648 Repositories
Swift smoke-framework Libraries
Text Classifier App for iOS, powered by Apple Vision & CreateML framework
Text Classifier App for iOS, powered by Apple Vision & CreateML framework
Swift toolkit for passing messages between iOS apps and extensions.
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A lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift
Chatto Chatto is a Swift lightweight framework to build chat applications. It's been designed to be extensible and performant. Along with Chatto there
An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for Mac and iOS
XMPPFramework An XMPP Framework in Objective-C for the Mac and iOS development community. Abstract XMPPFramework provides a core implementation of RFC
A micro framework for integrating with the Google Translate api
GoogleTranslateSwift About This is a micro library for integrating with the Google Cloud Translation API. I currently only use it for personal project
Apple's Framework to support in-app purchases and interaction with the App Store
Apple's Framework to support in-app purchases and interaction with the App Store.
A social feed app built using Texture framework
A social feed screen created using Texture framework for UI purposes only.
A framework for streaming audio between Apple devices using AirPlay.
Airstream An iOS / macOS framework for streaming audio between Apple devices using AirPlay. You can use Airstream to start an AirPlay server in your i
A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS
QRReader A QR Code Scanning Framework For IOS Requirements: IOS 11+ Xcode: 12+ Installation: steps to install this framework in your xcode project Pod
📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
FolioReaderKit is an ePub reader and parser framework for iOS written in Swift. Features ePub 2 and ePub 3 support Custom Fonts Custom Text Size Text
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
Lightweight & Simple Framework For Creating Message App
A GPU accelerated image and video processing framework built on Metal.
MetalPetal An image processing framework based on Metal. Design Overview Goals Core Components MTIContext MTIImage MTIFilter MTIKernel Optimizations C
An image compositing framework written in Swift.
An asynchronous, multithreaded, image compositing framework written in Swift. Installation CocoaPods Add Overlay to your Podfile: pod 'OverlayComposit
iOS Framework that makes it easy to preview images on any UIImageView.
AZImagePreview iOS Framework that makes it easy to preview images on any UIImageView. Screenshots Installation: Cocoa Pods: pod 'AZImagePreview' Swift
Twitter Image Pipeline is a robust and performant image loading and caching framework for iOS clients
Twitter Image Pipeline (a.k.a. TIP) Background The Twitter Image Pipeline is a streamlined framework for fetching and storing images in an application
An implementation of High Pass Skin Smoothing using Apple's Core Image Framework
YUCIHighPassSkinSmoothing An implementation of High Pass Skin Smoothing using CoreImage.framework Available on both OS X and iOS. Ports A MetalPetal b
Asynchronous image loading framework.
YYWebImage YYWebImage is an asynchronous image loading framework (a component of YYKit). It was created as an improved replacement for SDWebImage, PIN
Advanced framework for loading, caching, processing, displaying and preheating images.
Advanced framework for loading, caching, processing, displaying and preheating images. This framework is no longer maintained. Programming in Swift? C
IOS UIImage processing functions using the vDSP/Accellerate framework for speed.
UIImage Image Processing extensions using the vDSP/Accelerate framework.
An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
GPUImage Brad Larson http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com @bradlarson contact@sunsetlakesoftware.com Overview The GPUImage framework is a BSD-licensed iO
Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more.
YYImage Image framework for iOS to display/encode/decode animated WebP, APNG, GIF, and more. (It's a component of YYKit) Features Display/encode/decod
iOS framework for the Quiet Modem (data over sound)
QuietModemKit This is the iOS framework for https://github.com/quiet/quiet With this library, you can send data through sound. Live demo: https://quie
The Amazing Audio Engine is a sophisticated framework for iOS audio applications, built so you don't have to.
Important Notice: The Amazing Audio Engine has been retired. See the announcement here The Amazing Audio Engine The Amazing Audio Engine is a sophisti
An iOS and macOS audio visualization framework built upon Core Audio useful for anyone doing real-time, low-latency audio processing and visualizations.
A simple, intuitive audio framework for iOS and OSX. Deprecated EZAudio has recently been deprecated in favor of AudioKit. However, since some people
SwiftMath is a Swift framework providing some useful math constructs and functions
SwiftMath is a Swift framework providing some useful math constructs and functions, like complex numbers, vectors, matrices, quaternions, and polynomials.
