens with an additional phone acting as a Main/Contro
Sample way of integrating animations into a design system for iOS app projects.
Animations in Design System The project presents a sample way of integrating animations into a design system for iOS developers. Project setup A sampl
an IOS learning project built with swift
BMI Calculator Project Goal The goal of this tutorial is to learn more about Optionals, solidify your understanding of the MVC design pattern and to i
Don't start from scratch, start from Here! This is a starter project for iOS projects. It contains all the basic configurations and common libraries for your project.
Starter-iOS Don't start from scratch, start from Here! This is a starter project for iOS projects. It contains all the basic configurations and common
Swift UI features and general iOS development coding lab
SwiftUI & iOS development concepts code lab Contains sample projects with documentation Overview SwiftUI provides views, controls and layout structure
Demonstrates how to integrate Stripe Subscriptions on iOS
Stripe Subscriptions with iOS This example app demonstrates how to integrate Stripe subscriptions with the prebuilt payment UI Requirements Create an
Use UIResponder to imitate an iOS slider.
WWSlider Use UIResponder to imitate an iOS slider. 使用UIResponder仿造一個iOS的滑桿. Installation with Swift Package Manager dependencies: [ .package(url:
iOS gamed exploit (fixed in 15.0.2)
iOS gamed exploit (fixed in 15.0.2) Update: Apple has quietly fixed this in iOS 15.0.2 without any kind of public acknowledgement or credit. Any app i
Sample app to demonstrate the integration code and working of Dyte SDK for iOS, using Objective-C.
iOS sample app (using Objective-C) by dyte Sample app to demonstrate the usage of Dyte iOS SDK Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Fea
Plugin for authorization with Facebook for Godot Game Engine (iOS)
GodotFacebookAuth Plugin for authorization with Facebook for Godot Game Engine (iOS) Supports iOS deployment target = 10.0 Supports Godot version =
iOS exploit (fixed in 14.7)
Analyticsd pre-14.7 exploit I've updated this code to avoid using Private API directly. Read more in my blog post. However, that means that now this c
iOS 15 0-day exploit (still works in 15.0.2)
nehelper enumerate installed apps 0-day (iOS 15.0) I've updated this code to avoid using Private API directly. Read more in my blog post. However, tha
iOS 15 0-day exploit (still works in 15.0.2)
Nehelper Wifi Info 0-day (iOS 15.0) I've updated this code to avoid using Private API directly. Read more in my blog post. However, that means that no
Download app update form url and install it
capacitor-updater Download app update from url and install it. And reload the view. You can list the version and manage it with the command below. Ins
A demo of face recognition SwiftUI app on iOS. Based on Vision, OpenCV, Dlib and ResNet.
iOS-FaceRecognizer A demo of face recognition SwiftUI app on iOS, build for iPad. Based on Vision, OpenCV, Dlib and ResNet. Features Add face image an
Roadmap for Learning iOS Development
iOS-Developer-Checklist Spreadsheet & Resources for Learning Swift Development for Apple Platforms Note: I'm currently working on a Swift Playground t
An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and more.
SpotifyClone An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and
This project is a 2D game for iOS users built with Swift and SpriteKit.
PANDA CLICKER Description Panda Clicker is a 2D game and the aim is to touch the Panda image on the center of the screen. In each touch of the panda i
A simple Safari web extension that displays a QR code for the webpage in focus.
QR Pop 💥 QR Pop is a simple iOS & MacOS app and Safari extension built to make displaying QR codes easy. The Safari Extension is inspired by the quic
Projeto final do curso de Swift do programa Maria vai com as Devs realizado pela Serasa e Gama Academy para capacitar Desenvolvedoras iOS.
