287 Repositories
Swift chat-client Libraries
Swift Client library to interact with Supabase Functions.
functions-swift Swift Client library to interact with Supabase Functions. Usage let client = FunctionsClient( url: URL(string: "https://project-id.s
iOS app for monitoring and controlling your Tesla vehicles.
Teslawesome This is an unofficial iOS app for monitoring and controling your Tesla vehicles. The purpose of being open sourced is just for more visibi
A PocketBase client for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS
PocketBase A pure Swift client for interfacing with a PocketBase instance. Getting Started Development Environment Easiest way to get started with Poc
An unofficial devRant iOS client.
SwiftUIRant An unofficial devRant iOS client (that doesn't crash). Goals The first goal of this project is to provide the functionality to browse thro
Swift client for Software-Challenge Germany 2022/2023
Swift client for Software-Challenge Germany 2022/2023 This package contains a simple client written in Swift for Software-Challenge Germany 2022/2023.
TinyPNG4Mac - a client of TinyPNG for Mac
TinyPNG4Mac This is a client of TinyPNG for Mac, with which you can compress pngs without open browser and manually download images, all you need to d
Open-source API Client for iOS, iPadOS, macOS. Built with SwiftUI
Yogu Open-source API Client for iOS, iPadOS, macOS. Built with SwiftUI 🚧 Yogu is currently in development, and not actually usable yet. Please DO NOT
A client library to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices
libusbmuxd A client library for applications to handle usbmux protocol connections with iOS devices. Features This project is a client library to mult
A SwiftUI framework which makes it easy to integrate Video Call and Chat within a few lines of code.
Welcome to iStream! This SwiftUI Framework allows you to add Video Call and Chat to your project within a few lines of code. To use this Framework, yo
Slack message generator and API client, written in Swift with Result Builders and Concurrency
Slack Message Client This package provides a Swift object model for a Slack Block Kit message, as well as a Result Builder convenience interface for e
An iOS client for connecting to Linux Mint's Warpinator application
warpinator-iOS This is an iOS application for connecting iOS devices (and hopefully, in the future, macOs computers) to the Linux Mint Warpinator file
Cross-platform JsonRPC client implementation with HTTP and WebSocket support
JsonRPC.swift Cross-platform JsonRPC client implementation with HTTP and WebSocket support Getting started Installation Package Manager Add the follow
iTorrent - iOS Torrent client App
iTorrent - iOS Torrent client App Screenshots iPhone Screenshots iPad Screenshots Download Latest stable build: (GitHub Release) Latest dev build: (Ap
Flash Chat is an Internet-based messaging application similar to WhatsApp
Flash Chat is an Internet-based messaging application similar to WhatsApp. A service called Firebase Firestore is used as the backend database to store and retrieve our messages from the cloud.
Pexels API client library for the Swift programming language.
Pexels-Swift Pexels.com API client library for the Swift programming language. Overview This Swift Package is a wrapper for Pexels API to get access t
Commmunity-supported Swift Driver for FaunaDB
Commmunity-supported Swift Driver for FaunaDB FaunaDB's Swift driver is now "community-supported". New features won't be exposed in the driver unless
A stand-alone Swift wrapper around the SQLite 3 client library.
Perfect - SQLite Connector This project provides a Swift wrapper around the SQLite 3 library. This package builds with Swift Package Manager and is pa
ProtonMail for macOS - Experimental email client for the ProtonMail service written in Swift
ProtonMail for macOS Experimental email client for the ProtonMail service written in Swift. About A pet project, largely incomplete and missing major
Simple REST Client based on RxSwift and Alamofire.
RxRestClient Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 10.0+ tvOS 10.
iOS library for device fingerprinting. Does not require server APIs to work, fully client-side operation.
Lightweight iOS library for local device fingerprinting Installation (CocoaPods) # Podfile pod 'FingerprintJS' Note: If you've never used CocoaPods fo
GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies.
GitHubSearch GitHub iOS client with minimum third-party dependencies. The app allows for searching for repositories using GitHub API. 🔜 In the next r
GitHub in your pocket. Built with React Native
GitPoint GitHub in your pocket. Built with React Native. Table of Contents Introduction Features Feedback Contributors Build Process Backers Sponsors
Monkey is an unofficial GitHub client for iOS,to show the rank of coders and repositories.
Monkey for GitHub 中文README Monkey is an unofficial GitHub client. Monkey for GitHub is my first App,open source project.Welcome to download. GitHub op
GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture
GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture. FlutterHub - Flutter version available at an early stage KotlinHub - Android version is co
Github iOS Client based on Github REST V3 API and GraphQL V4 API
ZLGithubClient Github iOS 客户端 by Existorlive Objective-c 2.0 Swift 5 Cocoapods 1.9.1 iOS = 11.0 基于 Github REST V3 API 和 Github GraphQL V4 API 开发的iOS客
This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface.
