1287 Repositories
Swift swiftui-tooltip Libraries
Trello Clone iOS App build with SwiftUI
Trello Clone iOS App - SwiftUI A Trello Clone App for iOS built with SwiftUI. Features The app has several main features: Card, BoardList CRUD. Drag a
SwiftUI package to present a Bottom Sheet interactable view with the desired Detents. Also known as Half sheet.
BottomSheetSUI BottomSheetSUI is a package that gives you the ability to show a Bottom sheet intractable, where you can add your own SwiftUI view. You
This is an app ui created using SwiftUI.
Travel App Its an app build using swift 5 and Xcode 11. It contains a UI containing 3 different views and one combined content view. Deployment To dep
WordScramble app for demonstrating loading an external txt file and working with it
WordScramble-v2 WordScramble app for demonstrating loading an external txt file and working with it App for creating anagrams from given 8 letter word
Create Live Graphics in SwiftUI (iOS, tvOS & macOS)
PixelUI import SwiftUI import PixelUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { GeometryReader { geo in
A simple demo app to showcase streaming HLS with SwiftUI Videoplayer
HLS Streaming with SwiftUI Basic implementation of VideoPlayer for SwiftUI to play remote media files using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Multiple views
macOS app to save links for later
Later Later is a SwiftUI, macOS app to store and save links for later use! Why? I was tired of Reddit's terrible post saving, and wanted an easy, conv
A SwiftUI Partial Sheet fully customizable with dynamic height
A SwiftUI Partial Sheet fully customizable with dynamic height
Todo list with SwiftUI
TodoList.Capstone Todo list with SwiftUI i did is a Todo-List you can create a new todo by providing its name and description and the deadline of the
SwiftUI Jam 2021 - iPad Realtime Calculator
SwiftUI Jam 2021 - iPad Realtime Calculator A SwiftUI iPad calculator with realtime activity Features Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
A powerful, minimal and composable architecture for building reactive iOS apps with SwiftUI or UIKit
SourceArchitecture A simple yet powerful framework for reactive programming with only a minimal optimized set of types. Sources are self-contained, hi
SwiftUI library to create fully customizable input stepper.
SwiftUI-InputStepper Swift package for creating numerical input stepper. An example of input stepper created with this library It supports long press
This is a fully functioning Guess The Flag game I created as part of my 100 days of SwiftUI course with Paul Hudson.
GuessTheFlag This is a fully functioning Guess The Flag game that was a part of my 100 days of SwiftUI course with Paul Hudson. In this app my challen
A simple sticker editing iOS app
StickerMator StickerMator is a SwiftUI based iOS app that runs with iPhone and iPad. using this app you can add stickers to your photos, image manipul
An offline random passcode generator.
Passcode-Generator An offline random passcode generator. Usage Generates random passcode. Install Files and source code could be found in releases. Pr
The concept won first place in the Design Concept Award contest Season 1 in 2021.
TallyCounter Developed by Vladyslav Fil as part of the You are launched "Design Concept Award" contest Season #1. Tally Counter Micro-Interaction demo
Example project showing how to use async/await with iOS 13
ios13AsyncAwait Example project showing how to use async/await with iOS 13 Article This source code is a part of an article published at This Dev Brai
The concept took third place in the Design Concept Award contest Season 1 in 2021.
SpringAnimation Developed by Yurii Sameliuk as part of the You are launched "Design Concept Award" contest Season #1. SpringAnimation demo. Inspired b
Rhythm helps those with Parkinson's more easily coordinate their gait with rhythmic audio.
Rhythm-Parkinson-s-App Rhythm helps those with Parkinson's more easily coordinate their gait with rhythmic audio. Research https://davisphinneyfoundat
An open-source library to use with SwiftUI, It allows you to create Floating menu action button.
