198 Repositories
Swift awesome-list Libraries
Track List Detail App With Swift
TrackListDetailApp TrackListDetailApp is master-detail application that containsa a list of items obtained from a iTunes Search API and show a detaile
A simple and awesome loading Activity Indicator(with block moving animation) for your iOS app.
BPBlockActivityIndicator BPBlockActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iO
Awesome loading animations using 3D engine written with Swift
RSLoadingView Introduction RSLoadingView bring your app to the new age of loading animations using 3D engine. Written with Swift Customizable Using Ap
A lightweight and awesome loading Activity Indicator for your iOS app.
BPCircleActivityIndicator BPCircleActivityIndicator is a clean and easy-to-use Activity Indicator meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on
NVActivityIndicatorView is a collection of awesome loading animations.
NVActivityIndicatorView is a collection of awesome loading animations.
An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items.
MEVHorizontalContacts An iOS UICollectionViewLayout subclass to show a list of contacts with configurable expandable items. Features Customizable cont
A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift
Example iOS Apps A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift. How to Use Example-iOS-Apps is an amazing list for people who are
The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data. I have put together
SwiftUI movies list using The Movie Database (TMDB) API
MyMoviesList About MyMovieList is an application that uses The Movie Database (TMDB) API and is built with SwiftUI. It demo of some SwiftUI (& Combine
Font Awesome swift library for iOS.
Font Awesome Swift Follow me: @vaberer I like ★. Do not forget to ★ this super convenient library. Added UISegmentedControl & UITabbarItem & UISlider
Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons.
FontAwesomeKit Icon font library for iOS. Currently supports Font-Awesome, Foundation icons, Zocial, and ionicons. Version 2.2 Notable Changes Not Jus
Todo list with SwiftUI
TodoList.Capstone Todo list with SwiftUI i did is a Todo-List you can create a new todo by providing its name and description and the deadline of the
An Application to list the products and on selection of product list the detail of particular product
Merchandising An Application to list the products and on selection of product list the detail of particular product This application uses VIPER design
A Weather information can be searched by a city name and added into a favorite list
A Weather information can be searched by a city name and added into a favorite list. The list can be refreshed with pull to refresh. Move func exists.
A To Do List application for iOS devices.
Todoey A To Do List application for iOS devices. Tools Used - Realm Database UIStoryBoard Swift Ruby How to run - Clone the repo to local storage. Ins
The application shows all contacts from the iPhone Contact list
Contacts The application shows all contacts from the iPhone Contact list. You can see more details about contact by tapping in contact. Every change i
ReadMe app is here to list all of the physical books in your personal library
ReadMe App The ReadMe app is here to list all of the physical books in your personal library, mark books you still have to read review books after you
A todo list iOS app developed with swift5 and coredata to persist data, this app help people organise their tasks on categories.
A todo list iOS app developed with swift5 and coredata to persist data, this app help people organise their tasks on categories. The app is simple, intuitive, and easy to use and update tasks informations.
A grocery list app for families written in Swift using Firebase Realtime Database
FamiList | Grocery list app in Swift FamiList is a grocery list app for families written in Swift using Firebase Realtime Database. You can add differ
A SwiftUI List Picker to replace system Picker in List
BetterListPicker An alternative customizable list picker in order to replace built-in non customizable Picker when we write settings view codes. Demo
The iOS application has the Pokémon list. In the app
The iOS application has the Pokémon list. In the app, you can search for Pokémon by name, edit the Pokémon list (mark favorites or delete unwanted ones 🙂 ), and re-update the Pokémon list from the network.
Employee list with swift
Employee list IOS Requiments: iOS 15.0 and above Architecture: I have used Viper Architecture. Because it's clean and easy for refactoring.
Fetch the star wars api from all the planets and list and show details using Swift UI and Combine
Star Wars Planets Fetch the star wars planet data by using stat war api, list and show details using SwiftUI and Combine frameworks 🔖 Swift UI Framew
Shows a Pokémon list with its image and name with SwiftUI
TelepassDigitalTestIB Description General This project aims to develop an app, for Telepass interview process, that shows a Pokémon list with its imag
In this mini app covered the concepts like basics of SwiftUI and Navigations and Animations and List with CRUD functions and MVVM and App Launch and App icons adding and also applied persistence using UserDefaults Concept.