Flash Chat 💁🏽♂️ Overview This is a simple chat application made in Swift using send and receive interface. ⚙️ How it works The user needs to first
Scribe-iOS is a pack of iOS and iPadOS keyboards for language learners
Scribe-iOS is a pack of iOS and iPadOS keyboards for language learners. Features include translation (beta), verb conjugation and word annotation that give users the tools needed to communicate with confidence.
An unofficial Floatplane client for Apple TV/tvOS
Wasserflug tvOS An unofficial Floatplane client for Apple TV/tvOS. Screenshots See https://imgur.com/a/vXAcEJy for screenshots of Wasserflug. Beta Tes
iOS 15, MVVM, Async Await, Core Data, Abstract Network Layer, Repository & DAO design patterns, SwiftUI and Combine
iOS 15, MVVM, Async Await, Core Data, Abstract Network Layer, Repository & DAO design patterns, SwiftUI and Combine
A completely native Discord client for macOS built 100% in Swift and SwiftUI
Swiftcord A completely native Discord client for macOS built 100% in Swift and SwiftUI This project aims to create a fully functional native Discord c
Secret Messenger - a free and open source Jabber (XMPP) messaging client for Apple
Secret Messenger is a free and open source Jabber (XMPP) messaging client for Apple and Android devices focused on Privacy and Security with full OMEMO encrypted messaging support.
Ethereum-wallet: 100% native ethereum wallet, created with iOS version of Geth client
Ethereum-wallet: 100% native ethereum wallet, created with iOS version of Geth client
Vapor-telemetrydeck - Vapor client for posting signals to TelemetryDeck, a privacy-conscious analytics service for apps and websites
Vapor-telemetrydeck - Vapor client for posting signals to TelemetryDeck, a privacy-conscious analytics service for apps and websites
Swift-Chat-Application - Swift Chat Application Using Firebase , messagekit
Swift-Chat-Application Using Firebase , messagekit
Native iOS implementation of RadarCOVID tracing client using DP3T iOS SDK
RadarCOVID iOS App Introduction Native iOS implementation of RadarCOVID tracing client using DP3T iOS SDK Prerequisites These are the tools used to bu
This app is a native client for openHAB which allows easy access to your sitemaps
openHAB client for iOS Introduction This app is a native client for openHAB which allows easy access to your sitemaps. Beta releases are available on
iOS client for Giphy written in Swift with ReactiveCocoa
Giraffe iOS client for Giphy written in Swift with ReactiveCocoa Requirements iOS 10.0 Beta Xcode 8 Beta 2 Swift 2.3 Carthage Why S
Open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift
Area51 Area51 is an open source Reddit client for iOS built entirely in Swift! Get the public beta on TestFlight Join the public Slack channel to coll
Beam: the open source Reddit client for iOS
Beam for Reddit An open source Reddit client for iOS. Introduction Hi, we're Awkward. In 2014, we started working on a Reddit client called Beam. In t
Impelemented native Crisp chat sdk on android and ios
crisp_chat_sdk Impelemented native Crisp chat sdk on android and ios Preview Simulator.Screen.Recording.-.iPhone.13.mini.-.2022-02-07.at.18.24.56.mp4
HackerWeb 2: A read-only Hacker News client.
HackerWeb 2 A read-only Hacker News client. Only 30 front-page stories. No more no less. Revolutionary comments thread UI. Smart collapse and easy nav
A Hacker News client written in React Native
React Native Hacker News A modern cross-platform HackerNews client built on React Native Features The app currently has the following functionality: H
Twitter-Client - A twitter client that allow users to view tweets on their iphone
Project 3 - Twitter Client Name of your app is a basic twitter app to read your
Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication service
Nextcloud Talk iOS app Video & audio calls and chat through Nextcloud on iOS Nextcloud Talk is a fully on-premises audio/video and chat communication
A Simplenote client for iOS.
Simplenote for iOS A Simplenote client for iOS. Learn more about Simplenote at Simplenote.com. Build Instructions Download Xcode At the moment Simplen
An IPFS client/api Swift Package, with the ability to add and pin any data on iOS/iPadOS/macOS
An IPFS client/api Swift Package, with the ability to add and pin any data on iOS/iPadOS/macOS. Originally bundled with GraniteUI, pulled out for independant use by any party.