Floating Menu Action Button Example Overview This is an open-source library to use with SwiftUI. It allows you to create Floating menu action button. Ins
iOS application for CA Tech Challenge ONLINE ACE created by @KS1019 and @techiro
インターン後改善したところ RepositoryのMock化を行って、ViewModelのテストを可能にした RepositoryやViewModelをコンストラクタインジェクションを使ってDI Repository自体のテストを実装できるように、URLSessionのAdapterを定義してスケジ
Simple example of view that appears on tap button and dismiss with swipe gesture.
MenuWithSlide Simple SwiftUI example of how to show side menu with slide effect. On button press - appeares, on background tap or swipe right - dissmi
Your SwiftUI custom slider is crap. Here's mine, which is also crap, but it's my crap
Fuck your custom slider It doesn't work. Sure, it looks great, with gradients, and multiple thumbs, but really, it's useless. No more paying for a sub
Movie Store with SwiftUI and Combine.
MovieStore Movie Store with SwiftUI and Combine. La app se realizo en el patrón MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel) Model Dentro del la app van a encontra
SwiftUI AdaptiveApp
AdaptiveApp SwiftUI Сложный, адаптивный UI на SwiftUI Работа с анимацией Работа с геометрией Адаптация UI к Dark/Light Mode Страница карточек Home стр
TabBar do aplicativo do Mercado Bitcoin para iOS usando SwiftUI
TabBar do aplicativo do Mercado Bitcoin para iOS usando SwiftUI Screenshots Vídeos Vídeo on YouTube Requisitos iOS 14 SwiftUI Xcode 12 Meta Github: ht
Rock - Paper - Scissors game. CPU gives you a sign and asks to win or lose your move. Than you have to decide witch sign do you choose to score a point
RockPaperScissors 2nd challange from HackingWithSwift.com. The CPU gives you a sign (rock, paper or scissors) and asks you either to win or to lose th
The Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce.
Swiftly Salesforce is the Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce: Written entirely in Swift. Very easy to install and up
Shazam, out of your way
SLAM SLAM: an app I made in 24 hours that’s like Shazam, but out of your way. I used it as an excuse to play with ShazamKit, the new framework made by
🎨 Mondrian is lightweight Swift package that provides a universal basis for your design system's color palette.
🧑🎨 Mondrian Mondrian provides a universal basis on which to build your design system's color palette right from your codebase. With support for all
A SwiftUI Framework for Drawing Chart
PrettyAxis A SwiftUI Framework for drawing charts. Fearture Support Drawing Bar Chart RadarChart Line Chart and Scatter Charts Pie Chart and Donut Cha
Swift UI features and general iOS development coding lab
SwiftUI & iOS development concepts code lab Contains sample projects with documentation Overview SwiftUI provides views, controls and layout structure
StackUI just like SwiftUI
StackUI 中文文档 Use UIStackView like SwiftUI. Use @propertyWrapper, @resultBuilder, chain syntax and other features used by SwiftUI, making UIStackView e
A demo of face recognition SwiftUI app on iOS. Based on Vision, OpenCV, Dlib and ResNet.
iOS-FaceRecognizer A demo of face recognition SwiftUI app on iOS, build for iPad. Based on Vision, OpenCV, Dlib and ResNet. Features Add face image an
An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and more.
SpotifyClone An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and
Expose layout margins and readable content width to SwiftUI's Views
SwiftUI Layout Guides This micro-library exposes UIKit's layout margins and readable content guides to SwiftUI. Usage Make a view fit the readable con
Swift package adding extensions to SwiftUI.
swiftui-extensions SwiftUIX is an umpteenth package containing extensions for Apple's SwiftUI framework. Content The package currently provides the fo
A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a more familiar API for accessing the Contacts framework. (iOS, watchOS, macOS)
Connections Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+ A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a mo
A simple and lightweight Swift package which provides a SwiftUI view for interactive geo coordinates input!
