6322 Repositories
Swift Layer-Parse-iOS-Swift-Example Libraries
Clip is a simple clipboard manager for iOS
Clip Clip is a clipboard manager for iOS that can monitor your clipboard indefinitely in the background — no jailbreak required. Clip is a simple clip
An iOS AR app that allows you to walk in the International Space Station
AR Inside International Space Station (ISS) An iOS AR app that allows you to walk in the International Space Station. Xcode 13.2.1 Target: iOS / iPadO
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst)
Creating Custom Audio Effects - Simple Universal Version (Mac Catalyst) Adaptation of the sample provided by Apple Creating Custom Audio Effects. Ever
PhotoRow - Simple image row based on Eureka for iOS
PhotoRow Simple image row based on Eureka for iOS. Since source type photoLibrar
AppStoreClone - Understanding the complex layout of app store using UICompositional layout in swift
AppStoreClone Understanding the complex layout of app store using UICompositiona
NetflixStyleSampleApp - Netflix Style Sample App With Swift
NetflixStyleSampleApp Description Nexflix 앱을 참고하여 영화 콘텐츠를 보여주는 샘플 앱을 제작하느 프로젝트이다
HumanMeasurementSwift - Synatax sugar for Measurement of Foundation
HumanMeasurement 2022 © Weizhong Yang a.k.a zonble Syntax sugar for NSMeasuremen
ARSpaceStation - A minimal AR iOS App that shows the International Space Station (ISS) in real scale
AR Space Station This is a minimal AR iOS app that shows the International Space
NintendoSwitch-BezierPath-Example - Nintendo Switch Bezier Path Example
NintendoSwitch-BezierPath-Example An example app that demonstrates the use of Be
MpesaSDK - Swift SDK for the M-Pesa API (Mozambique)
M-Pesa SDK Swift package for M-Pesa API (Mozambique) Ready Methods/APIs C2B B2B
PhotoApp - A Simple Photo App using Swift and MVC pattern
PhotoApp A Simple Photo App using Swift and MVC pattern After App launch, you wi
SwiftEmailValidator - A Swift implementation of an international email address syntax validator based on RFC5321 & RFC5322
SwiftEmailValidator A Swift implementation of an international email address syn
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples - Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development Bootcamp
IOS-Bootcamp-Examples Learn to Swift while building apps - With IOS Development
Approov-service-ios-swift-grpc - Approov service layer for iOS clients using GRPC
Approov Service for GRPC A wrapper for the Approov SDK to enable easy integratio
ConcurrentTest - Swift macOS CLI example on how to NOT do concurrent coding
Swift Concurrent Test Open the .xcodeproj file in Xcode, and try running it seve
SwiftUIWithSVG - User sag file with swift
更新 可以直接使用svg檔案, 調整下面設定可以直接用foregroundColor調整顏色. 專案下載 https://github.com/NullRa/S
DG Zoomable ImageView
DGZoomableImageView A zoomable, pan-able image view Requirements iOS 12.0+ Swift
DG Carousel Flow Layout
DGCarouselFlowLayout A carousel flow layout for UICollectionView on iOS. Require
GXBaseAPI - GARPIX Networking Layer
GXBaseAPI GARPIX Networking Layer URLSession + Combine + Codable + Generics Все
Coding Auto Layout by Example
Coding-auto-layout - Repository with starting and finished projects for Coding Auto Layout by Example series
Activity Content SDK
Activity-content-swift - The Activity Content SDK is a library that supports converting DSNP Activity Content data to and from JSON
Simple IOS notes app written programmatically without storyboard using UIKit and CoreData
Notes Simple Notes app. Swift, UIKit, CoreData Description Simple IOS notes app
ReactorKit karrotFlex example
reactorKit-karrotFlex-example 🎉 ReactorKit + KarrotFlex 예제 작성을 위해서 만들어진 프로젝트로 r
Zilla connect is an easy, fast and secure way for your users to buy now and pay later from your app
Zilla Checkout iOS SDK Zilla connect is an easy, fast and secure way for your us
Realm RxSwift - This application was written in order to use Realm, RxSwift frameworks in real example
Realm_RxSwift This simple app was written to introduce basic operations of some
Custom-action-sheet- - Custom action sheet with swift
Custom-action-sheet- Usage let alertController: UIAlertControllerDimmed = UIAler
JSON-Practice - JSON Practice With Swift
JSON Practice Vista creada con: Programmatic + AutoLayout Breve explicación de l
MapTeam - A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3
SQLite.swift A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3. SQLite.swift provid
UIKitTest - Xcode, UIKit and Swift playground
UIKit Test Just a Xcode, UIKit and Swift playground (try and learning purposes).