📱 ProjetoFinal - Pokedex App Projeto final do curso de Swift do programa Maria vai com as Devs realizado pela Serasa e Gama Academy para capacitar De
A tool to restore iOS Devices on versions they're already on, based on the original Succession
SuccessorCLI A CLI tool to restore iOS devices on the version they're already on, inspired by the original Succession GUI Application, rewritten from
A simple solution for tiring [weak self] in swift
Weakifiable A simple solution for tiring [weak self] in swift Usage give this repo a Star ⭐️ Add EBWeakifiable to your Project. simply after each clos
A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a more familiar API for accessing the Contacts framework. (iOS, watchOS, macOS)
Connections Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+ A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a mo
Visual Positioning System SDK iOS
VPS SDK (iOS) This is Visual Positioning System SDK for Native iOS apps. Main features are: High-precision global user position localization for your
A simple solution to decrease build time and more cleaner codebase
Swift Optional Optimizer A simple Protocol Oriented solution to decrease build time and more cleaner code base. Are you tired of using ?? in your code
Example usage of FingerprintJS Pro inside a iOS WebView.
FingerprintJS Pro iOS Integrations An example app and packages demonstrating FingerprintJS Pro capabilities on the iOS platform. The repository illust
A Swift library to upload video files to api.video platform.
api.video IOS video uploader api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and manag
Observe objects in SwiftUI Views which may be nil
ObservedOptionalObject Rationale SwiftUIs @ObservedObject requires that the observed object actually exists. In some cases it's convenient to observe
🎨 View instance initializing sugar for Swift & UIKit
🎨 View instance initializing sugar for Swift & UIKit
Basic calculator app for iOS devices using Swift 3 and Xcode
iOS Calculator App Basic calculator app for iOS devices using Swift 3 and Xcode. Created for learning purpose. How to use Just download source code an
SmartChess is a Bluetooth enabled, smart Chessboard
SmartChess is a Bluetooth enabled, smart Chessboard. SmartChess utilizes an integrated circuit to recognize where there are pieces on the board. That information is sent to the accompanying app, which provides the user with a live view of the board. The app can give hints, recommend moves, and enforces legal moves.
A low-maintenance, simple framework for a snapshot testing, which takes into account a snapshot difference factor (must have if you're using CI).
CornSnapshotTesting A low-maintenance, simple framework for a snapshot testing, which takes into account a snapshot difference factor (must have if yo
A prctice project by DevProjects...
NewsApp A prctice project by DevProjects... A mobile app to consume the News API and display a list of news articles. Clicking one of the news article
This is a demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library
This is a demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library Environment requirements: XCode: 13.1 Cocoapods: 1.11.2 Detai
Swift async/await OAuth 2.0 HTTP request library.
SwAuth SwAuth is an OAuth 2.0 HTTP request library written in Swift iOS 15.0+, macOS 12.0+, watchOS 8.0+, and tvOS 15.0+. Features Requirements Instal
To Practice UINavigationController, transition, ViewController Life Cycle, send data to different page, asset catalogs
LED Board Check Point ! StackView 여러개의 view 를 set 으로 만들어 주는 역활을 함 일정한 규칙에 따라서 stack view 안에 움직이는것임 이미지 넣기 프로젝트 내에 Assets 폴더 내에 Image Set 을 추가하여 1x, 2x
CRUD App for iOS with Swift
Todoey ✓ Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to understand how to save data in iOS. We'll look at various choices and learn to use UserDefaults
The app demonstrates how to use Firebase in a SwiftUI iOS app
Firebase SwiftUIDemo app This app demonstrates how to use Firebase in a SwiftUI iOS app. Firebase Setup Go to firebase.com Click new project. Copy app
All the projects from 100 Days of SwiftUI, as taught by Paul Hudson (Hacking with Swift)
100 Days of SwiftUI 19 projects of increasing complexity built with SwiftUI. These projects were built as part of an iOS development course taught by
Private Password Manager developped with Swift for iOS project.
Private Password Manager developped with Swift for iOS project. This manager can syncronize secret data to Azure Blob Storage. To specify user account, tSecret use Azure Active Directory authentication.
It contain's the basic utils for iOS developing.
GCCoreUtils Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation GCCore
Demo More smooth animations are here Requirements Xcode version 11.3.1 Swift 5 iPhone 8 or higher iOS 13.0+ Inspired by Johny vino™ design. License Co
Tippy is a tip calculator application for iOS.
Pre-work - Tippy Tippy is a tip calculator application for iOS. Submitted by: Shoaib Huq Time spent: 5 hours spent in total User Stories The following