TodoList In this application used the concepts from the beginner level project of SwiftUI_Evolve_1 The following concepts covered in this mini app Swi
iOS App showing a list of Top Movies from The Movie Database API, with a movies searcher
TMDBTest App para iOS que muestra un listado de películas destacadas haciendo uso de la API de "The Movie Database". Además la app dispone de un busca
Loads a list of campaigns from the internet and displays them
Campaign Browser Loads a list of campaigns from the internet and displays them. Dependency Management The project has some dependencies to third-party
UIKit Chat List Sample
When I tried to make a UI like this, I faced a problem. When keyboard appears, TableView doesn't scroll automatically. I wanted to make the feature tableview scrolls automatically so I tried to make this project. Below images describe the difference without feature and with feature properly.
iOS App by which the user can display a list of characters from the Harry Potter Movies.
iOS App by which the user can display a list of characters from the Harry Potter Movies. They can display a list of all characters, students, staff or view characters by house.
A command-line tool to generate a JSON-list of all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode-project.
SwiftPackageList A command-line tool to generate a JSON-list of all used SPM-dependencies of an Xcode-project. This includes all the Package.resolved
Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph.
CryptoViewer Simple iOS Application built using UIKit displaying the list of Cryptocurrencies and a detailed screen with a line graph. Home Screen: Di
Snippet of code for filter a master list into smaller list.
SwiftiOS-list-manipulation This project was built to reduce list size based on qualifying criteria such as a property. In the example below; user can
Shopping List App Built Using Swift
ShoppingList 2021-11- 2021-11- 사용한 것 Realm Alert ActionSheet UITableView - Edit, Swipe 주요 기능 MongoDB, Realm을 활용한 쇼핑 리스트
iOS app that allows you to search for any comic character and save your favorites in a list.
iOS App: My Comics Swift exercise ¡Hola mundo! In my Swift learning journey my mentor and I decided to do an app using the Comic Vine API. This API gi
A simple app that downloads a list of albums from iTunes and displays it in a table
A simple, sample app that downloads a list of albums from iTunes and displays it in a table. It also allows the user to bookmark albums which are then
A handy collection of Swift method and Tools to build project faster and more efficient.
SwifterKnife is a collection of Swift extension method and some tools that often use in develop project, with them you might build project faster and
iOS App to display game lists and details with the ability to add games to your favorites list and see metacritic ratings.
Game Data System - GDS Author: Heitor Silveira (heitorsilveirafurb@gmail.com) iOS App to view games from various platforms, their description, release
Code Swift iOS app showcasing basic movies list from Orange TV API.
iOS Code Test - Optiva Media Code Swift iOS app showcasing basic movies list from Orange TV API. Built using XCode 13.0 (Swift 5) How to run the examp
AnimeListSwiftUI - Anime quote list built with MVVM Swift 5 using Async/Await
How To In SwiftUI Async/Await AnimeListSwiftUI - Anime quote list built with MVVM Swift 5 using Async/Await Clones Clubhouse - App clone built with Sw
A simple project that shows a list of local coffee shop reviews
Project This is a simple project that shows a list of local coffee shop reviews Details Please use git and commit often with meaningful commit message
This is a repository with an app that shows a list of posts and where you can access the detail of each of them
PostsApp This is a repository with an app that shows a list of posts and where you can access the detail of each of them Dependencies You need to inst
Display list of Marvel comic Characters and its detail view
Marvel Universe Display list of Marvel comic Characters and its detail view Installation Dependencies in this project are provided via Xcodegen (proje
CarListing app allows user to see list of cars on map as well as in the list
Car Listing CarListing app allows user to see list of cars on map as well as in the list. Features See List of cars on map in the home screen. User ca
Swift library that makes easier to serialize the user's preferences (app's settings) with system User Defaults or Property List file on disk.
PersistentStorageSerializable PersistentStorageSerializable is a protocol for automatic serialization and deserialization of Swift class, struct or NS
Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data!
MagicalRecord In software engineering, the active record pattern is a design pattern found in software that stores its data in relational databases. I
Awesome bug reporting for iOS apps
Buglife is an awesome bug reporting SDK & web platform for iOS apps. Here's how it works: User takes a screenshot, or stops screen recording User anno
Snow globe framework is delightful / slightly cheese easter egg for christmas season. Turns your awesome app into a snow globe, when user shake the device.
SnowGlobe.framework SnowGlobe.framework its easy to use, open source iOS framework written in swift. It allows you to ad delightful / cheesy Christmas
Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5.
Cards brings to Xcode the card views seen in the new iOS XI Appstore. Getting Started Storyboard Go to main.storyboard and add a blank UIView Open the
You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
Context-Menu.iOS You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app. Made in Check this [project on dribbble] (https://dribbble.com/shots/17
The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when a user clicks on the navigation title.
