4499 Repositories
Swift swift-playgrounds Libraries
Yummies is my first attempt at building a native iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI
Yummies is my first attempt at building a native iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI. A recipe browser where you can pin your favorite ones. Powered by Edamam Recipe Search API.
TSwitchLabel is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift.
TSwitchLabel is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TSwitchLabel is developed for you to easily use when you need to design a UI with Label and Switch in the fastest way without having to spend time on develop from scratch.
TDetailBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TDetailBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TDetailBoxView is developed to help users quickly display the detail screen without having to develop from scratch.
The most powerful Event-Driven Observer Pattern solution the Swift language has ever seen!
Event-Driven Swift Decoupling of discrete units of code contributes massively to the long-term maintainability of your project(s). While Observer Patt
Riddler is a riddle game built as a native iOS app in Swift using SwiftUI
Riddler is a riddle game built as a native iOS app in Swift using SwiftUI. It includes 50 challenging riddles with hints for when you get stuck. The game tracks your stats so you can compare your performance against your friends, and see who can answer all 50 riddles the quickest.
Slideshow - An automatic scrolling carousel similar to how ScrollView is used
an automatic scrolling carousel similar to how scrollview is used. for swiftui
TTouchAnimatedButton is a simple and flexible animation component fully written in Swift
TTouchAnimatedButton is a simple and flexible animation component fully written in Swift. TTouchAnimatedButton is developed to make user feel button click becomes more vivid and realistic.
A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content.
CUIExpandableButton A SwiftUI button that expands to reveal more content. CUIExpandableButton is part of the Crystal UI framework (under developement)
Clean SwiftUI based iOS app for local mosque
Clean SwiftUI based iOS app for local mosque. Features localised prayer times, qibla direction and Qur'an with audio. Currently on iOS 15+ and iPhone 6s and above. iPhone SE 1st Gen unsupported.
SwiftyEmail - A super simple Swift e-mail composer package
SwiftyEmail is a mini library for iOS, iPadOS and Mac Catalyst using MessageUI. With SwiftyEmail, you'll be able to send e-mails from your app calling your user's favorite e-mail app (including third party ones!).
Program that i've created while learning swift.
Egg Timer What Does It Do? U can choose a egg type that you wanna eat today out of 3 (Soft,Medium,Hard) Depeding on the choice , app will give you inf
TTopImageBottomLabelButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TTopImageBottomLabelButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TTopImageBottomLabelButton is developed to help programmers create a button with top image and bottom title quickly without having to write many lines of codes.
Swift Server Implementation - RESTful APIs, AWS Lambda Serverless For Swift Runtime amazonlinux: AWS Lambda + API Gateway
Swift Server Implementation - RESTful APIs, AWS Lambda Serverless For Swift Runtime amazonlinux: AWS Lambda + API Gateway deployed on Graviton arm64 build swift:5.6.2-amazonlinux2-docker image
HotCoffee is learning project with MVVM, Generic,Swift 5, TableView
HotCoffee A simple Coffee Ordering app built using TableView, MVVM design pattern and Swift5. Tools Xcode Version 13.2.1 Framework -UIKit Architecture
You can monitor your APIs and websites on your menubar. Gives you status code 🎉 Cool & good
Hope not. Monitor your APIs and websites on your menubar. For macOS. Right now! YyeeeHav!
A Swift library for Discord REST/Gateway API in all platforms.
swift-discord main develop A Swift library for Discord API. Package Products Discord, alias library that contains DiscordREST, DiscordGateway. Discord
GitHub Action for Swift with warning/error annotations.
GitHub Action for Swift This action executes Swift and generates github action annotations from swift warnings/errors. Usage An example to executing S
Real-time communication application form Google Jacquard tag to macOS
Jacquard RTC Real-time communication application form Google Jacquard tag to macOS Abstract Want to use your Google Jacquard equipped product with you
A Shortcuts-like and highly customizable SFSymbol picker written in Swift.