An iOS map clustering framework targeting MapKit, Google Maps and Mapbox.
ClusterKit is an elegant and efficiant clustering controller for maps. Its flexible architecture make it very customizable, you can use your own algor
A framework for building fast genetic algorithms in Swift.
Revolver is a framework for building fast genetic algorithms in Swift 3.0. Features Chromosomes: strings, trees Genetic operators: reproduction, mutat
Sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple and a custom model generated by coremltools.
CoreML-samples This is the sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple. ResNet50 can categorize the input image to 1000 pre-trained categ
Twitter Logging Service is a robust and performant logging framework for iOS clients
Twitter Logging Service Background Twitter created a framework for logging in order to fulfill the following requirements: fast (no blocking the main
A Simple iOS Testing Framework
LumberMill Stupidly Simple Logging for iOS. LumberMill is a simple logging library for iOS 10 and Swift 3.0. It allows users to Log files with 5 diffe
FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView.
FlightLayout Introduction FlightLayout is a light weight, and easy to learn layout framework as an extension of the UIView. Functionally, it lives som
A declarative UI framework for iOS
Layout Layout is a native Swift framework for implementing iOS user interfaces using XML template files and runtime-evaluated expressions. It is inten
MyLayout is a simple and easy objective-c framework for iOS view layout
MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,PathLayout,GridLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView RTL
A Swift binding framework
Bond, Swift Bond Update: Bond 7 has been released! Check out the migration guide to learn more about the update. Bond is a Swift binding framework tha
Lightweight declarative auto-layout framework for Swift
SwiftyLayout SwiftyLayout is a framework that allows to describe layout constraints (ie NSLayoutConstraint) as a simple mathematical formula in a Swif
Utilizing Apple's Vision Framework to center faces in CGImage.
FaceCrop CGImage extension that utilizes Apple's Vision Framework to detect and center faces. Usage cgImage.faceCrop { [weak self] result in switc
An iOS framework that uses the front camera, detects your face and takes a selfie.
TakeASelfie An iOS framework that uses the front camera, detects your face and takes a selfie. This api opens the front camera and draws an green oval
A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
Overview SwiftyCam is a a simple, Snapchat-style iOS Camera framework for easy photo and video capture. SwiftyCam allows users to capture both photos
Fasttt and easy camera framework for iOS with customizable filters
FastttCamera is a wrapper around AVFoundation that allows you to build your own powerful custom camera app without all the headaches of using AVFounda
Declarative iOS UI sugar framework built on FlexLayout
Declarative iOS UI sugar framework built on FlexLayout
contoh pembuatan framework untuk ios swift
circularContohFramework Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Install
SoundManager - A simple framework to load and play sounds in your app.
SoundManager - A simple framework to load and play sounds in your app.
Swift JSExport extensions for macOS system frameworks
framework-bridge Swift JSExport extensions for macOS system frameworks. Progress Foundation AppKit Usage Swift import JavaScriptCore import FrameworkB
📱📲 A wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework for automatic offline data transmission between devices
A wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework for offline data transmission between Apple devices. This framework makes it easy to automatical
AZPeerToPeerConnectivity is a wrapper on top of Apple iOS Multipeer Connectivity framework. It provides an easier way to create and manage sessions. Easy to integrate
AZPeerToPeerConnection Controller Features Multipeer Connectivity Connection via Bluetooth or Wifi No need write all session, browser, services delega
Functional wrapper for Apple's MultipeerConnectivity framework.
A functional wrapper for the MultipeerConnectivity framework. PeerConnectivity is meant to have a lightweight easy to use syntax, be extensible and fl
Blocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
ExtendaBLE Introduction ExtendaBLE provides a very flexible syntax for defining centrals and peripherals with ease. Following a blocks based builder a
A simple framework that brings Apple devices together - like a family
Apple Family A simple framework that brings Apple devices together - like a family. It will automatically use bluetooth, wifi, or USB to connect and c
An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps
PeerKit An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps Usage // Automatically detect and attach to
iOS development with 2D and 3D framework demo
Demonstration of SceneKit3D implementation iOS development with 2D and 3D framework demo Project code name: palm-tree-diamond Programmer: Leeann Warre
A simple and lightweight matching library for XCTest framework.