Introduction The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when
A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
SwifterSwift is a collection of over 500 native Swift extensions, with handy methods, syntactic sugar, and performance improvements for wide range of
A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps.
CountryPickerView CountryPickerView is a simple, customizable view for selecting countries in iOS apps. You can clone/download the repository and run
List tree data souce to display hierachical data structures in lists-like way. It's UI agnostic, just like view-model and doesn't depend on UI framework
SwiftListTreeDataSource List tree data souce to display hierachical data structures in lists-like way. It's UI agnostic, just like view-model, so can
A Swift mailing list client for iPhone and iPad
Due to costs and lack of interest, I’ve had to take down the Charter service. If you’re interested in running your own copy, get in touch and I can se
Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: I'm no longer maintaining Awesome-ML. Awesome ML is an iOS app that is made to demonstrate different image processing CoreML model
Custom Time Picker ViewController with Selection of start and end times in Swift 🔶
LFTimePicker Custom Time Picker ViewController with Selection of start and end times in Swift 🔶 . Based on Adey Salyard's design @ Dribbble One to tw
A TimeZonePicker UIViewController similar to the iOS Settings app. Search and select from a range of cities and countries to find your most suitable time zone.
TimeZonePicker A TimeZonePicker UIViewController similar to the iOS Settings app. Search and select from a range of cities and countries to find your
Awesome SwiftUI Libraries 🚀 🚀 🚀
Awesome SwiftUI Libraries 🚀 🚀 🚀 Do you know a cool SwiftUI library? Welcome to contribute! Content Alert Animation Button Calendar Card Chart Clock
Awesome list of macOS libraries
Awesome macOS libraries 🔥 🔥 🔥 All listed libraries support macOS Content Dependency Manager Animation Audio Database Dependency Injection Device Ex
Advanced List View for SwiftUI with pagination & different states
AdvancedList This package provides a wrapper view around the SwiftUI List view which adds pagination (through my ListPagination package) and an empty,
macOS PropertyList Editor
PropertyListEditor About ... License Project is released under the terms of the MIT License. Repository Infos Owner: Jean-David Gadina - XS-L
An awesome Swift HTML DSL library using result builders.
SwiftHtml An awesome Swift HTML DSL library using result builders. let doc = Document(.html5) { Html { Head { Meta()
RxFlow With SwiftUI (List To Detail)
RxFlow With SwiftUI (List To Detail) About RxFlow + SwiftUI Very Simple Example [List View] - [Detail View] Navigation System : UIKit + RxFlow UI : S
An awesome Swift CSS DSL library using result builders.
An awesome Swift CSS DSL library using result builders.
Fully automatic managed circular image array above UIKit.
Automatic Profile cluster view Fully automatic managed circular image array. Usage From Interface Builder • Drag ProfileClusterView.swift file into yo
Easy to use UITableViewCell implementing swiping to trigger actions.
SwipyCell Swipeable UITableViewCell inspired by the popular Mailbox App, implemented in Swift. Preview Exit Mode The .exit mode is the original behavi
List of awesome iOS & Swift stuff!!
Awesome iOS Developer Feel free to fork this repository and pull requests!! 🔎 Content Coding Convention Swift Lint Design Pattern Adaptor Delegation
Advanced Catalyst Example with sidebar, list view, SwiftUI detail view, toolbar & AppKit bundle
Advanced Catalyst Example This is an example of a Catalyst app using a three-column layout, with a primary toolbar. It includes topics such as: Drag &
List a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling view. A scaling factor controls the size of the items relative to the center.
CAROUSEL List a collection of items in a horizontally scrolling view. A scaling factor controls the size of the items relative to the center. We speci
A small todo list with realm integration
RealmToDo Project Setup Install CocoaPods Open project directory in terminal and run pod install command Open Workspace of project *.xcworkspace Examp
iOS price list app using Firebase, Realm & more
how-much iOS app to record how much things cost using various data persistence implementations. The basic data unit is an item, a simple dictionary: {
A to-do list app using SwiftUI and combine with restful api.
Todo Combine SwiftUI It's an experiment project for the brand new SwiftUI + Combine + restful API with dark mode Build follow restfult to-do-api to ru
Basic Todo list application built using the new SwiftUI framework and Core Data
Dub Dub Do - A sample TODO List Application in SwiftUI Updated for Xcode 11.5 This is a basic app that lets you create a list of todos, mark them as i
An example to-do list app using SwiftUI which is introduced in WWDC19
SwiftUITodo SwiftUITodo is an example to-do list application using SwiftUI which is first introduced in WWDC19 keynote. Requirements Xcode 11 Beta Swi
Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5.
