217 Repositories
Swift example-repo Libraries
ProductPage - An example project that shows how to build a product page in a modular way. SwiftUI practice
ProductPage An example project that shows how to build a product page in a modul
Xcode-developer-disk-image-all-platforms - A repo which shares all developer disk images for iOS, tvOS, watchOS
Disclaimer: The available resources and files from this repo are uploaded from many contributors. The files are unverified, untested, and could have n
Weather-swiftui - An example of using SwiftUI
weather-swiftui An example of using SwiftUI Installation Get openweather api key
Boring-example - Using boring crate from iOS application
BoringSSL example Using boring crate from iOS application. Checkout git clone gi
Todolist-swiftui - An example of using SwiftUI with CoreData
todolist-swiftui An example of using SwiftUI with CoreData Installation Install
Example of using TOTP with iCloud Keychain in iOS 15
Installation This example needs Ngrok and Ruby 3.0.3+. Setup project with Makefi
SwiftUI & Scenekit hit testing example.
HitTestApp SwiftUI & Scenekit hit testing example. This example application is written for macOS, though with minor changes it should be able to be ch
Catalyst example using an AppKit-provided NSVisualEffectView to provide a translucent blurred window
CatalystEffectViewChrome This project demonstrates how to insert an NSVisualEffe
Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with photos, with dynamic cell layout switching
Catalyst Photo Grid Simple Catalyst example (Mac idiom) of a grid-based app populated with photos that can animate its cells between two different lay
Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods dependencies.
VTAcknowledgementsViewController Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods dependencies. Also available in Swi
This is swift project example to connect VNPTSmartCA SDK using Swift Language.
Example source code to integrate with VNPTSmartCA iOS SDK To run the example project, clone repository, and run pod install Requirements Installation
PyTorch to CoreML: Writing custom layers with Metal
pytorch-coreml-custom-layer-example PyTorch to CoreML: Writing custom layers with Metal Convert PyTorch model cd Convert python3 -m pip install -r req
Native alert from Apple Music & Feedback. Contains Done, Heart & Message and other presets. Support SwiftUI.
SPAlert Popup from Apple Music & Feedback in AppStore. Contains Done, Heart, Error and other presets. Supports Dark Mode. I tried to recreate Apple's
Example project which uses Machine Learning frameworks to detect things
ML_IOS Example project which uses Machine Learning frameworks to detect things. Features Object Detection Text Detection Face Detection Audio Detectio
CloudKit -Core Data todo example
Todo CloudKit - Core Data example This the demo project for the 4-Dec-2021 meeting for a flock of swifts show casing a number of new language and SDK
This is a repo for my implementation of Gang of Four Book: Software Design Patterns. All written in Swift.
GoF-Swift-Design-Patterns This repo is intended to implement the known Software Design Patterns from the Gang of Four book using Swift Programming Lan
iOS app for Technex, IIT(BHU) Varanasi. This project is closed before completion. You can use this app for learning purpose. You can use this app as a templet of any event related app.
technex-ios iOS app for Technex, IIT(BHU) Varanasi. This project is closed before completion for some reasons. You can use this app for learning purpo
A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift
Example iOS Apps A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift. How to Use Example-iOS-Apps is an amazing list for people who are
An good example for UITest In swiftUI
SwiftUI_UITest A good example for UITest In swiftUI contains: UI test for swiftUI fake Web service for UI Test 'launch Environment' for use Fake Servi
Email Validation Example With Swift
EmailValidation Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation Em
Headline News View Example App for iOS. You can display the articles fetched by rss.
HeadLineNews-ObjC Headline News View Example App for iOS. You can display the articles fetched by rss. PiP(Picture in Picture) is also supported DEMO
This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "make it black" and change the background color of the view in the frame.
VoiceOperationSample This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "mak
User input masking library repo.
Migration Guide: v.6 This update brings breaking changes. Namely, the autocomplete flag is now a part of the CaretGravity enum, thus the Mask::apply c
Example project showing how to use async/await with iOS 13
ios13AsyncAwait Example project showing how to use async/await with iOS 13 Article This source code is a part of an article published at This Dev Brai
MVVM example app with RxSwift & RxDataSources & Dependency Injection & UnitTests
Hi there, This is MVVM example app with RxSwift & RxDataSources & Dependency Injection & UnitTests and more ๐ MVVM with RxSwift Example Features: Rea
Simple example of view that appears on tap button and dismiss with swipe gesture.