RadarKit - The Radar Kit allowing you to locate places, trip neary by you Or it will help you to search out the people around you with the few lines of code
RadarKit Preview Discover the world 🌎 around you..!!! The Radar Kit allowing yo
iOS app for Emoncms
Emoncms for iOS Emoncms for iOS is an app that allows you to connect to an Emoncms instance. This can either be through the official emoncms.org, thro
FMobile Série 3 est désormais open source !
FMobile for iOS FMobile Series 1, 2 and 3 are now open source. FMobile Series 1/2/3 are no longer supported, if you are interested in this app to be u
xFonts is an app that lets you install custom fonts on iOS and iPadOS.
xFonts xFonts is an app that lets you install custom fonts on iOS and iPadOS. Grab fonts from your iCloud Drive or Dropbox and add them to your collec
hackfoldr client for iOS
hackfoldr-iOS This is a simple iOS client for hackfoldr Why? Hackfoldr on mobile is simply not good enough on iOS. Use CocoaPods developer CocoaPods i
iOS app for your pasteboard feed
iCopyPasta iOS app for your pasteboard feed, demo app for experimenting with RxSwift. You can read the story about it on All The Flow blog. ##Install
Open Source Project of LOST Locations iOS app.
LOST Location Description: LOST Location is a fan made app designed for people visiting Honolulu, Hawaii. This app lists different locations used to s
This is the public repository of the MADBike app for iOS. Public bike rental service for BiciMAD.
MADBike Requirements iOS 10.3+ Xcode 10.3+ Swift 4+ Installation Copy BiciMAD/Supporting Files/GoogleService-Info-Sample.plist to BiciMAD/Supporting F
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI - Video Background loop made with SwiftUI
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI (Updated) Video Background loop made with SwiftUI Video N
CollectionViewSegmentedControl - Scrollable UISegmentedControl built using a UICollectionView
CollectionViewSegmentedControl Installation CocoaPods Download CocoaPods Run 'Po
MVVM - Model View ViewModel done on Swift
MVVM Model View ViewModel done on iOS Swift Model–view–viewmodel (MVVM) is a sof
GridExample - SwiftUI example working with grids
Working with SwiftUI grids LazyVGrid does not have a column span feature. This t
Injector - A Swift package for simple dependency injection that also supports Swift UI previews
A Swift package for simple dependency injection that also supports Swift UI prev
Google-Blogger-iOS-App - Using Google Blogger API to build an iOS app like Medium
Google Blogger iOS App Using Google Blogger API to build an iOS app like Medium!
Green-grass-ios - GitHub Gardener? Start with Green Grass
Green Grass 🌿 Introduction GitHub Gardener? Start with Green Grass! This app ma
OctoPod is a free open source iPhone/iPad app for OctoPrint
OctoPod OctoPod is a free open source iPhone/iPad app for OctoPrint. Build Instructions Download Xcode You will need to install Swift 5.0 and Xcode 11
OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference.
OONI Probe iOS OONI Probe is free and open source software designed to measure internet censorship and other forms of network interference. Click here
An iOS App to generate phonetic keys for your Chinese contacts. Written in Swift.
An iOS App to add phonetic keys with Pinyin for Chinese(SC & TC) names. Your Contacts will be sorted by alphabet automatically even under English System.
Reading List is an iOS app for iPhone and iPad which helps users track and catalog the books they read
Reading List Reading List is an iOS app for iPhone and iPad which helps users track and catalog the books they read. Reading List v2 As of version 2.0
A remote for your IR devices for iOS and Mac!
Command your TV, Apple TV or Receiver with your Mac/iOS device through iTach. Screenshots On iOS: On Mac (notification center): How to use Buy a iTach
Open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality.
Welcome to the Say Their Names project. Our aim is to build an open-source platform that raises awareness of the injustice and often forgotten names of racial inequality at the hands of law enforcement. We strive to identify and amplify verified organizations to ensure donations are reaching those who can make the most impact with it.
Slidden is an open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard, written in Swift
Slidden is an open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard, written in Swift. iOS 8 brought us the ability to create fully customizable keyboards, but do
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
Development of the TUM Campus App for iOS devices - for and from students at Technical University of Munich.