LocationPicker for SwiftUI LocationPicker for SwiftUI is a very simple and lightweight Swift package which provides you a SwiftUI view for interactive
Demonstrates a memory leak bug SwiftUI's toolbar APIs exhibit on macOS
Mac SwiftUI Toolbar Memory Leak Demo On Big Sur (macOS 11), SwiftUI's APIs for adding toolbar items to a window have (at least) two bugs around view r
Observe objects in SwiftUI Views which may be nil
ObservedOptionalObject Rationale SwiftUIs @ObservedObject requires that the observed object actually exists. In some cases it's convenient to observe
A property wrapper for displaying up-to-date database content in SwiftUI views
@Query Latest release: November 25, 2021 • version 0.1.0 • CHANGELOG Requirements: iOS 13.0+ / macOS 10.15+ / tvOS 13.0+ / watchOS 6.0+ • Swift 5.5+ /
The app demonstrates how to use Firebase in a SwiftUI iOS app
Firebase SwiftUIDemo app This app demonstrates how to use Firebase in a SwiftUI iOS app. Firebase Setup Go to firebase.com Click new project. Copy app
All the projects from 100 Days of SwiftUI, as taught by Paul Hudson (Hacking with Swift)
100 Days of SwiftUI 19 projects of increasing complexity built with SwiftUI. These projects were built as part of an iOS development course taught by
Short examples and references to work with property wrappers in SwiftUI.
A Colection of useful playgrounds This repo contains a collection of useful swift playgrounds. PropertyWrappers Playground Contains small example of u
UIKit a-là SwiftUI.framework [min deployment target iOS10]
Render CoreRender is a SwiftUI inspired API for UIKit (that is compatible with iOS 10+ and ObjC). Introduction Declarative: CoreRender uses a declarat
SwiftUI app with MapKit
InterestingPlaces app that contains information about unusual places in the world.
This repository contains code for building Universal Apps with SwiftUI.
MindLikeWater This Repo This repository contains code for building Universal Apps with SwiftUI. The same codebase can be compiled to produce binaries
ZATCA (Fatoora) QR-Code Implementation in iOS
An unofficial package to help iOS developers to implement ZATCA (Fatoora) QR code easily which required for e-invoicing in iOS Apps on smart phones and POS devices.
🟣 Verge is a very tunable state-management engine on iOS App (UIKit / SwiftUI) and built-in ORM.
Verge.swift 📍 An effective state management architecture for iOS - UIKit and also SwiftUI 📍 _ An easier way to get unidirectional data flow _ _ Supp
An interactive line chart written in SwiftUI with many customizations.
LineChartView LineChartView is a Swift Package written in SwiftUI to add a line chart to your app. It has many available customizations and is interac
Here there is a simple example using watchOS and SwiftUI
A Simple Demonstration Project using WatchOS + SwiftUI Description This project is a simple demonstration about how to create a WatchOS App using Swif
GaugeProgressViewStyle adds the Apple Watch gauge view to iOS.
GaugeProgressViewStyle adds the Apple Watch gauge view to iOS. Installation To install GaugeProgressViewStyle, add GaugeProgressViewStyle as a depende
SingleEntry in SwiftUI using the Capture SDK
SingleEntrySwiftUI for iOS Simple iOS app with SwiftUI for showing the use of Capture SDK. IMPORTANT When using/installing CocoaPods in a new project,
Viagens (SwiftUi) Project developed to study Swift
Viagens (SwiftUi) Project developed to study Swift Made with 💖 by Igor Sthaynny 📌 Contents 📌 Contents 📷 Screenshots 🚀 Technologies 💻 How to run
Creates a DatePickerTextField which shows a TextField associated with a DatePicker
SwiftUI.DatePickerTextField This app creates a DatePickerTextField which shows a TextField associated with a DatePicker. When the TextField gets focus
Recreating the Poketch from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl on the Apple Watch with SwiftUI and WatchOS 8
Apple Watch Poketch What is it? It's an Apple Watch remake of the "Poketch" from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl made with SwiftUI! Check out the YouTube vi
A realistic reflective shimmer to SwiftUI Views that uses device orientation. Position any View relative to device orientation to appear as if through a window or reflected by the screen.
