568 Repositories
Swift wrapper-api Libraries
BucketServer - Small API with SQLite database that saves notes for an iOS appliction called Bucket list
BucketList Server-Side Small API with SQLite database that saves notes for an iO
Health Care gives tips to people about his/her life to be better.
Health Care Health Care gives tips to people about his/her life to be better. How does it do this? This application examines and evaluates the health
Near-Earth Asteroids Information using NeoWs Api.
AsteroidNews Example project which uses SceneKit framework to show objects with Near-Earth Asteroids information. Frameworks SceneKit Alamofire Swifty
Project shows how to unit test asynchronous API calls in Swift using Mocking without using any 3rd party software
UnitTestingNetworkCalls-Swift Project shows how to unit test asynchronous API ca
This app demonstrates how to use the Google Cloud Speech API and Apple on-device Speech library to recognize speech in live recorded audio.
SpeechRecognitionIOS This app demonstrates how to use Google Cloud Speech API and Apple on-device Speech library to recognize speech in live audio rec
Wrapper for the Prettier code formatter written in Swift
Prettier A wrapper for the Prettier code formatter written in Swift. The package
MovieAppSwiftUI - The Application is using TMDB API and Server API to reduce user searching movies resources time with search engine
MovieAppSwiftUI The Application is using TMDB API and Server API to reduce user searching movies resources time with search engine.This Application is
API surface for Swift plug-ins using the Swift Plugin Manager
SwiftPlugin The minimal API surface required for the Swift Plugin Manager to create instances from a loaded plugin. Additional documentation and refer
TMDB(The Movie Database) API client application.
TMDB Client App Instructions Instructions for project setup. 1. Clone the project. 2. Go to "TMDB Client App" folder location on terminal and enter "p
Official Swift wrapper for metalpriceapi.com
MetalpriceAPI MetalpriceAPI is the official Swift wrapper for MetalpriceAPI.com. This allows you to quickly integrate our metal price API and foreign
Contacts wrapper for iOS 9 or upper with Objective-C
ContactsWrapper Contacts wrapper for iOS 9 or upper with Objective-C. For the information translated to Russian, take a look at this link. Requirement
This page contains an iOS Application that uses Modelplace.AI Cloud API
Modelplace iOS App This page contains an iOS Application that uses Modelplace.AI
A Swift framework for the esa.io API
Notice: EsaKit is no longer being maintained/updated. EsaKit A Swift framework for the esa.io API let client = EsaClient(token: "your_token", teamName
TheraForge's Client REST API framework to connect to TheraForge's secure CloudBox Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS)
OTFCloudClientAPI TheraForge's Client REST API Framework to Connect to TheraForg
A web API client in Swift built using Async/Await
Get A modern web API client in Swift built using Async/Await and Actors. let cli
A wrapper around UICollectionViewController enabling a declarative API around it's delegate methods using protocols.
Thunder Collection Thunder Collection is a useful framework which enables quick and easy creation of collection views in iOS using a declarative appro
Simple proxy in Swift for converting between HTTP and API Gateway Lambda payloads
SwiftLambdaProxy A simple proxy that can convert HTTP requests to Lambda API Gat
A declarative wrapper approach to UITableView
Thunder Table Thunder Table is a useful framework which enables quick and easy creation of table views in iOS, making the process of creating complex
A declarative api for working with UITableView.
⚡️ Lightning Table Lightning Table provides a powerful declarative API for working with UITableView's. Table views are the foundation of almost every
Wrapper class for handling all tasks related to RSA cryptography
RSAWrapper Wrapper class for handling all tasks related to RSA cryptography USAG
Swift TableView pagination with async API request.
SwiftTableViewPagination Swift TableView pagination with async API request. Output UML Create puml file. $ cd SwiftTableViewPagination/scripts/swiftum
Sample iOS AR app using AR Quick Look API
ARQLSanta This is a minimal AR iOS app that uses the AR Quick Look API, displayi
Movies app written in Swift 5 using the Custom API created on the Mocky website
Movie App shows you collections of TV streaming and other movies. Movie app writ
Firebase Analytics Firebase Notification Alamofire KingFisher Ombdb API
MovieOmdbApp Firebase Analytics Firebase Notification Alamofire KingFisher Ombdb
A lightweight generic networking API written purely in Swift
SwiftyNetworking SwiftyNetworking library is a generic networking library writte
Make API Calls using SwiftUI
SwiftUIApICall Make API Calls using SwiftUI This is a simple app for maing API C
A simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API
MostPopularArticles A simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API a
A sample application to list the movie from API
MovieManager This is sample application to list the movie from API. Xcode 13.2 S
To practice URLSession to fetch json data from open weather API
⛅️ weatherApp-iOS-practice 📌 기능 상세 도시 이름을 입력하면 현재 날씨 정보를 가져와 화면에 표시되게 만들어야 합니다
Swift MovieDB App from TheMovieDB API
Sonix Aims for this project is to browse movies from TheMovieDB API, search for
The official iOS client library for api.video
api.video iOS client api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders.