A simple Last.fm client for iOS
vinylogue for Last.fm Vinylogue is a simple Last.fm client for iOS that shows you and your friends' charts from previous years. App Store (it's free).
Decrypts FairPlay applications on iOS 13.4.1 and lower, no jb required
yacd (Yet Another Code Decrypter) Decrypts FairPlay (App Store) applications on iOS 13.4.1 and lower, no jb required Use for research purposes only, I
A listing app written in Swift for iOS.
Listr A listing app written in Swift for iOS. Listr is an app I developed following Mark Price's iOS 10 course. The idea is to list all the items/thin
Task App for Swift that Persist Data with Core Data (iOS)
Originally by: Michael Crump Updates for Xcode 10 with Swift 4.2 by David Phillip Oster
Kotlin Multiplatform sample with SwiftUI and Compose (Desktop and Android) clients. Heavily inspired by Wordle game.
WordMasterKMP Kotlin Multiplatform sample heavily inspired by Wordle game and also Word Master and wordle-solver samples. The main game logic/state is
Demo project using React Native technology to create a simple iOS app to find music in iTunes
React Native, native iOS apps with JavaScript iTunesCatalog is a demo app that aims to show the React Native platform potential. There are included th
🚀 React-Native App for rocket launches 🛰
A simple way to stay up to date with upcoming space launches, built with React-Native
🏀 iOS and Android NBA app created with React Native
Swish An iOS and Android NBA app created with React Native. If you would like to request a feature, find a bug, have a question, or would like to leav
iOS application to rate songs in Spotify playlists
Description Reviewery is an iOS application to rate songs in Spotify playlists. It's a hobby project built in React Native. Read more in my Medium art
React Native Todo List example app which uses Redux for managing app state
react-native-redux-todo-list A sample todo list app developed by using React Native and Redux. How to run the app Install react-native If you don't ha
Swift 100 Days of SwiftUI Course
100 Days of SwiftUI & Combine Projects, playgrounds, and other material made while following along with Paul Hudson’s 100 Days of SwiftUI course -- an
`SwiftUI` Framework Learning and Usage Guide. 🚀
This article refers to SwiftUI apple example and records the results of the exploration here, I hope to be helpful to you. For the content described i
🚀Comprehensive Redux library for SwiftUI, ensures State consistency across Stores with type-safe pub/sub pattern.
🚀Comprehensive Redux library for SwiftUI, ensures State consistency across Stores with type-safe pub/sub pattern.
Privacy-Insight - Read iOS 15 privacy insight .ndjson file into your human brain
Insight Read iOS 15 privacy insight '.ndjson' file into your human brain. Writte
MobilePillowTalkLite - An iOS & SwiftUI server monitor tool for linux based machines using remote proc file system with script execution
# PillowTalk - iOS/Lite bbtop PillowTalk - 枕头逼逼 - bbtop! An iOS & SwiftUI serv
WLPhotoPicker - A multifunction photo picker for iOS
WLPhotoPicker Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod in
Design-system-demo - This example code is bare-bones to show you what this framework can do
Basic Style Dictionary This example code is bare-bones to show you what this fra
NFCMate - A NFC Companion built using Swift with CoreNFC Framework
NFCMate NFCMate NFCMate is a NFC app written in Swift for iOS devices. Moreover,
CipherCode - iOS App to decode your secret message
CipherCode IOS App to decode/encode your secret message App App consist of welco
Flixtor-iOS - iOS streaming app inspired by Netflix that allows you to watch any film and series
Flixtor-iOS iOS streaming app inspired by Netflix that allows you to watch any f
Plans iOS in Swift
Plans-iOS-in-Swift Plans iOS in Swift Plans project, which is a social media app
GrouponHeader - iOS TableView Header Animation, Swift/UIKit
GrouponHeader Description: iOS TableView Header Animation Technology: Swift, UIK
DGDynamicHeightTableView - UITableView that supports auto calculated height by contents size
DGDynamicHeightTableView UITableView that supports auto calculated height by con
Build Jike App UI with SwiftUI
SwiftUI_Jike 中文版 SwiftUI is a common cross-platform framework for the Apple ecosystem, easy to get started, support for real-time previews, easy inter
Introducing SwiftUI. A declarative way to create User Interfaces with Swift.