SFTintedIconPicker SFTintedIconPicker is a Shortcuts-like and highly customizable SFSymbol picker written in Swift. Features Native Appearance Search
RMIT Casino - iOS game for slot machine
RMIT Casino 🎰 "Money won is twice as sweet as money earned!" 📖 Description This is an iOS application, inspired from the Melbourne Crown Casino! It
A compiler with very basic capabilities written in Swift
BasicCompiler A compiler with very basic capabilities written in Swift. This project is not intended for real-world use; it's implemented just for fun
👶🏻 An iOS app to help you track sleep, feedings and diaper change for your baby
🐣 Maby Maby is an iOS/watchOS open-source app to help you keep track of your baby's sleep, feedings, diaper changes and more to avoid the constant qu
TRightImageButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift.
TRightImageButton is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TRightImageButton is developed to help programmers create a button with right image quickly without having to write many lines of codes.
OBSwiftSocket is a Swift library to be used for communication with OBS Studio via obs-websocket (v5).
OBSwiftSocket OBSwiftSocket is a Swift library to be used for communication with OBS Studio via obs-websocket (v5). obs-websocket v5 specification: ht
UIKit Practice Project – Simple app to store names along with photos of people you've met
People UIKit Practice Project #10 – Simple app to store names along with photos of people you've met Cool Features Light & dark mode support Responsiv
Analytics layer abstraction, abstract analytics reporters and collect domain-driven analytic events.
🐙 Tentacles Current State: Work in Progress Documentation & Tests(100% completed, but needs refactoring and structuring) started but not done yet, im
📱 A comprehensive test task for creating an autolayout interface, requesting an API and JSON parsing from Effective Mobile.
ECOMMERCE A comprehensive test task for creating an autolayout interface, requesting an API and JSON parsing from Effective Mobile. 👩🎨 Design ✨ Fea
Simple App for Creating and maintaining list of goals to be achieved.
Goal-App Simple App for Creating and maintaing list of goals to be acheived. Created while following this desgin: https://dribbble.com/shots/14772731-
DivKit is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework.
DivKit 🐋 is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework. It allows you to roll out server-sourced updates to different app versions. Also, it can be used for fast UI prototyping, allowing you to write a layout once and then ship it to iOS, Android, and Web platforms.
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display
🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
Swift UI component - Stories instagram, slideshow, crypto wallet intro
SwiftUI and Combine - Stories intro multi-platform widget Features Long tap - pause stories showcase Tap - next story Leeway - pause before start stor
PLHKit: A Swift DSL for Rendering and creating PDF Files.
PLHKit PLH is a tribute to Portsaid Light House, Port Said Lighthouse was the first building in the world created with reinforced concrete. 🌊 PLHKit
My english learning by reading application swift, realm
read-answer-learn-app My english learning by reading application swift, realm I used Swift language and storyboard, realm, tureng translate service in
🍴 Parallelize two or more async functions
Fork Parallelize two or more async functions What is Fork? Fork allows for a single input to create two separate async functions that return potential
RMIT SSET Contact List iOS app!
RMIT SSET Contact List "The Contact List is Long, The Circle is Small!" 📖 Description This is an iOS application, inspired from the traditional phone
A practical interface to the Steamworks SDK using the Swift C++ importer
steamworks-swift A practical interface to the Steamworks SDK using the Swift C++ importer. Caveat Integrator: The Swift C++ importer is a chaotic scie
An elegant, fast, thread-safe, multipurpose key-value storage, compatible with all Apple platforms.
KeyValueStorage An elegant, fast, thread-safe, multipurpose key-value storage, compatible with all Apple platforms. Supported Platforms iOS macOS watc
This Project domonstrate the latest Swift on Server to create RESTFul API's connected via Database: MongoDB NoSql
Swift is a general-purpose programming language built using a modern approach to safety & performance that make it specifically suitable for Server applications. Vapor is a web framework for Swift, allowing you to write backends, web apps APIs and HTTP servers in Swift
A Swift library to fetch the schema from a SQLite3 database.
SQLite3Schema A small library to fetch the schema of a SQLite database. Contains a SQLite3 helper module for Linux. TBD. Uses just the raw SQLite API.
TSnackBarView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TSnackBarView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. TSnackBarView helps you to show snackbar easily with 3 styles: normal, successful and error
🌊 A clean wave - report unused localized strings
Ripple 🌊 Ripple - a command line tool that reports unused localization strings in your Xcode project. Install Clone from repo git clone cd Ripple sw
The CITPincode package provides a customizable pincode view
The CITPincode package provides a customizable pincode view. It includes an optional resend code button with a built-in cooldown and an optional divider to be placed anywhere between the cells.