New Way Of Working Around With Closures.
Closured New Way Of Working Around With Closures. Are you tired of old-school callback closures? Are you always mess up with capturing references on a
A small cookbook app created with UIKit using the mealDB API
Your-New-CookBook This is a small cookbook app I created with UIKit using the me
Disease diagnosis service based on api linkage for education chatbot provided by Saltlux
AIDoctor-P-Project 가천대학교 2021-2학기 P프로젝트입니다. 솔트룩스에서 제공된 교육용 챗봇 api 연동을 기반으로 한 질병 진단 서비스 Splash Login UserMain Disease Detail ### Hospital Detail ChatBo
A SwiftUI wrapper of the new UIKit sheetPresentationController's capabilities in iOS15.
BottomSheet Bring to SwiftUI the UIKit bottom sheet capabilities that came with iOS15. Usage Show the bottom sheet Button(action: { show.toggle() }) {
iTunesSearch: a screenshot listing project that using iTunes Search API
iTunesSearch iTunesSearch is a screenshot listing project that using iTunes Search API. This project written in Swift with MVVM architecture. Installa
AudioPrism implements the `AnalyserNode` functionality defined in the Web Audio API.
AudioPrism AudioPrism implements the AnalyserNode functionality defined in the Web Audio API. https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#AnalyserNode U
MusicTheoryKit: a swift module that provides an easy-to-use API for most commonly used music terms
MusicTheoryKit Introduction MusicTheoryKit is a Swift framework that provides an easy-to-use API for most commonly used music terms. Create notes, ass
A modern Swift wrapper for Instagram Private API.
Swiftagram is a wrapper for Instagram Private API, written entirely in (modern) Swift. Instagram's official APIs, both the Instagram Basic Display API
App for displaying VK news feed (VKSDK API). Clean Swift VIP architecture
VKNewsFeed VKNewsFeed - application for displaying VK news feed with dynamic cells and a collection of images in the post. Data request occurs from th
A Github action for creating generic run report using Markdown
create-report A Github action for creating generic run report (using Markdown!) - uses: michaelhenry/create-report@v1.0.0 with: report-title: "
Autogenerated Twitter v2 API codes for iOS
Swift5 API client for OpenAPIClient Twitter API v2 available endpoints Overview This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By usi
Test Flickr API for swift
FlickrSearch Main Features Search and display Flickr photos Display full size photos Zoom in and Zoom out a photo Main Goals: Interact with RESTful Fl
Swift package for adding API Key requirement to vapor backends.
APIKeyMiddleware Swift package for adding API Key requirement to vapor backends. Features ✅ Supports an array of keys ✅ Supports overriding thrown err
Questrade API written in Swift
QuestradeAPI Getting Started The QuestAPI is made up of two main concepts: ResponseProviders API ResponseProviders The job of the provider is to retur
Questrade API written in Swift.
QuestradeAPI Getting Started The QuestAPI is made up of two main concepts: ResponseProviders API ResponseProviders The job of the provider is to retur
A simple, reliable and scalable delivery API for transactional push notifications for websites and applications
Catapush is a simple, reliable and scalable delivery API for transactional push notifications for websites and applications. Ideal for sending data-dr
Forecast App is an ios application built on top of omdb movie api for batman lovers to see their favorite batman movies
Catbon-Movie-App Forecast App is an ios application built on top of omdb movie api for batman lovers to see their favorite batman movies, users can al
A Swift wrapper for system shell over posix_spawn with search path and env support.
AuxiliaryExecute A Swift wrapper for system shell over posix_spawn with search path and env support. Usage import AuxiliaryExecute AuxiliaryExecute.l
A project that uses the Flickr image search API and shows the results in a 3-column scrollable collection view
FlickrImagesDemo FlickrImagesDemo is a project that uses the Flickr image search API and shows the results in a 3-column scrollable collection view.
