147 Repositories
Swift state-machine Libraries
This is a mastodon sample SwiftUI app implemented with the architecture of state management with normalized cache.
MastodonNormalizedCacheSample This is a mastodon sample SwiftUI app. This app is implemented with the architecture of state management with Normalized
WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? Onboarding Screen with Page Tab View, state of the app with the new App Storage
WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? Onboarding Screen with Page Tab View, state of the app with the new App Storage Onboarding or a Home screen Understand how the new App Life Cycle works Link View Group Box View Disclosure View Dynamically List View with a loop
RMIT Casino - iOS game for slot machine
RMIT Casino 🎰 "Money won is twice as sweet as money earned!" 📖 Description This is an iOS application, inspired from the Melbourne Crown Casino! It
Pure SwiftUI state-driven library to present view sequences and hierarchies.
PathPresenter swiftUIOnboarding.mp4 Pure SwiftUI routing with transitions, animations, and .sheet() support. In SwiftUI, View is a function of the sta
Running GUI Linux in a virtual machine on a Mac
Running GUI Linux in a virtual machine on a Mac Install and run GUI Linux in a virtual machine using the Virtualization framework. การ build และใช้งาน
macOS Virtual Machine using Virtualization.framework
virtualOS Run a virtual macOS machine on your Apple Silicon computer. On first start, the latest macOS restore image is automatically downloaded from
Async State Machine aims to provide a way to structure an application thanks to state machines
Async State Machine Async State Machine aims to provide a way to structure an application thanks to state machines. The goal is to identify the states
Pick a date and explore websites from the early days of the internet to now all in an easy-to-use browser format! 💻
Pick a date and explore websites from the early days of the internet to now all in an easy-to-use browser format! 💻
A collection of session summaries in markdown format, from WWDC 20, 19 & 17
WWDC-Recap Summaries for the sessions of WWDC 20, 19 & 17 in a markdown format. These notes are not intended to replace the full experience. They are
⚛️ A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency.
SwiftUI Atom Properties A Reactive Data-Binding and Dependency Injection Library for SwiftUI x Concurrency 📔 API Reference Introduction Examples Gett
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
Alter SDK is a cross-platform SDK consisting of a real-time 3D avatar system, facial motion capture, and an Avatar Designer component built from scratch for web3 interoperability and the open metaverse.
A super simple library for state management with unidirectional data flow.
OneWay 🚧 OneWay is still experimental. As such, expect things to break and change in the coming months. OneWay is a super simple library for state ma
Real-time Apps the SwiftUI way
Sync Sync is a proof of concept for expanding on the Magic of ObservableObject, and making it work over the network. This let's you create real-time A
Library for scanning documents via MRZ (Machine Readable Zones) using Vision API
MRZScanner Library for scanning documents via MRZ using Vision API. Example The example project is located inside the Example folder. To run it, you
Sovran-Swift: Small, efficient, easy. State Management for Swift
Sovran-Swift: Small, efficient, easy. State Management for Swift
Views as functions of their state.
Few.swift React-inspired library for writing AppKit/UIKit UIs which are functions of their state.1 SwiftBox is used for layout. Why UIs are big, messy
Simple UIButton subclass with additional state change animations (e.g. backgroundColor) and missing features
SimpleButton UIButton subclass with animated, state-aware attributes. Easy to subclass and configure! Full API docs Usage Just create your own SimpleB
A declarative state management and dependency injection library for SwiftUI x Concurrency
A declarative state management and dependency injection library for SwiftUI x Concurrency
This framework allows you to build Table views using UIKit with syntax similar to SwiftUI
This framework allows you to build Table views using UIKit with syntax similar to SwiftUI
Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, macOS (Catalyst)
MAME4iOS Original Author: David Valdeita (Seleuco) This is a port of MAME for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and macOS. MAME4iOS is designed to run for modern iOS
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
🕹 iOS game - classic Tic Tac Toe with AI and state machines [Swift + SpriteKit + GameplayKit].
A very simplistic state machine system for Swift while mainly used with Raylib on Swift
A very simplistic state machine system for Swift while mainly used with Raylib on Swift
An app to detect invasive species to protect endangered apps
[Blair Hacks '22 - Best Environment Submission] An app to detect invasive species to protect endangered apps.
