43 Repositories
Swift swipeable-cards Libraries
Presenting timelines as cards, single or bundled in scrollable feed!
TimelineCards π Autogenerated timelines presented as cards π π Single or bundled into feed π Installation CocoaPods (wtf is that?) Add pod 'Timeli
A SwiftUI view that arranges its children in a whimsical interactive deck of cards, as seen in Big News
CardStack A SwiftUI view that arranges its children in a whimsical interactive deck of cards. CardStack mimics the behaviour of the photo stack in iMe
Scanner for decks of cards with bar codes printed on card edges
The Nettle Magic Project This deck of cards has a bar code printed on the edge of each card. Scanning these bar codes would reveal where every card is
This is a game in which the player has to match cards with the correct pair.
This is a game in which the player has to match cards with the correct pair. When they are paired, a funny record of a Peruvian influencer is played. Made with Swift and SwiftUI.
π Cardslider is a design UI controller that allows you to swipe through cards with pictures and accompanying descriptions.
CARD SLIDER UI controller that allows you to swipe through cards with pictures. We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI for Mobile Apps
Added Splash Page, App Icon, and Animations when interacting with the flash cards.
flashcards-app Lab 4 App Description Added Splash Page, App Icon, and Animations when interacting with the flash cards. App Walk-though Required User
Cards - A SharePlay enabled card game for iOS & macOS
Deal β£οΈ Overview A simple demo app showing the implementation of a card game acr
Card Decks is a small utility application for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad which brings you simple, configurable, colored, multi-line text cards that are grouped into card decks
Card Decks is a small utility application for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad which brings you simple, configurable, colored, multi-line text cards that are grouped into card decks.
MGFlipView allows to create flipping view in easy way without worrying about flipping animation and flipping logic.
MGFlipView About If you are looking for an easy way of implement 3D flipping view, you are in the right place. MGFlipView allows to create flipping vi
Recreation of cards from Apple's AppStore written using SwiftUI.
App Store Cards Animation I tried to reproduce the look and the feeling of the cards from the AppStore. Please note that this repository is a work-in-
Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
SwipeCellKit Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift. About A swipeable UITableViewCell or UI
A Swift library for swipeable table cells
BWSwipeRevealCell Using the library **Note: Use version 1.0.1 for Swift 2.3 support and version 2.0.0 or higher for Swift 3 support ** There are two m
Swipeable Views with Tabs (Like Android SwipeView With Tabs Layout)
SMSwipeableTabView [](https://travis-ci.org/Sahil Mahajan/SM
Cardshark is an iOS card counting App that uses state of the art machine learning (YOLO) to classify and count the cards at real time.
Cardshark The game of Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games in the world. It is also the most winnable using a skill called Card Counting.
π₯ A multi-directional card swiping library inspired by Tinder
Made with β€οΈ by Mac Gallagher Features π‘ Advanced swipe recognition based on velocity and card position π‘ Manual and programmatic actions π‘ Smooth
:star: Custom card-designed CollectionView layout
CardsLayout CardsLayout is a lightweight Collection Layout. Installation CocoaPods You can use CocoaPods to install CardsLayout by adding it to your P
Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5.
Cards brings to Xcode the card views seen in the new iOS XI Appstore. Getting Started Storyboard Go to main.storyboard and add a blank UIView Open the
Presenting timelines as cards, single or bundled in scrollable feed!
TimelineCards π Autogenerated timelines presented as cards π π Single or bundled into feed π Installation CocoaPods (wtf is that?) Add pod 'Timeli
π Tinder like card interface
Features Swift 3 Custom views for the card & overlay Generic Dynamically add new cards on top or on the bottom Lazy view loading Setup pod 'DMSwipeCar
KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
KolodaView Check this article on our blog. Purpose KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS. It adds
Swipe able, customizable card stack view, Tinder like card stack view based on UICollectionView. Cards UI
Swipable, customizable card stack view, Tinder like card stack view based on UICollectionView. Cards UI Π‘ocoapods installation Add in your Podfile: po
iOS custom controller used in Jobandtalent app to present new view controllers as cards
CardStackController iOS custom controller used in the Jobandtalent app to present new view controllers as cards. This controller behaves very similar
XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results.
war-card-game-V1 XCode and Swift game based on the generation of random cards and some functions related to the comparison of the results. Once a card
Virgil Core SDK allows developers to get up and running with Virgil Cards Service API quickly and add end-to-end security to their new or existing digital solutions to become HIPAA and GDPR compliant and more.