Base projects for Devpass' Dev Sprints
Modularization Challenge - iOS ⚙️ In this challenge, we will refactor an iOS application separating the functionality into independent, interchangeabl
A type-safe, protocol-based, pure Swift database offering effortless persistence of any object
There are many libraries out there that aims to help developers easily create and use SQLite databases. Unfortunately developers still have to get bogged down in simple tasks such as writing table definitions and SQL queries. SwiftyDB automatically handles everything you don't want to spend your time doing.
A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup
JFCardSelectionViewController A fancy collection style view controller that was inspired by this Profile Card mockup: https://dribbble.com/shots/14584
JSONJoy - Convert JSON to Swift objects
JSONJoy Convert JSON to Swift objects. The Objective-C counterpart can be found here: JSONJoy. Parsing JSON in Swift has be likened to a trip through
UIViews that update themselves when your data changes, like React.
StateView is a UIView substitute that automatically updates itself when data changes. Contents: Overview What's it like? Sample apps How does it work?
A Modern Concurrency and Synchronization for Swift.
##Features Simple AtomicT class for numbers and strings. Uncomplicated dispatch keyword for firing off background routines. Awesome ChanT for conc
Encode and decode deeply-nested data into flat Swift objects
DeepCodable: Encode and decode deeply-nested data into flat Swift objects Have you ever gotten a response from an API that looked like this and wanted
Compile-time-checked URLs
SafeURL Tool for avoiding using the URL(string:) initializer with optional result, instead introducing a compile time URL validity check. Note, this d
SSLineChart provides you with the additional functionality of gradient color fill which cannot be found in any library specially Watchkit Libraries.
SSLineChart SSLineChart draws a UIImage of a chart with given values and provide additional functionality of gradient color fill. Setup Instructions C
Free Educational E-Commerce Project for Motoon Mentorship Program Team.
Dokan Store An educational project for Motoon Mentorship Program team. Layers Hotlinks Documentation: Please check Wiki for more conceptual details, a
Repository for the first challenge of the SwiftUI Animation Challenges. Create the likeable now playing animation from the Spotify app.
Repository for the first challenge of the SwiftUI Animation Challenges. Create the likeable now playing animation from the Spotify app.
Be happy, take a happic: 📸
happic: 하루 한 컷의 사진과 키워드 분석이 알려주는 나의 행복, 해픽 30th THE SOPT APP JAM 프로젝트 기간 : 2021.07.02 ~ 2021.07.23 Team happic iOS Developers 이세진 윤수빈 강승현 lsj8706 devx
PayByBank SDK is an alternative and easier form of Open Banking solutions.
PayByBank SDK (iOS) The Ecospend Gateway presents PayByBank SDK as an alternative and easier form of Open Banking Instant Payment solutions. PayByBank
A Swift package that provides convenient Lorem Ipsum text, images, colors and other placeholders for rapidly prototyping, building and testing your iOS applications.
Lorem Introducing Lorem, a placeholder generator library for iOS to help you rapidly prototype, build and test your iOS applications. By leveraging Sw
A library for fancy iOS animations that you will definitely love.
EazelAnimationsKit Table of Contents Introduction Animations Usage Installation Contribution Authors Introduction The drive for developing this animat
A SwiftUI view that arranges its children in a whimsical interactive deck of cards, as seen in Big News
CardStack A SwiftUI view that arranges its children in a whimsical interactive deck of cards. CardStack mimics the behaviour of the photo stack in iMe
StoreKitPlus contains additional functionality for working with StoreKit 2.
About StoreKitPlus StoreKitPlus adds extra functionality for working with StoreKit 2, like extensions, observable state, services, etc. StoreKitPlus h
Generating OTP one-time passwords in Swift.
One Time Password Navigate Installation Swift Package Manager CocoaPods Manually Usage Apps Using Installation Ready to use on iOS 13+, tvOS 13+ & wat
Implement dynamic JSON decoding within the constraints of Swift's sound type system by working on top of Swift's Codable implementations.
DynamicCodableKit DynamicCodableKit helps you to implement dynamic JSON decoding within the constraints of Swift's sound type system by working on top
💻 LeetCode in your menu bar
LeetBar LeetCode in your menu bar Features Check the daily problem and view profile stats from your menu bar Get notified about the new daily problem
NV_MVVM-C is a template file generator. This can reduce the time taken to write the boilerplate code and create the files.