MiniVendingMachine - SwiftUI demo Apple Watch app to open a mini vending machine via bluetooth
Mini Vending Machine Use Apple Watch to open vending machine cells. Note: This a
Rayon - Yet another SSH machine manager for macOS
Rayon A server monitor tool for linux based machines using remote proc file syst
Gyros-identifier - An iOS app capable of detecting whether a photo contains a gyros or not
gyros-identifier 🍽️ In case you enter a shady restaurant, with suspicious price
Mobile-ios-ml - SBB Mobile Machine Learning for iOS devices
ESTA library: Machine Learning for iOS This framework simplifies the integration
Sandwhich is a mobile app built to solve the sandwich debate by determining if the picture you've taken is a sandwich using machine learning
Sandwhich Website | Twitter Sandwhich is a mobile app built to solve the sandwich debate by determining if the picture you've taken is a sandwich usin
React Native Todo List example app which uses Redux for managing app state
react-native-redux-todo-list A sample todo list app developed by using React Native and Redux. How to run the app Install react-native If you don't ha
🚀Comprehensive Redux library for SwiftUI, ensures State consistency across Stores with type-safe pub/sub pattern.
🚀Comprehensive Redux library for SwiftUI, ensures State consistency across Stores with type-safe pub/sub pattern.
An experimental time traveling state store for SwiftUI
SwiftUI Time Travel A SwiftUI state store and view that allow you to scrub through an application's state. This is a super rough prototype: it's only
🌾 Harvest: Apple's Combine.framework + State Machine, inspired by Elm.
NOTE: This repository has been discontinued in favor of Actomaton. 🌾 Harvest Apple's Combine.framework (from iOS 13) + State Machine, inspired by Elm
SwiftUI Todo app example using a React/Redux monolithic state store with flux like dispatch/reduce actions
SwiftUI-Todo-Redux SwiftUI Todo Redux app example using a React/Redux monolithic state store with flux like dispatch/reduce actions Background SwiftUI
A generic state manager compatible with Combine
Loadable A generic state manager Loadable is a simple state manager that helps you to better handle asynchronous operations How it works You can deliv
Exclude files from Time Machine backups
tmexclude A small macOS command-line tool to flag a file/folder to be excluded from Time Machine backups by setting the com.apple.metadata:com_apple_b
Photo Assessment using Core ML and Metal.
PhotoAssessment Photo Assessment (i.e. quality score) using Core ML and Metal. 📚 Article 使用 Metal 和 Core ML 评价照片质量 Parallel Computation using MPS 🔮
The MobileNet neural network using Apple's new CoreML framework
MobileNet with CoreML This is the MobileNet neural network architecture from the paper MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile
A demo for iOS machine learning framework : Core ML
CoreMLDemo A demo for iOS machine learning framework : Core ML Only Xcode9 and above are supported. Model Places205-GoogLeNet comes from [Apple Machin
An example of CoreML using a pre-trained VGG16 model
CoreMLExample In this example we use AVFoundation to continuously get image data from the back camera, and try to detect the dominant objects present
Tiny YOLO for iOS implemented using CoreML but also using the new MPS graph API.
YOLO with Core ML and MPSNNGraph This is the source code for my blog post YOLO: Core ML versus MPSNNGraph. YOLO is an object detection network. It can
👀 iOS11 demo application for age and gender classification of facial images.
Faces Vision Demo iOS11 demo application for age and gender classification of facial images using Vision and CoreML. Model This demo is based on the a
Predict handwritten digits with CoreML
MNIST for CoreML (CNN) Description This is the MNIST dataset implemented in Apple's new framework CoreML. The MNIST dataset can predict handwritten (d
🌅 iOS11 demo application for visual sentiment prediction.
Sentiment Vision Demo A Demo application using Vision and CoreML frameworks to detect the most likely sentiment of the given image. Model This demo is
A CoreML model which classifies images of food
Food101 for CoreML Description This is the Food101 dataset implemented in Apple's new framework called CoreML. The Food101 dataset can predict foods f
🌸 iOS11 demo application for flower classification.
Flowers Vision Demo iOS11 demo application for flower classification using Vision and CoreML frameworks. Model This demo is based on Caffe CNNs for th
🖼 iOS11 demo application for image style classification.
Styles Vision Demo A Demo application using Vision and CoreML frameworks to detect the most likely style of the given image. Model This demo is based
Swift for TensorFlow
Swift for TensorFlow (Archived) Swift for TensorFlow was an experiment in the next-generation platform for machine learning, incorporating the latest
TensorFlow C API Class Wrapper in Server Side Swift.
Perfect TensorFlow 简体中文 This project is an experimental wrapper of TensorFlow C API which enables Machine Learning in Server Side Swift. This package
😃 iOS11 demo application for sentiment polarity analysis.
Sentiment Polarity CoreML Demo A Demo application using CoreML framework for sentiment polarity analysis. Model CoreML model was converted from Scikit
🏷 iOS11 demo application for predicting gender from first names.
Names CoreML Demo A Demo application using CoreML framework for predicting gender from first names. Model This demo is based on An introduction to Mac
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | 한국어 State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow 🤗 Transformers provides thousands of pretrained models
Hand-gesture recognition on iOS app using CoreML
GestureAI-CoreML-iOS Hand-gesture recognizer using CoreML Demo Screenshots This app is using RNN(Recurrent Neural network) with CoreML on iOS11. The m
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
Introduction This repository contains the model files, solver definitions, and learned weights for the networks described in the following publication
Elegant state machine for Swift.
