97 Repositories
Swift location-tracking Libraries
Flip is a book tracking app built for iOS and iPadOS. Coming soon to watchOS and macOS.
Flip Flip is a project aimed at helping users manage their library of books. It has a clean user interface, allows users to sort and filter their libr
Nobetci Eczacim is open-source App Store Application which users can get pharmacy information and location easily and safely.
Pharmacy-On-Duty Nobetci Eczacim Project Description This project designed for make it easier for people to search for a pharmacy on duty. App Store A
LocationPicker - A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
LocationPicker A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app. Features Installation Cocoapods Carthage Swift Package Manager Qui
An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.
An iOS pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask users on their own dialog for calendar, contacts, location, photos, reminders, twitter, push notifications and more, before making the system-based permission request.
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API
Aplikasi CrypTraces adalah MacOS Widget Crypto Tracker dengan SwiftUI, Combine & Cocoa Framework, dan WebSocket & CoinCap API. Aplikasi ini berbentuk Widget di Menu Bar MacOS dengan menampilkan beberapa Crypto Currency seperti Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Monero (XMR), dan Litecoin (LTC).
LayoutLoopHunter - Runtime-based setup for tracking autolayout feedback loops
LayoutLoopHunter The library helps to catch the OOMs caused by Autolayout Feedback Loop by replicating the behavior of UIViewLayoutFeedbackLoopDebuggi
Get location of user and show near cities and weather of the cities for next 6 days. (iOS)
technical-assignment-Weather-App This project written in Swift by Emre Kılınc You need to have Xcode installed. Please open weather_app.xcworkspace wi
Simplifies iOS user permission requests (location, push notifications, camera, contacts, calendar, photos, etc).
ICanHas Swift 4 library that simplifies iOS user permission requests (push notifications, location, camera, photo library, contacts, calendar). Instal
BookShelf - an app for cataloguing and tracking your books
BookShelf An app for cataloguing and tracking your books. Watch the talk » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Getting St
MKMapView wrapper for SwiftUI as drop-in to MapKit's SwiftUI view
MKMapView wrapper for SwiftUI as drop-in to MapKit's SwiftUI view. Easily extensible annotations and overlays, iOS 13 support and backwards compatible with MKAnnotation and MKOverlay!
Caffeine tracking for everyone
Cortado Cortado is an iPhone app to help you track your caffeine consumption habits. Besides letting you manually enter caffeine data, it detects when
Summon is an Apple-watch app that let's a person summon another person to an exact location within a building
Summon is an Apple-watch app that let's a person summon another person to an exact location within a building.
A wrapper on the CoreLocation framework replacing the delegate pattern with Swift concurrency
swift-locations A wrapper on the CoreLocation framework replacing the delegate pattern with Swift concurrency. Overview CoreLocation reports a device'
GitTime is GitHub Tracking App. Using ReactorKit, RxSwift, Moya.
GitTime Feature Activity: GitHub Contributions graph & Event lists Trending: Trending Repositories & Developers Buddys: Show your buddy's contribution
Block nags to accept cookies and privacy invasive tracking in Safari
Hush Block nags to accept cookies and privacy invasive tracking in Safari I’d recommend Hush to anyone who uses Safari – John Gruber, Daring Fireball
Tracker - A simple location logger app written in Swift and MVVM architecture
Tracker - A simple location logger app written in Swift and MVVM architecture
Corona virus tracker app for IOS and Android
Corona virus tracker app for IOS and Android
A stealth AirTag clone that bypasses all of Apple's tracking protection features
A modified version of OpenHaystack to showcase the possibility of building a stealth AirTag clone that bypasses all of Apple's tracking protection features.
Helps you easily handle Core Data's Persistent History Tracking
Persistent History Tracking Kit Helps you easily handle Core Data's Persistent History Tracking 中文版说明 What's This? Use persistent history tracking to
SimVirtualLocation - iOS simulator location mocking tool
SimVirtualLocation Easy to use MacOS 11+ application for easy mocking iOS device
Reality-iOS - NFT Augmented Reality(AR) app that demonstrate application of ARImageTracking in iOS powered by ARKit 2
Reality-iOS NFT Augmented Reality(AR) app that demonstrate application of ARImag
OpenCovidTrace iOS App – Fully Private Open Source Contact Tracing
OpenCovidTrace iOS App Visit https://opencovidtrace.org to learn more. WARNING: Issue with DP3T SDK DP3T switched to Exposure Notification Framework o
RaceRunner is a run-tracking app focused on racing.