SwiftUI - Landmarks Introducing SwiftUI. A declarative way to create User Interfaces with Swift. SwiftUI was introduced at WWDC 2019 by Apple. It is t
A micro-framework that leverages Swift Property Wrappers to implement the Service Locator pattern
Locatable Context Locatable is a Swift micro framework that leverages Property Wrappers to implement the Service Locator pattern, through a custom att
A sample project exploring MVVM pattern with SwiftUI/Combine, using Unsplash API (via Picsum.photos API)
CombineUnsplash A sample project exploring MVVM pattern with SwiftUI/Combine, using Unsplash API (via Picsum.photos API) with detail example. Resource
Unidirectional reactive architecture using new Apple Combine framework
Unidirectional Reactive Architecture. This is a Combine implemetation of ReactiveFeedback and RxFeedback
🌾 Harvest: Apple's Combine.framework + State Machine, inspired by Elm.
NOTE: This repository has been discontinued in favor of Actomaton. 🌾 Harvest Apple's Combine.framework (from iOS 13) + State Machine, inspired by Elm
SwiftUI 2.0 Cheat Sheet
SwiftUI 2.0 Cheat Sheet Table of Contents SwiftUI Cheat Sheet Table of Contents Resource UIKit equivalent in SwiftUI View Text Label TextEditor Image
A collection of Swift Property Wrappers (formerly "Property Delegates")
🌯 🌯 Burritos A collection of well tested Swift Property Wrappers. @AtomicWrite @Clamping @Copying @DefaultValue @DynamicUIColor @EnvironmentVariable
An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt.
Iridium An iOS app decrypter, full static using fouldecrypt. Supporting iOS 13+ Note We have built everything into the package, you can install and fl
Generate SwiftUI Text or AttributedString from markdown strings with custom style names.
iOS 15.0 / macOS 12.0 / tvOS 15.0 / watchOS 8.0 StyledMarkdown is a mini library that lets you define custom styles in code and use them in your local
SwiftUI Todo app example using a React/Redux monolithic state store with flux like dispatch/reduce actions
SwiftUI-Todo-Redux SwiftUI Todo Redux app example using a React/Redux monolithic state store with flux like dispatch/reduce actions Background SwiftUI
Tools for SwiftUI that helps perform Path and Shape animations, such us morphing circle or shape transformations
SwiftUI+PathAnimations 🔵 Introduction This packages contains SimilarShape and InterpolatedShape, both can be used to achieve shapes animations with S
SwiftUI + Combine + MVVM - Book search example
CombineBookSearch SwiftUI + Combine + MVVM Example project of SwiftUI and Combine using MVVM architecture pattern.
My demo submission to Babylon Health
Hello Babylon Thank you for taking the time to consider my demo during the recruitment process for the Remote Senior iOS Developer position at your co
A drawer view implemented by SwiftUI
DrawerView-SwiftUI A drawer view implemented by SwiftUI. This is not just simply a demo, instead, it can be directly used in project as a module as it
⌨️A Combine-based way to observe and adjust for Keyboard notifications in SwiftUI
⌨️ Keyboard Observing A Combine-based solution for observing and avoiding the keyboard in SwiftUI. Table of Contents About Requirements Installation C
The BART app for commuters, now native on iOS
Arrival iOS Built with SwiftUI, Arrival is the BART app for commuters. Available for download on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/arrival-
SFSymbols SwiftUI Enum
SF SFSymbols SwiftUI Enum Example: All lines are equivalent. Image(systemName: "square.fill.and.line.vertical.square.fill") Image(systemName:
A basic Connect Four game built with SwiftUI
ConnectFour About A simple Connect Four game built entirely with SwiftUI. Through working on this project, I have learned that the upsides of using Sw
🇨🇳 Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI. 微信 7.0 🟢
Overview Features Screenshots TODO Requirements License 中文 Overview I will continue to follow the development of technology, the goal is to bring Swif
🚀 This demo is very simple project, which designed to understand SwiftUI
🚀 This demo is very simple project, which designed to understand SwiftUI. It includes Main screen, DayList screen and detail screen.
A curated list of awesome SwiftUI tutorials, libraries, videos and articles.
Awesome SwiftUI 🕶️ A curated list of awesome SwiftUI tutorials, libraries, sessions and articles. Contributing Found a SwiftUI library or snippet tha
Displays list of Marvel Characters for iOS
Marvel Features: Displays list of Marvel Characters Displays detail of selected Marvel Character. Screenshots of application: Installation: Dependecie