SwiftState Elegant state machine for Swift. Example enum MyState: StateType { case state0, state1, state2 } // setup state machine let machine = S
💎 Redux like architecture for SwiftUI
Simple Architecture like Redux Installation SPM dependencies: [ .package(url: "https://github.com/gre4ixin/ReduxUI.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0
Converted CoreML Model Zoo.
CoreML-Models Converted CoreML Model Zoo. CoreML is a machine learning framework by Apple. If you are iOS developer, you can easly use machine learnin
Detects faces using the Vision-API and runs the extracted face through a CoreML-model to identiy the specific persons.
FaceRecognition in ARKit This is a simple showcase project, that detects faces using the Vision-API and runs the extracted face through a CoreML-model
Simple project to detect objects and display 3D labels above them in AR. This serves as a basic Template for an ARKit project to use CoreML.
CoreML-in-ARKit This simple project detects objects in Augmented Reality and displays 3D labels on top of them. This serves as a basic template for an
An NSFW image detector for Swift built as an extension on UIImage.
Swift_NSFW_Detector An NSFW image detector for Swift built as an extension on UIImage. If you've ever allowed users to share images you are probably w
GroceryMartApp-iOS-practice - To Practice fundamental SwiftUI feature like navigation, state mamagement, customazing etc
🥬 GroceryMartApp-iOS-practice 아래의 내용은 스윗한 SwiftUI 책의 실전 앱 구현하기 을 바탕으로 정리한 내용입니다
Slot-machine - SwiftUI - iOS App Slot Machine game
Slot Machine SwiftUI Masterclass project iPhone, iPad and Mac (with Catalyst framework) Complex interface Extensions and custom View Modifiers Input t
Awesome-ML - Discover, download, compile & launch different image processing & style transfer CoreML models on iOS.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ IMPORTANT: I'm no longer maintaining Awesome-ML. Awesome ML is an iOS app that is made to demonstrate different image processing CoreML model
Squares - a toy drum machine which you can control by multi touch capabilities of your track pad
Squares Squares is a toy drum machine which you can control by multi touch capab
Ecno is a task state manager built on top of UserDefaults in pure Swift 4.
By Xmartlabs SRL. Introduction Ecno was inspired by Once Android library. It's a task state manager built on top of UserDefaults in pure Swift 4. This
Managing state is hard. Delta aims to make it simple.
Managing state is hard. Delta aims to make it simple. Delta takes an app that has custom state management spread throughout all the VCs and simplifies
Train neural networks with hardware acceleration in Swift
SwiftML SwiftML enables hardware-accelerated machine learning on Mac with an int
Do-It-All Virtualization Tool
diavirt diavirt implements all of the functionality of Virtualization.framework in a command-line tool. Usage Install with Homebrew Install Homebrew I
A simple thread-safe, in-memory bus for Swift that supports fully-typed Events and States.
Causality Causality is a simple thread-safe, in-memory bus for Swift that supports fully-typed Events and States. In addition, Causality has provision
Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states
StatefulViewController A protocol to enable UIViewControllers or UIViews to present placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states
WLEmptyState is an iOS based component that lets you customize the view when the dataset of a UITableView or a UICollectionView is empty.
Table of Content Overview Running an Example Project Installing WLEmptyState Configuring WLEmptyState Using WLEmptyState Customizing WLEmptyState Cont
Nice library to show placeholders and Empty States for any UITableView/UICollectionView in your project
HGPlaceholders Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. Requirements iOS 8.0+ Xcode 9
BudouX: the machine learning powered line break organizer tool
BudouX.swift BudouX Swift implementation. BudouX is the machine learning powered
Cardshark is an iOS card counting App that uses state of the art machine learning (YOLO) to classify and count the cards at real time.
Cardshark The game of Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games in the world. It is also the most winnable using a skill called Card Counting.