RaceRunner RaceRunner is a run-tracking iPhone app focused on racing. Spectators can track the progress of runners during races. Spectators can start
rTracker is a complete iOS application for creating local on-device databases ('trackers') to log data with timestamps.
rTracker is a complete iOS application for creating local on-device databases ('trackers') to log data with timestamps. Trackers can use a va
An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift
Swift-Walk-Tracker An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift About The walk tracking application was intended to be incredibly simplistic.
TICE – Locate Friends & Meet Up
TICE is a secure app for meeting up, sharing locations and locating friends and family in real-time. TICE allows live location sharing on iOS, Android and the Web. Privacy by Design and modern end-to-end-encryption protect the sensitive location data from others.
An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, and handling user location.
SunTimes An original project making use of custom UITableViewCells, date formatting, json parsing, date and time formatting based on the json data, an
Shows the ISS live location.
ISSLive Shows the ISS live location. Challenge tasks: Project structure Create repo. Setup project. Organize files following the MVVM pattern. Install
An app to get you the latest and the trending news based on your location.
Newsline Link to APK : http://bit.ly/newslineapp Newsline is an android application made with flutter which makes use of NewsAPI.org to fetch and serv
MapApp - You can save the location of the places you go on the map and add names and notes
MapApp - You can save the location of the places you go on the map and add names and notes
Weather-app - Created a simple weather app on Xcode using SwiftUI, only shows one location
weather-app Created a simple weather app on Xcode using SwiftUI, only shows one
BabySortingToyGame - Build a little game for babies to sort shapes in the correct location. This is made in SwiftUI using drag gestures.
This is a demo to build a little mini-game "for babies". It's inspired in this kind of games:
RadarKit - The Radar Kit allowing you to locate places, trip neary by you Or it will help you to search out the people around you with the few lines of code
RadarKit Preview Discover the world 🌎 around you..!!! The Radar Kit allowing yo
Simply, Logify provides instant colorful logs to improve log tracking and bug tracing
Logify Simply, Logify provides instant colorful logs to improve log tracking and bug tracing. Why I need to use Logify? As discussed before in a lot o
Hotels By Location - Click on the table view cell will navigate to hotel url
HotelsByLocation About This is the final project of IOS Nano Degree. Longpress or search locations. It'll drop a pin on the map. Click on the annotaio
Audio-ar-playground - Tracking Geographic Locations in AR
Tracking Geographic Locations in AR Track specific geographic areas of interest
A demonstration of vertical planes "tracking" and occlusions with ARKit+Scenekit
arkit-occlusion-demo Bjarne Lundgren / bjarne@sent.com / @bjarnel This ARKit+SceneKit project shows how to "track" vertical planes (relative to horizo
After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences. Our goal is to improve the utility of mobile using AR experiences.
Bluetoothed ARKit 2.0 with ARWorldMap! After Apple’s introduction of ARKit 2, we have been consistently working behind to create shared-AR experiences
Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking 👀 by tracking face using ARKit and AVFoundation
Baraba from Korean: meaning, Look at me Make your UIScrollView scroll automatically when user is looking at the screen 👀 Features Automatic scrolling
MoneySafe - Application for tracking income and expenses and analyzing expenses. VIPER architecture, CoreData, Charts
💸 MoneySafe 💸 Application for tracking income and expenses and analyzing expen
WeatherApps - Simple Weather Apps Using Core Location
Simple WeatherApps Using Core Location To Get The Actual Position Using API from
SwiftUI iOS app for tracking daily hydration, logs to HealthKit!
HydrationCompanion SwiftUI iOS app for tracking daily hydration, logs to HealthKit! Screenshots: Home view: see all intake logs and progress Settings
Application that displays current weather at a random location. iOS 14.0 or newer. SwiftUI.
Elseweather App that displays current weather at a random location. Description Elseweather was created as a student/research project with no practica
AsyncLocationKit - Async/await CoreLocation With Swift
AsyncLocationKit Wrapper for Apple CoreLocation framework with new Concurency Mo
A simple map with the location of the user and the control of permissions
Proposal The project is based on implementing a simple map with the location of
Simple and Lightweight App Version Tracking for iOS written in Swift
AEAppVersion Simple and lightweight iOS App Version Tracking written in Swift I made this for personal use, but feel free to use it or contribute. For
An application on the iPad for people who cook. It comes with features such as smart recipes, recipe management and ingredient inventory tracking.
ChopChop ChopChop is an application on the iPad for people who cook. It comes with features such as smart recipes, recipe management and ingredient in
Simulate GPS location system-wide
locsim A tool to simulate GPS location system-wide. This tool simulates GPS location natively without any runtime injection, and it's how Apple do it.
Objective-C library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps.