MenuWithSlide Simple SwiftUI example of how to show side menu with slide effect. On button press - appeares, on background tap or swipe right - dissmi
An example project showing how to extract and color anchor geometry in RealityKit
RealityKit - Extracting anchor geometry to create a custom Mesh An example project showing how to extract anchor geometry from ARMeshAnchor, create a
Grpc example project for swift
How to gRPC on Swift Projects This file aims to guide you to gRPC implementation on your swift project. Installing the Protobuf Compiler Open Terminal
This is an example of clean architecture and MVVM pattern written in swift
Swift Clean Architecture MVVM This is an example of clean architecture and MVVM pattern written in swift First of all thanks to all of those who made
Klab Academy, example of calling APIs in flutter
klab A new Flutter application. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this
An example project showing how to use `overrideUserInterfaceStyle` to build an in-app light/dark mode switch
OverrideDarkMode A sample project to show how using overrideUserInterfaceStyle enables having a dark / light mode switch directly in the app, while st
Example usage of FingerprintJS Pro inside a iOS WebView.
FingerprintJS Pro iOS Integrations An example app and packages demonstrating FingerprintJS Pro capabilities on the iOS platform. The repository illust
This project is built to show how to support accessibility features in iOS applications in UIKit.
ACCESSIBILITY EXAMPLE This project is built to show how to support accessibility features in iOS applications in a blog post. For the sake of Accessib
Here there is a simple example using watchOS and SwiftUI
A Simple Demonstration Project using WatchOS + SwiftUI Description This project is a simple demonstration about how to create a WatchOS App using Swif
A small project written with SwiftUI achieves a scrolling effect similar to Apple Music lyrics.
๏ฃฟMusic Lyrics scrolling animation effect Since the iOS/iPadOS 13 update, Apple has brought a new scrolling lyrics feature to Apple Music. The album im
Simple example for the coordinator design pattern and using th Xcoordinator pod
Cordinator-Pattern-Sample This an Example and base for the coordinator design pattern using the XCoordinator pod ๐ XCoordinator is a navigation frame
An experiment for using SwiftUI's custom timing Animation to create an orbital-like animation.
Orbital-SwiftUI-Animation An experiment for using SwiftUI's custom timing curve to create an orbital-like animation. How it looks: How it works: Apply
Example Catalyst app that is shown in a UIKit popover underneath an NSStatusItem
CatalystStatusItemPopoverExample Example Catalyst app that is shown in a UIKit popover underneath an NSStatusItem. References How to use macOS Specifi
Example of adding marching ants selection to the edges of the image.
JMCMarchingAnts Library that lets you add marching ants (animated) selection to the edges of the images. Usage: * Copy the JMCMarchingAnts.swift file
Example App for playing around with
BookStore ๐ ํ๊ธ ๋ฒ์ See new releases and search for programming books from IT Bookstore API This is a sample app to practice using Result type, stubbin
Release repo for Gini Bank SDK for iOS
Gini Bank SDK for iOS The Gini Bank SDK provides components for capturing, reviewing and analyzing photos of invoices and remittance slips. By integra
Repository with example app for using Bar chart
Grรกfico de Barras (Exemplo) Repositรณrio com app exemplo para o uso do grรกfico de Barras. O grรกfico de barras รฉ um grรกfico com barras retangulares e co
Example repo for reproduction of a cocoapods bug
CocoapodsBugExample Run a pod install with use_frameworks! un-commented, see how Pods/CoreDataPodSample compile sources includes CoreDataPodSample.xcd
This is my attempt to make this repo available on swift package manager
Parse LiveQuery Client for iOS/OSX PFQuery is one of the key concepts for Parse. It allows you to retrieve PFObjects by specifying some conditions, ma
CI Example Project
BookStore ๐ ํ๊ธ ๋ฒ์ See new releases and search for programming books from IT Bookstore API This is a sample app to practice using Result type, stubbin
IBCalculator is an example app to demonstrate how to use @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable
IBCalculator IBCalculator is an example app to demonstrate how to use @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable. The origin code is from IBInspectable / IBDesi
CustomPod Example Axon With Swift
CustomPod_Example_Axon Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installa
This repo shows how to set up and use GitHub Actions as a CI for Swift Packages
SwiftPackageWithGithubActionsAsCI This repo shows how to set up and use GitHub Actions as a CI for Swift Packages. Available environments on GitHib Li
This repo holds the code for Dubizzle & Bayut test App
DubizzleClassified This repo holds the code for Dubizzle & Bayut test App About App This is a simple app which basically fetches item list from the gi
A repository of example plugins for Delta Client
Example Plugins for Delta Client This repository contains a few example plugins to help developers get a practical understanding of how to use the plu
emoji-picker demo ๐ฅฐ
emoji-picker demo ๐ฅฐ External dependencies Dependencies are managed by Swift Package Manager. SnapKit - a DSL to make Auto Layout easy on both iOS and
A sample SwiftUI weather app using Lasso.