MVVM + FLUX iOS Instagram client in Swift, eliminates Massive View Controller in unidirectional event/state flow manner
CZInstagram MVVM + FLUX iOS Instagram client in Swift, eliminates Massive View Controller in unidirectional event/state flow manner. Unidirectional Da
Generate sniglets with machine learning
Give Me A Sniglet! Give Me a Sniglet is a random word-like generator with an on-device machine learning model that validates whether the word is likel
Material Design Floating Action Button in liquid state
LiquidFloatingActionButton [] (https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) LiquidFloatingActionButton is floating action button component of material design
Example project which uses Machine Learning frameworks to detect things
ML_IOS Example project which uses Machine Learning frameworks to detect things. Features Object Detection Text Detection Face Detection Audio Detectio
Redux for Swift - a predictable state container for Swift apps
Merge / deprecation announcement: ReduxKit and Swift-Flow have joined forces! The result is ReSwift. The nitty gritty: We decided to deprecate ReduxKi
Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine
Bluepill is a tool to run iOS tests in parallel using multiple simulators. Motivation LinkedIn created Bluepill to run its large iOS test suite in a r
Demo of iOS app that recognizes finger heart by machine learning
HandPoseClassificationAR Demo of iOS app that recognizes finger heart by machine learning How to build 1, Download or Clone this project and open in x
App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell
Expandable Table Cell iOS App App uses API to display information about City and State user using expandable table cell Implemented Using MVVM with Cl
Enigma encryption in Swift
𝕰𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖒𝖆𝕶𝖎𝖙 𝖀𝖘𝖆𝖌𝖊 // Will create an Enigma with an empty plugboard, rotors I, II, III and reflector B (wide). let enigma = Enigma() // Wil
Automate your espresso machine
OhMyShot: Automate your espresso machine! OhMyShot! is an iOS app that supercharges your classic espresso machine. It provides gravimetric control a s
CMPSC475 Final Project, ArboretumID Application allows users to explore the Penn State Arboretum, identify plants and learn about the exhibits!
ArboretumID: CMPSC475 Final Project Taylan Unal (@taylanu) About ArboretumID ArboretumIdentifier (ArboretumID) is an app that enhances the Penn State
🟣 Verge is a very tunable state-management engine on iOS App (UIKit / SwiftUI) and built-in ORM.
Verge.swift 📍 An effective state management architecture for iOS - UIKit and also SwiftUI 📍 _ An easier way to get unidirectional data flow _ _ Supp
RxReduce is a lightweight framework that ease the implementation of a state container pattern in a Reactive Programming compliant way.
About Architecture concerns RxReduce Installation The key principles How to use RxReduce Tools and dependencies Travis CI Frameworks Platform Licence
Unidirectional State Management Architecture for Swift - Inspired by Vuex and Flux
Unidirectional State Management Architecture for Swift - Inspired by Vuex and Flux Introduction VueFlux is the architecture to manage state with unidi
Predictable state container for Swift too
ReduxSwift ReduxSwift is a minimal Swift port of Redux, a popular JavaScript library for application state management. Functionality Centralized State
🤖 RxSwift + State Machine, inspired by Redux and Elm.
RxAutomaton RxSwift port of ReactiveAutomaton (State Machine). Terminology Whenever the word "signal" or "(signal) producer" appears (derived from Rea
Good News iOS Application Using Machine Learning
Good News iOS Application Using Machine Learning The project entails creating an iOS application that uses an API to identify only positive articles.
A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux.
A simple and predictable state management library inspired by Flux + Elm + Redux. Flywheel is built on top of Corotuines using the concepts of structured concurrency. At the core, lies the State Machine which is based on actor model.
1st place and Best ML Hack for LEC Hacks 2021
MoreCycle Anish Lakkapragada, Aayush Talluri, Soumik Sinha, and Abhishek Nambiar's project is found here. Idea Often times we don't know whether to re
ZX Spectrum emulator for macOs. Retro Virtual Machine
Retro Virtual Machine 1.1.x This is the code for version 1.1.x of my emulator for the ZX Spectrum, Retro Virtual Machine. The current version (v2.0.7)
A New, Modern Reactive State Management Library for Swift and SwiftUI (The iOS implementation of Recoil)
RecoilSwift RecoilSwift is a lightweight & reactive swift state management library. RecoilSwift is a SwiftUI implementation of recoil.js which powered
SwiftRedux is a Swift implementation of the Redux state container
SwiftRedux is a Swift implementation of the Redux state container. It relies on the same concepts and provides familiar Hooks through property wrappers.
Style Art library process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style.
StyleArt Style Art is a library that process images using COREML with a set of pre trained machine learning models and convert them to Art style. Prev
A Swift deep learning library with Accelerate and Metal support.
Serrano Aiming to offering popular and cutting edge techs in deep learning area on iOS devices, Serrano is developed as a tool for developers & resear
A framework for building fast genetic algorithms in Swift.
Revolver is a framework for building fast genetic algorithms in Swift 3.0. Features Chromosomes: strings, trees Genetic operators: reproduction, mutat
Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
Bender Bender is an abstraction layer over MetalPerformanceShaders useful for working with neural networks. Contents Introduction Why did we need Bend
Artificial intelligence/machine learning data structures and Swift algorithms for future iOS development. bayes theorem, neural networks, and more AI.
Swift Brain The first neural network / machine learning library written in Swift. This is a project for AI algorithms in Swift for iOS and OS X develo