NgKeyboardTracker Objective-c library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps. Adding to your project If you are using CocoaPods, add to your Podfile: pod '
Nearby earthquake tracking app
Earthquake Tracker Description An application for tracking earthquakes in a radius of 2500 km from the user's location in the last month. Information
🌍 Nearby earthquake tracking app
Earthquake Tracker Description An application for tracking earthquakes in a radius of 2500 km from the user's location in the last month. Information
RNH Tracker is a GPS logger for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) Track your location and send your logs to RNH Regatta :-)
RNH Tracker for iOS + WatchOS RNH Tracker is a GPS logger for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) with offline map cache support. Track your location, add waypoi
A beautiful radar view to show nearby items (users, restaurants, ...) with ripple animation, fully customizable
HGRippleRadarView Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. This project is inspired b
Location Weather Demo With Swift
LocationWeatherDemo Здравствуйте! Для того что бы проект корректно работал установите pod's. О проекте: 1) На первой странице можно увидеть погоду в л
Weather forecast app that allows the user to either look for weather at their current location based on the GPS data or search for another city manually.
⛅️ Cloudy Weather forecast app that allows the user to either look for weather at their current location based on the GPS data or search for another c
An App that gives a nice interface where the user can type in their start location and destination
SixtCarSummoner What it does We developed an App that gives a nice interface where the user can type in their start location and destination. The user
Networking, JSON Parsing, APIs and Core Location
Clima Our Goal It’s time to take our app development skills to the next level. We’re going to introduce you to the wonderful world of Application Prog
Request the Location Services via a 3D 360° flyover MKMapView 🗺
STLocationRequest STLocationRequest is a simple and elegant way to request the users location services at the very first time. The STLocationRequestCo
iOS Open-Source Telematics App with Firebase© integration
Open-source telematics app for iOS. The application is suitable for UBI (Usage-based insurance), shared mobility, transportation, safe driving, tracking, family trackers, drive-coach, and other driving mobile applications
Fake iPhone real devices location using this small app
Project Title iPhone IP Spoofer for Real Devices. Description IP, or internet protocol, is a string of numbers that identifies your iPhone, iPad, or w
An interactive body tracking installation
SharingElements An interactive body tracking installation Requirements Hardware requirements: MacOS computer (preferably (M1 chip)[https://en.wikipedi
Enumerate Location Services using CoreLocation API on macOS
SwiftLiverpool Description This tool leverages the CoreLocation API on macOS to enumerate Location Services data. You need to enable "Location Service
An iOS app 📱that detects the image and plays video on top of it just like the harry potter movies
AR-Magic-Image This is an iOS application 📱 inspired from Harry Potter movies. It tracks the image and plays the assigned video on top of the image u
An iOS app to display quarantine classification information based on users location
ph covid19 Quarantine Classification Automatically check quarantine classification based on your location Tech: MVVM Observer Binding MapKit, CoreLoca
Application that displays current weather at a random location. iOS 14.0 or newer. SwiftUI.
Elseweather App that displays current weather at a random location. Description Elseweather was created as a student/research project with no practica
WhirlyGlobe-Maply is a mapping toolkit with two parts, hence the dash.
What is WhirlyGlobe-Maply? WhirlyGlobe-Maply is a mapping toolkit with two parts, hence the dash. The WhirlyGlobe part is an interactive 3D globe. The
CLI for setting location in the iOS simulator
set-simulator-location This is a simple CLI for easily setting the location of the currently running iOS Simulator. Usage Set a specific latitude and
A Location Manager for easily implementing location services & geofencing in iOS. Ready for iOS 11.
A Location Manager for easily implementing location services & geofencing in iOS, written in Objective-C. Ready for iOS 11. Features Get current/conti
A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app
LocationPicker A ready for use and fully customizable location picker for your app. Features Installation Cocoapods Carthage Swift Package Manager Qui
🛰 CoreLocation Made Easy - Efficient & Easy Location Tracker, IP Location, Gecoder, Geofence, Autocomplete, Beacon Ranging, Broadcaster and Visits Monitoring
Location Manager Made Easy SwiftLocation is a lightweight Swift Library that provides an easy way to work with location-related functionalities. No mo
Easily get the device's current location on iOS.