SwiftUI movies list using The Movie Database (TMDB) API
MyMoviesList About MyMovieList is an application that uses The Movie Database (TMDB) API and is built with SwiftUI. It demo of some SwiftUI (& Combine
CodeMirror-Swift is a lightweight wrapper of CodeMirror for macOS and iOS
CodeMirror-Swift is a lightweight wrapper of CodeMirror for macOS and iOS. Features 🍭 Lightweight CodeMirror wrapper (build 5.52.2) ✅ 100% Native Swi
Heimdall is a wrapper around the Security framework for simple encryption/decryption operations.
Heimdall In Norse mythology, Heimdall is the gatekeeper of Bifröst, the rainbow road connecting Midgard, realm of the humans, to Asgard, the realm of
App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell
Expandable Table Cell iOS App App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell Implemented Using MVVM with Cl
A simple Swift wrapper for libgd
SwiftGD This is a simple Swift wrapper for libgd, allowing for basic graphic rendering on server-side Swift where Core Graphics is not available. Alth
Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
Perfect: Server-Side Swift 简体中文 Perfect: Server-Side Swift Perfect is a complete and powerful toolbox, framework, and application server for Linux, iO
Modern Swift wrapper for Keychain Services API with the benefits of static typing
SwiftyKeychainKit SwiftyKeychainKit is a simple Swift wrapper for Keychain Services API with the benefits of static typing. Define your keys in one pl
A simple wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift.
SwiftKeychainWrapper A simple wrapper for the iOS / tvOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift. Prov
Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
SAMKeychain SAMKeychain is a simple wrapper for accessing accounts, getting passwords, setting passwords, and deleting passwords using the system Keyc
A keychain wrapper that is so easy to use that your cat could use it.
A keychain wrapper that is so easy to use that your cat could use it.
A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift.
IDZSwiftCommonCrypto A Swift wrapper for Apple's CommonCrypto library. IDZSwiftCommonCrypto works with both CocoaPods and Cathage. For more details on
Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup iOS Webtiles wrapper
dcss-ios Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup iOS Webtiles wrapper Summary This project aims to make DCSS webtiles a joy to play on any iOS device without an ext
iOS App using NewsAPI API for International and French retrieval informations
Newsletter iOS App using NewsAPI API for International and French retrieval informations Les Tests Unitaires Logique & UI n'ont pas encore été intégré
A clima based app with use of API
Clima Our Goal It’s time to take our app development skills to the next level. We’re going to introduce you to the wonderful world of Application Prog
A command line application to create 3D models based on photogrametry using the macOS Monterey RealityCapture API.
PhotogrametryTool Generate 3D objects from images using RealityKit Object Capture. This project is a fork of the HelloPhotogrametry application by App
Virgil Core SDK allows developers to get up and running with Virgil Cards Service API quickly and add end-to-end security to their new or existing digital solutions to become HIPAA and GDPR compliant and more.
Virgil Core SDK Objective-C/Swift Introduction | SDK Features | Installation | Configure SDK | Usage Examples | Docs | Support Introduction Virgil Sec
Very simple swift wrapper for Biometric Authentication Services (Touch ID) on iOS.
SimpleTouch Very simple swift wrapper for Biometric Authentication Services (Touch ID) on iOS. Sample Project There is a SimpleTouchDemo target define
This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to load remote images
iOS NOW ⭐ This is a app developed in Swift, using Object Oriented Programing, UIKit user interface programmatically, API Request and Kingfisher to loa
A Swift library for the Forecast.io Dark Sky API
Requirements To use ForecastIO, all you need is an API key for the Dark Sky API. ForecastIO supports iOS (≥9.0), macOS (≥10.10), watchOS (≥2.0), and t
An API wrapper for bitFlyer.
SwiftFlyer An API wrapper for bitFlyer that supports all providing API. API Document https://lightning.bitflyer.jp/docs Usage Public API Fetch a marke
A Slack API Client for the Perfect Server-Side Swift Framework
PerfectSlackAPIClient is an API Client to access the Slack API from your Perfect Server Side Swift application. It is build on top of PerfectAPIClient
Instagram API client written in Swift
SwiftInstagram is a wrapper for the Instagram API written in Swift. It allows you to authenticate users and request data from Instagram effortlessly.
iOS/macOS Cross-platform Ark-Ecosystem Framework in Swift | Powered by Ѧrk.io |
a macOS & iOS Swift Framework for Ark.io. What is ARKKit? ARKKit is wrapper for interacting with the Ark Ecosystem. It is written purely in Swift 4.0,
Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS
Easy and powerful way to interact with VK API for iOS and macOS. Key features 😊 It's not ios-vk-sdk 😊 🍏 One library for iOS and mac OS 🍏 🤘 Fully
Swift Wrapper For Bittrex API
BittrexApiKit Swift client for Bittrex api. It support all APIs with most recent changes. more info here let api = Bittrex(apikey: "api key", secretke
An Elegant Financial Markets Library Written in Swift
Notice As of May 20th, 2017, it appears that Yahoo is dropping support for a few features that BigBoard supports or there is an outage on their end ca
An Elegant Spotify Web API Library Written in Swift for iOS and macOS
Written in Swift 4.2 Spartan is a lightweight, elegant, and easy to use Spotify Web API wrapper library for iOS and macOS written in Swift 3. Under th
The Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce.
