4605 Repositories
Swift swift-soap-client Libraries
CachyKit - A Caching Library is written in Swift that can cache JSON, Image, Zip or AnyObject with expiry date/TTYL and force refresh.
Nice threadsafe expirable cache management that can cache any object. Supports fetching from server, single object expire date, UIImageView loading etc.
Cache - Nothing but Cache.
Cache doesn't claim to be unique in this area, but it's not another monster library that gives you a god's power. It does nothing but caching, but it does it well. It offers a good public API with out-of-box implementations and great customization possibilities. Cache utilizes Codable in Swift 4 to perform serialization.
Awesome Cache Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift). Backed by NSCache for maximum performance
Awesome Cache Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift). Backed by NSCache for maximum performance and support for expiry of single objects. Usage d
Telegram Bot Framework written in Swift 5.1 with SwiftNIO network framework
Telegrammer is open-source framework for Telegram Bots developers. It was built on top of Apple/SwiftNIO
SDK for creating Telegram Bots in Swift.
Chat • Changelog • Prerequisites • Getting started • Creating a new bot • Generating Xcode project • API overview • Debugging notes • Examples • Docum
🗣Voice overlay helps you turn your user's voice into text, providing a polished UX while handling for you the necessary permissions
Voice overlay helps you turn your user's voice into text, providing a polished UX while handling for you the necessary permissions. It uses i
SwiftySound is a simple library that lets you deal with Swift sounds easily
SwiftySound Overview SwiftySound is a simple library that lets you deal with Swift sounds easily. Static methods Sound.play(file: "dog.wav") Sound.pla
SwiftAudioPlayer - Swift-based audio player with AVAudioEngine as its base
SwiftAudioPlayer Swift-based audio player with AVAudioEngine as its base. Allows for: streaming online audio, playing local file, changing audio speed
Soundable is a tiny library that uses AVFoundation to manage the playing of sounds in iOS applications in a simple and easy way
Soundable is a tiny library that uses AVFoundation to manage the playing of sounds in iOS applications in a simple and easy way. You can play
MusicKit is a framework and DSL for creating, analyzing, and transforming music in Swift.
MusicKit MusicKit is a framework and DSL for creating, analyzing, and transforming music in Swift. Examples Functional harmony let C5 = Pitch(midi: 72
ModernAVPlayer is a persistence AVPlayer wrapper
ModernAVPlayer is a persistence AVPlayer wrapper ++ Cool features ++ Get 9 nice and relevant player states (playing, buffering, loading
FDWaveformView is an easy way to display an audio waveform in your app
FDWaveformView is an easy way to display an audio waveform in your app. It is a nice visualization to show a playing audio file or to select a position in a file.
FDSoundActivatedRecorder - Start recording when the user speaks
FDSoundActivatedRecorder Start recording when the user speaks. All you have to do is tell us when to start listening. Then we wait for an audible nois
Beethoven is an audio processing Swift library
Beethoven is an audio processing Swift library that provides an easy-to-use interface to solve an age-old problem of pitch detection of musical signals.
AudioPlayer is syntax and feature sugar over AVPlayer. It plays your audio files (local & remote).
AudioPlayer AudioPlayer is a wrapper around AVPlayer. It also offers cool features such as: Quality control based on number of interruption (buffering
AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
AudioKit is an audio synthesis, processing, and analysis platform for iOS, macOS (including Catalyst), and tvOS. Installation To add AudioKit
SpotifyLogin is a Swift 5 Framework for authenticating with the Spotify API.
SpotifyLogin SpotifyLogin is a Swift 5 Framework for authenticating with the Spotify API. Usage of this framework is bound under the Developer Terms o
ReCaptcha - Add Google's Invisible ReCaptcha v2 to your project
Add Google's Invisible ReCaptcha v2 to your project. This library automatically handles ReCaptcha's events and retrieves the validation token or notifies you to present the challenge if invisibility is not possible.
LinkedInSignIn - Simple view controller to log in and retrieve an access token from LinkedIn.
LinkedInSignIn Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Also you need to setup app on
InstagramLogin allows iOS developers to authenticate users by their Instagram accounts.
InstagramLogin handles all the Instagram authentication process by showing a custom UIViewController with the login page and returning an access token that can be used to request data from Instagram.
Poly is an unofficial Google Poly SDK, written in Swift
🦕 Unofficial Google Poly SDK in Swift – search, discover, and download 3D models and scenes
ARVoxelKit - Lightweight Framework for Voxel graphic using AR + SceneKit
ARVoxelKit Lightweight Framework for Voxel graphic using AR + SceneKit Requirements ARVoxelKit requires iOS 11 and devices, which support ARKit Usage
SwiftyStoreKit is a lightweight In App Purchases framework for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst ⛺
SwiftyStoreKit is a lightweight In App Purchases framework for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Mac Catalyst. Features Super easy-to-use block-based API
MerchantKit - A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS developers
MerchantKit dramatically simplifies the work indie developers have to do in order to add premium monetizable components to their applications. Track purchased products, offer auto-renewing subscriptions, restore transactions, and much more.
InAppPurchase - A Simple and Lightweight framework for In App Purchase
InAppPurchase A Simple, Lightweight and Safe framework for In App Purchase Feature Simple and Light 👍 Support Promoting In-App Purchases 💰 No need t
Apphud SDK is a lightweight open-source Swift library to manage auto-renewable subscriptions and other in-app purchases in your iOS app.
Apphud SDK Apphud SDK is a lightweight open-source Swift library to manage auto-renewable subscriptions and other in-app purchases in your iOS app. No
⛵️ URLNavigator provides an elegant way to navigate through view controllers by URLs.
URLNavigator ⛵️ URLNavigator provides an elegant way to navigate through view controllers by URLs. URL patterns can be mapped by using URLNavigator.re
SwiftRouter - A URL Router for iOS, written in Swift
SwiftRouter A URL Router for iOS, written in Swift, inspired by HHRouter and JLRoutes. Installation SwiftRouter Version Swift Version Note Before 1.0.
RxFlow is a navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern
About Navigation concerns RxFlow aims to Installation The key principles How to use RxFlow Tools and dependencies GitHub Actions Frameworks Platform L
Monarch Router is a Declarative URL- and state-based router written in Swift.
Monarch Router is a declarative routing handler that is capable of managing complex View Controllers hierarchy transitions automatically, decoupling View Controllers from each other via Coordinator and Presenters. It fits right in with Redux style state flow and reactive frameworks.
🎯Linker Lightweight way to handle internal and external deeplinks in Swift for iOS
Linker Lightweight way to handle internal and external deeplinks in Swift for iOS. Installation Dependency Managers CocoaPods CocoaPods is a dependenc
LiteRoute is easy transition for your app. Written on Swift 4
LiteRoute Description LiteRoute is easy transition between VIPER modules, who implemented on pure Swift. We can transition between your modules very e
Appz 📱 Launch external apps, and deeplink, with ease using Swift!
Appz 📱 Deeplinking to external applications made easy Highlights Web Fallback Support: In case the app can't open the external application, it will f
Instagram Private API Swift
SwiftyInsta Please notice SwiftyInsta may not be actively maintained at the moment of you reading this note. Refer to #244 for more info. Instagram of
The swiftest way to build iOS apps that connect to Salesforce
Build iOS apps fast on the Salesforce Platform with Swiftly Salesforce: Written entirely in Swift. Uses Swift's Combine framework to simplify complex,
Swift client for Kubernetes
Table of contents Overview Compatibility Matrix Examples Usage Creating a client Configuring a client Client authentication Client DSL Advanced usage
Instagram API client written in Swift
SwiftInstagram is a wrapper for the Instagram API written in Swift. It allows you to authenticate users and request data from Instagram effortlessly.
Swifter - A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
Getting Started Installation If you're using Xcode 6 and above, Swifter can be installed by simply dragging the Swifter Xcode project into your own pr
Swift Reddit API Wrapper
reddift reddift is Swift Reddit API Wrapper framework, and includes a browser is developed using the framework. Supports OAuth2(is not supported on tv
👤 Framework to Generate Random Users - An Unofficial Swift SDK for randomuser.me
RandomUserSwift is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to generate random users and their accompanying data for your Swift applic
Google Directions API helper for iOS, written in Swift
PXGoogleDirections Google Directions API SDK for iOS, entirely written in Swift. 🗺 Features Supports all features from the Google Directions API as o
Swift implementation of Github REST API v3
GitHubAPI Swift implementation of GitHub REST api v3. Library support Swift 4.2. Work is in progress. Currently supported: Issues API. Activity API(Fe
YapAnimator is your fast and friendly physics-based animation system
YapAnimator is your fast and friendly physics-based animation system. YapAnimator was built with ease-of-use in mind, keeping you sane and your design
ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
ViewAnimator is a library for building complex iOS UIView animations in an easy way. It provides one line animations for any view included the ones wh
A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
A fantastic Physical animation library for swift(Not Just Spring !!!), it is base on UIDynamic and extension to it, friendly APIs make you use it or c
Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.
Spruce iOS Animation Library (and Android) What is it? Spruce is a lightweight animation library that helps choreograph the animations on the screen.
Better Easing for SpriteKit in Swift
This easing library began life as a port of buddingmonkey's Objective C SpriteKit Easing library to Swift. This library extends upon the basic easing
A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.
Updated for Swift 4.2 Requires Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2. Installation Drop in the Spring folder to your Xcode project (make sure to enable "Copy items i
Simple Interface Core Animation. Run type-safe animation sequencially or parallelly
Simple Interface Core Animation Sica can execute various animations sequentially or parallelly. Features Animation with duration and delay parallel /
Pulse animation for iOS written with Swift.
Pulsator Pulse animation for iOS written with Swift. Great For: Pulses of Bluetooth, BLE, beacons (iBeacon), etc. Map Annotations Installation CocoaPo
Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
🎨 Gradient animation effect like Instagram
Pastel 🎨 Gradient animation effect like Instagram Example override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let pastelView = PastelView(fram
A Fast Animation Engine with an Intuitive API
Kinieta An Animation Engine for iOS with an Intuitive API and Readable Code! (Written in Swift 4.0.) Why another? I decided to build an Animation Engi
Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
Interpolate Interpolate is a powerful Swift interpolation framework for creating interactive gesture-driven animations. Usage The 🔑 idea of Interpola
Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
Overview What is the Gemini? Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. You can easily use GeminiCollectionView, which
Advanced Natural Motion Animations, Simple Blocks Based Syntax
FlightAnimator Moved to Swift 3.1 Support: For Swift 3.1 - Use tag Version 0.9.9 See Installation Instructions for clarification Introduction FlightAn
Elegant SVG animation kit for swift
Elephant This is SVG animation presentation kit for iOS. Example You can run example app. Please open Example-iOS/Elephant-iOS.xcworkspace! Usage You
A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations and mixing view and layer animations together!
ver 2.0 NB! Breaking changes in 2.0 - due to a lot of requests EasyAnimation does NOT automatically install itself when imported. You need to enable i
Ease is an event driven animation system that combines the observer pattern with custom spring animations as observers
Ease is an event driven animation system that combines the observer pattern with custom spring animations as observers. It's magic. Features Animate a
A DSL to make animation easy on iOS with Swift.
This project is highly inspired by JHChainableAnimations, If you project is developed with Objective-C, use JHChainableAnimations instead. With DKChai
☄️Comets: Animating Particles in Swift
Comets ☄️ Comets: Animating Particles in Swift animation made by kevin as part of Voicy design implements Bennet van der Linden medium Comets: Animati
ChainPageCollectionView A custom View with two level chained collection views and fancy transition animation
ChainPageCollectionView A custom View with two level chained collection views and fancy transition animation. Demo Requirements iOS 9.0+ Xcode 8 Insta
Physics-based animations for iOS, tvOS, and macOS.
Advance An animation library for iOS, tvOS, and macOS that uses physics-based animations (including springs) to power interactions that move and respo
Swift implementation of the longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm.
SwiftLCS SwitLCS provides an extension of Collection that finds the indexes of the longest common subsequence with another collection. The longest com
Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
Welcome to the Swift Algorithm Club! Here you'll find implementations of popular algorithms and data structures in everyone's favorite new language Sw
Fast sorted collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees
Fast Sorted Collections for Swift Using In-Memory B-Trees Overview Reference Documentation Optimizing Collections: The Book What Are B-Trees? Why In-M
Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications.
Welcome to Algorithm Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications. Features Probability Tools Expected Value Progra
Accelerated tensor operations and dynamic neural networks based on reverse mode automatic differentiation for every device that can run Swift - from watchOS to Linux
DL4S provides a high-level API for many accelerated operations common in neural networks and deep learning. It furthermore has automatic differentiati
📝 Read, update and write your Xcode projects
XcodeProj XcodeProj is a library written in Swift for parsing and working with Xcode projects. It's heavily inspired by CocoaPods XcodeProj and xcode.
A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
XcodeGen XcodeGen is a command line tool written in Swift that generates your Xcode project using your folder structure and a project spec. The projec
A little beautifier tool for xcodebuild
xcbeautify xcbeautify is a little beautifier tool for xcodebuild. Similar to xcpretty, but faster. Features 2x faster than xcpretty. Human-friendly an
🚀 Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale
What's Tuist 🕺 Tuist is a command line tool that helps you generate, maintain and interact with Xcode projects. It's open source and written in Swift
Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line
SwiftPlate Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line. SwiftPlate will generate Xcode projects for you in seconds,
Start your next Open-Source Swift Framework 📦
SwiftKit enables you to easily generate a cross platform Swift Framework from your command line. It is the best way to start your next Open-Source Swi
The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
SwiftGen SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them ty
Homebrew for Swift packages
Swiftbrew A package manager that installs prebuilt Swift command line tool packages, or Homebrew for Swift packages. Installation Homebrew brew instal
OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 Parser and Swift code generator
SwagGen SwagGen is a library and command line tool for parsing and generating code for OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 specs, completely written in Swift. Swagger
Turn your Swift data model into a working CRUD app.
Model2App is a simple library that lets you quickly generate a CRUD iOS app based on just a data model defined in Swift. (CRUD - Create Read Update De
Command line tool for exporting resources and generating code from your Figma files
Fugen Fugen is a command line tool for exporting resources and generating code from your Figma files. Currently, Fugen supports the following entities
A Collection of PropertyWrappers to make custom Serialization of Swift Codable Types easy
CodableWrappers Simplified Serialization with Property Wrappers Move your Codable and (En/De)coder customization to annotations! struct YourType: Coda
Beak 🐦 Peck into your Swift files from the command line
Beak 🐦 Peck into your Swift files from the command line Beak can take a standard Swift file and then list and run any public global functions in it v
Viper Framework for iOS using Swift
Write an iOS app following VIPER architecture. But in an easy way. Viper the easy way We all know Viper is cool. But we also know that it's hard to se
Stateful view controller containment for iOS and tvOS
StateViewController When creating rich view controllers, a single view controller class is often tasked with managing the appearance of many other vie
Spin aims to provide a versatile Feedback Loop implementation working with the three main reactive frameworks available in the Swift community (RxSwift, ReactiveSwift and Combine)
With the introduction of Combine and SwiftUI, we will face some transition periods in our code base. Our applications will use both Combine and a thir
Reactant is a reactive architecture for iOS
Reactant Reactant is a foundation for rapid and safe iOS development. It allows you to cut down your development costs by improving reusability, testa
📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0 A short cheat-sheet with Xcode 10.2 Playground (Design-Patterns.playground.zip). 🇨🇳 中文版 👷 Project started
The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
Swift Package Manager Project The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing distribution of source code, aimed at making it easy to share your code
A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages
Mint 🌱 A package manager that installs and runs Swift command line tool packages. $ mint run realm/SwiftLint@0.40.3 This would install and run SwiftL
The Cocoa Dependency Manager.
CocoaPods: The Cocoa dependency manager CocoaPods manages dependencies for your Xcode projects. You specify the dependencies for your project in a sim
A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
Carthage Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application. Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you w
Vim runtime files for Swift
Swift.vim Syntax and indent files for Swift If you don't have a preferred installation method check out vim-plug. Examples Syntastic Integration swift
Emacs support for Apple's Swift programming language.
swift-mode Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language. Installation Install swift-mode package from MELPA. To install without MELPA, download l
An opinionated starting point for awesome, reusable Swift 5 modules
Swift 5 Module Template Use this template as a starting point for any Swift 5 module that you want other people to include in their projects. STATUS:
AEOTPTextField - A beautiful iOS OTP Text Field library, written in Swift with full access customization in UI.
AEOTPTextField - A beautiful iOS OTP Text Field library, written in Swift with full access customization in UI.
An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.
What’s new in Swift 4 An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0. As seen in the What’s New in Swift session at WWDC 2017. Written b
A collection of Swift tips & tricks that I've shared on Twitter
⚠️ This list is no longer being updated. For my latest Swift tips, checkout the "Tips" section on Swift by Sundell. Swift tips & tricks ⚡️ One of the
Swift Featured Projects in brain Mapping
Swift 开源精选 自 2014年 WWDC 发布 Swift 语言以来,本项目 一直致力于将主流 Swift 中文学习、开发资源汇集于此,并且尽力紧密地跟踪、甄选优秀 Swift 开源项目,以方便开发者快速获得并使用。考虑 Swift 已经正式发布超过四年半(更无力管理维护海量的 Swift
A collection useful tips for the Swift language
SwiftTips The following is a collection of tips I find to be useful when working with the Swift language. More content is available on my Twitter acco
👨💻Watch the latest and greatest conference videos on your Mac
Conferences.digital is the best way to watch the latest and greatest videos from your favourite developer conferences for free on your Mac. Either sea