NV_MVVM-C Template, is an MVVM-C Boilerplate generator which will help you generate all the necessary files for your project architected in MVVM-C.
WWDC22 demo: Scanning data with the camera
Scanning Data with the Camera in SwiftUI WWDC22 brings brilliant Live Text data scanning tools which let users scan text and codes with the camera, si
Pure SwiftUI state-driven library to present view sequences and hierarchies.
PathPresenter swiftUIOnboarding.mp4 Pure SwiftUI routing with transitions, animations, and .sheet() support. In SwiftUI, View is a function of the sta
TTextField is developed to help developers can initiate a fully standard textfield including title, placeholder and error message in fast and convinient way without having to write many lines of codes
TTextField is developed to help developers can initiate a fully standard textfield including title, placeholder and error message in fast and convinient way without having to write many lines of codes
Gauntlet is a collection of testing utility methods that aims to make writing great tests easier.
Gauntlet What is Gauntlet? Gauntlet is a collection of testing utility methods that aims to make writing great tests easier and with more helpful and
A frida tool that capture GET/POST HTTP requests of iOS Swift library 'Alamofire' and disable SSL Pinning.
FridaHookSwiftAlamofire A frida tool that capture GET/POST HTTP requests of iOS Swift library 'Alamofire' and disable SSL Pinning. 中文文档及过程 Features Ca
StickyFooterScrollView is developed for quick creation of UIScrollView to implement.
StickyFooterScrollView StickyFooterScrollView is developed for quick creation of UIScrollView to implement. Usually when creating UIScrollView, develo
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API. Aplikasi ini berbentuk Widget di Menu Bar MacOS dengan menampilkan beberapa Crypto Currency seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Monero (XMR), dan Litecoin (LTC).
Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH, Afternoon Session 13 team's MC3 Project
MC3-Team13-RiceCake 📱 쌀떡궁합 Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH, Afternoon Session MC3/Team-13 📌 Features 🫂 Authors @Seodam | @Neis | @Rang | @Anna |
Mandarin Chinese to Pinyin, IRT.
About Hi, I'm Max! I made Ponkan to help me study Mandarin. Nǐ hǎo, wǒ jiào Max! Wǒ zhìzuò “Ponkan” yīnwèi wǒ yào xuéxí zhōngwén. (Obviously, I still
It's simple IOS Study Case - Movie App
IOS Deployment Info: IOS 15.0 ve üzeri Kullanılan Teknolojiler ve Yapılar Kingfisher AVFoundation URLSession Generics CollectionView VIPER Swipe Gestu
A SwiftUI Contribution Chart (GitHub-like) implementation package
ContributionChart A contribution chart (aka. heatmap, GitHub-like) library for iOS, macOS, and watchOS. 100% written in SwiftUI. It Supports Custom Bl
Swift playground teaching basics of buffer overflow vulnerability and ARM64 assembly by exploiting vulnerable app on ARM64 emulator (WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge Winner)
Pwnground Project overview Pwnground is a project created as my submission for WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge (winner). It is an interactive Swift Pla
A hobby project using Swift protocol and Swift 5.7's new generics to build an iOS Calculator-like calculator.
Calculator A hobby project using Swift protocol and Swift 5.7's new generics to build an iOS Calculator-like calculator. Highlights: You can use Calcu
LabelButtonKit is a mini library for labeled buttons (of SF Symbols), written entirely in SwiftUI
A simple Button with an SFSymbol (icon) as a label, vertically. As well as a Dynamic Type variant using it horizontally. Using SwiftUI. A List View of buttons is also available here. Have fun! 🥳
TTipBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift
TTipBoxView is a simple and flexible UI component fully written in Swift. It is developed to help you create a hint/prompt view quickly, saving your time and avoiding having to write many lines of codes.
Creates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files.
PEMTileMap is a Swift package that generates SpriteKit game maps from TMX Map files. Maps, layers, tiles and objects are automatically rendered as SKN
A Swift package to convert a colour to a name using Wikipedia's colour list
ColorName Usage import ColorName SwiftUI let myColorName = getName(for: Color.red) print(myColorName) UIKit let myColorName = getName(for: UIColor.red
RAProgressRing is the simplest approach to bringing circular progress in your application with minimal code.