A 3d rotation effect that uses Core Motion to allow SwiftUI views to appear projected in a specific direction and distance relative to the device in r
A New, Modern Reactive State Management Library for Swift and SwiftUI (The iOS implementation of Recoil)
RecoilSwift RecoilSwift is a lightweight & reactive swift state management library. RecoilSwift is a SwiftUI implementation of recoil.js which powered
Gesture Control for Safari on iOS and iPadOS
Svadilfari Svadilfari brings Gesture Control for Safari on iPhone/iPad. Features Control Safari with Gestures 10+ Customizable Actions Select Patterns
A SwiftUI List Picker to replace system Picker in List
BetterListPicker An alternative customizable list picker in order to replace built-in non customizable Picker when we write settings view codes. Demo
A better way to present a SFSafariViewController or start a ASWebAuthenticationSession in SwiftUI
A better way to present a SFSafariViewController or start a ASWebAuthenticationSession in SwiftUI.
Transition from any SwiftUI Text view into an inline navigation bar title when the view is scrolled off-screen, as seen in Apple's TV & TestFlight iOS apps.
SwiftUI Matched Inline Title Transition from any SwiftUI Text view into an inline navigation bar title when the view is scrolled off-screen, as seen i
An iOS and macOS app for controlling Klipper-based 3d Printers using Moonraker
Plastic An iOS and macOS app for controlling Klipper-based 3d Printers using Moonraker GIT ALERT The contents of the repository was recently squashed
The alternative last.fm client for iOS made with SwiftUI
first.fm - The alternative last.fm client for iOS (it's actually not available on the App Store... yet) Features Your profile (top artists, tracks and
An introduction to using Swift's new concurrency features in SwiftUI
SwiftUI Concurrency Essentials An introduction to using Swift's new concurrency features in SwiftUI Discuss with me · Report Bug · Request Feature Art
Native ios app to download tiktoks localy made in swift with SwiftUI
sequoia Native ios app to download tiktoks localy made in swift with SwiftUI without external dependencies. features save video localy view saved vide
Vector editor to showcase advanced scroll view and SwiftUI
ShapeEdit ShapeEdit is a showcase for Advanced ScrollView, inspired by WWDC sample with the same name. ShapeEdit is build in SwiftUI, with exception o
📱 An app UI made with SwiftUI
This is an application interface in swiftUI that I made to improve my ios development skills.
SwiftUI mirroring of Instagram app Home screen
Instasoup Is a quick code excercise, where I wanted to do fast prototaping of the Instagram like home view screen in #SwiftUI Check the source code an
An Apple Watch remake of the Poketch from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl made with SwiftUI
Apple Watch Poketch What is it? It's an Apple Watch remake of the "Poketch" from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl made with SwiftUI! Check out the YouTube vi
A Wordpress Article Loader for SwiftUI.
SwiftUIWPArticleLoader Hello to WPArticleLoader! With the WPArticleLoader, you can easily load Articles from your WordPress Website. How to use? The u
A spotlight-inspired quick action bar for macOS.
DSFQuickActionBar A spotlight-inspired quick action bar for macOS. Why? I've seen this in other mac applications (particularly spotlight) and it's ver
*Random Smooth Cloudy* Noise for SwiftUI
Noise Generate random smooth cloudy noise. Install Swift Package .
UDF (Unidirectional Data Flow) architecture on SwiftUI/Combine
The license The SwiftUI-UDF stays under a dual license (email confirmation required): It can be Free for non-commercial use, public repository or star
A small project written with SwiftUI achieves a scrolling effect similar to Apple Music lyrics.
Music Lyrics scrolling animation effect Since the iOS/iPadOS 13 update, Apple has brought a new scrolling lyrics feature to Apple Music. The album im
SwiftUI Cookbook (2nd Edition), published by Packt
SwiftUI Cookbook - Second Edition This is the code repository for SwiftUI Cookbook - Second Edition , published by Packt. A guide to solving the most
A SwiftUI Weather App powered by World Weather Online API
SwiftUI-Weather The SwiftUI Weather app, allow users get the current weather for a particular locatio and view a 5-day weather forecast for the select
Tools for making SwiftUI navigation simpler, more ergonomic and more precise.