Virgil Core SDK Objective-C/Swift Introduction | SDK Features | Installation | Configure SDK | Usage Examples | Docs | Support Introduction Virgil Sec
Virgil PFS SDK Objective-C/Swift
Virgil SWIFT PFS SDK Introduction | SDK Features | Installation | Initialization | Chat Example | Register Users | Docs | Support Introduction Virgil
Swift Package to download Transactions for LunchOnUs Cards
LunchOnUs Downloader What This is a small library to download transaction and balance data for LunchOnUs Cards (Giftcards by Eigen Development). How C
Accept credit cards and PayPal in your iOS app
Important: PayPal Mobile SDKs are Deprecated. The APIs powering them will remain operational long enough for merchants to migrate, but the SDKs themse
Accept credit cards and PayPal in your iOS app
Important: PayPal Mobile SDKs are Deprecated. The APIs powering them will remain operational long enough for merchants to migrate, but the SDKs themse
Reusable iOS's behavior drag or swipe to pop ViewController
DLSwipeToPopController Reusable iOS's behavior to pop ViewController base on SwipeRightToPopController: Swipe from Right to Left to pop ViewController
Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5.
Cards brings to Xcode the card views seen in the new iOS XI Appstore. Getting Started Storyboard Go to main.storyboard and add a blank UIView Open the
General-purpose contextual cards for iOS
BulletinBoard BulletinBoard is an iOS library that generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen. It is especially well
A swift SDK to help you scan debit/credit cards.
SKCardReader A swift SDK to help you scan debit/credit cards. Requirements To use the SDK the following requirements must be met: Xcode 11.0 or newer
Card-based view controller for apps that display content cards with accompanying maps, similar to Apple Maps.
TripGo Card View Controller This is a repo for providing the card-based design for TripGo as well as the TripKitUI SDK by SkedGo. Specs 1. Basic funct
A easy-to-use SwiftUI view for Tinder like cards on iOS, macOS & watchOS.
π CardStack A easy-to-use SwiftUI view for Tinder like cards on iOS, macOS & watchOS. Installation Xcode 11 & Swift Package Manager Use the package r
Deck is a library that provides a UI to reproduce stacked cards for SwiftUI.
Deck Deck is a library that provides a UI to reproduce stacked cards for SwiftUI. RPReplay_Final1624531727.mov Usage struct Card: View { var data
An easy-to-use Collection View Layout for card-like animation.
CarLensCollectionViewLayout An easy-to-use Collection View Layout for card-like animation π CarLensCollectionViewLayout was created out of the implem
CardsLayout is a lightweight Collection Layout.
CardsLayout is a lightweight Collection Layout. Installation CocoaPods
Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5.
Cards brings to Xcode the card views seen in the new iOS XI Appstore. Getting Started Storyboard Go to main.storyboard and add a blank UIView Open the
A marriage between the Shazam Discover UI and Tinder, built with UICollectionView in Swift.
VerticalCardSwiper A marriage between the Shazam Discover UI and Tinder, built with UICollectionView in Swift. Project goal and information The goal o
A reactive, card-based UI framework built on UIKit for iOS developers.
CardParts - made with β€οΈ by Intuit: Example Requirements Installation Communication & Contribution Overview Quick Start Architecture CardsViewControll
A navigation controller that displays its view controllers as an interactive stack of cards.
CardNavigation The easiest way to turn a navigation controller into an interactive stack of cards. Highlights β Fully interactive and interruptible β
Wallet is a library to manage cards and passes.
Wallet Wallet is a replica of the Apple's Wallet interface. Add, delete or present your cards and passes. Feel free to use this pod in your project an
BulletinBoard is an iOS library that generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen
BulletinBoard is an iOS library that generates and manages contextual cards displayed at the bottom of the screen. It is especially well