UnsplashProvider - A package that can use the Unsplash API. It was developed as a SwiftUI
UnsplashProvider It is a package that can use the Unsplash API. It was developed
Swift iPhone and iPad Client for Polls API, using Hyperdrive API client
Polls Client This is a Swift iPhone and iPad client for the Polls API - a simple application allowing users to view polls and vote in them. Polls is a
Keybase Go Library, Client, Service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
Keybase Hi, and welcome to the Keybase client repo. All our client apps (macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android) are being actively developed in this
Periodum-apple - iPad and macOS client for periodum.com
Periodum iPad and macOS client for periodum.com
The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS
Outline Client The Outline Client is a cross-platform VPN or proxy client for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and ChromeOS. The Outline Client is design
Passepartout is a non-official, user-friendly OpenVPN® client for iOS and macOS.
Passepartout Passepartout is a non-official, user-friendly OpenVPN® client for iOS and macOS. Overview All profiles in one place Passepartout lets you
Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS
Authenticator Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS. Authenticator is a simple, free, and open source two-factor authentication app. It helps keep
Pass for iOS - an iOS client compatible with Pass command line application.
Pass is an iOS client compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application. It is a password manager using GPG for encryption and Git for version control.
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS
A native, lightweight and secure time-based (TOTP) & counter-based (HOTP) password client built for iOS Built by Tijme Gommers – Buy me a coffee via P
A KeePass/Password Safe Client for iOS and OS X
Strongbox A Personal Password Manager for iOS & OSX that can be found on the Apple App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/app/strongbox-password-safe/
Metatext A free, open-source iOS Mastodon client.
Metatext A free, open-source iOS Mastodon client. Contributing Bug Reports GitHub is used for bug tracking. Please search existing issues and create a
A multi-user Mastodon client for iOS.
Tootbot A multi-user Mastodon client for iOS. Getting Started Tootbot must be built with Xcode 8.3 or later. The xcode-install gem can help with multi
Chat-App - GV Chat App is an iOS app built with Swift
GV Chat App - iOS Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature About The Proj
SwiftUIChatApp - SwiftUI Chat App
Simple chat application What is there to notice in this demo-app ? Animations Fi
HTTPClient - HTTP Client With Swift
HTTPClient Ex. Search Repository import HTTPClient let url: URL = .init(string:
Third Prize for Uber Hackathon China 2016. Source code for iOS client of UberGuide Project.
Smart Traveller Intro It's the project we did for Uber Hackathon China 2016. This is the repo for iOS client. Using swift and Objective-C. The project
NearbyWeather - OpenWeatherMap Client
NearbyWeather is a simple weather app, that provides current weather information for nearby cities, as well for bookmarked locations. NearbyWeather uses the OpenWeatherMap API to download weather data. Additionally the OpenWeatherMaps location database is directly bootstrapped into the app for quick access.
An alternative Tumblr client for iOS
BlogQuest An alternative Tumblr client for iOS. First prize winner, 2014 Tumblr Hack Day. Kinda like Facebook Paper but for Tumblr. We meant to finish
hackfoldr client for iOS
hackfoldr-iOS This is a simple iOS client for hackfoldr Why? Hackfoldr on mobile is simply not good enough on iOS. Use CocoaPods developer CocoaPods i
Flash-Chat - Firebase Cloud Firestore, TableViews and Cocoapod Dependencies
Flash-Chat Firebase Cloud Firestore, TableViews and Cocoapod Dependencies What I
A simple Last.fm client for iOS
vinylogue for Last.fm Vinylogue is a simple Last.fm client for iOS that shows you and your friends' charts from previous years. App Store (it's free).
4channer - Unofficial 4chan read-only client for iPhone and iPad
4channer An unofficial 4chan read-only client for iPhone and iPad, using the 4ch
iOS client for the TradeOgre.com crypto-to-crypto trading platform
TradeOgre iOS Overview TradeOgre iOS is an iOS client for the TrageOgre.com website and crypto-exchange platform. I was looking for their iOS client,
Starscream is a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) library in Swift.
Starscream is a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) library in Swift. Features Conforms to all of the base Autobahn test suite. Nonblocking. Everything ha
A PostgreSQL client library for Swift. Does not require libpq.
PostgresClientKit PostgresClientKit provides a friendly Swift API for operating against a PostgreSQL database. Features Doesn't require libpq. Postgre
Swift based OAuth library for iOS and macOS
OAuthSwift Swift based OAuth library for iOS and macOS. Support OAuth1.0, OAuth2.0 Twitter, Flickr, Github, Instagram, Foursquare, Fitbit, Withings, L
A (really) native and powerful macOS Telegram client built using SwiftUI, optimized for moderating large communities and personal use.