Match A simple and lightweight matching library for XCTest framework. Getting started Swift Package Manager You can add Match to your project by addin
An iOS framework for easily adding drawings and text to images.
jot is an easy way to add touch-controlled drawings and text to images in your iOS app. What's jot for? Annotating Images jot is the easiest way to ad
A simple, declarative, functional drawing framework, in Swift!
DePict - A simple, declarative, functional drawing framework. To produce a drawing, call the Draw function (just type Draw and let autocomplete do the
Swift framework for loading various 3d models in SceneKit
AssetImportKit AssetImportKit is a cross platform library (macOS, iOS) that coverts the files supported by Assimp to SceneKit scenes. Features AssetIm
Swift framework for working with Tiled assets in SpriteKit
SKTiled is a framework for integrating Tiled assets with Apple's SpriteKit, built from the ground up with Swift. This project began life as an exercis
ShogibanKit is a framework (not yet) for implementing complex Japanese Chess (Shogii) in Swift. No UI, nor AI.
ShogibanKit Framework Shogi, or Japanese Chess, is based on very complex rules, and it is hard to implement all basic rules. This ShogibanKit aims to
A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI
A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI
Swift framework to connect SMB2/3 shares
AMSMB2 This is small Swift library for iOS, macOS and tvOS which wraps libsmb2 and allows to connect a SMB2/3 share and do file operation. Install Coc
A simple project for Face ID Authentication for iOS device using LocalAuthentication Framework
BiometricAuthentication This respository is a simple project for Face ID Authentication for iOS device using LocalAuthentication Framework and infoPli
Swift extensions for UIKit.framework.
XUIKit Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements Installation XUIKit is a
A little and powerful iOS framework for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS Traffic.
A little and powerful iOS framework for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS Traffic from your app. No more messing around with proxy, certificate config. Features
In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
Hyperion Hyperion - In App Design Review Tool What is it? Hyperion is a hidden plugin drawer that can easily be integrated into any app. The drawer si
Next generation debugging framework for iOS
Alpha is the idea of a next generation debugging framework for iOS applications. It combines multiple debugging tools built on top of a simple, unifie
💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection. The algorithm is optimized based on the Paul Heckel's algorithm. Made wi
Differific - a fast and convenient diffing framework.
Differific Description Differific is a diffing tool that helps you compare Hashable objects using the Paul Heckel's diffing algorithm. Creating a chan
Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs and datasource adapters.
Buffer Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs, collection observation and data source implementation. C++11 port here Installation cd {PROJECT_RO
iOS framework for making Turbo native apps
Turbo Native for iOS Note: The Hotwire frameworks are presented in beta form. We're using them all in production with HEY, but expect that significant
Frp Client Framework for iOS
Frp Client Framework for iOS README | 中文文档 base on https://github.com/fatedier/frp v0.37.1(the lastest at 2021.10) ios framework,it can run on your ip
SwiftyUpdateKit is a framework for iOS and macOS.
SwiftyUpdateKit is a framework for iOS and macOS. This framework supports for a user to update your app when new app version is released on the App Store.
Swift Package used for video where I demonstrate how to extract a package to a local framework and modify it.
SegmentedPicker NOTE: This sample code is taken from the article by Frank Jia in his article titled Build a Custom iOS Segmented Control With SwiftUI
Habits and Goal Tracker application using the SwiftUI Framework
Goal & Habit Tracker | Hacktoberfest SwiftUI 🚀 The aim of this app is so that users can track their habits and goals. This project is open source and
A framework for sharing code between iOS and OS X
MAIKit MAIKit (Mac and iOS Kit) is a framework for sharing code between OS X and iOS. UIKit contains many classes which have counterparts in Appkit. T
EthereumKit is a free, open-source Swift framework for easily interacting with the Ethereum.
EthereumKit is a Swift framework that enables you to create Ethereum wallet and use it in your app. // BIP39: Generate seed and mnemonic sentence. le
🔥 🔥 🔥Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.
🔥 🔥 🔥Support for ORM operation,Customize the PQL syntax for quick queries,Support dynamic query,Secure thread protection mechanism,Support native operation,Support for XML configuration operations,Support compression, backup, porting MySQL, SQL Server operation,Support transaction operations.
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
中文版本请参看这里 MMKV is an efficient, small, easy-to-use mobile key-value storage framework used in the WeChat application. It's currently available on Andr
Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS
简体中文 DefaultsKit leverages Swift 4's powerful Codable capabilities to provide a Simple and Strongly Typed wrapper on top of UserDefaults. It uses less
A general purpose embedded hierarchical lock manager used to build highly concurrent applications of all types. Same type of locker used in many of the large and small DBMSs in existence today.