RAProgressRing RAProgressRing is the simplest approach to bringing circular progress in your application with minimal code. Features It's customisable
Several synchronization primitives and task synchronization mechanisms introduced to aid in modern swift concurrency.
AsyncObjects Several synchronization primitives and task synchronization mechanisms introduced to aid in modern swift concurrency. Overview While Swif
Swift Package Manager plugin which runs ActionBuilder to create a Github Actions workflow for a swift package.
ActionBuilderPlugin A Swift Package Manager command which builds a Github Actions workflow for the current package. By default the workflow file will
Accepted in WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge. This is an app dedicated to my grandfather.
WWDC22 Introduction Accepted in WWDC22 Swift Student Challenge. This is an app dedicated to my grandfather. In short, Grandpa's Farm is an app in whic
MuVis is a macOS, iOS, iPadOS app for real-time music visualization.
MuVis MuVis is an open-source multi-platform app (using SwiftUI, Swift, and Xcode) for music visualization. It renders informative (and musically usef
A Swift app, named 'iPose', for iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift.
iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift. This is a Swift app, named 'iPose', for iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift. This is a side project to
A full stack real time messenger clone. Frontend is written in swift, and the backend is written in javascript.
FullStack-Messenger-Project A full stack real time messenger clone. Frontend is written in swift, and the backend is written in javascript. The Fronte
An unofficial logbook for bouldering at Mandala. Kind of a SwiftUI playground as well.
BoulderLogbook An unofficial boulder logbook for Dresden's boulder gym Mandala. Features When finished it should allow you to: log all your tops for a
Base projects for Devpass' Dev Sprints
Animations Challenge - Finance App 💰 In this challenge, you will develop micro-interactions, screen transitions, and reusable animations with best pr
This repo contains swift collection of gui, games, menu, animations, music, payment, etc... for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS
Swift-Collections About: This repo contains a collection of projects built using swift and objective-c Contains projects for macOS iOS iPad watchOS tv
Quickstart for Swift on Fastly Compute@Edge
Fastly Compute@Edge Quickstart for Swift This is an example Fastly Compute@Edge app using Andrew Barba's Swift Compute Runtime SDK. It's designed to d
A SwiftUI ScrollView that runs a callback when subviews are scrolled in and out of view.
VisibilityTrackingScrollView This package provides a variant of ScrollView that you can use to track whether views inside it are actually visible. Usa
📱 Very simple and lightweight messenger using Firebase
📱 Very simple and lightweight messenger using Firebase 🔥. It is a training project for the practice of MVVM architecture.
Using Swift Charts and Voiceover Chart Descriptor to compose music. 🤯
Chart de lune 🎵 Using Swift Charts and Voiceover Chart Descriptor to compose music. 🤯 Image source: https://hadikarimi.com/portfolio/claude-debussy-
A Codable Undefinable type for handling JSON undefined values.
Undefinable Overview The purpose of this type is represent the JSON undefined state in Swift structs and classes. The Undefinable enum is a generic wi
A Swift wrapper for URL bookmarks which allow a file to be located regardless of whether it is moved or renamed.
Bookmark A Swift wrapper for URL bookmarks which allow a file to be located regardless of whether it is moved or renamed. This class wraps Swift's URL
Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable).
ShellExecutor Util for executing shell commands, and getting the results easily(data, string, and any decodable). Requirements Xcode 14.0+ Swift 5.7+
Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code
MetalSampleCodeSwift Swift ports of Apple's Objective-C / C++ sample code Metal is a great API, but it can feel inaccessible for Swift developers due
This is the application that describes Equipment Losses & Death Toll & Military Wonded & Prisoner of War of russians in 2022 Ukraine russia War. #StandWithUkraine
This is the application that describes Equipment Losses & Death Toll & Military Wonded & Prisoner of War of russians in 2022 Ukraine russia War. #StandWithUkraine
Automatically generate GraphQL queries and decode results into Swift objects, and also interact with arbitrary GitHub API endpoints
GitHub API and GraphQL Client This package provides a generic GitHub API client (GithubApiClient) as well as Codable-like GitHub GraphQL querying and