Moc A (really) native and powerful macOS Telegram client, optimized for moderating large communities and personal use. This client is currently in dev
MulticoinLightClientKit - A Zcash Lightweight Client SDK for iOS
Zcash iOS Framework A Zcash Lightweight Client SDK for iOS This is an alpha buil
AsyncWebSocketClient - A package that contains a client behaving as a wrapper for the URLSessionWebSocketTask
(WORK IN PROGRESS) AsyncWebSocketClient This is a package that contains a client
iOS client for the Brewfactory project - brew your own beer
BrewMobile iOS client for the Brewfactory project. Read the stories of upgrading BrewMobile to ReactiveCocoa & Swift on AllTheFlow. What is this? App
Baby Monitor iOS
Baby Monitor iOS Welcome to the Baby Monitor project. It's an application made for monitoring babies, which can help parents take care of their childr
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
GraphQL based Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose and SwiftUI Kotlin Multiplatform sample
SoundCloud client written on Swift
SoundCloud client written on Swift to integrate it easily with your apps. Features Fluent interface based on Models Reactive API with ReactiveCocoa 4.
Library Genesis iOS Client
LibraryGenesis This application is showing books from Library Genesis. If you found this project useful leave a star ⭐️ Features Search books with tit
iOS Trakt Client - Keep track of your favorite TV shows and movies on your iPhone. (Under development)
CouchTracker Keep track of your favorite movies and tv shows on your iPhone Setup for development You will need Xcode 11.2.1 Swift 5.1.2 Run the follo
Mastodon and Twitter client for iOS, iPadOS & macOS
Note: Mamoot! is under heavy development and is obviously far from complete at this moment. We're currently looking for more people to work with us, s
Wanikani-swift - Unofficial Swift client for the WaniKani API
WaniKani A Swift library and client for the WaniKani REST API. It currently supp
Tanukis-Stash - Open source e621 client for iOS built with SwiftUI
The Tanuki's Stash The worlds first e621 client for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS built
Zeplin-ios - First unofficial community driven Zeplin iOS Application
Due to the lack of support and Zeplin's internal policies, we stopped working on Zeplin iOS application. More information can be found through https:/
TL;DR is a open source project which maintains a list of man pages. This project is the iOS Client of that
TL;DR is a open source project which maintains a list of man pages. This project is the iOS Client of that. Download on App store
Pisth - SSH and SFTP client for iOS
Pisth Pisth is an SSH and SFTP client. Use Pisth to upload, view and edit files in your SSH server. Features: • Manage files in your SSH server and
PasteBinApp - 📋 iOS app for PasteBin
PasteBin Mobile PasteBin Mobile is an app to quickly upload text or code to http://pastebin.com! App Store PasteBin Mobile is live on the AppStore her
Harbour - Docker/Portainer management app for iOS
Harbour Docker/Portainer management app for iOS Features Real-time data See all of the container details (logs too!) Handoff & background refresh iOS
Charter - A Swift mailing list client for iPhone and iPad
Due to costs and lack of interest, I’ve had to take down the Charter service. If you’re interested in running your own copy, get in touch and I can se
Bitrise-iOS - Client iOS app for bitrise.io 🚀
🎨 SwiftUI version is available as beta 👶 Bitrise iOS Client app 🚀 Features ✅ App List GET /me/apps Shows last visited app page on launch ✅ Build Li
Someone - Someone utilizes GPT-3 to deliver a unique chat bot app experience
Someone - An IOS App Someone utilizes GPT-3 to deliver a unique chat bot app exp
SwiftUI iOS application allowing users to create profiles and meet and chat with people
FindR SwiftUI iOS application allowing users to create profiles and meet and cha
Olvid-ios - Olvid client application for iOS
Olvid Olvid is a private and secure end-to-end encrypted messenger. Contrary to
TwilioChat_iOS - Twilio iOS SDK Implementaion Chat one-one Chat One-Many (Group)
TwilioChat_iOS - Twilio iOS SDK Implementaion Chat one-one Chat One-Many (Group) - Add Participant - Remove Participant Send Attachment Image Android - iOS Tested iOS - iOS Tested iOS - Android Tested React to Message, Delete a Message Read, Delivered, Sent Delete a Conversation Unread Messages Filter
A chat textbar for iOS inspired in whatssap app
ECMagicBar [, select user and chats (conversations). Additionally there are several SwiftUI animations along with interaction styles.
TMDB(The Movie Database) API client application.
TMDB Client App Instructions Instructions for project setup. 1. Clone the project. 2. Go to "TMDB Client App" folder location on terminal and enter "p