StickyLocking StickyLocking is a general purpose embedded lock manager which allows for locking any resource hierarchy. Installable Lock modes allow f
Animated, customizable, and flexible pull-to-refresh framework for faster and easier iOS development.
KafkaRefresh Animated, customizable, and flexible pull-to-refresh framework for faster and easier iOS development. Report bug · Request feature · 中文文档
Safe and fast access to SwiftUI PreviewDevice
SafePreviewDevice Motivation At WWDC 2019, Apple announced SwiftUI a new library for building UI in a simple and fast way. Xcode’s SwiftUI preview let
Seaglass is a truly native macOS client for Matrix. It is written in Swift and uses the Cocoa user interface framework.
Seaglass is a truly native macOS client for Matrix. It is written in Swift and uses the Cocoa user interface framework.
Lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework written in Swift
Hummingbird Lightweight, flexible server framework written in Swift. Hummingbird consists of three main components, the core HTTP server, a minimal we
A speech recognition framework designed for SwiftUI.
SwiftSpeech Speech Recognition Made Simple Recognize your user's voice elegantly without having to figure out authorization and audio engines. SwiftSp
A set of utilities (vmcli + vmctl) for macOS Virtualization.framework
VMCLI A set of utilities to help you manage VMs with Virtualization.framework Installation Prerequisites macOS Big Sur (11+) XCode.app installed # mak
High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.
High-performance and flexible video editing and effects framework, based on AVFoundation and Metal.
Build your own 'AirTags' 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
OpenHaystack is a framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.
A little and powerful iOS framework for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS Traffic.
A little and powerful iOS framework for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS Traffic.
❇️ Feature flagging framework in Swift sauce
RealFlags makes it easy to configure feature flagsin your codebase. It's designed for Swift and provides a simple and elegant abstraction layer over m
A Swift framework that wraps CoreData, hides context complexity, and helps facilitate best practices.
Cadmium is a Core Data framework for Swift that enforces best practices and raises exceptions for common Core Data pitfalls exactly where you make the
A synchronization framework for Core Data.
Core Data Ensembles Author: Drew McCormack Created: 29th September, 2013 Last Updated: 15th February, 2017 Ensembles 2 is now available for purchase a
⚡️ Fast async task based Swift framework with focus on type safety, concurrency and multi threading
Our apps constantly do work. The faster you react to user input and produce an output, the more likely is that the user will continue to use your appl
The QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey.
QuoteKit The QuoteKit is a Swift framework to use the free APIs provided by Quotable created by Luke Peavey. It uses the latest async/await syntax for
A Swift micro-framework to easily deal with weak references to self inside closures
WeakableSelf Context Closures are one of Swift must-have features, and Swift developers are aware of how tricky they can be when they capture the refe
Flexible bug report framework for iOS
Clue is a simple smart-bug report framework for iOS, which allows your users to record full bug/crash report and send it to you as a single .clue file
Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
Installation • Usage • Debugging • A Word • Documentation • Apps Using Disk • License • Contribute • Questions? Disk is a powerful and simple file man
High performance cache framework for iOS.
YYCache High performance cache framework for iOS. (It's a component of YYKit) Performance You may download and compile the latest version of sqlite an
App which lets two people share their social media details by simply putting one phone on top of the other ("tapping"). Currently in development by Nikita Mounier.
Tap It Tap It enables two people to seamlessly share their social media information (e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, phone number) by simply placing one scr
VLC media player
VLC media player VLC is a libre and open source media player and multimedia engine, focused on playing everything, and running everywhere. VLC can pla
Collection of Swift/iOS-related conference videos. A demo project for SuperArc framework - building modular iOS apps with a µComponent architecture.
SwiftCommunity Beta version is available at TestFlight Collection of Swift/iOS-related conference videos. This project serves as a showcase for the Su
OEANotification is a customizable notification view framework
OEANotification OEANotification is an iOS library which provides to create notifications and customize them easily. You can create notifications with
AlertView A pop-up framework, Can be simple and convenient to join your project.
RAlertView AlertView A pop-up framework, Can be simple and convenient to join your project. Warning content Installation Depend on the project Masonry