INTULocationManager makes it easy to get the device's current location and is currently heading on iOS. It is an Objective-C library that also works g
The most power-efficient and lightweight iOS location manager for Swift and ObjC
IngeoSDK for iOS Overview IngeoSDK is a power-efficient location manager for iOS (Swift and Objective-C), which extends and improves CoreLocation. It
A free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture using blendshapes, and rigid head pose in 3D space from any RGB camera, photo, or video.
mocap4face by Facemoji mocap4face by Facemoji is a free, multiplatform SDK for real-time facial motion capture based on Facial Action Coding System or
Use Yelp API to fetch restuarants around a location and show them in a table view
Yelp Use Yelp API to fetch restuarants around a location and show them in a table view - Infinite scrolling, Prefetching, Image Caching. Design Patter
Restoration tracking & research app for iOS
Tugz Restoration tracking & research app for iOS For Android check out Tea Time Logger Several discussions on the restoration subreddit the idea of a
Augmented Reality image tracking with SwiftUI, RealityKit and ARKit 4.
ARImageTracking This is an Augmented Reality Xcode project that uses Apple's newest RealityKit framework and ARKit 4 features, to dynamically track a
Build your own 'AirTags' 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
OpenHaystack is a framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
A library that allows you to generate and update environment maps in real-time using the camera feed and ARKit's tracking capabilities.
ARKitEnvironmentMapper Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Installation ARKitEnv
Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
Alerts & Pickers Advanced usage of native UIAlertController with TextField, TextView, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView, CollectionView and MapView. F
This library uses ARKit Face Tracking in order to catch user's smile.
SmileToUnlock Make your users smile before opening the app :) Gif with the demonstration Installation Cocoapods The most preferable way to use this li
A library that allows you to generate and update environment maps in real-time using the camera feed and ARKit's tracking capabilities.
ARKitEnvironmentMapper Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Installation ARKitEnv
Intuitive cycling tracker app for iOS built with SwiftUI using Xcode. Features live route tracking, live metrics, storage of past cycling routes and many customization settings.
GoCycling Available on the iOS App Store https://apps.apple.com/app/go-cycling/id1565861313 App Icon About Go Cycling is a cycling tracker app built e
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices App with Flutter
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices App with Flutter Try the web app dev preview https://alfian-flutter-coronatracker.firebaseapp.com/ Features Current sta
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices iOS App with SwiftUI
Corona Virus Stats & Advices App with SwiftUI Features Current statistics of global total confirmed, deaths, recovered cases. Statistics of countries
Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts
Features Live data: Shows the most recent data, and updates automatically. Distribution map with two levels of details: Countries: When the user zooms
PokéMon like game on iOS with Location Based Service.
iPokeMon (iOS Client: Master) Description About Project iPokeMon is a project that try to implement the PokéMon game on iOS with Location Based Servic
Traccar Manager for iOS
Traccar Manager for iOS Overview Traccar Manager is a mobile application to manage GPS tracking devices. It requires a Traccar server instance to work
Traccar Client for iOS
Traccar Client for iOS Overview Traccar Client is an iOS GPS tracking application. It can work with Traccar open source server software. Build Project
Swift Package for fetching approximate user location without asking for their permission 👺 .
Earendil Swift Package for fetching approximate user location without asking for their permission 👺 . Get their country, subregion or continent with
Menubar app to remove link tracking parameters automatically
TrackerZapper Website and more info TrackerZapper is a Mac app that sits in your menubar and silently removes tracking parameters from any links you c
🛰 CoreLocation Made Easy - Efficient & Easy Location Tracker, IP Location, Gecoder, Geofence, Autocomplete, Beacon Ranging, Broadcaster and Visits Monitoring
Location Manager Made Easy SwiftLocation is a lightweight Swift Library that provides an easy way to work with location-related functionalities. No mo
AWS Full Stack Swift with Apple CarPlay
This application demonstrates a full-stack Apple CarPlay app that uses Swift for both the UI and the backend services in AWS. The app accesses Lambda functions written in Swift and deployed from Docker images. The app accesses Amazon Location Service and a 3rd party weather api to display information in the vicinity of the user.
RaceMe is a run tracking + ghosting iOS mobile application.
RaceMe RaceMe is a run tracking + ghosting iOS mobile application. Core features: run tracking ghost runner simulation in real time compete with runne
Corona Virus Tracker & Advices iOS App with SwiftUI
Corona Virus Stats & Advices App with SwiftUI Features Current statistics of global total confirmed, deaths, recovered cases. Statistics of countries
Ask permissions on Swift. Available List, Dialog & Native interface. Can check state permission.
SPPermissions About Library for ask permissions. You can check state of permissions, available .authorized, .denied & .notDetermined. Available ready-
Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
Alerts & Pickers Advanced usage of native UIAlertController with TextField, TextView, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView, CollectionView and MapView. F
Location, motion, and activity recording framework for iOS
LocoKit A Machine Learning based location recording and activity detection framework for iOS. Location and Motion Recording Combined, simplified Core