SwiftUI Navigation Tools for making SwiftUI navigation simpler, more ergonomic and more precise. Motivation Tools Navigation overloads Navigation view
AsyncView is a SwiftUI View for handling in-progress and error states when loading data asynchronously.
AsyncView AsyncView is a SwiftUI View for handling in-progress and error states when loading data asynchronously using async/await: See my blog post "
The Classic game TicTacToe made using SwiftUI and MVVM architecture
The Classic game TicTacToe made using SwiftUI and MVVM architecture
Audio player demo based on Swift and SwiftUI, which can play local or network audio.
SwiftAudioDemo Audio player demo based on Swift and SwiftUI, which can play local or network audio. In this demo, I have made a radio player to play n
Messenger Clone - Real-time iOS Chat with Firebase Firestore written in Swift
Real time Swift iOS Chat with Firebase - Messenger Clone This is an extremely simple chat app source code of an iOS Swift Chat app. It leverages Messa
A pure Swift library that allows you to easily convert SwiftUI Colors to Hex String and vice versa.
iOS · macOS · watchOS · tvOS A pure Swift library that allows you to easily convert SwiftUI Colors to Hex String and vice versa. There is also support
An experiment for using SwiftUI's custom timing Animation to create an orbital-like animation.
Orbital-SwiftUI-Animation An experiment for using SwiftUI's custom timing curve to create an orbital-like animation. How it looks: How it works: Apply
Telegram Redesign using SwiftUI
Telegram Redesign using SwiftUI Decided to code this Telegram redesign concept I found on Instagram (link to post). Screenshots Vídeos Vídeo on YouTub
Easily create dragabble menu with SwiftUI
SwiftUIDragMenu Easily create dragabble menu The gifs are not very good quality. Content is fluid. Sorry for this :( How to install this package Open
SwiftUI Projects from Udemy SwiftUI Masterclass
SwiftUI Masterclass Repos: AsyncImage (N/A) Fructus (finished): an app for getting information about different fruits. Data comes from json files. Afr
Apple's Framework to support in-app purchases and interaction with the App Store
Apple's Framework to support in-app purchases and interaction with the App Store.
A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS
QRReader A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS Requirements: IOS 11+ Xcode: 12+ Installation: steps to install this framework in your xcode project Pod
A Neumorphism UI NetEase Cloud Music With SwiftUI
A Neumorphism UI NetEase Cloud Music With SwiftUI
Funny app with the fitting of sunglasses Used SwiftUI and RealityKit
Reality-Glasses-2021 on SwiftUI Funny app with the fitting of sunglasses. Used SwiftUI and RealityKit Interface and Features: Simple Intuitive Design
Application that displays current weather at a random location. iOS 14.0 or newer. SwiftUI.
Elseweather App that displays current weather at a random location. Description Elseweather was created as a student/research project with no practica
Swift IOS App introduction project
Swifty Companion This project aims to introduce you to the development of iOS application. About With the help of 42 API, get a student's profile deta
Customizable Calendar SwiftUI Library
SwiftUI Customizable Calendar Library
Subsonic is a small library that makes it easier to play audio with SwiftUI
Subsonic is a small library that makes it easier to play audio with SwiftUI
Fun GridScrollView written in SwiftUI + Combine, bridging between UIKit
BSZoomGridScrollView BSZoomGridScrollView is a powerful, pure swift iOS UI framework that provides the awesome grid scrollview containing your image a
Shows a Pokémon list with its image and name with SwiftUI
TelepassDigitalTestIB Description General This project aims to develop an app, for Telepass interview process, that shows a Pokémon list with its imag
In this mini app covered the concepts like basics of SwiftUI and Navigations and Animations and List with CRUD functions and MVVM and App Launch and App icons adding and also applied persistence using UserDefaults Concept.
TodoList In this application used the concepts from the beginner level project of SwiftUI_Evolve_1 The following concepts covered in this mini app Swi