Swiftly Salesforce is the Swift-est way to build native mobile apps that connect to Salesforce: Written entirely in Swift. Very easy to install and up
Swift client for Unsplash
Unsplash API client written in Swift. Unsplash offers 2 APIs: Source API (unlimited requests) Official API JSON API (5000 requests / hour) JSON API is
👤 Framework to Generate Random Users - An Unofficial Swift SDK for randomuser.me
RandomUserSwift is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to generate random users and their accompanying data for your Swift applic
A swift SDK for Medium's OAuth2 API
Medium SDK - Swift A library to allow access to Medium API for any Swift iOS application. Features Medium.com authorization & token handling Login sta
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging.
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.
Unofficial GitHub API client in Swift
Github.swift ❤️ Support my apps ❤️ Push Hero - pure Swift native macOS application to test push notifications PastePal - Pasteboard, note and shortcut
A Dropbox v2 client library written in Objective-C
TJDropbox TJDropbox is a Dropbox v2 client library written in Objective-C. When Dropbox originally announced their v2 API they included only a Swift c
Pokeapi wrapper, written in Swift
PokemonKit What is this? PokemonKit is a swift wrapper for Pokeapi. PokemonKit use Alamofire and PromiseKit for async web requests handling. Usage imp
A Swift wrapper for Foursquare API. iOS and OSX.
Das Quadrat Das Quadrat is Foursquare API wrapper written in Swift. Features Supports iOS and OSX. Covers all API endpoints. Authorization process imp
ObjectiveFlickr, a Flickr API framework for Objective-C
ObjectiveFlickr ObjectiveFlickr is a Flickr API framework designed for Mac and iPhone apps. OAuth Support ObjectiveFlickr now supports Flickr's new OA
Unofficial Dribbble iOS wrapper allows you to integrate Dribble API into iOS application (Designer, Shot, Comment, User Story, Like, Follow)
DribbbleSDK DribbbleSDK is easy-to-use iOS wrapper for Dribbble SDK. We're working hard to complete the full coverage of available methods and make th
An easy-to-use Objective-C wrapper for the Uber API (no longer supported)
UberKit UberKit is a simple Objective-C wrapper for the new Uber API . Installation Cocoapods UberKit is available through Cocoapods. To install it, s
Giphy API client for iOS in Objective-C
Giphy-iOS Giphy-iOS is a Giphy API client for iOS in Objective-C. Usage To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Examp
Twitter API for Cocoa developers
FHSTwitterEngine Twitter API for Cocoa developers Created by Nathaniel Symer FHSTwitterEngine can: Authenticate using OAuth and/or xAuth. Make a reque
A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1
STTwitter A stable, mature and comprehensive Objective-C library for Twitter REST API 1.1 Like a FOSS version of Twitter Fabric TwitterKit, without th
A really simple key-value wrapper for keychain.
PlainKeychain A really simple key-value wrapper for keychain. Features ✅ Key-value pairs using kSecClassGenericPassword. ❌ Internet passwords (kSecCla
An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and more.
SpotifyClone An iOS app that visually clones Spotify's app and consumes the official Spotify's Web API to show(and play) songs, podcasts, artists and
A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a more familiar API for accessing the Contacts framework. (iOS, watchOS, macOS)
Connections Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+ A set of SwiftUI dynamic property wrappers that provide a mo
A Swift library to upload video files to api.video platform.
api.video IOS video uploader api.video is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and manag
A property wrapper for displaying up-to-date database content in SwiftUI views
@Query Latest release: November 25, 2021 • version 0.1.0 • CHANGELOG Requirements: iOS 13.0+ / macOS 10.15+ / tvOS 13.0+ / watchOS 6.0+ • Swift 5.5+ /
A prctice project by DevProjects...
NewsApp A prctice project by DevProjects... A mobile app to consume the News API and display a list of news articles. Clicking one of the news article
Using Kiva's free API, the demo app retrieves its most recent fundraising loans
KivaLoan Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Using Kiva's free API, the demo app