Lasso+SwiftUI Example Weather App Overview This is a sample iOS app that demonstrates using Lasso and SwiftUI together. Feature Overview Home Screen D
Calculating the risk of getting sick
Covid 19 Test Calculating the risk of getting sick Description In this app, we try to predict whether you are sick using some of the symptoms found in
This repo shows how to setup and use GitHub Actions as a CI for Swift Packages
GACalc This repo shows how to setup and use GitHub Actions as a CI for Swift Packages. Available environments on GitHib List of the all available envi
This is a simple app, which scans for BLE Peripherials and connect to them. The example works with NORDIC_UART_SERVICE.
BLE Serial IOs Example This is a simple app, which scans for BLE Peripherials and connect to them. The example works with NORDIC_UART_SERVICE. UUIDS H
An example of adding a faux notch using AppKit + SwiftUI
faux-notch An example of adding a faux notch using AppKit + SwiftUI What is this? It's a bare-bones example that renders a fake MacBook notch in macOS
Example app using MessagesUI + CoreLocation + MapKit
iOS Example MapKit App Ejemplo de cรณdigo de una aplicaciรณn de mapas usando MessagesUI, MapKit y CoreLocation Built using XCode 13.0 (Swift 5) ยฟCรณmo ej
Creating a simple selectable tag view in SwiftUI is quite a challenge. here is a simple & elegant example of it.
SwiftUI TagView Creating a simple selectable tag view in SwiftUI is quite a challenge. here is a simple & elegant example of it. Usage: Just copy the
Pre-work: A tip calculator application for iOS
Pre-work - Tip Calculator Tip Calculator is a tip calculator application for iOS. Submitted by: Jonathan Ballona Sanchez Time spent: 7 hours spent in
Collection of SwiftUI shapes
SwiftUI Shapes Collection of custom shapes Regular Polygons RegularPolygon(sides: 32) RoundedRegularPolygon(sides: 6, radius: 20) Lines and Curves Qua
SwiftUI Sliders with custom styles
Custom SwiftUI sliders and tracks. This package allows you to build highly customizable sliders and tracks for iOS, macOS and Mac Catalyst. Features B
Example repo of working with Core Data in a SwiftUI application
CoreData in SwiftUI This repository serves many purpose. But mostly so I can experiment with Core Data in SwiftUI, and also so I can use it show my ap
xcode project wrapper around the Elixir TodoApp Desktop app to run on iOS
TodoApp iOS: An iOS Sample App This xcode project wraps the Desktop Sample App to run on an iPhone. How to build & run Install xcode from the app stor
Example Xcode swift iOS project for Core Data + iCloud syncing
iCloudCoreDataStarter Hello, I'm Chad. For the last several months I have been working on Sticker Doodle, an app you should go download right now! In
SwiftUI iOS Widget and WatchOS app that randomly shows a word of the day with description and example.
Word Of The Day iOS Widget and WatchOS app made in SwiftUI that displays a random word of the day with description and example of usuage. Requirements
ARKit Base Project. Place virtual objects based on WWDC example project
ARKit - Placing Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Learn best practices for visual feedback, gesture interactions, and realistic rendering in AR exp
SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with CoreData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
Articles related to this project Clean Architecture for SwiftUI Programmatic navigation in SwiftUI project Separation of Concerns in Software Design C
Autocomplete for a text field in SwiftUI using async/await
Autocomplete for a text field in SwiftUI using async/await
A 2048 game writing with SwiftUI.
2048 Game (SwiftUI app) This is a simple game to demonstrate the new SwiftUI framework. Note that the game algorithm may have issues, and this is stil
Simple sample of using the VIP (Clean Swift) architecture for iOS
MyAnimeList Simple sample of using the VIP (Clean Swift) architecture for iOS. ViewController: controls the event handling, view life cycle and displa
Basic app to show how to login with Facebook, Google, Twitter. Created for learning purpose :) using Xcode 9 and Swift 4.0
Social Logins iOS Basic app to show how to login with Facebook, Google, Twitter. Created for learning purpose :) using Xcode 9 and Swift 4.0 Note: Bef
iOS app to record how much things cost using various data persistence implementations.
how-much iOS app to record how much things cost using various data persistence implementations. The basic data unit is an item, a simple dictionary: {
Core Plot source code and example applications
Core Plot Cocoa plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS. Introduction Core Plot is a 2D plotting framework for macOS, iOS, and tvOS. It is highly
This is example project for my presentation in iOSDC JAPAN 2021
Swift PM Project Example This is example project for my presentation in iOSDC JAPAN 2021. Package.swift based project management Multi Modules Multi P
IOS example app to generate point clouds in ARKit using scenedepth
Visualizing a Point Cloud Using Scene Depth Place points in the real-world using the scene's depth data to visualize the shape of the physical environ
Distributed actors transport example, for feature review
swift-sample-distributed-actors-transport Sample application and ActorTransport, associated with distributed actor language evolution proposal. Runnin
Example project guide you schedules multiple thread for network requests in RxSwift, which is optimize your app's performance better.