Cards brings to Xcode the card views seen in the new iOS XI Appstore. Getting Started Storyboard Go to main.storyboard and add a blank UIView Open the
A controller that uses a UIStackView and view controller composition to display content in a list
StackViewController Overview StackViewController is a Swift framework that simplifies the process of building forms and other static content using UIS
Ask permissions on Swift. Available List, Dialog & Native interface. Can check state permission.
SPPermissions About Library for ask permissions. You can check state of permissions, available .authorized, .denied & .notDetermined. Available ready-
Swipe between pages with an interactive title navigation control. Configure horizontal or vertical chains for unlimited pages amount.
SlideController is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. Built using power of generic types, it is a nice alternative to UIPageVi
Awesome tool for create tutorial walkthrough or coach tour
AwesomeSpotlightView is a nice and simple library for iOS written on Swift 5. It's highly customizable and easy-to-use tool. Works perfectly for tutor
✨ Awesome Dropdown menu for iOS with Swift 5.0
The eligible dropdown menu for iOS, written in Swift 5, appears dropdown menu to display a view of related items when a user click on the dropdown menu. You can customize dropdown view whatever you like (e.g. UITableView, UICollectionView... etc)
WhatsNewKit enables you to easily showcase your awesome new app features.
WhatsNewKit enables you to easily showcase your awesome new app features. It's designed from the ground up to be fully customized to your needs. Featu
A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
SwifterSwift is a collection of over 500 native Swift extensions, with handy methods, syntactic sugar, and performance improvements for wide range of
🔍 Awesome fully customize search view like Pinterest written in Swift 5.0 + Realm support!
YNSearch + Realm Support Updates See CHANGELOG for details Intoduction 🔍 Awesome search view, written in Swift 5.0, appears search view like Pinteres
Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
TagListView Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift. Supports Storyboard, Auto Layout, and @IBDesignable. Usage The most convenient
Reel Search is a Swift UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list
REEL SEARCH Reel Search is a Swift UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list We specialize in the designing and coding of custom UI
You can dismiss modal viewcontroller like Facebook Messenger by pulling scrollview or navigationbar in Swift.
PullToDismiss PullToDismiss provides dismiss modal viewcontroller function like Facebook Messenger by pulling scrollview or navigationbar with smooth
A collection of awesome loading animations
NVActivityIndicatorView ⚠️ Check out LoaderUI (ready to use with Swift Package Mananger supported) for SwiftUI implementation of this. 🎉 Introduction
A simple, customizable view for efficiently collecting country information in iOS apps.
CountryPickerView CountryPickerView is a simple, customizable view for selecting countries in iOS apps. You can clone/download the repository and run
Super awesome Swift minion for Core Data (iOS, macOS, tvOS)
⚠️ Since this repository is going to be archived soon, I suggest migrating to NSPersistentContainer instead (available since iOS 10). For other conven
Codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift
KeyboardHideManager KeyboardHideManager - codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift. Structure Features Requireme
🎢 Swift Library for Font Icons
Swift Library for Font Icons Please ★ this library. Now, you don't have to download different libraries to include different font icons. This SwiftIco
Icons fonts for iOS (Font Awesome 5, Iconic, Ionicon, Octicon, Themify, MapIcon, MaterialIcon, Foundation 3, Elegant Icon, Captain Icon)
Installation SPM Not yet supported. Please use Cocoapods or Carthage Carthage github "0x73/SwiftIconFont" Cocoapods CocoaPods is a dependency manager
Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
FontAwesome.swift Use Font Awesome in your Swift projects To see the complete set of 3,978 icons in Font Awesome 5, please check the FontAwesome.com s
Super awesome Swift minion for Core Data (iOS, macOS, tvOS)
⚠️ Since this repository is going to be archived soon, I suggest migrating to NSPersistentContainer instead (available since iOS 10). For other conven
Awesome Cache Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift). Backed by NSCache for maximum performance
Awesome Cache Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift). Backed by NSCache for maximum performance and support for expiry of single objects. Usage d
Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
Since iOS 11, Apple released Core ML framework to help developers integrate machine learning models into applications. The official documentation We'v
An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 5 modules
Swift 5 Module Template Use this template as a starting point for any Swift 5 module that you want other people to include in their projects. STATUS: