4605 Repositories
Swift swift-soap-client Libraries
Reactive WebSockets - A lightweight abstraction layer over Starscream to make it reactive.
RxWebSocket Reactive extensions for websockets. A lightweight abstraction layer over Starscream to make it reactive. Installation RxWebSocket is avail
WebSocket(RFC-6455) library written using Swift
DNWebSocket Object-Oriented, Swift-style WebSocket Library (RFC 6455) for Swift-compatible Platforms. Tests Installation Requirements Usage Tests Conf
SSL/TLS Add-in for BlueSocket using Secure Transport and OpenSSL
BlueSSLService SSL/TLS Add-in framework for BlueSocket in Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on supported Apple platforms (using Secure Tran
Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
BlueSocket Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux. Prerequisites Swift Swift Open Source swift-4.0
Apple Push Notifications (APNs) Server-Side library.
Perfect-Notifications 简体中文 APNs remote Notifications for Perfect. This package adds push notification support to your server. Send notifications to iO
MQTT for iOS and macOS written with Swift
CocoaMQTT MQTT v3.1.1 client library for iOS/macOS/tvOS written with Swift 5 Build Build with Xcode 11.1 / Swift 5.1 Installation CocoaPods Install us
WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
WKZombie WKZombie is an iOS/OSX web-browser without a graphical user interface. It was developed as an experiment in order to familiarize myself with
SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
SwiftSoup is a pure Swift library, cross-platform (macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux!), for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very conveni
Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.
Kanna(鉋) Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for cross-platform(macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux!). It was inspired by Nokogiri(鋸). ℹ️ Documentation Fea
Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift
Ji 戟 Ji (戟) is a Swift wrapper on libxml2 for parsing XML/HTML. Features Build XML/HTML Tree and Navigate. XPath Query Supported. Comprehensive Unit T
A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
Fuzi (斧子) A fast & lightweight XML/HTML parser in Swift that makes your life easier. [Documentation] Fuzi is based on a Swift port of Mattt Thompson's
Lightweight network abstraction layer, written on top of Alamofire
TRON is a lightweight network abstraction layer, built on top of Alamofire. It can be used to dramatically simplify interacting with RESTful JSON web-
🌏 A zero-dependency networking solution for building modern and secure iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS applications.
A zero-dependency networking solution for building modern and secure iOS, watchOS, macOS and tvOS applications. 🚀 TermiNetwork was tested in a produc
Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.
SwiftHTTP SwiftHTTP is a thin wrapper around NSURLSession in Swift to simplify HTTP requests. Features Convenient Closure APIs Simple Queue Support Pa
Elegant network abstraction layer in Swift.
Elegant network abstraction layer in Swift. 中文 Design Features Requirements Communication Installation Usage Base Usage - Target - Request - Download
Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
ShadowsocksX-NG Download Next Generation of ShadowsocksX Why a new implementation? It's hard to maintain the original implementation as there is too m
Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. :male_detective:
ResponseDetective is a non-intrusive framework for intercepting any outgoing requests and incoming responses between your app and your server for debu
Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
Reachability.swift Reachability.swift is a replacement for Apple's Reachability sample, re-written in Swift with closures. It is compatible with iOS (
A Swift framework for working with emails
Postal is a swift framework providing simple access to common email providers. Example Connect let postal = Postal(configuration: .icloud(login: "myem
Swift/Obj-C HTTP framework with a focus on REST and JSON
Now Archived and Forked PMHTTP will not be maintained in this repository going forward. Please use, create issues on, and make PRs to the fork of PHMT
🏇 A Swift HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines
Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. Harold Abelson, "Structure and Interpretation of Com
Swift based OAuth library for iOS
OAuthSwift Swift based OAuth library for iOS and macOS. Support OAuth1.0, OAuth2.0 Twitter, Flickr, Github, Instagram, Foursquare, Fitbit, Withings, L
OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.
OAuth2 OAuth2 frameworks for macOS, iOS and tvOS written in Swift 5.0. ⤵️ Installation 🛠 Usage 🖥 Sample macOS app (with data loader examples) 📖 Tec
A type-safe, high-level networking solution for Swift apps
What Type-safe network calls made easy Netswift offers an easy way to perform network calls in a structured and type-safe way. Why Networking in Swift
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
Netfox provides a quick look on all executed network requests performed by your iOS or OSX app. It grabs all requests - of course yours, requests from
Versatile HTTP Networking in Swift
Net is a versatile HTTP networking library written in Swift. 🌟 Features URL / JSON / Property List Parameter Encoding Upload File / Data / Stream / M
📱📲 A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices
A wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework for offline data transmission between Apple devices. This framework makes it easy to automatical
Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
Moya 14.0.0 A Chinese version of this document can be found here. You're a smart developer. You probably use Alamofire to abstract away access to URLS
Swift HTTP for Humans
Just is a client-side HTTP library inspired by python-requests - HTTP for Humans. Features Just lets you to the following effortlessly: URL queries cu
Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift.
Heimdallr Heimdallr is an OAuth 2.0 client specifically designed for easy usage. It currently supports the resource owner password credentials grant f
Lightweight Concurrent Networking Framework
Dots Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.10+ /
🌐 Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access.
Connectivity is a wrapper for Apple's Reachability providing a reliable measure of whether Internet connectivity is available where Reachability alone
Robust Swift networking for web APIs
Conduit Conduit is a session-based Swift HTTP networking and auth library. Within each session, requests are sent through a serial pipeline before bei
Publish and discover services using Bonjour
Ciao Lib to publish and find services using mDNS Requirements Installation Usage License Requirements iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.10+ / tvOS 9.0+ Xcode 9.0
Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
Alamofire is an HTTP networking library written in Swift. Features Component Libraries Requirements Migration Guides Communication Installation Usage
Multi-dimensional Swift math
Upsurge Upsurge implements multi-dimensional data structures and operations. It brings numpy-like operations to Swift. Upsurge no longer supports DSP
A collection of functions for statistical calculation written in Swift.
σ (sigma) - statistics library written in Swift This library is a collection of functions that perform statistical calculations in Swift. It can be us
Arbitrary-precision arithmetic in pure Swift
Overview API Documentation License Requirements and Integration Implementation Notes Full-width multiplication and division primitives Why is there no
Use any custom view as custom callout view for MKMapView with cool animations. Use any image as annotation view.
MapViewPlus About MapViewPlus gives you the missing methods of MapKit which are: imageForAnnotation and calloutViewForAnnotationView delegate methods.
Location, motion, and activity recording framework for iOS
LocoKit A Machine Learning based location recording and activity detection framework for iOS. Location and Motion Recording Combined, simplified Core
The Swift Geometry Engine.
Easily handle a geometric object model (points, linestrings, polygons etc.) and related topological operations (intersections, overlapping etc.). A ty
360° flyover on a MKMapView 🚁
FlyoverKit enables you to present stunning 360° flyover views on an MKMapView with zero effort while maintaining full configuration possibilities. Fly
Easy Map Annotation Clustering 📍
Cluster is an easy map annotation clustering library. This repository uses an efficient method (QuadTree) to aggregate pins into a cluster. Features R
Super lightweight library that helps you to localize strings, even directly in storyboards!
Translatio Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 9 or higher. Swi
NoOptionalInterpolation gets rid of "Optional(...)" and "nil" in Swift's string interpolation
NoOptionalInterpolation gets rid of "Optional(...)" and "nil" in Swift's string interpolation
Swift friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching
Localize-Swift Localize-Swift is a simple framework that improves i18n and localization in Swift iOS apps - providing cleaner syntax and in-app langua
Localize is a framework writed in swift to localize your projects easier improves i18n, including storyboards and strings.
Localize Localize is a framework written in swift to help you localize and pluralize your projects. It supports both storyboards and strings. Features
Realtime Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift. Create and update texts from localization.com without needing to recompile or redeploy. Cocapod for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac)
LocalizationKit Localization kit is a powerful to localize texts and translation management tool. I am a developer and invariably I get the questions
Localization of the application with ability to change language "on the fly" and support for plural form in any language.
L10n-swift is a simple framework that improves localization in swift app, providing cleaner syntax and in-app language switching. Overview 🌟 Features
Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
Installation • Configuration • Usage • Build Script • Donation • Migration Guides • Issues • Contributing • License BartyCrouch BartyCrouch incrementa
TinyConstraints is the syntactic sugar that makes Auto Layout sweeter for human use.
TinyConstraints is the syntactic sugar that makes Auto Layout sweeter for human use. Features Pure Swift 5 sweetness. Everything you can do with Auto
Auto Layout In Swift Made Easy
Swiftstraints Swiftstraints can turn verbose auto-layout code: let constraint = NSLayoutConstraint(item: blueView, attr
A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
SnapKit is a DSL to make Auto Layout easy on both iOS and OS X. ⚠️ To use with Swift 4.x please ensure you are using = 4.0.0 ⚠️ ⚠️ To use with Swift
The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.
The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. PureLayout extends UIView/NSView, NSArray, and NSLayoutConstrai
A compact but full-featured Auto Layout DSL for Swift
Mortar allows you to create Auto Layout constraints using concise, simple code statements. Use this: view1.m_right |=| view2.m_left - 12.0 Instead of:
MisterFusion is Swift DSL for AutoLayout. It is the extremely clear, but concise syntax, in addition, can be used in both Swift and Objective-C. Support Safe Area and Size Class.
MisterFusion MisterFusion makes more easier to use AutoLayout in Swift & Objective-C code. Features Simple And Concise Syntax Use in Swift and Objecti
An Impressive Auto Layout DSL for iOS, tvOS & OSX. & It is written in pure swift.
KVConstraintKit KVConstraintKit is a DSL to make easy & impressive Auto Layout constraints on iOS, tvOS & OSX with Swift Installation Using CocoaPods
An easier and faster way to code Autolayout
EZAnchor 中文介绍 An easier way to code Autolayout Are you annoyed of coding .active = true while using Autolayout Anchors over and over again? Are you an
Lightweight Swift framework for Apple's Auto-Layout
I am glad to share with you a lightweight Swift framework for Apple's Auto-Layout. It helps you write readable and compact UI code using simple API. A
Auto Layout made easy
EasyPeasy is a Swift framework that lets you create Auto Layout constraints programmatically without headaches and never ending boilerplate code. Besi
📱AutoLayout can be set differently for each device
DeviceLayout DeviceLayout is a Swift framework that lets you set Auto Layout constraints's differently for each device Using only IBInspector of Xcode
An easy way to create and layout UI components for iOS (Swift version).
Introduction Cupcake is a framework that allow you to easily create and layout UI components for iOS 8.0+. It use chaining syntax and provides some fr
A Swift port of the Cassowary linear constraint solver
Cassowary Swift A Swift port of the Cassowary linear constraints solver. Tested on OS X, iOS and Linux. Example usage let solver = Solver() let left
A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift :iphone::triangular_ruler:
Cartography 📱 📐 Using Cartography, you can set up your Auto Layout constraints in declarative code and without any stringly typing! In short, it all
Auto Layout (and manual layout) in one line.
Auto Layout (and manual layout) in one line. Quick Look view.bb.centerX().below(view2).size(100) It’s equivalent to iOS 9 API: view.centerXAnchor.cons
Write concise Autolayout code
Winner of Hacking with Swift Recommended award You + Stevia = 🦄 💡 Write concise, readable layouts 🏖 Reduce your maintenance time 🎨 Compose your st
Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.
Simple static table views for iOS in Swift. Static's goal is to separate model data from presentation. Rows and Sections are your “view models” for yo
Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
Extremely Fast views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainabl
A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework.
Build dynamic and beautiful user interfaces like a boss, with Swift. Neon is built around how user interfaces are naturally and intuitively designed.
LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
🚨 UNMAINTAINED 🚨 This project is no longer used by LinkedIn and is currently unmaintained. LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, a
FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.
FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized Yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax. Flexbox is an incre
Powerful autolayout framework, that can manage UIView(NSView), CALayer and not rendered views. Not Apple Autolayout wrapper. Provides placeholders. Linux support.
CGLayout Powerful autolayout framework, that can manage UIView(NSView), CALayer and not rendered views. Has cross-hierarchy coordinate space. Implemen
BrickKit is a delightful layout library for iOS and tvOS. It is written entirely in Swift!
BrickKit is a delightful layout library for iOS and tvOS. It is written entirely in Swift! Deprecated BrickKit is being phased out at Wayfair, and the
C4 is an open-source creative coding framework that harnesses the power of native iOS programming with a simplified API that gets you working with media right away. Build artworks, design interfaces and explore new possibilities working with media and interaction.
Code, Creatively. C4 is an open-source creative coding framework that harnesses the power of native iOS programming with a simplified API that gets yo
BFKit-Swift is a collection of useful classes, structs and extensions to develop Apps faster.
Features • Classes and Extensions Compatibility • Requirements • Communication • Contributing • Installing and Usage • Documentation • Changelog • Exa
Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.
Typist Typist is a small, drop-in Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps. It helps you manage keyboard's screen presence and behavior without notif
🎀 A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS.
Ribbon 🎀 A simple cross-platform toolbar/custom input accessory view library for iOS & macOS. Written in Swift. Looking for... A type-safe, XPC-avail
⌨️ Add user-customizable global keyboard shortcuts to your macOS app in minutes
This package lets you add support for user-customizable global keyboard shortcuts to your macOS app in minutes. It's fully sandbox and Mac App Store c
Codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift
KeyboardHideManager KeyboardHideManager - codeless manager to hide keyboard by tapping on views for iOS written in Swift. Structure Features Requireme
Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
IQKeyboardManager While developing iOS apps, we often run into issues where the iPhone keyboard slides up and covers the UITextField/UITextView. IQKey
ZImageCropper is a simplest way to crop image to any shapes you like.
ZImageCropper ZImageCropper is a simplest way to crop image to any shapes you like. Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod in
📸 Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS
YPImagePicker YPImagePicker is an instagram-like photo/video picker for iOS written in pure Swift. It is feature-rich and highly customizable to match
Multi image downloader with priority in Swift
Vulcan Multi image downloader with priority in Swift Features Very light Multi image download with priority Caching images Pure Swift Composable image
Image viewer (or Lightbox) with support for local and remote videos and images
Table of Contents Features Focus Browse Rotation Zoom tvOS Setup Installation License Author Features Focus Select an image to enter into lightbox mod
Fabulous Image Processing in Swift
Toucan is a Swift library that provides a clean, quick API for processing images. It greatly simplifies the production of images, supporting resizing,
A simple, performant, and lightweight SVG parser
Key Features Parsing performance that meets or beats other popular SVG Frameworks A simple architecture, optimized for extension, flexibility and deve
SwiftGif - A small UIImage extension with gif support.
SwiftGif - A small UIImage extension with gif support.
❄️ SVG in Swift
Snowflake ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut ma
Image filtering UI library like Instagram.
Sharaku Usage How to present SHViewController let imageToBeFiltered = UIImage(named: "targetImage") let vc = SHViewController(image: imageToBeFiltered
Image loading system
Image Loading System Nuke ILS provides an efficient way to download and display images in your app. It's easy to learn and use thanks to a clear and c
An image download extension of the image view written in Swift for iOS, tvOS and macOS.
Moa, an image downloader written in Swift for iOS, tvOS and macOS Moa is an image download library written in Swift. It allows to download and show an
🍁🥓 Lightweight and fast Swift library for image downloading, caching and transformations
MapleBacon Introduction MapleBacon is a lightweight and fast Swift library for downloading and caching images. Example The folder Example contains a s
Lightbox is a convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app
Lightbox is a convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app, packed with all the features you expect: Paginated image slideshow. V
📦 An extension that generates letter-based avatars/placeholders
LetterAvatarKit LetterAvatarKit provides an UIImage extension for generating letter-based avatars/placeholders. There are a few images showing what yo
Kingfisher is a powerful, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web
Kingfisher is a powerful, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web. It provides you a chance to use a pure-Swift way to work
A Swift client library for generating URLs with imgix
imgix-swift is a client library for generating image URLs with imgix. Written in Swift, but can be used with Objective-C codebases as well. Installati
A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
ImageScout ImageScout is a Swift implementation of fastimage. It allows you to find the size and type of a remote image by downloading as little as po
A lightweight and fast image loader for iOS written in Swift.
ImageLoader ImageLoader is an instrument for asynchronous image loading written in Swift. It is a lightweight and fast image loader for iOS. Features
✂️ Detect and crop faces, barcodes and texts in image with iOS 11 Vision api.
ImageDetect ImageDetect is a library developed on Swift. With ImageDetect you can easily detect and crop faces, texts or barcodes in your image with i
A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
Haneke is a lightweight generic cache for iOS and tvOS written in Swift 4. It's designed to be super-simple to use. Here's how you would initalize a J