RxSwift-Multi-Threading-Example Example project guide you schedules multiple thread for network requests in RxSwift, which is optimize your app's perf
Advanced List View for SwiftUI with pagination & different states
AdvancedList This package provides a wrapper view around the SwiftUI List view which adds pagination (through my ListPagination package) and an empty,
๐ QGrid: The missing SwiftUI collection view.
[NOTE] If you'd like to see QGrid in action, check out this demo of QDesigner (see video below). Install QDesigner: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/qdes
SwiftUI Bar Chart
SwiftUI BarChart Lightweight and easy to use SwiftUI chart library for all Apple platforms Features Scaling on both axes Fully customizable axes (labe
SwiftUI Charts with custom styles
SwiftUI Charts Build custom charts with SwiftUI Styles Line Chart(data: [0.1, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.4, 0.9, 0.1]) .chartStyle( LineChartStyle(.
Example usage of FingerprintJS Pro inside a iOS WebView.
FingerprintJS Pro iOS Integrations An example app and packages demonstrating FingerprintJS Pro capabilities on the iOS platform. The repository illust
Modular iOS with Uber needle & tuist example
Dodi Modular iOS with Uber needle & tuist example Setup brew install needle bash (curl -Ls https://install.tuist.io) and run make all Point of concer
Example of how to embed a Lit web component into native platforms.
Lit Native Reuse lit web components on native platforms. Online Demo Supported Platforms iOS MacOS Android Web Getting Started npm run install npm run
An example project to demonstrate the new scripting capabilities of Shortcuts For Mac.
Scripting Shortcuts Test Project This simple project is designed to test the new scripting capabilities introduced in the Shortcuts app in macOS Monte
Used: SwiftUI and Combine
NewsApp Used: New Apple frameworks SwiftUI and Combine Installation: 1. Get your News API key 2. Get your Weather API key 3. Insert your keys into Con
An example project of using the new Character Controller component in RealityKit 2.0
CharacterController in RealityKit 2.0 An example project of using the new Character Controller component in RealityKit 2.0. Demo Tweet Usage Install a
An example app with using ShazamKit
ShazamKitExample An example app with using ShazamKit. Check out a live demo on Twitter. Related Resources Introducing ShazamKit WWDC21 โ Explore Shaza
Example for RxFeedback
RxFeedback Sample This is a repository for the RxFeedback code sample. Running Install bazel (This project is tested with Bazel 4.0.0) bazel run //App
Example on how to print a NSTableView from your app but then also add text to the print-out.
NSTableView Printing Test This is a demo project so you can check out how printing a table could work. The goal here is to show tabular data on screen
AsyncImageExample An example project for AsyncImage. Loading images in SwiftUI article.
AsyncImageExample An example project for AsyncImage. Loading images in SwiftUI article. Note: The project works in Xcode 13.0 beta (13A5154h).
SwiftUI TextEdit View - A proof-of-concept text edit component in SwiftUI & CoreText.
A proof-of-concept text edit component in SwiftUI & CoreText. No UIKit, No AppKit, no UITextView/NSTextView/UITextField involved.
Advanced Catalyst Example with sidebar, list view, SwiftUI detail view, toolbar & AppKit bundle
Advanced Catalyst Example This is an example of a Catalyst app using a three-column layout, with a primary toolbar. It includes topics such as: Drag &
iOS price list app using Firebase, Realm & more
how-much iOS app to record how much things cost using various data persistence implementations. The basic data unit is an item, a simple dictionary: {
Learning SwiftUI by examples.
SwiftUI MindBlowing ๐คฏ Collections of mind-blowing SwiftUI snippets and projects. Why another awesome-swiftui? SwiftUI has come with a blast during an
iOS SwiftUI starter kit based on Sketch Elements.
iOS Sketch Elements iOS Sketch Elements is iOS SwiftUI starter kit based on Sketch Elements. More information and screenshots here. Roadmap General Na
An example of using SwiftUI + CoreData
ShoppingList An example of using SwiftUI + CoreData Screenshots ||| Running Must use the latest Xcode 11 beta, and be running some sort of beta softwa
A small SwiftUI based chat client for IRC, using swift-nio-irc
NeoIRC A simple Internet Relay Chat client implemented using SwiftNIO and SwiftUI. Inspired by: For maximum NIO someone (Iโm tempted) should adopt NIO
โจ Basic lists from iOS 2 to iOS 14
listapp.ios Basic lists on iOS โจ UITableView iOS 2* Objective-C 2008 UITableView iOS 2* Swift 2008 diff UICollectionView iOS 6 2012 diff Compositional
Porting the example app from our Advanced iOS App Architecture book from UIKit to SwiftUI.
SwiftUI example app: Koober We're porting the example app from our Advanced iOS App Architecture book from UIKit to SwiftUI and we are sharing the cod